Sensational Swim [MF]

I came up for breath, the cool water dripping off my goggles as I looked ahead, my target in sight. I was speed swimming, trying to finish each lap as fast as possible, that was when she caught my eye.

It was an ordinary weekday and I had booked a slot to swim during my lunch hour as I worked-from-home. The sun was beating down and it was about 11am. The water was clear and the pool capacity was just enough for each person to have a lane to themselves. I chose one and started swimming, trying to beat my previous timings for each lap.

The lane beside me was empty for the first two laps, until you slipped quietly into the pool without me realizing until we were facing each other head on in the lane. You were wearing a black one-piece swimsuit with dark green streaks. The cutting at your neckline was a straight cut just slightly below your collarbone, enough to show some skin, but not enough to reveal much cleavage. Modest, I thought to myself. The bottom part of the swimsuit however, was the usual V cut, wide enough to cover up your lady parts, but showing off your curves on your behind. I didn’t think much about you and continued my swim, still trying to focus on cutting my timing.

It wasn’t until my 8th lap that you started to get closer. I was already nearly up against the swimming barrier to my right and you had a full lane to swim, yet you were half into my lane as we swam towards each other. Our timings for breathing synchronized and as our heads went down and our legs pushing off, our eyes locked for a second before we both returned to focusing on our form. As you swam past, I couldn’t help but look at you again, trying to catch a glimpse down your modest swimsuit in hopes of seeing more cleavage. That was when my hand accidentally brushed against your knee.

I immediately drew my hand away, embarrassed that I had accidentally touched you. But the feeling of your skin on my fingers lingered and my thoughts started to run wild. We had no opportunities to talk as you were always opposite me and we were constantly swimming against each other. I thought you would avoid me after the accidental contact, but yet you continued swimming close to me, I even had to stop abruptly once, if not my hand would have grazed your ass.

It happened again on lap 12 and my palm went flat up against your shoulder. I was certainly enjoying the “accidental” contact that was happening between us, and it seemed that you were enjoying it as well. I reached my end of the pool and decided to take a short break. You continued on and started to approach me slowly when I decided to give you a little tease. I pulled up my tights under the water in hopes of making my bulge all the more obvious. I may have even brushed my hand over my semi-hard cock while you were under the water.

This teasing went on for the next few laps and you did not seem to mind. I was finishing my 18th lap when you finally stopped at the end. As I swam slowly towards you, I managed to observe your tanned and muscular legs. Curvy, I thought to myself. That was when you started to stretch, raising your knee up and away, spreading your legs for me as I approached you slowly. I almost choked on the pool water as I came up for breath. As my head went down again, you adjusted your swimsuit and pulled at the crotch area, making it tighter and accentuating your lips. I ended up right beside you and came up for air.

I looked at you and you smiled shyly. You then turned towards the edge of the pool and lifted yourself out of the water, not sure if it was my imagination but your ass definitely perked out more than it needed to. You started walking towards the changing room and my instincts called me to follow.

To be continued. I’d appreciate any feedback on how I could write better/suggestions!


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