Just another one of my erotic thoughts 3.0

So I started this new job at the beginning of the winter holiday season. This was a fast pace marketing firm ran by a woman, who everyone said was very strict. I’ve been here for about a week and have not met her yet, but passing by her office (doors closed all the time) I always saw her on the phone, almost as if she was arguing but I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, she was gorgeous. A month into the company, I have yet to meet our boss, she was always busy in her office or not there at all. With Xmas and New Year approaching, the talk around the office was the company’s holiday party, everyone kept raving about how every year it gets better, and eumor has it that the boss goes home with an employee, never to be seen again, as if she fires them after. One day, I get to work a bit early, ibtake the elevator, which stopped at another floor to let people in, I looking down at my phone and my headphones are on but notice someone walks in, i couldn’t help but to notice her delightful smell, and I look up, nervously I say “Good morning ma’am” I couldn’t believe it was her, she looks over her shoulders and turns around “good morning, you’re the new guy huh?” to which i replied “yes that me”. We spoke briefly while we got to our floor, elevator doors open and we walk out, she extended her hand “nice to meet you new guy” to which I nervously gave her a handshake, she looked down at my hands and smiled, “I was expecting a kiss on my hand like a gentleman but I’ll take the shake” and walked of smiling. I walk to my desk thinking to myself, “what an idiot, i should have known and elegant woman like her didn’t want a handshake ??‍♂️”. It’s Friday 4pm, everyone packs up and invite each other for drinks, I’m new and still don’t feel so comfortable, so i don’t know if I’ll go, someone yells “hey bro, you coming with us” I replied “yes, I’ll meet you in a few, need to finish something” as the office emptied, 15 minutes after, I notice the bosses office has the lights on, but this time i couldn’t see inside, the shade was closed. I walk towards it to see if she is inside, of not I will shut the light, as I get closer, I hear moaning, I stop and walk back, but now I’m curious to see what’s going on. Me being nosy keep talking towards her office, the moans get louder, at this point I’m getting horny, my cock is hard and showing through my pants. For about 10 minutes she went on with her moaning and suddenly you hear “oooh fuck, that was good”. I rush to the bathroom thinking she is walking out, my cock is so hard at this point, I sit in the stall and jerkoff, once I’m done and walkout, I bump into her in the elevator again “oh new guy, why are you still here?” I answered “had somethings to finish before leaving” and she asked “are you going for drinks?” I replied “yes, ill go for a few, I’m not much of a drinker” she smiled and said “we’ll change that, don’t you worry”. Now at the bar, everyone is having fun and talking about weekend plans, all i could do is stare at how beautiful she was. A coworker notices that I keep staring “hey buddy, she’s gorgeous but out of our league, plus of you really want to keep this job, stay away from her” I turn to him “yes, I guess you’re right”. She was only there for like 30 minutes, when she said “ok everyone, have a goodnight, get home safe” and walked out. An hour into it, I alway say my goodbyes. Driving home all I keep having are flashes of me fantasizing of what she was doing, I kept getting horny, and as soon as I walk into my apartment, I turn on an incense and begin to masturbate. I lay down, picturing her massaging me all over, grabbing my hard cock and playing with it, kissing me slowly, mouth, neck, chest, navel, she grabs my balls and massages them as she places my cock in her mouth “Mmmm it feels so good”. I get up, and place her on the bed, repeating her steps, kissing her mouth, neck, suck and nibble her breasts, down to her stomach, navel, and lick her clit. Her moans are driving me crazy, I eat eating her out until she drips all over my mouth from her orgasm, and at the same time I cum from masturbating. “Wow, that fantasy was amazing”. The weeks pass by and everyday I try to stay late at the office with the intentions to catch her moaning again, its seems like every time she sees the office is empty, she has some erotic experience in her office. Now that she notices that I’m there, I try to hide in the bathroom, until I hear her moaning, it has worked so far, until today. Thursday night, after the office is closed, my routine is to go to the bathroom to hide, but this time she walks in “hey new guy, I know you’re in here, come to my office now” I walk out the stall like a sad puppy “fuck me,now I know I’m definitely getting fired”. I walk in her office, she turns her monitor towards me,and says “you do know we have cameras here right, and you realize I’ve been watching you go to the bathroom” I didn’t have words, I get caught red handed sneaking around the office. “So new guy, what have you been doing all these days hiding in the bathroom? And be honest because this will determine your job” well I had no other way to hide it “ma’am I do apologize, and I my sound like a pervert, but when I heard you moaning, I went to the bathroom to masturbate” she looked at me “really, my moaning makes you horny, have you told anyone about this?” I replied “no ma’am, didn’t want to ruin it for myself” then she said “good, this stays between you and I, now how bad do you want to keep this job?” and I answered “I need my job ma’am and I will never do this again” she smiled “look, as long as you keep you mouth shut, you’ll be ok, oh and one more thing, pull your pants down” confused I looked at her “excuse me, you said pull my pants down” she seriously answered “yes, pants down and jerkoff, I want to see it, NOW or walk out and don’t come back” I slowly pull my pants down, nervously start to masturbate, she’s behind her desk, but I notice she pulls her skirt up, I really can’t see under, but it seemed she also starts to masturbate, and moan, at this point now I’m getting into it, I stroke faster, and after a few minutes I cum, and it seems like she did as well. She pulls her skirt down, and says “thank you, you can go now”. Confused about what just happened, I leave the office, and get home. Once again, my imagination runs wild. A few weeks go by and it’s now the day of our holiday party. The event is taking place at a catering venue in a near by hotel. It’s time, everyone rushes out of the office as usual, we are at the event, everyone is having fun, drinks, dancing, eating. Most are drunk and coworkers take them home. 1am the event is over, as we walk out, I get a text message “hey new guy, you shouldn’t drink and drive, I have a room you can stay in, 10B”. For a minute, I thought of ignoring it and going home, but my high sex drive was getting the best of me and I go to the room. I know of the door, no answer, so I opened the door, it was dark, just a few accent lights, I closed the door behind me and walk towards the room, I see a silhouette laying in the bed “come here” she says. I approached and bend down to kiss her, she unbuckles my belt, and pulls my pants down, I lay on top of her, still kissing, as she takes my shirt off, I massage her breasts, kissing passionately, mouth, neck, suck and nibble on her breasts, my tongue down her stomach to kiss her navel, and as I start to pull her thong off “wait, not yet, here take these and tie me up” she hands me some rope, she turns around with she hand behind her back, as I tie her up, then she goes to her knees “I want you to fuck my mouth and make me gag” I stick my hard cock in her mouth, it feels amazing, my cock is so wet and she keeps gagging as I go deeper down her throat. “Mmmm, yes baby, fuck my mouth good” she says. I wanted to fuck her wet pussy, so I pick her up and put her on the bed (hands still tied) I say “I want to feel your wet pussy on my cock” and she says “no, fuck me in my ass, that really turns me on” I replied “ok, but let me eat you pussy then” she answered “no, just fuck me in my ass, come give me that cock” I turn her around face down, she perks her nice ass up and I go in slowly,and at the same time reach down to finger her. “Oh shit, what’s going on?” I say as I pull away” she flips over “look to panic, I’m a trans-woman” and I replied “why wouldn’t you tell me that before?” She answered “would if had matter? Don’t you still want to fuck me?” I looked at her deeply “wow your gorgeous” I grab her neck and kiss her passionately, bite her lips “yes baby, like that, let me get that cock” I flip her face down (hand still tied) and stick my hard cock in her tight hole “oh fuck you feels so good on my cock” I say moaning, “yesss baby, fuck me hard, ooooh you cock feel so good, fill me up” I’m stroking faster and deeper,our moans get louder, I reach down and start to stroke her “Mmmm yes, keep stroking baby, I’m going to cum” she says. I keep going deeper and faster, our bodies tense up, and “Ooooh fuck I’m cumming” as she cuts on the sheets, “Oooh shit, you feel so good” as I cum inside her filling her hole. We are both heavy breathing, as we flip over and lay in bed. I un-tie her and she goes to the bathroom “come take a shower with me” she says. I go in the shower and put soap on her, and she does the same to me, as she’s rinsing, i go behind her, grabbing her breasts, my cock gets hard again. We switched positions for me to rinse, and she drops to her knees “let me take care of that” she says as she starts to suck my cock. Warms water falling, head tilted back, it was like euphoria. She strokes herself and we end up coming at the same time “wow, I this is amazing, you feel so good” I tell her. She exits the shower, dripping wet, no towel. I pick one up and walk towards her and strart to dry her, kissing her neck. “Mmmm, thank you” she says, “I have to go now, stay here as long as you want” she tells me. I look at her “Why are you leaving know, its late, or too early in the morning?” She replied “I have to catch a flight for a business meeting, i wont be back in the office for 3 days”. She gets dressed and leaves the room. On monday morning, I get to the office a little late and the floor is buzzing with people talking “dude, open your email, she quit, she is not coming back” I’m confused “what? She just sent an email resigning?” And there is was, an email stating she was taking a new position at a new company. I quickly texted her, no reply, texted again no reply, and called “the number you have dialed has been disconnected”……………..

**I do apologize for any typos, wrote this on my phone**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jkb1p4/just_another_one_of_my_erotic_thoughts_30