My Best Friend Part 21 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

This was a cinch.

All I have to do is tighten my sensitivity in my dick and I can easily cum within a few seconds.

But Jeanette’s first change made me wonder if she were going to cheat giving me some sort of pill or strap or something that would increase my stamina, I figured as long as I can tighten myself my sensitivity will be heightened and I will be able to cum at the drop of a hat no matter what Jeanette had up her sleeve.

Besides I always cum extremely quickly when I’m inside Amanda and have to use mental devices to make my stamina last just a few pumps longer than I normally go. So the rest of Jeanette’s provisos become null in void, all I have to do is beat whatever three items Jeanette chooses and focus on cumming quickly when I enter Amanda and I will have won.

I smiled knowing that I have this challenge in the bag, “I accept those changes.”

Jeanette was still behind me when she reached around and lightly started stroking my dick, “Great when do you want to start your challenge.”

I thought about that, it did leave me with some interesting ways of doing this. I could say now but that would work to their advantage because they were already rubbed their pussies to an extent so all Amanda and Jeanette would have to do is bounce a couple of times and say that are done before I can tighten myself and cum and thereby having to at least take one girl. Or I can wait until tomorrow and tell them to quit rubbing themselves so that it is fair.

I decided to go with the option that made more sense, “We’ll do it tomorrow after you girls sensitivity is on the same level as mine. Just in the interests in fairness.”

Jeanette stopped lightly stroking my dick and I wanted to instantly tell her to go back to what she was doing. I heard her say, “Sounds good. Well I guess I should untie my new slaves and take their toys out then if we are going to be ready for tomorrow.”

I smiled and walked off, “And I’m going to take a cold shower. Good night girls enjoy yourselves tonight.”

I quickly bounded off I didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything and pretty much ran upstairs and headed for my shower to teach my dick a lesson. As I headed up I decided it would be a good idea to run through as many variations as I can so that I can win in my contest. That was the only thought I had when I closed the door to my bedroom.

Aaaawwww!!! What is it about a nice jog that is refreshing to one’s soul? Ok maybe not for those who aren’t fitness fanatics but still. Me, alone, the pavement, and a nice morning chill and I’m a happy person.

I was about ¾ into my run and was able to think for what I had ahead of me back at home. I had to figure out a way to beat any cheat Jeanette might come up with for my challenge so they can prove my stamina to me. I had originally thought last night to ‘edge’ myself all night long keeping myself on the brink of cumming all night long or even this morning before my run but that I thought that would be a horrible mistake. If I did that not only would my dick be sensitive but it would probably be sensitive to the point where the idea of having sex would be painful. And the only reason why I knew this was one night not all that long ago Jeanette and Amanda had a bright idea to try that on me to help make me last longer, after 8 hours of constant ‘edging’ my dick was so fucking sensitive to the point where it looked like a rash was on my dick because it was so red and I was sexually useless for a couple of days until I recovered.

Then I thought about rubbing one out but decided that would help make me last longer not shorter. I thought of different scenarios that would help my dick be sensitive but I couldn’t really think of anything helpful. All my ideas were ones that I had read to help make a man last longer in the bedroom not last shorter.

Maybe I was approaching this the wrong way. Maybe if I ran scenarios in my head of ways that Jeanette would cheat with her three items I had to use and figure out ways to beat those. I had an idea that she would use items that would help lengthen my stamina to where it would be difficult for me to cum in a fast time but as to which items those would be I have no idea. So with that in mind it made it kind of difficult to figure out a work around.

No matter which item I had in my head to beat it was just hypothetical at this point. She could use one of those sensitizing condoms and those things are hard to beat once the lotion takes effect on the dick, the only work around is pound as hard as you can and tighten yourself making you cum quickly. She could have me put cock rings on and the only thing those do is hold back the cum only to a slight edge. No matter what trick I thought she had I knew what they do and could guess a work around. At this point I was ready for whatever items she had in store for me in my challenge.


I walked back into my house after my nice long jog to find the girls in exactly the same place I left them when I started my jog….passed on air mattresses with toys and clothing all around them. I simply looked at the sprawled females along the mattresses just sleeping away and chuckled to myself.

I didn’t bother going back up to take a shower I just simply looked at the covered girls shook myself from what was going to happen today. I turned and went into the kitchen to get a drink a water, I still needed to think. There was too much riding, literally, on how my performance was that I needed to pull out the win.

I just began drinking my water when a form walked in my peripheral vision causing me to nearly choke on my water because the form moved too quietly. I looked over and wished I hadn’t.

It was Moira completely nude slowly moving towards her addiction…coffee. Sometimes I wish she would wear something to cover herself up but over the last year I’ve slowly desensitized myself from Moira’s unashamed self. Still there are some things I could still go without seeing but at this point Moira’s cognitive thought just isn’t exactly there until her first half a cup of coffee then she goes off and slowly gets ready or at least covers up a little.

I ignored Moira while she poured her coffee and did her ritual of slowly sipping her coffee enjoying each drop of caffeinated nirvana to grace her taste buds and went back to my original train of thought. But at this point I’ve ran through too many scenarios that I’m drawing a blank until I know which objects that Jeanette had in mind so I knew how I was going to beat them and achieve my goal of cumming quickly so I didn’t have to add any females to my bed two was enough in my mind. Without knowing what items I was going to have to use for my challenge it was pointless to continue thinking about it. I finally sighed to myself and headed upstairs to finally clean myself off from my long jog.


I walked downstairs in a different pair of basketball shorts that I use for jogging or just lounging around, and found that only one girl had woken up since I had gone jogging and even showered. I looked over at the clock that was above the TV and saw that it read 9:42am. I just shook my head and gingerly walked around the girls spots paying extremely slow careful not to step on them or the air mattress as I made my way to the sofa so that I could watch some TV.
After gingerly making my way to the sofa I flopping down on the sofa, I flipped on the TV and changed it to the cooking channel. I really didn’t care what was on I usually zone out on the cooking channel to absorb some new recipes to actually cook instead of having a la delivery or royale cuisine microwaved. Lately I have been getting better and better cooking meals from scratch and the girls including Moira have definitely appreciated it. Amanda has even confined that my cooking is beginning to get better than her mother’s cooking. I wasn’t watching TV for very long before the missing girl of the pile finally appeared from I assumed was empting their bladder or whatever it is girls do first thing in the morning. It was one of the twins, which one I couldn’t be sure. She stopped as soon as she realized I was sitting on the couch watching TV and she was standing in the room completely in the buff. She looked at me like she was a deer caught in head lights. I looked over at her and saw that there was an internal struggle inside her which I assume was the equivalent of fight or flight. She could run off and try to hide what she has already shown before she gets fully dressed. Or she could casually walk more into the room and accept what she had set to do.

I recognized the internal struggle because I was there the first time when I did the show in front of the entire class when I fucked Amanda and Jeanette with those other guys and girls. I smiled and decided to be nice and went back to watching the TV and pretend I didn’t see anything. Or in my case anything I haven’t seen before.

Finally after a full commercial break on the TV, the girl finally spoke, “Ooh….hhi!” The girl’s voice was extremely shaky like she still wasn’t sure what to do.

I almost fell over and laughed but I tried to stay nice. I looked in her direction and slowly waved my hand in a circle saying hello. I didn’t want to say “Hello ________” because I wasn’t sure which twin I was talking to.

Her voice remained shaky, “Hhhow llong hhave yyou been aawwake?”

I looked up at the clock seeing that it was about 9:50am and I looked back at her, “Since about 5am.”

She looked at me and was trying to think. I broke the ice for her, “Do you want to watch some TV with me until everyone else wakes up?” She stood in place not moving and looked at the TV to check out what I was watching. I continued, “Or if you want I think there’s still some coffee in the pot if my cousin hasn’t destroyed it all.” Her eyes went even wider, if that were even possible, and bolted towards the kitchen like someone had lit a fire under her ass. I chuckled to myself and said out loud to no one in particular, “Females and their coffee,” and I went back to watching TV.
