[MF] Accidental Anal: A True Story

So, This is my first time posting a story. I have lived an exciting life, filled with sex, revelations, mishaps, and other stuff. Hope You like my story.

This was back when I was in High School (I’m 33 now) and was with my serious GF at the time. Let’s call her…Sara. Sara and I had been dating for about 6 months at this point. She was still living at home at the time, and her parents were fairly strict. We wanted to go out to a movie, but because it was a school night her parents didn’t want her out late…yeah I know lol.

So she told them we were just going to go grab a bite and then I would bring her home, and they agreed. I picked her up, but at the last minute she came up with a new game plan. “Do you want to just fuck, instead of getting dinner, because I’m not that hungry” she asked. Now, I’m not one to pass up a great suggestion, so I said hell yeah. We literally drove down the street to a little roundabout and I parked the car and turned the headlights off. We crawled into the backseat and started making out. Little side note, my A/C was not working and we had the widows rolled up because of mosquitoes (this will make sense in a minute) lol. So we get naked and she starts sucking my dick, and she was giving it her all. After about 5 mins she gets on top and lowers herself on my cock. She’s bouncing hard, shaking the whole car.

We are going at it for a good 20 mins meanwhile the car is fogging up and we are sweating our asses off, which somehow made it hotter. She’s moaning and bucking her hips like she was possessed. She raises her body up, ready to hulk smash on my dick, when she goes to far, and I slip out…….

By the title, you probably have an idea on what is about to occur….and you would be right.

She comes back down, but instead of her nice, delicate slit meeting my dick, its her ass….and it didn’t even knock. She goes full speed, right down to the hilt of my shaft, and what happened next was a blur. I have never seen a glitch in the Matrix in real life. A moment where you were sure that the fabric of time and reality were non-existent.. I witnessed it in this moment. She shot up in the air so fast, Thunder Clap Smacked me in the face, rolled over screaming, and then started crying. I sat there, face stinging like a bihh, trying to process everything that had just transpired in the last 5 seconds. I look over at her, as she is grabbing her ass and crying. I was in shock, I didn’t know what to do. “Are you ok, I’m sorry” I said. I had no reason to be sorry, I wasn’t the one acting all crazy and wanted to go full amazon warrior woman, but I felt like it was the right thing to say at the time. She doesn’t respond.. Needless to say my hard on is completely gone at this point, as I watch my GF roll around clutching her hole.. I rub her back and after a few minutes she calms down. I ask her if we need to go to the hospital or anything like that. I WAS STILL IN SHOCK, DAMN IT, I DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO!!! She says no, but that hurt like a mutha. I rubbed her back for another couple of minutes before she looked up at me and said “So, do you want to try and finish?” I looked at her, then looked at my cock that was nestled deep INSIDE of me, looked back at her “I am pretty sure the moment is hell and gone” We both chuckled and sat there a little while longer, and then drove her home.

I found out the next day that her parents asked her why she was limping and looked like she was crying when she walked in the door. She said she tripped as she was walking down the stairs at the restaurant, and she cried a little.. That was my first, and last, anal experience.

Hope you liked my story. I got plenty more lmao

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jlin7b/mf_accidental_anal_a_true_story

1 comment

  1. No need to be your last anal experience. I have had a few women that like anal and one currently that ask for butt sex. A couple of things to keep in mind; no surprises (but you already know that), she should prep (having a BM first and maybe an enema), lube, lots of lube, she should be aroused, start slow and small, did I mention lube? Yes some more lube. Get her relaxed and her butthole accepting of the intrusion. Let her set the pace by being on top and add some lube. Have fun with it.

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