Birthday Education (lesson 1) [Mf] [Exhibition] [Teen] [Teaching]

M29 Ethan
F19 Jessie


Ethan is 6’1″ 160lbs. Tall and athletic with tattoos scattered across his body and 2 snake bite lip piercings. Hes skinny but not scrawny. Smart, and quick on his feet. People often compliment his rather large vocabulary. Long light brown hair down to the middle of his back. Gorgeous ocean blue eyes and perfect white teeth to compliment a devilish smile that could make a nuns panties melt, with a sense of humor that could make a mime laugh out loud. He has a wonderfully simplistic understated style. The sleeves are always cut off his shirts. It’s less constricting that way. He usually wears a pair of his old blue jeans and has an “I have noone to impress” attitude. He always wears custom black polarized sunglasses, partly because his eyes are super sensitive to light and partly because he can eyefuck the shit out of someone and theyll never know.

Jessie is 5’6″, and maybe 130lbs soaking wet. Shes who you think of when you think “girl next door.” Shes a college freshman and lives a private life, until you get to know her. She has a wild side a mile wide. Long Black hair with streaks of blonde here and there.
In the sun you’ll be mesmerized by her dreamy fierce hazel eyes but when she looks at you indoors, you could drown in the sweet chocolate river that her ever changing eyes become. I don’t know if it’s her voice, or the way we laugh when she she tells stories, but I could listen to her talk for hours. When she was younger she used to do gymnastics, so she’s really flexible. She’s a really high energy person. She always has to be moving or fidgeting with something. She likes to lose control sometimes. She always says “Life’s different when you’ve got nothing to lose.” She has the face and body of a model with the personality of roses. Beautiful to admire and hold but if handled wrong, she’ll stab you. Matching white mani/pedi with long sexy toned legs that go all the way up to her perfect hips and when she turns around, you see an amazing peach shaped ass that you could get lost in for days. She’s slim thiccc, with that wonderful jiggle in all the right places. I don’t think she knows it but the way she walks is like watching the season opener of your favorite show. You just can’t look away. She loves getting dressed up, and when she spins in a circle to show off, she leaves jaws on the floor, heads spinning, and hearts broken. Her perfect neck and collarbone were made to kiss and caress. She hates being called “typical” or “basic.” If she only knew… Shes an instant classic. Everlasting. When she gets in your head, she’s there forever. She’s a timeless memory. Unique. Permanent. Rare. A once in a lifetime catch. The total package and I’m surprised noones scooped her up yet. Oh well, more for me.?


Jessie and I (Ethan) have been good friends for quite a while. We met almost a summer ago while helping a mutual friend through some tough times. She got my number to ask a question about our friend, and we never stopped talking. We became the best of friends really quickly because we always got along so well. With the occasional subtle sexual innuendo here and there, its always fun talking to her. I refuse to break the ice and be the first to admit attraction to her because rejection sucks, and I can sort of tell she feels the same so, it’s been a constant game of who can “accidentally” tease the other better. My favorite sexual joke just so happens to be hers too. We get along perfectly as friends, but there’s always that slight hint of chemistry in the conversation, that hope for “something more.”

*Story starts here*

It’s 11:30 on the Friday night of Jessie’s 19th birthday. It wasn’t an over the top memorable birthday like 16 or 18 or 21, but she had fun nonetheless. A birthday dinner with her parents and a few close friends at her favorite restaurant, then drinks at Sasha’s house with everyone. Dinner was over around 7pm so she hugged her parents goodbye, thanked them for the gifts, and headed for the door. She got a ride back to her house with her friend Chloe so they could get ready for tonight. They made their way to Sasha’s around 8 and immediately started drinking. Jessies glad Sasha is the girl next door because she never had to find a ride or call a cab to get home. She always gets “fucking liiitttt” at Sasha’s. Between the shots and the weed, she was ready to relax so she said goodbye to everyone and stumbled over to her house a little after 11.

My phone broke that morning so I couldn’t call and wish her a happy birthday. Jessies  lying in bed kinda pissy thinking her best friend forgot about her and half assed watching a netflix series when suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. “Who the fuck is at my goddamn door so lateeeee?!” she said under her breath with a slightly drunk, aggravated tone. All the lights are off so the house is dark, and cold. She paused the tv and got the chills as she stood up. She swayed back and forth for a minute to warm up then walked through the hallway, into the pitch black living room, past the office, to the front of the house.

Jessie put her eye up to the peep hole and looked outside but she didn’t see anything so she turned to head back to her room. Just as she turned, she heard what sounded like a claw scratching at the door. She looked through the peephole again but saw nothing so she decided to stand there and wait. A few minutes passed before she heard a glass bottle break on the street and it sounded like a muffled scream. She listened more intently. Suddenly, she clearly heard a girl scream.
She whispered to herself, “Holy fucking shit! That sounds like Sasha!”
Her mind started to run wild. With her heart suddenly racing, her palms sweaty, and goosebumps on the back of her neck she flung the door open expecting to rescue a scared friend from impending doom. As she starts to run out the door, it hits her.

I parked down the block so Jessie didnt see my car and spoil the surprise. I’m sitting on a medium sized black painted wooden chest with a large padlock on the front, while holding three roses and a black squirt gun painted to look real. The roses, one a dark ruby red, one a plain pale white, and one a deep matte black. As soon as she steps outside I squirt her with the water gun to stop her, then I stand up and hold out the roses, still with the thorns. She starts to smile and take the roses as I yell,

“Ow! These fucking things hurt!” she said, interrupting me. She gave me a big tight bear hug, barely lifting me off the ground and shaking me. It felt like she was going to squeeze me in half as my voice got higher and I finished my sentence.
“…..I hope you like your present! But you cant open it until I tell you where the key is….” I said with a sly grin, biting my lower lip afterwards.

Jessie had a really puzzled, questioning look on her face as she tried to make out what was in the chest. She picked it up and shook it as best she could. it sounded like something was rattling around in there. She knocked on it, she turned it over, she even yanked on the lock with no luck. Nothing.
She chuckled as she looked at me and said,
“fuck you dude! What’s in this fuckin thing?” I smiled back at her.
“You.” She looked at me with questioning eyes as I continued.
“You’re gonna be in that fucking thing if you don’t watch your goddamn mouth!” We both laughed.
The key is on the lanyard hanging out of my back pocket. I took the lanyard out and held the key up to show her.
“What you’re searching for is right in front of you” I said, as I waved it at her and winked. She came after me but I ran and she gave up pretty quickly as she remembered.
“Wait, Sasha?!”
“I figured you were over there so I went to see you. She said you just left, so I asked her to help me with a plan and yell like she was being murdered when I texted her. I set it all up.”
“Oh. You little shit!”
She was watching Orange is The New Black in her room. She remembered as she yelled “Piper just saw a fucking chicken,” and ran back inside.

I carried the chest in Jessie’s house and set it next to the door, then I closed the door and walked back to her room. She was sitting on her bed criss cross apple sauce in just a pair of dolphin shorts and a tank top. Her “before bed” clothes. I sat next to her, grabbed the remote, and paused OITNB. She looked at me with a blazing fury, like she wanted to set me on fire. I know her mind was going a mile a minute because I didn’t talk to her at all that day, so I told her how my phone broke this morning. I wanted to ease her mind. I know she had to have been thinking something horrible. Anxiety and insecurities are a motherfucker and nobody deserves either. She said “Thank you for explaining. It means a lot and I appreciate it,” as she slapped my shoulder to distract me and grabbed the remote back.
I stood up to leave and said, “I can tell you’re busy and in a mood, so I’ll let you finish your show.” She was sitting with her arms crossed as I reached across the bed and gave her a big tight bear hug of my own. She was headbutting my shoulder and jokingly exaggerating the fact that she couldn’t breathe or see the TV. I let go and she quickly focused on her show again.

Before I turned to walk away I grabbed both sides of Jessies face and turned her head to look at me.
“I’m leaving. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. If it was a shitshow because you thought I was ghosting you, I’m sorry. You deserve to be happy. My new phone comes tomorrow. Expect an unknown number to call around noon-ish. Byeeeeee. Sleep well. Goodnight Jessie.” She rolled her eyes and I kissed the top of her head as I let go of her. She always hated when I said, “you deserve to be happy.”
Every time she would say, 
“That sounds like a horrible self help book motto.” Before I turned and walked out the door I noticed a smile on her face. That’s what I do it for. Her smile always makes me smile. I got to the front door as I heard her yell through the house to me, “seeing you made this birthday totally worth it. Thank you so much!” I locked the door behind me and walked to my car.

Jessie and I facetimed Saturday afternoon and she told me all about her birthday. How her parents talked to her friends and set up a whole surprise dinner, her dad bought her a huge box of Cheez-Its from Costco (those are her favorite), her mom gave her a pair of earrings she’d been eyeballing and a Visa card with $200 on it “for gas only.” Her friends made her a dick shaped cake with “white cream icing.” She talked about the fancy Italian thing she ate, the cute outfit she wore that day, all the cute boys staring, and how it was a good hair day. “But the most important part of all happened at the very end.”
“what happened at the end?”
“my bessfraannnn surprised me at the end of the night and made my whole birthday better! DUUHHHH!”
She smiled, broke eye contact, and laughed anxiously. I could tell she was nervous talking about how I made her feel. That’s when I decided to take her down the path of no return.

Jessie looked back up at me and said, “So I gotta question.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“You wanna know what’s in the chest?”
“Ohmyfuckinggoddd! YESS-UHHHHH!!”
“Do you agree to follow my rules? You have to agree to do everything I say when I say it, or I’ll take the chest back and go get you a boring basic bitch gift like a fuckin beige throw pillow or something.”
“I don’t know what I’m agreeing to but I trust you so, sure!”
“What do you mean?”
“There is no sure. No maybe. No kinda. No probably. No perhaps. No possibly. It’s only yes or no from now on. Got it!?”
“Yes sir!”
“Good, you’re learning fast already. From now on, you refer to me as Sir. Not Ethan, and not bessfraannnn. Are we clear?”
“Crystal! So do I get to open it now?”
“No! Rules, remember?! This is only the beginning. You’ve just signed up for something thats gonna push your limits. If you follow my directions explicitly, it’ll end in a huge surprise I know you’ll absolutely love and want more of.”
“Please Sir?….”
“……….” She heard nothing but silence. I chose to let her sweat it out so I didn’t reply for a short while, before I broke the silence.
“Next Saturday I want you to look your best. Favorite dress and heels, makeup on point, fingernails and toes done, hair done, everything. You better look and smell mesmerizing. Like a runway model. Then meet me in the parking lot of the biker bar down the street at exactly 8:45. Don’t be late. And if you say anymore about the box or whats in it, I’ll make you wait another week. Got it?”
“Yeaaahhhhhh whatever…….shit. Sorry. Yes Sir.”
Sunday morning Jessie facetimed me again. As soon as the video feed came through, she was practically begging me with her eyes. She desperately wanted to know. but I wouldn’t give in so easily. Or at all. I could tell the suspense was killing her, so I taunted her relentlessly by reminding her about the present she couldn’t open or speak of. “I’m a huge fan of foreshadowing, so I’ve kinda already hinted at what’s to come.”
She got frustrated as I continued, “You’ll understand soon enough. Counting today, only 7 more days. Until then, concentrate on having discipline and following the rules. You’re being a good girl so far.”  She made a long exasperated groan and then smiled at being called a “good girl”  and her frustration seemed to melt away.

Over the next 5 days whenever we had free time, Jessie and I spent it talking to each other. Facetime, text, phone calls, everything. She probably would have sent me official correspondence through the Pony Express when I didn’t reply fast enough if that was an option. It didn’t matter. She was stuck on me. On Saturday morning I decided to let her sweat it out a bit and ignored every one of her calls and texts. Saturday afternoon rolls around and I can tell by the way she’s texting me that she’s having a mini panic attack because I’m not replying. I decide to send her a teaser to reignite her curiosity and occupy her mind.
It’s a selfie. “If you can tell me what I’m wearing, I’ll tell you what’s in the chest.”
She quickly replied, “A shirt? Pants? Socks? Shoes? Cologne? Deogerant?” 
It was a trick question. I just got out of a really hot shower and was cooling off so, I was naked.
“WRONG. Better luck next time.”
“?” was all she replied.
I wanted to test her dedication to this whole thing, so I decided not to reply anymore until later.
If she still shows up, she cares. If she makes an excuse, she’s not really interested.

I kill a few hours by doing what I do best, absolutely nothing. The clock says 6:30 as I grab my keys and head to the biker bar in preparation. I walk in and spot an absolute giant of a man sitting at the bar. “Perfect!” I thought. This man isn’t small by any means, he must have been every bit of 7 feet tall and 300 lbs. I walk up to him and introduce myself. “What’s going on man, I’m Ethan.” He seems nice enough. He said his name’s James but, “these degenerates around here call me Jimmy the Giant.” I chuckle as the movie “James and the Giant Peach” comes to mind.
“What’re ya drinking? Lemme buy you a round.”
“Double shot Jack and Coke. Neat.”
“Bartender. 2 jack and Coke doubles please. No ice.”
Jimmy and I sat and talked over drinks for about an hour. As it turns out the manager owes jimmy “about 20 large” so he decided to take over the bar as a “silent partner.” “Excellent” I thought. Both our glasses are empty as we call for another round.

Our drinks arrive as I explain my situation to this mammoth of a man.
“I’ve got this lady friend, right? She’s a bit on the wild side and she likes to lose control. Were playing a game. She doesn’t know it yet, but by the end of the night shes gonna have every guy in this bar wanting to get in your pocket.”
“I ain’t into that faggot shit man!”
“No ‘faggot shit.’ I swear.”
“So this lady friend. She likes you?”
“Mhm. And I plan on using you as a piece In this game I came up with, if you’re up for it.”
“what do I gotta do?”
“Just make sure she doesn’t get herself into too much trouble and look really mean. I promise you’ll walk away with a great memory.”
“Sure. I guess I’m game. I’ll watch out for her.”
“Thank you so much!” I handed him a $100 bill.
“Drinks on me tonight, I really appreciate it. Thank you. Have a great night.” I stood up to leave when Jimmy stopped me and said, “How will I know when it’s her?”
With a grin I said, “Trust me, you’ll know. Oh, and when I come back, we never had this conversation. We don’t know eachother.” as I walked towards the door.

I got outside and looked at the time just as the sun was about to set. 8:06pm is what the screen on my phone said as it started to ring. I didn’t answer so a few seconds later Jessie texts me.
“Ethan! You’ve been ignoring me all fucking day! Are we still doing the bar thing tonight??!”
I texted back, “You got my name wrong.”
She sent a few more messages as I put my phone in my pocket and walked to my car. My head was pounding so I got in the back seat and laid down for a minute. The next thing I know, I’m opening my eyes as my alarm is going off. It’s 8:35. I get back in the driver’s seat and wait. If she’s coming, she’s gonna be here soon. I look at Jessie’s messages from earlier.
“answer me!”
“Come on Ethan!”
I smiled as I read the last message.
“Shit. I’m sorry. I mean Sir.”
I replied, “Now you’re learning.” it’s 8:44 as I saw her car pull on the lot and stop. She looked around and saw my car as she parked next to me.

I really wasn’t prepared when Jessie got out of her car. She was absolutely magnificent in a tight red dress that went all the way to the ground and hugged her hips and chest so wonderfully. It was split on one side showing off her long sexy thighs and perfect calves wrapped in pantyhose. On the exposed thigh she wore a small thigh purse for her phone and cards. I stared at it for a second.
“What?! It’s convenient!”
“Beauty really must be pain, cause they look sexy, but I know those heels can’t be convenient.”
She had on a pair of black 5 inch peep toe ankle heels and was rocking a matching french mani/pedi. Her perfectly wavy hair went down to her shoulder blades and her hips swayed in the setting sun as she stepped towards me for a hug.
“I didnt think you’d show! You didn’t reply ALL DAY! Dick. Plus, I’m not 21. I can’t drink here. Why are we at a bar?”
“Don’t worry about that. You’ll be okay. I know a guy.” I winked and continued.
“What you should worry about is the fact that you were almost late! AND you got my name wrong again. I think I’m gonna take the chest back. What color throw pillow do you want? Beige is the most boring basic color. You want that one right?”
She scrunched her face, squinted her eyes and stared for a second before relaxing her expression and said “NO! Please dont sir. I need to know!”
“Be good and you get what you want, be bad and you get punished.”
Shes finally catching on because she got a devious smirk on her face as she begged “Please Sir. I’ll be the goodest bad girl ever,” and winked at me.
I smiled back as my eyes perked up and thought, “this is gonna be so much fun.”

Jessie and I stood there for a few minutes embracing the silence and taking eachother in, rejoicing in the fact that the “something more” we’d both been hoping for was impending. As the sun was setting behind me, we were having deep conversations with no words. Her eyes were saying all I needed to know. I let her eyefuck me as I stood there in my dark blue straight legged jeans, a new white V neck t shirt and my favorite sunglasses. I noticed her staring at my crotch so I pulled my pants up all the way to make sure the bulge was visible. As she stood there twirling her hair with her finger she looked at me and said,
“why am I dressed like royalty to go to a biker bar? What the hell are we doing here?” She parked next to me and was leaning on her car as I was leaning on mine listening to her.
“Good girls dont ask questions. They do as they’re told” I replied. I moved over to her and put my right hand behind her head to grab a handful of hair and gently tug it down so she was looking up at the sky. I pulled her close to me as I stared her right in the eyes as she was looking up. I whispered in her ear,
“Let’s go see if you’re a good girl.”
She half sighed half moaned as her knees got weak and she had to pull away to lean against her car again.
“Do you have everything you need?” I said.
“Sure do!”
I stared at her. “RULES!”
“Sorry Sir.”
“That’s better.”
“Now, shall we go in?”
“Yes Sir!”

We walk in the bar and immediately Jessie is the center of attention which is good, because she loves attention. We find a booth close to the corner of the bar next to a pool table.
Jessie loves playing pool, even if she’s not very good. I always welcome a challenge so when she walked up to the table and started rolling the cue back and forth I pulled a $10 bill from my wallet and stood next to her. As she’s admiring all the biker decor strewn across the walls I say,
“What Ethan?”
“I meant Yes, sir?”
“Take this to the bar and get a roll of quarters.”
“Okeeee sir.” She smiled as she disappeared into the crowd of black leather vests and tattoos. She came back with 2 Jack and Cokes in hand.
“…Where’s the quarters? And how’d you get the drinks?” 
“They’re right here and, some big guy named ‘Joe the Giant’ or somethin. He was the nicest mean scary asshole I’ve ever met. We can thank him later.” I smiled as I remembered James and the Giant Peach. She unbuttoned her black leather thigh purse and presented a roll of quarters to me.

Jessie and I sat down at our booth and talked while we finished our drinks. We people watched, gossiped, talked about our days, what we wanted to eat later, how long it took her to get ready, and this rude “Payton bitch” in one of her classes. we talked about everything except the 1 thing I know she wanted to mention. I peeled some paper off the quarter roll and handed her a few.
“Go rack the balls. Tonight, I’m going to dominate you on the table,” I said as I winked. She took the quarters, grinned and walked to get the triangle.
“Hey Sir. You’re not gonna win. Your colors blue though, Right?”
I looked over at her. Apparently every biker within a 5 foot radius of us responded to being called sir because they all stared at her as I said “Why?”
“It’s a surprise!”
“Okay? Yeah it’s blue. Like the sky, just before the sun sets.”
She finished and rolled 2 house sticks on the table then came back and handed me one.
“These 2 are pretty straight. Chalks over there. You break. I’m not that good at it, plus you paid so it’s your table. Until I win!”

I walked up to the table to break as I noticed the blue 2 ball at the top of the triangle. “Aww,” I thought.
My first break was horrendous. No balls dropped in the pocket. The 8 didn’t even move at all but, every other ball was decently scattered.
“It’s your turn Jes. I’ll be right back,” I leaned my stick against the wall in the booth so it wouldn’t fall over as I went outside to go to the boys room. When I came back inside I spotted Jimmy still sitting in the same seat as earlier. “He really does ‘manage’ this place. He’s got his own chair and everything.” I thought. Just then he stood up and turned in a flash. He threw a hard right hook and knocked the guy sitting next to him off his chair. His head made a hollow “thud” sound as it bounced off the floor. Blood was gushing from his mouth as a tooth fell out of his mouth. Jimmy knocked him clean the fuck out with 1 punch.
“Get that piece of shit outta here right fuckin now,” said the bartender. One of the bikers picked this guy up, threw him over his shoulder, and headed towards the door. He opened the door, walked out, and threw the guy up into the air. The guy smacked the ground as the biker yelled “if you come back again, a fuckin ambulance won’t even be able to save you.”

I took the spot at the bar next to Jimmy after the bar died down a bit.
“Barkeep. 2 jack and Cokes please. And a double Jack and Coke neat for my man Jimmy the Giant Tyson over here.”
He looked over and recognized me immediately as I said to him,
“Hey man, nice fuckin punch! What happened back there?”
“Bad blood from a long time ago. He gets brave every once in a while.”
“Well for his sake I hope he never comes back. By the way, thanks for being my wingman back there. ”
“No sweat. Im guessing I picked the right girl?”
“You nailed it.”
“You really weren’t kidding when you said I’d know when I seen her. A girl like that doesn’t come in a place like this too often. She’s fucking sexy. Every guy in here has been talking about ‘the sexy girl in the red dress.’ ”
“That’s why were here. I’m gonna shatter her comfort zone tonight.”
“A girl like that, she should be getting her fucking cervix shattered!”
I smiled. “That’s the plan my friend. We’ll talk again later.”

When I got back to Jessie at the pool table she was leaning against the side and taking selfies for instagram so she didn’t notice me grab my stick and line up my shot. when she spotted me she said, “Took you long enough. I didn’t make anything. Did you see that guy get knocked the fuck out?!?” as I hit a what I call a Lakers combo, knocking the yellow 1 into the purple 4, sinking both.
“You’re stripes. And yeah I saw that. I hope his jaw is okay. He really got laid out. I talked to the guy that hit him. Was that who bought you the drinks? ”
“Yeah! Joey the Giant.”
”Its Jimmy,” I said as I took a scratch shot on purpose and sank the 1 ball.
I picked the cue out of the pocket and held it as I said, “Your turn.”
“Well gimme the ball!”
I stared at her and rolled my eyes.
“uhh, rules? Just for that I’m pocketing the rest of my solids.”
“Fuck” she said, under her breath.
It wasn’t long after that she missed her shot and hit the 8 ball in the corner pocket.
“I knew I was gonna win, but damn Jes. Way to make it easy on me.”
She turned around and started playing with her phone as she said, “I’m not talking to you anymore Sir.”
“Well that’s against the rules, but since you called me Sir without being told, I’ll let you be a brat this time.”

A few more games, drinks, and subtle sexual inuendos later I looked at Jessie. She really seemed to be enjoying herself. I checked the time. 12:45 on the dot.
“Jes, I’ll be right back.” 
I found jimmy still sitting on his barstool.
“Hey man. Shows about to start. Get ready.”
“What am I even waiting for?”
“I can’t tell you, but in 5 minutes I need you to discreetly get everybody to shut the fuck up and listen.”
“That’s it? Uh, okay I guess.”
I said, “Thanks my man,” as I walked back to Jes. She was sitting at the booth on her phone so she didn’t notice me coming as I took the spot next to her.
I said, “So Jes, are you ready to talk about the box now?” As I got closer.
“Does that mean you’re gonna let me talk about it?”
“Nope. Just what I want you to do next.”
I put my hand on her shoulder and slid my other arm around her stomach, pulling her close. She turned her head to face me and we locked eyes. Eyes truly are windows because I could see the curious desire burning deep in her soul. I put my head next to hers and whispered in her ear, “I know you’re wet and horny right now. I can see it in your eyes. I want you to go in the bathroom and make yourself cum. If I can’t hear you, you fail. Dont be scared to be loud. I’ll be by the door listening to see if you do it. I wanna hear you when you cum. Then I want you to take your soaking wet panties off, walk out, hold them above your head like a flag and go hand them to the biggest motherfucker in here. By the looks of it, that’d be Jimmy.”
“But Sir, He scares the shit out of me!”
“Even better. Now go. You’ve got 15 minutes to complete the mission.”

Jessie reluctantly walked towards the bathroom looking back at me a few times, questioning me with her eyes. I walked over to Jimmy and took the stool next to him as she opened the bathroom door. I signaled Jimmy a minute after she got to the bathroom, and Jimmy open hand slapped the bar shaking all the beer mugs and shot glasses as he loudly whispered,
The bar fell silent as everybody looked and wondered. About a minute went by when everyone in the bar heard it. They stared at the ladies room door. Her moans and pants were faint at first but after a minute, she was really getting into it.
“Oh fuckkkk. Oh God. Oh Fuckkkkkkkk.”
Everyone was listening really closely. People’s eyes widened as it became apparent what was happening. The sexy eyecandy is rubbing one out in the bathroom! She got a little louder.
“Fuckshitfuckfuckfuck. Oh my Godddd.”
There wasn’t a single frown to be found in the whole bar.
“Oh. Ohh. Ohhh. Ohhhhh!!!! FUCK MEEE!!”
I looked at Jimmy. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“Ohmygoddd! My pussys gonna cummm.”
“Here it comes,” I thought.
Everyone in the bar was completely in shock and paying attention to the door as her moans slowly got quiter. A few moments later Jes walked out the door to everyone stating at her. I started a slow clap that resulted in her getting a gigantic round of applause. She immediately blushed and held her red thong in the air, turning her head in embarrassment. I don’t know what was more cherry red, her face, or the thong that was dangling from her fingers. The crotch of her lacy g string was 5 shades darker and visibly soaking wet. I watched as she took a deep breath, held her head up and glanced over the bar for Jimmy.
The embarrassment must have faded because as she walked towards him she started her “runway walk.” Shes sexy and she knows it. She’s strutting her stuff. Shes loving the attention. Everybodys eyes are locked on her as she slowly but confidently gets to Jimmy, dangles her drenched panties in his face, openes his vest, and stuffs them in his breast pocket.
She says, “Have fun with that, Jimmy,” as she winks and turns to walk away. She didn’t notice me sitting next to Jimmy the whole time, so after she turned around I slid next to her and put my arm around her shoulder as we both walked towards the door.

“How was that sir? Can I know now?”
“That was fucking great, and you passed the test with flying colors. You just broke the rules though.”
“what do you mean I brooooo..” she was interrupted by a swift hard slap on her ass cheek.
“You asked about the box, but since you did so well on your test I guess we can talk about it. You have 1 question to ask me, and it can’t be ‘what’s in the box?’ ”
She turned her head and thought about it for a few seconds.
“Okay. My question is, what do I have to do to know what’s in the box?”
As she finished the question we arrived at our cars.
“Close your eyes” I said as I slid 2 fingers down the front of her dress and as I got right where her panty line should be she took a deep breath in and started to exhale. I slapped her clit twice really quickly through her dress as her exhale turned into a pained moan.
“It’s Sir. Remember? All you have to do is everything I say. Got it? You’ve gotta be well educated before you can open the box. Now get in my car. Let’s go.”
“Sir wait. I don’t understand. So you’re gonna be like my teacher or something?”
“Exactly. You learn fast. But lets call me an ‘educator’ it sounds cooler. that was lesson 1. Now let’s go.”
As she got in the passenger seat there was a surprise waiting for her.
“Sir, whats this?”
“Its the throw pillow I was gonna give you if you decided to be a boring bitch, but now it’s just a souvenir of a crazy night.”
She smiled as she threw the pillow in the back seat and sat down.
She glanced at me with a smile and said, “I told you i’m not basic.”
Just as we pulled off, I felt her hand creeping up my thigh. As she grabbed ahold of my dick, I let her rub it up and down a few times, but I can’t give in and give her what she wants right off the bat. I said,
“Woah woah woah. Cool your jets Turbo. Don’t get so grabby. Let go of my dick.”
She let go as a frown covered her face and she looked out the window.
I tried to cheer her up as I said, “Don’t get sad on me now. Everything I say, remember?”
She continued looking out the window and frowning, so I reached over and put my hand on her knee. She locked eyes with me and I slowly slid my hand up the slit in her dress. I stopped to rub her thigh for a few seconds then slowly moved up as she parted her legs, tilted her head back, and said, “please” under  her breath.
I made my way to dead center and felt her swollen, horny, freshly shaven pussy. Her pussy was a waterfall and my fingers were drowning. I rubbed her clit long and slow for a few seconds then pulled my hand away. Her head turned towards me as I put both my fingers in her mouth.
“I want you to see what everybody in the bar wanted to taste.”
She moaned hard around my fingers. I pushed to the back of her throat and she gagged a little. Then I took my fingers out of her mouth and started slowly fingering her, only stopping to massage her clit every few seconds. She was moaning louder and gyrating her hips in the seat to try to get my fingers deeper in her wetness.
She said, “Fuck, this feels so good,” as I pulled my fingers away. She looked over at me again as I put my fingers in my mouth, tasting her. She tasted just like she smelled and looked. Sexy mixed with horny.
“This is gonna be fun” I thought, as we pulled up to her house.
Just then she opened her eyes and realized where we were.
“Are you gonna come in with me Sir?”
“Nope. I’m gonna leave you to wonder about the box all night. Now go inside and have sweet dreams about what happened tonight.”
She looked frustrated as she said,
“But Sir!”
“No buts. Now go. And take your souvenir before It turns back into just another boring bitch pillow. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Call me tomorrow.”
She looked at me with a frustrated face.
“goodnight mr educator Sir. Thanks for the lesson. I can’t wait for more.” She grinned and winked as she got out and walked to her front door.
