Step Sister Corruption Part 24 – Day 2 The FWB is back (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I got downstairs and started searching around for something that was sturdy enough and tall enough to hold the cameras at appropriate heights.

Kelly really needs to invest in mounts and other things for her new cameras.

I kind of wondered how she could afford such lavishes but with our current allowance for doing all the videos for our various channels that question seemed dumb in comparison.

If it was anything like my allowance then she could afford all that and then some so dropping a little over 3k was in retrospect nothing. And the fact she did a shit ton more videos than me and that I knew daddy gave her a bigger allowance because of that made my thinking a mute point.

Still I looked around.

I didn’t want to leave Kelly just standing there with a vibrator shoved up her on low for too long or I’d come back to either two scenarios. One was she definitely broke the new rule of not moving just laying there in a heap in a literal puddle of her own juices completely too sensitive for anything else meaning sex was out the window until she wasn’t so sensitive. Or two she remained upright…..somehow but she was too sensitive for anything other than laying down and sleeping until her insides were ready again.

Either way I needed to hurry.

Maybe I was looking at this at the wrong angle. I didn’t need anything in the house. What I was really looking for we already had in the studio. We had multiple mounts and tripods for cameras already there.

I smacked my head for being dumb. Duh Gabe.

I made a quick stroll towards the studio so that if mom, mainly dad, watched the video it didn’t look obvious that I was in a rush.

I got about half way to the studio when I heard a car coming up.

My instant thought made me think that the rents were home early and was about to panic. I was ready to bolt into the house, rush upstairs, tell Kel that mom and dad were home, grab their laptop run downstairs and put it in their room before they even got out of the car.

At least that’s what I wanted to do but I was so gripped by fear I turned into a deer looking at head lights.

I mean who else could it be? We didn’t order take out. As far as I knew Summer wasn’t due back until tomorrow. It could only be one of two people who would be pulling up.

One was our parents, which was very highly likely. They’re plane could have got off early or hit everything right getting them home early. They could have lucked out and got their baggage early.

That was very possible.

Then there was the unlikely……Jessica. She could have ignored my little warning and decided to come up. Another possibility.

I was wrong on both fronts.

The car that pulled up at first blinded me but after it turned to park I instantly recognized it……Summer.

Summer was back.

I almost wanted to jump for joy.

Then I remembered she would be teasing me though fun would be very very frustrating.

Summer stopped her car and even in the dark I saw her smile when she saw me as I lightly jogged up.

I got within ear shot and spoke, “I thought you weren’t going to back at all tonight?”

Summer mildly smiled and said, “Yeah well all hell broke loose at home. I’d rather not talk about it. For now do you all mind if I stay for a few days at least until the dust settles?”

I shrugged, “I don’t mind. I doubt Kelly or our parents will mind.”

I was kind of concerned about this new development. I knew Summer had said her mother was being a raging bitch but I had no idea what had just happened. And honestly I didn’t want to kill the mood.

Summer smiled, “Great! Help me get my bags. Where’s our student?”

I nodded my head up towards the third floor.

Summer looked up and got it. She smiled, “Done anything?”

I nodded.

Summer got a big smile, “Can’t wait to see what you two have been up to since I’ve been gone. I’ve tried texting Kelly but she hasn’t answered.”

I nodded and spoke without giving too much away due to the cameras obviously listening to us, “She’s been a little tied up.”

Summer looked at me and gave me a wolffish smile, “Why Gabe I didn’t know you had it in you!”

Summer opened her trunk to reveal four large duffle bags. How in the hell did she have so many bags? And why so many?

I think Summer was planning on staying for more than a few days just from the looks of it.

I still didn’t say anything I just grunted as I picked up the large heavy ass bags.

Summer walked into the house without carrying a single thing while my dumbass carried her fucking heavy ass bags.

What were in these fucking things? Bricks??

I followed Summer up to Kelly’s room to find Summer stopped dead in her tracks looking at Kelly who was still standing exactly where I left her.

I pushed Summer further into Kelly’s room so I could close the door behind me.

Summer just slowly walked up to Kelly.

I in the mean time set Summer’s bags near Kelly’s bed.

After I set the bags down I was able to see Kelly.

Kelly was standing exactly where I left her facing the window where the camera was. A low still could be heard coming from Kelly’s crotch. A small puddle had formed at Kelly’s feet. Her shorts were drenched at the crotch. Her legs were shaking but she still stood upright.

Summer spoke transfixed at Kelly, “What’s going on here?”

Kelly looked at Summer and I her eyes glazed over. A noticeable dent in her lip from biting on her lip but no blood had formed. Her arms still behind her back.

I smiled and said, “Sorry here let me fix that.”

I reached down on the bed grabbing the remote. I pointed it at Kelly and teasingly hit the high button.

Kelly’s eyes widened her legs started shaking more and a low growl heard from Kelly’s throat but didn’t come out.

I laughed, “Shit sorry.” As I hit the off button.

Kelly breathed out a long breath as she tried to stay on her feet.

Summer looked between Kelly and me before she walked up to Kelly, “What’s going on here?”

I smiled, “Go ahead slave answer your friend.”

Summer blinked, “Slave?”

She looked at me, “You made Kelly your slave?”

I scratched my head laughing, “More like stumbled into it.”

Summer smiled. She moved to the bed and sat down. She smiled slowly looking at her friend who blushed a deep crimson as Summer looked at her before Summer looked at me, “Well here I thought you wouldn’t do anything. Making Kelly your slave. You really did something I didn’t think you’d do.”

I held up my finger, “Just hold that thought.”

Summer looked at me confused but watched me as I moved over to the window. Grabbed the camera. Turned off the recording.

Summer immediately spoke, “Wait you recorded it?”

I turned to Summer and smiled a shit eating grin, “This isn’t the only recording.”

Summer held up her hands, “Wait wait. Hold the phone. You’re telling me you recorded fucking Kelly?”

I nodded with a smile.

Summer looked from Kelly who turned her head to hide her blushing. Summer looked to me, “Ok fill me in on what has happened since I left.”

I smiled, “I can do better than that.”

I walked passed Summer and Kelly and was about to go to my room. Summer spoke, “Wait where are you going?”

I stopped before I opened the door, “I’ll be right back.” I looked at Kelly, “Kel could you fill Summer in what has happened and I’ll be right back.”

And I left the room.


1 comment

  1. Omg its so amazing! Is he going to make summer his slave too? What about when his mom comes home? Soooo many questions

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