Taken by the Werewomen – Chapter 1 [Femdom] [Fantasy] [Werewolf] [Bondage] [Teasing] [No Sex] [Slight Horror/Suspense?] [Kissing]

A werewolf hunter in training, Elias had never actually fought a werewolf before. Having just turned twenty-two it was finally time for him to venture off and fulfill his dreams of adventure and monster slaying. These lands were plagued by these monstrous beasts and he would hunt them all down, just as his Father did before him. His closest friend, Lisbeth, was often downtrodden by his dreams. She was a beautiful woman, a couple years older than him, having known her all his life. Deep down he was attracted to her, but was always uncertain if she felt the same. They were such good friends anyways. And Elias knew he had a responsibility to the world.

“Don’t do this,” she said one night. Her trembling hands held his arm. Elias turned and admire her. Tall, about six feet, a mane of fiery red hair was traveled far down her back. Her emerald eyes gleamed in the bright moonlight. “It’s a full moon. It’s so dangerous.”

Elias took her hands. Then hugged her tight. “I need to do this. My Father died fighting creatures of the night.” She squeezed him. “I need to follow in his footsteps. The world needs warriors.”

“I’ll be waiting for you,” she said.

Then, without another word, Elias left his hometown, crossbow strapped around his shoulder, a blade at his hip and a pack full of supplies.


It wasn’t long until he found trouble. Just as Lisbeth said, it was a full moon. Elias trembled, hearing the howls, the high pitched screams emanating from the deep woods. He was miles away from town now, finding somewhere to set up camp, pitch a tent and wrap up in his sleeping roll. But he was about to find danger, no doubt. Werewolves could smell Humans a mile away.

He loaded his crossbow with a large bolt and readied himself, trekking forward.

Until he spotted red eyes in the distance.


Then, an explosion of noise. Elias tumbled, avoiding the pounce of an unknown beast. He turned to fire and the crossbow sunk into the creature’s back. It shrieked and howled — not good, crying out for help. It was a Werewolf for sure. A large one. And the bolt seemed to do little despite the pain. He quickly loaded another bolt and fired upon another pouncing attacker. Missed. Spun and dodged the coming attack and drew his sword.

Elias slashed away at the incoming claws of the second Werewolf.

And then, suddenly, panic and fear struck him. Eyes surrounded him now. So many red eyes.

Wait… this wasn’t right. He had trained for years. He was ready for this.

So, when he fired and a Werewolf swiped away, smashing his crossbow into bits, he sputtered in confusion. When his sword was knocked away, he screamed, fell, and backed away from the pack of Werewolves slowly approaching him. No way… he was better than this. But… these beasts were massive. Seven feet tall at least, claws like knives, their teeth so perfectly sharp and long. Some neared him on all fours. Others sauntered on their hind legs. All of them snarling and drooling. All ten of them.

Elias shook and teared up. Well, at least he tried. At least he lived a good life, working hard and was able to say goodbye to his closest friend before leaving.

He closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

And his fate was being snatched up by one of them and carried away. Through all of it, Elias kept his eyes closed, falling into unconsciousness, the fear and exhaustion overtaking him.

But the last thing he saw, when he opened his eyes for the last time, was the Werewolf who carried him, looking down at him. With bright emerald eyes and fur burning red like fire.

– – –

He slowly awoke, realizing he couldn’t move his body. It was still the middle of the night and he could feel heat on him. He blinked away blurry vision and heard the sounds of howling, drums, and excited cries. They sounded like women. He finally could see a huge bonfire and he appeared to be in the middle of a camp of some kind. Women, so many of them, danced around the fire, howling, yelping, stomping their feet to the sounds of other women slamming their palms down on drums of varying sizes.

“Wh…” Elias couldn’t speak. He felt so tired. As his eyes trailed away from the festivities he was met with another sight completely. This was no camp. There were lines of tents and small homes built of wood and stone all around him. Like this was some kind of village. So many women walked through this large opening in the trees, the ground all grass with pathways made of dirt or stone. This fire circle was away from most of the tents and constructs.

And Elias wasn’t the only man there.

To his left were three other men tied to wooden posts much like he was. He, as well as all of them, were kneeling, wrists behind their backs. Two were about his age, with the third being about a decade older maybe. It was only when he noticed the men were shirtless that Elias felt the cold on his own bare torso.

“Hey,” Elias whispered to one of the men. “Hey! You alive over there?”

“Hm?” To Elias’ surprise the man next to him looked over, seemingly nonchalant and raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”

Elias looked at him horrified, as if their situation was obvious. “What the hell is happening here?”

The man tilted his head. “We’re waiting to be taken, of course.”

“The hell do you mean, *taken*?”

The man seemed taken aback. “The hell do *you* mean? We’ve all been selected by our villages as gifts to the Werewomen.” He grinned and leaned back against the post. “To be their toys forever. Gods, I’m so glad I was chosen.”

Elias tugged at the ropes, no longer whispering, but still quieter than the women celebrating. “I wasn’t chosen for anything! I was taken here! By… by beasts! Werewolves!”

“Ah, then one of these women clearly took a liking to you!” The man laughed. “Take it easy, guy. Spending the rest of your life being a pleasure pet isn’t so bad.”

Elias’ heart sank. Did he just hear him correctly? His vision began to blur again in panic. He tugged and writhed beneath the ropes that kept his arms behind his back to no avail. The knots were rock hard. When he looked up again he noticed something else about the women who walked around the camp. Some of them had men on leashes, having them crawl on hands and knees behind them. There were already men here, owned by these strange women. These women who… were apparently the Werewolves who took him.

And much to his horror, the drumming stopped. The women’s laughter died down — they wobbled and leaned on each other, some in hysterics, others seemingly tipsy, holding stone cups of what could have been alcohol. Elias watched them all look over at him and the others. And approach.

“Hello males,” said one of them, sparking more laughter among the group. There were a dozen, sauntering over. Elias followed their actions.

One leapt, inhumanly and crouched before the man next to him. “This one’s mine!” She felt and admired him. The man seemed to enjoy himself, strangely enough. “Right? I’m the one who took him.”

“That’s right,” a sultry voice came from one of the tallest of the group. Her skin was a beautiful ocher. She had her eyes on Elias.

“Yay,” said the other Werewoman and she pressed her face against the captive man, kissing him deeply. “I’m going to use you as a chewtoy all night long,” she breathed, kissing him harder.

Other women approached the two other men, looking down at them. Some of them toyed with them using their feet, or kneeling down to do who-knows-what, as Elias could no longer see the others. The woman who had her eyes on him stopped right before him and grinned. All the women wore very little clothing, all of it made of brown cloth. Some were wraps around their bodies. Some only wore loincloths, completely topless. This one wore a two piece set of similar colored cloth, wraps around her chest and hips. Her hair was long, dark and braided. Dark tufts of hair covered the tops of her wrists, the tops of her feet. Her legs and arms held some hair, as did the other women, all of them completely natural in their bodies, but contained some stylized tufts of hair that was very feral-like.

Elias was struck by facing her body. It was an animalistic desire that suddenly overtook him — he no longer cared for his safety. He only focused on this woman’s incredible body. Curves. Height. She was fit and full. And never in his life had he been so turned on by a woman who didn’t keep her skin completely bare. Something about the natural feralness of her and the others struck him in a strange way he had never experienced with other women.

The woman pressed her bare foot down into his crotch and Elias writhed. He looked back up at her sharp, judging eyes.

“This one is seemingly out of place,” she smiled. Other women approached, giggling, some slender and gentle-looking, others tough and fit and looking like they wanted to bite his head off. She pushed and pushed against his growing erection in his trousers. “He’s just as hard as the others though.” All of them laughed. Elias blushed.

“He hasn’t been selected as a gift,” spoke a woman who knelt down to his left, smelling his hair. “Mmmm, I can smell his strength. His heart. This one’s a good boy,” she sighed, licking his cheek.

Elias shivered. Speaking of *smelling* there was something in the air he could smell. It was them… something he couldn’t place. IT was a scent that allured him. Purely woman. Sweet yet Earthy. Another crouched down and forced his face toward her, giving him a hard look.

“He looks alright,” she said. “What does she see in him, though? My pet is cuter than this male.”

The woman who stood before him lifted her foot and forced it into his face. It smelled of the wet grass. She blushed and smiled, tingling at the feeling of teasing new blood. “I think he’s adorable. She better share him.”

Elias tried to turn and move but she kept moving her foot so it pressed hard and smothered him. She pulled away and pressed hard into his face again and again. The others took a liking to it and joined in, all of them taking turns, laughing, practically stomping his head into the wood pillar he was tied to. They were all so strong. Some of them stepped into his erection. Elias was swirling. He could hear women kissing and playing with the other men. And he was stuck, enduring this humiliating treatment.

The women became riled. The tall one who had approached him initially stepped close and spread her legs, gripping a tuft of his hair. All he could see was her hips — all he could see was the softness, wrapped in cloth between her legs. He could smell her, that pure, womanly smell.

“How does it look, male? Do you want it?”

Elias found himself lost in gazing upon her clothed pussy. Something about the smell… being so close to a woman’s hips…

“Turn this way!” Another woman pulled his head toward her, who was lifted her loincloth for him to stare at her bare sex. The scent was stronger. Elias was becoming so hard. Saliva pooled inside his mouth.

“Over here!”

“Ha! Now look at me!”

Women pulled him this way and that, crowding him, making him stare between their legs. They pulled him by the hair and got real close to him.

And then the tall woman who started his teasing turned him toward her again and thrust her hips forward. Her moans were loud but sweet and Elias was suddenly filled with her scent and taste. “Ah! How does it taste, male?”

Elias’ nose and mouth pushed against her pussy, pressed through the cloth. All was warm and damp. Then, the cold of the air as another approached and pressed their pussy into him as well. One after another. They cooed and moaned, rubbing their pussies into his face, standing over his kneeling body.

As Elias was turned, to and fro, being forced in between the legs of these strangely gorgeous women, he couldn’t decide if he was cursed or blessed. He had never been harder in his life. He had never experienced such a thing.

And then there was a loud growl. It made him jump. It boomed, purely animal, and he knew there was another Werewolf upon them — another Werewoman, in her beastly form. But as the women pulled away, Elias only saw a familiar figure approaching them.

It was Lisbeth.

He smiled wide, hardly believing it. Then, he panicked. No, she couldn’t worry about his safety. She had to —

“Lisbeth! Run away!” He tugged at the restraints and all the women stared at him. “What are you doing here?! Get away from them!”

A moment of silence.

And then everyone burst out laughing. The women leaned into each other, cackling, all of them in hysterics.

Even Lisbeth laughed, placing her hand to her mouth, trying to stifle it but couldn’t help it. She was blushing so much. And Elias was now too.

Was she…?

No way…

“Lisbeth… what is going on…”

The other women smiled and look down at him, leaning forward, pressing their palms into their legs.

“Awwww,” they said, “What a good Human.”

They smirked and cooed at him.

“He cares so much about you!”

“Ah, what a cutie!”

Elias looked to each of them. Then his eyes fell upon Lisbeth. She didn’t look like the others. She seemed… taller. She was always tall but now she stood around six and a half feet like the rest… What on Earth? She was dressed in what looked like a white gown. Flowers all in her long red hair. She looked incredible. Her skin was bare, her body not as feral as the others. So she couldn’t be a Werewoman like them. Right?

She stepped closer to Elias, smiling down at him. Her eyes seemed to be aflame, though it was a green fire.


“Elias…” She stepped close. Stepped over him and sat down upon him, nice and slow. Elias was shivering, staring right into her eyes. Her face was so red, her lips trembling. He was self conscious about how hard he was beneath her and much to his embarrassment she blushed even harder, looking down… moving her hips just a bit… closing her eyes… then opened them, staring right into his soul. “You’re so hard…”

Elias swallowed. His entire body shook but he couldn’t be more hot.

And then, Lisbeth caressed his cheek. Breathed heavily. Then leaned in to kiss him. Elias’ eyes went wide as her tongue slipped into his mouth. She smelled even stronger of the unidentifiable scent. Such softness. Pressed up against her beautiful soft face. Elias found his eyes rolling back, her kiss so wonderful, so delicious. Her tongue went so deep. And suddenly she was moving on top of him. Making the sweetest sounds he had ever heard. As his tongue explored her he also noticed her sharp teeth. He opened his eyes and when he did, she pulled away, only a millimeter or so, and was staring right into his eyes.

He became lost in them. She spoke to him. Her gorgeous face, eyes and voice becoming his entire world.

“You’re finally mine, Elias. I’ve waited so long for this.”

He was so pleasantly warm beneath her. He could hear the other men being toyed with sadistically around him, but Lisbeth was being so gentle. Holding him, kissing him, making him feel safe.

“Lisbeth, what is happening…”

She kissed him again and again. “I will tell you soon,” she said. “But not here.”

Lisbeth stood up, with her seemingly mighty strength she untied the knots that kept Elias bound. Elias didn’t want to run away. He wanted to be with her. He couldn’t explain why. And soon, she retied his wrist in front of him. Leaning against her, his head only reached her shoulder. Never before had she been this tall. Never before had she looked or smelled so good.

“Aw, you’ve completely mesmerized him,” spoke a woman. Elias looked about, seeing the women stand and surround them.

“We don’t get to play with him?” spoke another.

Elias stumbled but steadied himself, noticing Lisbeth had him on a leash of sorts, leading from his bound wrists. He was only a step away from becoming the crawling men he had seen before. Then, he heard Lisbeth say, “I’ll think about letting you play with him. For tonight… for the time being… he’s all mine.”

“Have fun, Lisbeth,” grinned the tall woman who stepped on him.

Women told her to have a good night. Lisbeth looked back at them as did Elias and saw them lifting the men to their feet, bringing them away. “Same to you.” She grinned. Gave Elias a look. Then guided him along.

*I’ve wanted to write a horror-esque erotica story all month but just couldn’t figure out what to write! This might not be exactly horror but I think it has the October feel! And Fantasy is fun. So here’s 1 of 3 chapters I’ll be posting for the remainder of this month. I hope everyone has been well.* :)

*I’m always conflicted posting a story or chapter that doesn’t feature “sex”. But teasing, temptation and being in an erotic scenario is really the same thing for me when it comes to erotica. So I do hope you enjoy this first chapter.*

*If you liked what you read, consider purchasing an erotica story from me on Amazon if you want more, longer femdom erotica short stories. Jane Woodfield is the name* :)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jklx93/taken_by_the_werewomen_chapter_1_femdom_fantasy