The Huntress [FF][NC][Bd][Fdom][Tentacles]

“Dwight lookout!” Meg screamed as she pointed to the stunned deer that appeared around the bend. Dwight instinctually pulled the wheel to the left as the car’s tires screeched into the northern California moonlight. The laughter from moments ago turned into screams as the passengers felt a sense of weightlessness as the car fell through the air. Dwight gripped the steering wheel as tight as he could. He closed his eyes and prayed that everything would be ok. If it wasn’t for the pure gut wrenching fear he was experiencing, he could have almost laughed. This was just his luck. He knew it was too good to be true when Meg Thomas, the school’s star track runner, invited him to a Halloween party at her family’s cabin. He didn’t know why she asked him. Maybe this was just another attempt at humiliation, and he would be left naked in the woods again like his work retreat. Although, it was more than likely that it was due to him being one of the few people in their dorm with a vehicle. Dwight was always more cautious than careless. He was close to saying no, but the excited looks of Jake and Claudette changed his mind. Any other night would have been a no, this night just happened to be different. His thoughts were interrupted at the sound of crushing steel, shattering glass, and snapping wood. He felt himself turning over and over like laundry in a dryer. It was ear deafening loud, the pain was overwhelming, but then it was over.

The spackle of the night’s rain slowly tapped onto Dwight’s glasses. He opened his eyes to red trees that sprawled into the night’s sky. With the sudden realization of the seconds before, Dwight gasped as she leaned up from the ground. His hands feverishly swarmed his body, looking for any signs of injury. He let out a sigh as he realized, at the moment, he was fine. Dwight stood from the ground as he adjusted his glasses, taking in his surroundings. The area was surprisingly warm, contrasting with the cool droplets of rain that made their way through the canopy above. This created a thick fog that limited his vision more than a few dozen feet. As he looked around in the surrounding wilderness, the confusion settled in. Where was the car? He wondered. Where was Meg, Claudette, and Jake? Dwight looked up above him into the sky to see if he could get his bearings. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the fog or canopy, but all he saw was darkness. There were no stars or moon, only darkness. With no clear direction, Dwight picked a direction and moved forward.

“Meg…Claudette…Jake, can anyone hear me?” he shouted. He marched deeper into the woods as he turned and shouted. “Guys, anyone, can you hear me?” When Dwight turned back toward the direction he was headed, a blow to the head knocked him to the ground. A metallic tone rang throughout the surrounding area like a single strike of a church bell. Dwight gripped his forehead as he cursed repeatedly until the pain subsided. He cracked one eye open as he looked up at what hit him. From the quick glance, he could tell it was some curved piece of metal. Maybe some kind of sign, he thought. When he was ready, he stood from the ground, taking his time to clean off his glasses before setting them back on his face. His eyes went wide as he looked upon the meat hook that was dangling from a piece of chain. Curiosity got the better of him as he reached out and touched it. It was wet and warm. Dwight’s hands shook as he stared back at the blood that now covered his index and middle finger. He slapped his head with his free hand, which only confirmed one thing, it wasn’t his blood. Dwight’s fear took hold of his voice as he yelped. Without his own acknowledgement, his legs turned and sprinted as fast as he could. It was only then that he could see them. There were similar hooks sprinkled throughout the surrounding forest every twenty feet. “Meg…Claudette…Jake, someone fucking answer me!” Dwight screamed again. He sprinted until a copper taste filled his mouth as he panted for air. His heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest. He gripped the skin around his bruise as it pulsed with each thud of his heartbeat. He leaned into a nearby tree and sat on the thick exposed roots. Why is this happening to me? He wondered. What did I do to deserve this? As he sat there contemplating his situation, he was reminded what his therapist had taught him. He took in deep breaths through his nose and exhaled out through his mouth. He repeated the exercise until the throbbing in his head had eased. He sat there for a few minutes trying to decide what to do next. He couldn’t think of anything, so he resumed his search with his friends. As he stood from the ground, he heard it. Is that singing? He wondered. No, maybe humming? Dwight slowly walked toward the sound that seemed to float on the wind. He was ninety-nine percent sure it was a woman who was humming. However, something about it seemed supernatural. The humming seemed to hang in the air, just a bit longer than what should be normal. Dwight put the thought outside of his mind as his mind focused on his friends. Maybe it’s a local who could help me find Meg, Claudette, and Jake, he thought. Squinting, he could see a large wood cabin off into the distance. As he approached further, he noticed several generators and red sheds nearby. However, he ignored the distractions as his feet carried him closer to the homestead. A large shadowy figure crossed in front of the open window, resulting in Dwight immediately ducking under the opening. He slowly peaked his head over the edge. The giant hovered over a boiling pot in the center of the room. Dwight was in awe at her size. She wasn’t just tall, but her arms and legs had the muscle striations of an Olympic athlete. As she turned, the fire underneath the pot shined upon her clothes. They were filthy, like they hadn’t been washed in months. A familiar feeling of fear trickled its way up Dwight’s back as he came to the realization that the dark black spots on her hands and clothes were not mud or dirt, but dried blood. It was when she moved across the room to reach into a rotted cupboard that Dwight knew he had to get out of there. A dirtied paper mache mask molded into the head of a rabbit concealed her face, but it was her eyes that were truly terrifying. They were completely black with white dots in the center like light reflecting off of fractured pieces of obsidian.

A soft moan further in the cabin pulled Dwight’s attention off of the hulking enigma in front of him. Meg was sitting in a wooden chair with her hands bound in front of her. As the huntress moved to pour more ingredients into her pot, the light shifted in the room to shine upon Meg for the briefest of moments. When it did, Dwight could see that her face had become swollen, not unlike the bruise upon Dwight’s face. The huntress’ humming stopped as she dipped a wooden bowl into the pot. Dwight watched as she grabbed the back of Meg’s hair and forcibly poured the contents down her throat. Meg choked at the unexpected surprise. The huntress only laughed as she turned to place the bowl on a nearby table. Dwight watched as she leaned over Meg and gripped her cheeks together. She turned and twisted her head before doing something that he did not expect. She took in deep breaths along her neck before running her tongue along her face. The huntress chuckled again before standing back up straight and walking out of the room.

This is it, Dwight thought to himself. If I have any chance to save her, I need to get her now. Dwight stood up and placed his hands on the sides of the window and braced himself to climb through, but not before a hand slapped his mouth and pulled him back into the grass. He screamed and began flailing wildly. Jake’s hushed voice was firm and direct.

“Shut the fuck up or you’ll get us both killed.” The two rolled off of each other and sat up on their knees.

“Jake, where have you been, where’s Claudette?” Jake just shook his head.

“I don’t know, we all got split up when that thing started chasing us. Where have you been?” Dwight pointed in back toward the direction he came from.

“I woke up in the middle of nowhere back that way. I was looking for you everywhere and then I came across this cabin.” The huntress’ humming startled them both as they ducked back under the window. The pair peaked in as the huntress returned Meg, sliding the back of her hand along Meg’s cheek. Meg leaned into her hand like a cat showing acknowledging affection. The two stared into each other’s eyes longingly before the huntress pulled Meg up by her wrists and threw her over her shoulder. Meg let out a giggle as the huntress carried her out of the room.

“Why is Meg acting like that, and where is she taking her?” Dwight whispered.

“How the hell should I know?” Jake retorted. The two crouched along the edge of the cabin as they followed the huntress’ heavy footsteps. They crossed an open pathway and hid behind a pile of chest high logs. They sucked in their breath as the huntress approached one of the many meat hooks scattered throughout the forest. However, they let out a sigh of relief as the huntress hung Meg by her wrists. Meg bit her lip seductively as she looked up at the huntress. The huntress grabbed Meg’s legs and wrapped them above her waist as the two began with an embrace. Dwight and Jake watched in confusion as the two wrapped their lips and twisted their tongues like twin snakes performing a mating ritual. The huntress’ hands covered every inch of Meg’s body as the two made every effort to stay locked together. After a few minutes of foreplay, the huntress slid her hatchet from her holster and dragged it along Meg’s pants, splitting them expertly like a chef fileting a fish. When she reached the end, the huntress ripped the remaining threads leaving Meg’s lower half completely exposed. The two melded into each other once more as the huntress slid her hand down below Meg’s waist. She let out a moan as the huntress’ hands rubbed between her legs, using her thick hands to cover every inch of her. Meg let out a foggy breath into the wet cool air as the huntress entered her. Steam lifted off of the huntress’ body as the two built up a hurried tempo. Over and over the huntress thrusted her hand into Meg, gripping her other around her neck. Dwight and Jake could hear the approaching climax as Meg’s breaths became more rapid. In the ultimate moments, the huntress pulled Meg’s head into hers for one last embrace. A shower of lust sprayed the ground underneath Meg, filling the air with a sweet smell. The huntress took a step away from Meg as she suckled on her own two fingers.

Dwight and Jake leaned onto the logs as they felt the earth beneath them shake. They looked at each other, wide eyed, as a deep vociferation seemed to resonate all around them. The two slapped their hands across their mouths as they watched a plume of black smoke spew from the ground underneath Meg, giving way to a flurry of black spined hooks and tentacles. Twin tentacles slid up and around Meg’s legs before reaching the edge of her lower lips. Meg widened her knees as a signal of invitation toward the entity. She let out soft whimpers as the entity pressed and prodded the exterior of her clit. Back and forth it slid between her lips, glistening in the darkness as it became damp with Meg’s ecstasy. Meg’s legs quivered as she shouted into the forest. However, the entity did not take that as a sign of accomplishment, but more so as a sign to continue. It was then, like an unheard conversation, that the tentacles pointed toward the huntress and then slid back toward Meg. Like a soldier following orders, the huntress moved to cut Meg’s bindings as the entity pressed its two tentacles into Meg. A separate tentacle rose to replace the bindings that held Meg’s hands overhead. She panted as the tentacles plunged deep into her with an animalistic fervor. Jake and Dwight watched as Meg slipped underneath the black smoke, only leaving behind the trailing aroma of her excess. The huntress turned and disappeared into the fog, her ominous hum fading off into the distance.



  1. Hi all, this is my first time writing this type of content. I wanted to do something a little more spoopy for Halloween. I have ideas for the rest of the crew if this is good enough for this sub. I hope you all enjoy!

  2. I swear this shits great. It reads like horror movie, but it’s still greatly erotic

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