“Aren’t you excited?” Mom asked me.
On the wall of the kitchen, the clock’s arm shunted from one second to the next. I crossed my arms.
“Of course, I am!” I replied louder than appropriate. “I haven’t seen her in months.”
“About half a year, by my count.” dad said.
A bead of sweat dripped down my spine, my body shuddered. That tiny bead felt like a nail, scratching me down my back.
Dad shuffled his newspaper, peering over his spectacles. If he had noticed my obvious discomfort, he did not show it. Mom touched my arm, and I jumped, near out of my skin, trying to get away from the perceived attacker. But she kept her hand on my arm, and it soothed me instead. She wasn’t an attacker. She was my mom, trying to comfort me.
“What’s gotten into you?” Her eyes furrowed, gleaming as they watched me.
My hands were fidgeting like they had a mind of their own. Looking at them was favorable to meeting my mom’s gaze, which I feared would reveal too much of my thoughts.
“I’m just nervous,” I confessed.
This was not a lie. But I didn’t know what this sense of foreboding was. It made no sense that it was about my sister. Sure, I was jealous as hell about Violet. She had gone away to some school for gifted young adults. While I was struggling to get into a regular college. I was nerdy and shy, with no friends out of those I played games with online. While Violet, she was smart, funny, gifted. Everything great rolled into one. I admired her always, looked up to her. Hell, she was my best friend. But she abandoned me. I had tried at first not to call it that. It wasn’t her responsibility to stay and make her brother feel better.
But as the months flew by, and she responded to my texts less and less, with the responses being less warm, I couldn’t help but feel that she had indeed abandoned me, to live the life she was always meant to. A successful one, without me. While I was destined to spend my days working some crummy job that needed no experience and paid next to nothing. Because there was no way in hell, I was gonna get into a good college.
None of that explained this pure terror. It was a feeling with no logical source. I could only surmise it as being unrelated to Violet’s return.
“I’m sure she’s just as nervous to see you too.” Mom said.
She patted my arm and stood up to exit the table. Her chair legs scraped across the floor when she pushed it back. It sent a numb electric shock down my spine. Only I was affected. Judging from mom’s satisfied smile, she had considered her brief words of comfort a job well done.
My only support was my own hands, holding onto each other for dear life. While I resisted the urge to rock back and forth. Dad flipped the page of his paper. Chuckling to himself. I told myself it was at a joke in the paper, and not at me.
“She’s here!” mom said. The glee in her voice was unmistakable.
Did she ever sound like that for me? The answer was no. I was hardly out of the house for her to be excited by my return.
The taxi pulled up to the front drive, and mom rushed to the front door and opened it. “My baby girls home!” she nearly screamed, I heard them embrace, and Violet protested, “Mom!” as mom had planted a big, wet kiss on her cheek. “Let me get in the door first!”
It all happened so fast. The clink of Violet’s heels greeted dad and me first. Then her shadow, looming from the night in the hallway. My eyes widened as the shadow removed a pointed hat and placed it out of sight.
Her shadow enveloped us all in darkness, and I felt at peace. A zen kind of nothingness filled me. A slight smile escaped from my lips, and I looked at my father. He smiled at me too. Adjusting his spectacles and twisting his back to face the door frame, eagerly awaiting his daughter’s arrival. Her shadow got smaller, disappearing into the doorframe and sucking all that peace out of me. It felt like it came out of my navel, a demonic hoover forcefully ripping out every last bit of happiness I had only just been gifted with. What was left was pure terror. I would have yelped in fear had I not lost my voice. The blood pounding in my ears masked the words that came from her full, deep, purple lips. My gaze fell in an attempt to avert my eyes from the source of my anxiety. But that led me down to her bare chest. Was she naked? My cock sprung hard at the worst time it could. But I was relieved to see her dress was merely low cut. Revealing the shape of the most perfect cleavage I had ever seen.
When she had left home, her breasts were small. How were they so big now? I panicked. How long had I been staring? I looked further down and saw her dress ended far higher above her knees than I thought appropriate. Revealed her thick, smooth thighs. Down further, my eyes went to her tall, black pumps.
“Hello? Earth to my brother. Anybody in there?”
Adrenaline surged through me as I got up. She laughed.
“For a minute there, I thought you weren’t going to give your big sister a hug.”
“You’re only one year older than me.” I forced a laugh.
My body awkwardly leaped towards her. She grinned the warmest smile and spread her arms open to receive me.
Wrapping her arms around my mid and gripping tightly, pulling me into her. She was physically weak, being a girl. Still, I was powerless to resist. Her hands pressed against the material of my shirt, and I felt the pressure on my back. Drawing me in.
My arms were around her shoulders, which were naked, apart from the thin straps holding her dress up. Her skin was like silk against my hands as they brushed past her skin, fastening our hug.
We held each other tight. It said more than words. I’m not sure I would have known what they were if I had tried to speak. What I did know was that Violet’s full, round breasts pressed against my chest, and her nipples softly poked me. My cock throbbing hard, trying to push its way out of my jeans towards her. I tried, subtly as I could, to move my hips back.
I felt the warmth leave her body, and it didn’t take a genius to know she had sensed my discomfort. She patted my back and pushed herself off me. I resisted the urge to look down at her cleavage, and instead, her face caught my gaze.
She was beautiful, her dark brown hair – so dark one might call it black – shined under the light of the kitchen, and she wiped one curtain from her face, behind her ear. Her smile lit up the room and, also, a feeling in my chest, radiating warmth. Her eyes were bright, and Black mascara adorned them, both above and below her eyes. They gleamed, seemingly sparkling.
“You look great,” I said, the understatement of the century.
Mom patted both our shoulders, appearing from nowhere and frightening me. “There, all you had to do was greet each other, and you’d be back to normal!” her words felt like a stab of awkwardness that enveloped both my sister and me.
Violet’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me, perplexed. “What does she mean?” She asked.
“Nothing!’ I said, too loudly and high pitched. “Can I get you a drink, Violet?” I put my hands in my pockets to hide my hard-on, which throbbed mercilessly. Each time I willed it to go soft, it responded with another twitch, hardening more.
Violet yawned her hand over her beautiful deep red lips. “I’m feeling quite tired, to be honest, it’s been a long journey.”
Tiredness overcame me too. I yawned.
“Me too. I think I might join you. I mean, go to my bed.” I nervously laughed as my body went red hot with shame.
Violet must have been aware, For she looked at me, furrowing her eyes as she said, “Good night Eric.”
The way she said my name reverberated through my body as I walked past her and climbed up the stairs to my room.
“Aren’t you going to say goodnight to us?” Mom called me.
I was already halfway up them.
“Sorry! Night, Mom. Night, Dad!’ I yelled down the stairs.
“Night, Son,” Dad grumbled.
Violet said softly, yet I heard it louder than I heard Mom’s call. “Have a nice sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.” again, her words bounced around me, like the sharp burn of whiskey, comforting me, despite the pain it caused.
I understood why Violet turned me on, by why the fear?
At the top of the stairs, I made my way to my room. The room’s orders went like this, mine was closest to the stairs, then Violets, then our parents. This layout meant that in her absence, I could look at porn and jack off whenever I wanted, without fear of waking them. Hell, I could even have the volume up, albeit very quiet.
So, it was auto-pilot that made me slump into my computer chair. Ignoring the video game posters around my walls that I now felt too old to have, but still kept up out of laziness, I logged into the computer and clicked away from the last webpage I was on. Embarrassingly, I had been searching for how to make your cock look bigger. I knew it was impossible, but curiosity got the best of me, stamped out when I saw the snake-oil being sold.
I typed into the address bar the first letter of my favorite porn site, and it appeared on the screen. My cock was hard already as I typed ‘goth sister.’ into the search bar.
I had never really thought about incest porn before, but it was exactly what I needed. The thumbnails came across the screen. I knew my sister wasn’t really goth, but it was the closest thing with the amount of black she wore. I narrowed the search to ‘goth sister big tits.’
I found one that looked enough like her and went to work, stroking my throbbing cock while biting my lip to stop myself from involuntarily moaning.
The staircase creaked with Violet’s dainty footsteps as she made her way up to her room. I bit my lip harder and tried to stroke as quietly as possible while making sure the sound on the computer was off. It was risky. But what was the difference between her being in the hallway or the room next to me? Either way, I was so fucking horny I needed release. Once the tension was released, I would sleep well. I was sure of it.
Violet was quiet, climbing the staircase. I put it out of my mind as my cock tingled with pleasure. I stroked roughly, gripping too tight as that spark of pleasure traveled down the shaft of my cock. The squeeze made my cock go numb, and felt I had more satisfaction the closer I got to my climax.
In the video, the hot goth bitch was on her knees, and her tongue licked all around the guy’s cock, strands of her spit were coating it, making it slick as her fist stroked over his thick purple head. The whole time I saw him as me, his cock much bigger than mine, but it was easier to pretend that he was me than it was to pretend this woman was her. She had none of Violet’s beauty. Sure she was cute and kind of sexy. But Violet… She was a goddess.
I was sure I had accidentally whispered her name out loud. Whether it was my imagination or not, I made sure I kept my mouth closed so it wouldn’t happen again.
After I had cleaned myself up, I logged out of my computer and then double-checked I had indeed logged out. I was paranoid about people going on it, so I had an extremely long password consisting of random numbers and letters. Even though I would be asleep in my bedroom, and, I didn’t expect my family to spy on my computer regardless, I still had it out of habit. There was more reason to do it today after I had looked at that taboo porn. I knew I should delete my history or go incognito, but it was easier to not bother and just have a long password.
“Good night Rick.” I heard mom say through the crack in my open-door.
My door had been open ajar this whole time. I leaped out of bed and ignored the terrifying thoughts of my sister walking past when I was jacking off, and closed the door, saying goodnight to mom as I did so.
Not much had happened today, and yet, I was exhausted.
My body stirred that night, back and forth, as I had the most horrific dream. Violet was sitting on my computer, scrolling through my history. She settled on the video I had most recently viewed and she watched it with interest.
I couldn’t see her expression as her back was to me, but I could only have assumed it was the worst. I reached out in my dream. ‘No,’ I yelled. I awoke and sat up. She turned and waved her finger.
I fell back down in my sleep, returning to my dream, which was the same as when I had woken. A dream within a dream, only this one was hazier. My movement was slow, like I was sleeping in water. Still, all I could do was toss and turn, my eyes closed, but fully aware Violet was watching the incest porn I had been viewing.
I opened my eyes. Violet was sitting on my bed. My body lurched up as I looked at my computer, but the screen was off. And I knew, of course, I had logged off before sleeping.
As I started to gather my wits, I knew it was perfectly normal to dream about what you feared most.
So my attention darted back to Violet, who sat on my bed.
I pulled the covers up, but the weight of her body stopped me from doing so. The covers were just over my hips anyway, covering enough of me, and what’s more, I slept in a t-shirt and boxer. Not naked.
Still, I felt vulnerable. Ambushed.
I forgot all about that feeling when my cock throbbed hard. Painfully it leaped to attention, trying to poke out of the covers. I tried to hide it, but Violet looked down and smiled sheepishly, paired with her cheeks turning rosy. I could not have anticipated this reaction. I would have expected disgust or anger, not embarrassment.
But most unexpected was how she was dressed. As my vision stopped blurring from being asleep, I realized the source of my erection. For so much of her was on the show, I didn’t know where to look. She had on this frilly black bra, but it in no way supported her breasts. It was lingerie. Revealing the full shape of her tits, which were fat and round. They looked heavy. I was sure they would have rested exactly like that had she not been wearing it. Below she wore french lingerie shorts, frilly in the same style. It was somehow more erotic than if she were wearing a thong, the way it both covered and revealed everything. My eyes followed her legs, bent at the knee, to her feet, pointed elegantly, her toes were painted the same deep purple color as her lips.
“What… what are you doing…” I stammered.
She leaned forward, resting her hand on my chest. As I stumbled to sit up, she took one more glance at the bulge in the sheets and sat up against the wall with me, her knees resting just against my thighs. If I were to look down, the crevice of her cleavage would greet me, so I stayed looking ahead at my computer screen. Trying to let the blackness of it calm me, distract me.
“I owe you an apology,” she said, resting her head on my shoulder.
My shoulder felt bony. How could that be comfortable? Did she want me to put my arm around her? I took a deep breath, and her perfume swam down my nostrils. Flowers, Summer. Honey. It both excited and calmed me, causing my heart to race with anticipation. Of what?
“What do you mean? You haven’t done anything?” I replied.
“We’ve drifted apart, and it’s my fault, no, don’t say anything.”
I wanted to say that it was okay. That she didn’t need to explain herself.
She continued, “I’ve been so busy, and my life has overtaken me. Oh, Eric, it feels like I have two lives now. The guilt has been tremendous.”
She stretched her body out and rested one leg completely over mine. Her thigh stroked against my cock over the sheets. That soft, simple friction sent a spark of pleasure through me, and I shuddered. But I did not move. I could not now she was on me. Nor did I want to.
“I wanted you to be a part of it so bad, but we’re sworn to secrecy while at the school. But! I’m not at school now! I’m here with you, so I can tell you everything! It will be our little secret.”
Her arm reached around my abdomen, stroking along my bare skin, and my cock twitched in frustration at the physical contact. Her eyes glanced down at it once more, and I could not have imagined the smile escaping from her pursed lips. Those full, kissable lips, they turned me on as much as any ass or tits could.
“You never mentioned them,” she said.
I said nothing. I didn’t know what to say.
“I mean, I guess it’s embarrassing to talk about. I kind of ambushed you tonight, I’m sorry. Is this too awkward?”
She sat up and looked me in the eyes. I darted my gaze away from them. But that only meant I was staring at those gorgeous tits. They were closer than ever now. Her nipples poked out of her lingerie, pushing out of that material. Were they hard?
‘It’s fine.” I said, shakily.
“Good. Because there’s just so much to say, I don’t know where to begin. I’m getting a little flustered.” Violet went red again.
I didn’t mean to laugh, but the idea of her, flustered in this situation was implausible. If anyone should be flustered, it should be me, what with her wearing next to nothing in my room, looking sexy as hell. Her cheeks went rosy again, and her smile faded.
“I wasn’t laughing at you!” I stammered. My voice was too loud.
“Ssh, you’ll wake mom and dad.” She replied, putting her fingers to my lips.
More physical contact that wasn’t inherently sexual in nature, but in this situation, made my cock long to be touched. In its absence of being stroked, her finger on my lip was like the warmest, wettest pussy. Or at least, what I imagined it would be. I’d never had sex.
In any other situation, I would have said. ‘Violet, please tell me about your school. Does it have anything to do with what I’ve been experiencing today?’ But I would not. Firstly, because I was shocked to my core. And secondly, I did not know how much of that had to do with how simply how gorgious she was.
My sister had gone away to school and returned a goddess. She was fucking perfect in every way. Even the way she moved. Each step, each touch had my cock hard like it was in danger of softening, and she had to keep it that way. But she would not go further, she’d do anything but actually touch it.
How could I tell her any of that?
“I’ve embarrassed you. I should go.”
She sat up to leave, climbing onto her knees and bending over.
“Wait!” I called out.
“Ssh!” she said again, still on her knees, bent over, showing me her fat round ass. It was perfectly round and toned, and yet plump! My hips gyrated in response as if my cock thought she was sitting on top of me. I groaned with frustration. My hands gripped parts of the covers, holding on for dear life.
“They’re only a few rooms over. And I don’t want them to wake up.” Violet was still on her knees as she said this. But turned to look at my computer.
My heart sank as she spoke.
“You know, I saw what you were looking at.”
She turned around, her tits bouncing as she bent her knees and sat on them, leaning forward. Gravity pulled her breasts down, revealing more of her cleavage, “You never asked me how they got bigger. I guess it’s awkward to bring up.”
“What?” I wanted to pretend that she never admitted she had looked at my internet history. But then it hit me, there was one thing I couldn’t ignore.
“How did you get past my password?”
“Oh, that?” she laughed, her hand on her chest.
But then her fingers slipped down her breast, squeezing while maintaining eye contact with me. “Is that why you were searching, how to make yours bigger? Because you saw mine were? Well, I’ll tell you. You’ll never find it on the internet.”
“Yea, you can’t make it bigger.” my body flushed red. As uncomfortable as it was to talk about me searching how to make my cock bigger, it was less so than the porn she had pretended she hadn’t seen. So I dived into the conversation. what’s more, I had searched that before I had even seen her, but she diddn’t see it as a coincidence. That was a good thing.
“I guessed you just got a boob job.”
“A boob job!?” she exclaimed. My eyes darted towards my bedroom wall. Now it was my turn to be wary of the noise.
“A boob job…” she repeated, now quiet. “Does this look like a boob job?”
It happened in slow motion. Violet pulled her lingerie up and over her shoulders. Her breasts came with it at first, then they were there. Heavy, and very, clearly, real.
Her nipples were between pink and purple, dark in color. They were slightly bigger than what I thought was average, paired with her medium-sized areola. They were the most perfect suckable nipples I had ever seen.
And the first nipples I had ever seen in person. I couldn’t stop staring, and I wasn’t pretending to do otherwise.
“I made them bigger at school. Do you want to feel them?”
“I can?” I asked, double-checking I had permission.
My heart thumped fast and powerfully as she got on her knees, crawling towards me, her face up so close.
“Go on, hold one. You’re allowed.”
Tentatively, my hand reached forward and held under her breast. It was heavy. The weight of it made me wonder how she carried them around all day. I stroked up to her breast and caressed her nipple, stroking my finger and thumb between it.
She gasped in mock shock. And sat back. Taking her breasts away from me.
“I didn’t say you could do that!”
“Sorry! I’m sorry! I got carried away. They’re just so nice!”
She giggled. Actually giggled. “I was just messing with you, brother. Your cock has been rock hard since I got here. You think I’d tease you and then leave you high and dry?” she leaned forward again, and her hand stroked over the bulge. Tracing the shape of my cock with her fingers. I groaned in pleasure as sparks shot through my body.
“But back to what I was saying,” she said absentmindedly, as she stroked. “I made mine bigger, and I can make yours bigger too.”
She stroked her finger from the base to the tip, and before my eyes, it swelled, the blood rushed to it, seemingly escaping from my head as I went light-headed, and my cock swelled with more blood than felt safe. It was so hard and thick, nearly twice its original size.
I tried to pull the covers down, so I could see it properly. but Violet held them there. “No. not yet.” she smiled, and my legs shook as she stroked it over the covers. “How’s that, better?”
Each throbbing twitch made me light-headed. It pulsated with blood, the skin stretched tight to hold in what it was not built for. It needed air.
“It hurts a little. It’s too much…” I gasped, throwing my head back in an exacerbation.
“That’s it, just lie down,” she said soothingly.
She pulled the sheets. The friction of them stroked against my cock and made me yelp in pleasure, my body laying flat as I submitted. Whatever she wanted to do to me, I was powerless to resist. I was in her hands.
“Please.’ I begged. “It’s so hard. It needs attention.”
“You think I’m going to leave you now? You don’t need to beg me anymore, brother.” she climbed up my body, stroking against my cock, which was still imprisoned in my boxers.
“Look at me,” she commanded, for I was afraid to meet her gaze, looking around anywhere but at her eyes.
I looked at her and was under the spell of her beauty. My arms stroked up her thighs – her smooth skin was like velvet against my finger – to her hips, where I held her. While she rubbed her mound on my cock, the pressure was painful, and yet exactly what I needed. She stroked my cheek, keeping her hand there, while my hand reached up to hold hers.
“I love you. I’m sorry I left you for so long, but I’m back now, and I’m going to give you everything you never knew you wanted.”
“I love you too, Violet.”
Warmth filled me. Love for my sister that I had nothing to do with sex. She was home, and I couldn’t help but smile.
She glanced at my lips. A glance, but the second time was hard to ignore, as her head leaned in. Our lips met, and we kissed. Butterflies flew through me like waves crashing on the beach. I felt an exciting kind of nerves, like a jolt of happiness, as she rubbed her body against mine. She got up a bit higher and kissed me again, making my neck arch back as our lips stayed connected, and she opened hers slightly, hinting at me to open mine. Which I did, and our tongues touched, the slapping wet sounds of our spit filled my consciousness.
She broke the kiss, and my mouth leaned towards her, eager for it to continue, but she put her fingers on them again, stopping me.
“Like I said. I’m going to give you everything. Starting with my mouth wrapped around that huge cock of yours.”
My cock throbbed in pain as if it was a response to those words, and I couldn’t help but ask, “Violet. Don’t your tits hurt? Mine hurts so much, it’s like it’s the same cock, but filled with twice as much blood. It’s like it’s swollen.”
She climbed down and sunk her fingers into the waist of my boxers. Looking up at me mischievously as she lifted the elastic but didn’t pull down yet. The shadow of my throbbing cock hid under that open tent.
“This is the first part of the spell, it’s going to hurt until I make you come, but after, the swelling will go down a bit, and you’ll be left with something much more manageable. It will still be much thicker and longer. And you’ll be able to release much more cum inside me.”
I was speechless.
She kissed my abdomen, the muscle by my hip. “I didn’t realize it would hurt so much for you. There are only women at my school, and I’m still new at all this. You know what they say, women have a higher threshold for pain. I made my tits bigger, then slept through it. I’m sorry, brother. Let me make it up to you.”
She pulled my boxer waist down, and my cock went down with it, then came free. My eyes rolled in disbelief at its size, the pulsing thick blue veins spiraling around it like a jagged snake. I groaned in frustration, that was quickly calmed by her fingers wrapping around my cock, and she stroked.
“I’m sorry, Eric, just lie there and try to relax. I’ll make you come soon.”
I closed my eyes as her hand stroked around my cock. Her fingers seemed tiny in comparison, barely meeting around my girth, and my legs shook with embarrassing surprise as her other hand massaged my balls. Something I had hardly ever done myself. She squeezed over my testicles, stroking and pulling as she jerked over the head of my cock.
The head of my cock was bright purple, swollen and shiny, filled with blood, while she stroked over my shaft only and pulled on my balls. She smiled with interested glee, excited by the sight of my cock.
“I’ve never had one in my mouth before,” she confessed. “I’m glad you’re going to be my first.”
She dove her head down to the base of my cock. Her tongue licked up from the base, traveling up that rigid bone of my cock, sliding all the way to the start of my head. There she licked repeatedly, my legs trembled, and her tongue circled around the head of my cock.
Her mouth opened, and she took it inside. Sucking, her cheeks going hollow while her head bobbed on my cock. All the while, her tongue lapped over it, and her hand stroked my shaft. I couldn’t keep still. My body writhed as she gave me pleasure untold pleasure. I felt relief, finally, even though my cock kept throbbing, it was being satisfied, and though it ached, it was no longer painful.
I held her hand, and she squeezed it, I squeezed back, and it was a kind of intimacy that matched the sexual thrill she was giving me. We were closer than ever. I loved her, and I stroked her hair while she bobbed up and down on my cock.
“That feels so fucking good, Violet. I love you so much. Oh, god.” I moaned. Her mouth left my cock and was replaced by her fist, which stroked tightly over my cock’s head.
“I love you too. I can’t wait to swallow your cum.”
I leaned forward as she gobbled my cock. She removed her hand and forced her head down upon it. The head of my cock pushed against her throat, soaked in her spit, while she tried to get it down.
She pulled out and gasped for breath as my cock glistened with her spit as she stroked over it again.
“Hold my tits.’ she told me. And I did so, pinching her nipple.
“Fuck. Pinch it really tight. Hurt me.” She told me.
Remembering what I had seen in porn, I grabbed a fistful of her hair and tightly gripped it. She gasped as I pushed her head down on my cock. I spread my legs out and pushed her head further.
“Go on, get it down there. You love sucking your brother’s cock, don’t you? So gag on it.”
Was my first sexual experience supposed to be like this? All that porn must have ruined my brain, because how else would I have known how to say that. It didn’t matter. It was who I was, and whether it was wrong or not, this was what my sister wanted from me, and I wanted it from her.
She moaned as I pinched her nipple really tight. I wanted to bite it, but I couldn’t get down there. I wanted so many things to happen, but we would have all the time in the world. And all I had time for now, was coming down her throat.
I pushed her head down upon my cock, her mouth opened wide, and she devoured it all. My cock was so big I had no idea how she managed it. It must’ve been entirely down her throat.
Her eyes gleamed and shined with tears, her mascara running as she looked up at me. Our eyes connected, and my cock throbbed, which made her gag, but she held it back and kept her head down. I reached for her hand and squeezed it. My cock throbbed again, and I felt it coming. I was getting close.
I let go.
She pulled her mouth from my clock and slit attached the tip to her lip, which broke, and she used to stroke over my shiny head.
“Let me take over,” she said.
My hands fell, and I fell back, lying on my back and staring at the ceiling while she slobbered over my cock, sucking and licking. The sounds were so loud, but I didn’t care. The sounds of her gags, the sight of her shiny brown hair covering my crotch. Her hand stroked up my chest, and I took it in mine. Her ass sticking up all culminated into that honeyed electric pleasure building until it overflowed and became me, which tensed as I yelled an earth-shattering roar of pleasure.
My cock throbbed inside her throat, each one making her gulp as the power of my huge cock pulsating inside her mouth must have shocked her as she felt it pumping cum down her throat.
I was in euphoria, groaning so loudly now. How long had I been making sound for? I had forgotten to try and be quiet. I had been experiencing too much pleasure, and now? It was incredible. Pure white light filled my body as I shot hot ribbons of cum in Violet’s mouth, she swallowed everyone. I felt the power of her swallows, as she took everything I had to offer. It was like my soul left my body in the most out of body experience imaginable. I shook and shuddered, throbbing and releasing, and she kept on swallowing, taking it all with intense willingness.
There was a loud knock on my door. And the loudest shout-whisper I had ever heard. “Will you be quiet! It’s one thing to watch fucking porn when it’s just us. But when you’re sisters trying to sleep after her long journey, I don’t think the first thing she wants to hear is you jacking off!”
I yelped, but my sister put her hand on my chest and kept me there while sucking on my cock. Her mouth raised, and I howled as it kept throbbing, releasing cum into her mouth that she licked and swallowed, gulping and making mmm sounds.
While I was frozen in ecstasy, dad stormed off back down the hall—grumbling to himself.
Slowly, Violet pulled her lips off my cock, keeping them tight around the head till the tip disappeared, and my cock fell only just, as it was still engorged with blood. But less so now. It was red and drained as she licked up it, stroking my balls.
“That was so much cum.” she smiled, wiping her lips.
I grabbed her, pulled her up towards me, and took her in my arms. Her breasts pressed against my chest as we kissed. I cared not that I had just come in her mouth, I would kiss her lips, and the feelings of warmth and love I felt overrode any repulsion to getting my cum on mine.
But she pushed herself off me. Grabbing her lingerie and sitting on the side of the bed. I wanted to get up, but I was so exhausted and drained, I fell back down.
“Where are you going?” I asked. Reaching out.
She took my hand and stroked the back of it with her thumb, holding it up and planting a wet kiss upon it.
“Let’s not push our luck. Ok?” Violet leaned back one last time to kiss me, taking my hand and placing it on her breast. Where I caressed her soft, fat flesh, stroking her nipple.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. We can do so much more with my magic, but let’s take a break now. Your cock needs it”
She wasn’t wrong, for it was still twitching, sore, and used to satisfaction, still hard. She bent down and placed a kiss upon it, it twitched its response, and she giggled before getting up and stretching. She even stretched sexually, her breasts rising and falling with her arms.
I watched Violet leave, her beautiful ass in those french lingerie shorts jiggling as she quietly opened my door and went.
I threw the covers over me and blissfully drifted off. Thinking of Violet’s gorgeous body and how I would touch her all over tomorrow. I would taste her.
Tomorrow, we could do anything, as long as our parents didn’t hear.
**Thanks so much for reading! you can get the next chapter at:** [**https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1052141**](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1052141)
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jllcyd/my_witch_sister_by_magic_she_made_my_cock_bigger