Doctor Janus – A Black Tech Chronicle [M/F, Scifi, Breast Growth, Non-Con]

As the star ship “Zephyr” pulled away from Star base 2375 a lone figure clung to the underside of the ship. Secured by magnetic gloves and boots the figure hid where no one on the observation or operation decks would see. The small figure would have been hard to see against the dark hill of the ship even in line of sight but unless a shuttle passed under the Zephyr and happened to be looking up there was no way to see the solitary figure.

As the ship pulled out of visual range of the station making it’s way out of the solar system at sunlight to prepare to jump the figure made it’s way carefully over the surface of the hull slowly and carefully heading for the rear port airlock.

Upon reaching the airlock the figure withdrew a device from a utility belt and pressed the advanced looking box to the control panel. With a small jerk it adhered to the panel magnetically making BO sound in the vacuum of space. Micro plasma torched carefully cut into the panel and nanowires slid into the controls probing the inner workings of the machine. After a few minutes of waiting the device signaled that it had overridden safeties and bypass the sensors that would alert the bridge.

Cycling the outer door the figure slipped inside the airlock and sealed the door once more. The airlock began its pressurization cycle as the figure watched the readouts. When the airlock showed 1G and 1 atmosphere of pressure as well as the correct mix for human survival the controls blinked green.

With a sigh of relief the figure pressed a button and the heads up display inside the helmet powered down before the helmet itself collapsed back into the rest of the suit. Drawing in a deep lungful of air the dark haired human woman tried to peer through the airlock view port to see if anyone was in the adjoining hallway. Her crystal green eyes looked out from a beautiful oval face and her lips were drawn tight with tension and concentration.

“This is Alliance Agent XS-00966835 Kirie Devienne beginning infiltration of the ship designated Zephyr,” She spoke quietly into her personal log. “I have reason to suspect this ship is using a false transponder and is actually the ship known as the “Kirke” if this is the case Galactic Fugitive 000753 may be aboard. It is my intent to subdue the crew and apprehend him before he can leave the system.”

The inner door unlocked and she silenced her comm and shut off the log. The details of her suspicions were already filed in her report. Kirie had seen a number of odd visitors to the ship over the past week it had spent at the station. Several who had no reason to be visiting and staying aboard a merchant vessel for hours. When questioned they had said they were looking to potentially invest but had found it to not be worth the risk. Still Kirie suspected that they had instead met with 000753, alias Dr. Janus.

Slipping her service blaster from her holster and making sure it was set to stun she began to quietly make her way toward the bridge. If she could secure control of the ship first it would be much easier to apprehend the black market doctor. Arriving at the door Kirie pressed the hacking box to the panel once more.

However, before Kirie could even register the clunk of the device securing itself she heard the whine of a blaster charging. She wheeled just in time to see a pinkish blur behind her and a flash. A woman’s voice with a strange inhuman accent said “Good night.” Right before Kirie blacked out.

An unknown time later Kirie awoke strapped to an exam table titled at a 45 degree angle. She was inside of what looked like a mix between a surgery and a mad scientist’s lab. As her fuzzy head began to clear she realized she had been stripped of nearly all her possessions. All that remained was her skin suit, closely hugging her curves.

A brown haired man with white streaks at his temples studied her with a clinical eye. She recognized him from his files and despite being nearly twice her age he looked like he could have been younger than her. Kirie pulled with all her might against the bonds.

“So nice of you to rejoin us, Agent Devienne.” Dr. Janus said with a grin. “I apologize for the accommodations but stowaways are not tolerated on my ship.”

“Let me go!” Kirie shouted. “Detaining an Alliance Agent is a serious crime! You are already wanted for several gene crimes and the use of black tech. Adding this to your record will just make things worse!”

“I disagree,” Dr. Janus said with a smirk. “Honestly due to the severe nature of my so called “crimes” detaining you is a minor blip on the radar.”

Janus shrugged and walked closer to her a bio glove strapped to his right hand. The glove was usually used by doctors and could contain any number of biological, chemical, or technological injections as well as holding a large number of nano probe tendrils. A holy of fear went through Kirie. What was in this one, she had heard stories… and few of them were pleasant.

“Also I intend to let you go,” Janus said as he looked her up and down. She was slender, athletic, her small A cup breasts pressed flat by her skin suit, her butt however was more rounded and gave a nice curve. “After you are taught a lesson of course.”

“You sick freak what are… Ah!” Kirie cried out as Janus pressed his gloved hand to her neck. A warmth began to spread in her veins. “How did you…”

“Know you were here?” Janus finished her thought. “Nanites in the air, provide tracking for all biological lifeforms entering the ship. Black tech of course but you already know I don’t care about the legality of such tech.”

Janus reached down to her collar. Touching the skin suit controls she felt a sudden surge of shame and embarrassment as the smart cloth retracted into the slender metal of the collar. Soon she was nude still strapped to the Doctor’s table. He admired her naked form.

“Beautiful,” Janus said with genuine admiration. “But I have been waiting to try some new things and you have volunteered…”

Lowering his hand from her neck Kirie watched as the Doctor softly squeezed her left breast. His hand felt so warm on the small mound of her flesh and she surprised herself when she felt a strange flush through her flesh as her nipple hardened beneath his caress. She shook her head trying to fight the growing fuzziness. Then two probes snaked out of the bio glove. Their ends were thin flexible needles and she yelped in surprise as the y found the end of her nipple and painlessly slid inside. The tendrils either grew thicker or the thin portion was going deeper as it soon looked like she had two small thin hoses entering her breast. As the Doctor adjusted his hand a green liquid flowed through the first tube and a dark purple through the other.

Unable to form coherent sentences Kirie watched as the bio glove delivered the full dose of each liquid. The tendrils withdrew and the doctor moved to her other breast. Repeating the process Kirie again felt the slender needle like tendrils slip into the soft and sensitive flesh of her nipple and breast.

“W-what a-are…” Kirie stammered finally able to form a few words through the warm fog her thoughts had become.

“Oh, well the first injection is a bio mutagen that should change your skin and tissue on a genetic level.” Janus explained calmly as if this was routine, and perhaps for him it was. “The second is a concentrated nutrient injection as your body will need the fuel for the mutagen.”

Kirie looked horrified, a mutagen? Altering her genetics? What was this monster doing to her. Suddenly a warmth built in her left breast and her dog filled brain watched in fascinated horror as her flesh began to pulse and swell

At first she thought it was just the sheer amount of liquid adding to the volume of her slight chest but when the left breast outgrew the right there was clearly something else going on. Her right breast began to experience the same and she watched as each breast grew in pulsing spurts until she could feel a new weight hanging from her chest. Without measuring she would have guessed she now had full C cups.

“Ah!” Kirie cried out in pleasure when Janus gave her freshly grown tits a squeeze. The newly grown nerve endings seemed more plentiful and sensitive than before and her hard nipples stuck out proudly from her enhanced breasts. “You… sick…”

Chapter 1 – Part 2 to follow.


1 comment

  1. Janus just shrugged as the fuzzy brained woman tried to insult him. He reached down and rubbed between her legs running his fingers through her pubic hair. He found her surprisingly wet beneath that patch of fur and stroked her swollen lips a moment before looking at her.


    “Just two more injections and then you are free to go.” Janus promised as he smiled at the addled Agent. “The first should cause most if not all of your hair below your waist to fall out permanently. Though I will say I’ve used this on Arktacians but not humans yet. Virtual projections do look good though…”


    Kirie tried too look horrified by even the breeze from the air recycler caressing her newly grown naked breasts was too distracting. She ended up smiling humbly instead.


    “And the other…” Janus grinned. “That one is new quantum nanotech, and I’ll let you discover what it does.”


    Again two probes extended from the bio glove, the first snaking down toward her clit, the thin needle puncturing that sensitive nub painlessly, the other split into six smaller tendrils and punctured her flesh on either side of her belly button, on her waist, and down her thighs symmetrically. After a moment of doing their work the tendrils retracted and Janus removed the glove securing it in a compartment in the wall.


    Doctor Janus monitored her for a while, studying readouts and charts and Kirie found herself wishing he would do more than just watch. Her breasts felt amazing even with so little stimulation and whatever he had done between her legs had her clit throbbing for attention. Still Kirie’s pride wouldn’t let her tell him she wanted his attention. But as time progressed she found her urge deepening.. She needed to cum, and began to trash against the bounds I some effort to stimulate her needy flesh.


    “Ah looks like you are ready to be released.” Doctor Janis said with a grin. “If you promise to behave I’ll let you down.”


    “I will.” Kirie panted out. A part of her wanted to push a hand between her thighs as soon as she was free and punish her needy clit while another part wanted to jump and subdue Doctor Janus. As he undid her bonds she wasn’t sure which would win.


    Fully released Kirie rubbed her wrists and mind and body warred over the options. Finally Agent Devienne tackled Doctor Janus, knocking him to the floor and straddling him with her nude form. She pinned his wrists to control him but even as she thought about bringing him in something distracted her. A large, hard bulge rested against her bare and dripping cunt. Doctor Janus’ erect cock was straining his pants and pressing against her over sensitive and aroused flesh. Kirie found her hips moving in an involuntary circle as she ground her bare cunt against his clothed cock. Finally she l I’m t out a moan of intense please and gasped in surprise.


    Kirie released the Doctor’s hands and one shot to the back of her head and pulled her down into an impassioned kiss. She found herself returning it, her tongue caressing the fugitives even as her hands seemed to move on their own reaching between her legs to unbuckle the Doctor’s pants and get his hard cock out into the air. Breaking the kiss she shifted back and looked down. His throbbing erection was massive compared to any of her previous partners. She could only imagine the painfully full feeling it would give her, but suddenly she realized she wanted, no needed, that feeling. Grinding her sopping cunt against the huge pussy pleader she soaked it with her own juices. Then lifting her hips she positioned him and sank down on the monster of a cock. Kirie climaxed immediately as the tight full feeling briefly became her whole world. When his hands found her new grown tits and squeezed their new fullness she came crashing back to reality.


    As his hips bucked up towards her Kirie realized she needed more

    She bounced, sliding up and down the massive shaft filling her sensitive cunt. She imagined she could feel each pulse and throb in the veins of his cock as her pussy was stretched tight around him. Her clit throbbed and when he reached between her legs to rub it she came so hard she felt like she blacked out. When Kirie came back to her senses she was feeling a pumping warmth flooding her unprotected cunt.


    When Doctor Janus launched Kirie in an escape pod she was still lying exhausted on the floor of the pod. Her body numb from the two massive climaxes. As she recovered her fingers caressed her sensitive tits, and eventually found her way between her thighs. When they came away sticky she inspected them seeing the white gobs of leftover cum on her fingertips. In a sudden moment of irresistible compulsion she brought them to her lips and licked them to taste the fluid.


    Hours later when her pod was picked up they found Agent Devienne pumping her fingers deep in her own pussy. She was pushing her fingers deep inside rabidly coaxing out every drop of the creamy liquid and eating it from her fingers, desperate to consume it all. Meanwhile, far out past the edge of the solar system, the Kirke jumped to hyperspace.

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