Step Sister Corruption Part 25 – Day 2 Recap (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I rushed into my room quickly plugging in the camera and trying to find a thumb drive to put all these videos onto.

If I was like my sister I would have a laptop but I’m not. I’m a gamer and thus have a gaming computer that I built….thank you dad for teaching me how to build a computer.

Took me a minute to find a thumb drive in my drawer of my computer desk but I found one.

I pulled the video from the camera to my special folder. I had to put in my password to transfer from the camera into the folder.

With my special folder open I decided to rename the files from 4k_0001_220823.mkv and such.

I faintly wondered how a camera comes up with its naming structure?

I changed the names to K_Bond_(Angle).mkv. I double click each one to open it to see which angle it was and then named it appropriately. The newest video I simply labeled it K_Sla_Tease.mkv and transferred all of them to my thumb drive.

All four videos ate roughly 2 gigs which was ok because my thumb drive was a 256gig thumb drive.

Once the transfer was done I hand walked it into Kelly’s room to see Kelly has changed out of her drenched shorts into some pj’s re-hiding her breasts.

Summer and Kelly seemed to be talking about something.

Summer looked over at me and smiled, “Hey you.”

I closed the door and smiled at her, “Hey.”

I held up the thumb drive, “If you really want to see what happened.”

Summer smiled, “Sure.”

Kelly spoke, “You can just put it on my smart TV instead of my laptop.”

Summer looked at Kelly, “Oooo good idea.”

I nodded and plugged the thumb drive into Kelly’s tv.

The girls talked me into laying on the bed while both cuddled into me. Thankfully Kelly had a large enough bed to hold all three of us….. barely. I’m sure if even one girl were to try sprawl out one of two things would happen either they will fall out of the bed or two they’d push us off the bed.

It’s not like Kelly had a king bed for all three of us to have our own sections but it was big enough for three skinny people to be comfortable enough as long as all three are snuggled together like we were currently doing.

Summer laid on my right side and Kelly on my left. Both of them enveloped or laying on my arms and their legs draped over mine so I couldn’t move. Which was a blessing and a curse.

Kelly worked the remote on her TV which found my thumb stick early but couldn’t play the videos. So we had to download some other software to the TV which did play the video.

Kelly asked, “Which one should I do first Gabe?”

I tried to shrug but with the girls currently pinning me down made that gesture difficult. I spoke, “Do the K bond wide angle video.”

Kelly clicked the video and it started playing.

The video started off with a closeup of my face before I set it down to show a wide angle of what had happened earlier but this was Summer’s first time seeing it.

We could see Kelly with her hands already cuffed behind her back and a visible ball gag.

Summer instantly commented, “Wow he hand cuffed and is that a ball gag?”

Kelly murmured, “Yes.”

We watched the events unfold as I asked the question if Kelly was ready and we watched her nod yes. Then me pushing her on the bed and helping adjust her on the bed.

Then me moving to the cameras and readjusting them.

Then I’m back in frame where I’m clearly appreciating the view before I pull my shorts and underwear down and remove my shirt.

We watched me climb into bed and start the process.

Summer reached down and snaked her hand into my shorts and begin to lightly stroke my dick with just her nails.

Great she was beginning to tease me. Between the video and having the girls cuddle into me I was always hard.

But with her using her nails gave a light tickling sensation.

We watched a couple more seconds before Summer unexpectedly dragged her nails along my shaft making me want to jump through the roof.

Kelly noticed my reaction, “What’s wrong Gabe?”

Before I could say anything Summer whispered, “Just teasing him now hush while I watch this.”

We sat and watched the show. Summer continued to lightly stroke my dick with her nails making me ungodly horny. But having her scratch my dick hurt and oddly enough was intoxicating.

Was Summer turning me into a masochist?

I could feel after the 3rd or 4th scratch that my dick was now just leaking pre cum.

But Summer never wrapped her hand around my dick or dipped her nails into my pre cum making her light stroking more slick.

It was maddening.

I wanted release. I wanted pussy!!! I needed to cum.

We watched the video in length in which Summer spoke, “Wow that was hot. I didn’t know you had it in you Gabe.”

I laughed but winced as Summer once again dragged her nails against my shaft.

Kelly looked at me weird but Summer got her attention when she asked, “How was it for you Kelly?”

Kelly smiled but couldn’t contain her blushing, “It was amazing.”

I laughed, “Yeah I’m kind of interested to see her facial reaction.”

Summer looked from me to Kelly, “He got your reactions?”

Kelly blushed but nodded.

Summer smiled, “This I got to see.”

Summer grabbed the remote from Kelly and navigate to the face video and we rewatched the same action but this time from Kelly’s face.

As soon as she hit play she spoke, “Let’s lose these shall we?” As she grabbed my shorts and pulled them down to release my cock to the world.

A fat blob of pre cum leaked out of my dick and quickly proceeded to drip down to join its predecessors and made a bigger pool of clear liquid.

Summer saw the pool grabbed my dick pushing it forward and leaning in to lap up the pool from my groin.

I groaned in ecstasy.

Summer looked at my reaction and spoke, “Say Kelly how would you feel about tying up Gabe?”

Kelly blinked at the question and small slow smiled spread across her lips before she nodded.

She quickly got up releasing my left side.

She moved over to her hiding location where her bondage gear was. She pulled out single cuffs with some rope attached to it.

If it’s one thing I’m learning Kelly was prepared.




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