My sweet Becky

Hello my first attempt at a story so please give me your thoughts or feedback it will be appreciated its mainly true with a bit extra added to maybe make it continue.
This is about my wife becky
Hi, I’m Luke, from the UK,
I’m married to Becky, a delightful girl with lovely little breasts, and a great ass which gets looks everywhere she goes really its perfect, shes small at around 5.4 with long brunette hair.

We have been married for seven years and have two children, we have been faithful to each other, well I have and I think Becky has she can get a little wild if she drinks wine,you never know with a woman do you they do like there little secrets.
Anyway I came home one night and Becky told me we had been invited to a party of her friends. we hadn’t been out in a while so I was up for a bit of fun, so I packed the kids of to my parents for the weekend and that was that.
As I sat down for my tea Becky trotted of to get ready she was excited to be going out,
I joined her in the bedroom just as she was stepping into her little black dress I saw she was wareing her black bra and panties set with black hold up stockings her amazing plump bum just begging to be squeezed, I felt my cock starting to rise,she turned round and asked me to zip her up,and I just took her in i mean what i sight, small breasts in her bra with her big nipples clearly visable through the thin material. I put my arms around her and squeezed her tits I pressed up against her my hard cock up against her ass,she giggled and said down boy keep it for later,by the time we were both ready tha taxi had arrived.
When we got to the party it was full of people the music was playing and the drink was flowing it could be a good night I thought,
I went to get us drinks and when I returned Becky was standing with her friend Kayleagh,now I don’t like Kayleigh she is a little bitch who I never got on with, but she is stunning with black hair down to her ass and lovely D breast trying to burts out her dress she looks like she should be married to a footballer. Her husband was a good bloke and I asked were he was and Kayleigh told me that he didn’t want to come so she came on her own, dam that means we are stuck with her all night, at least she’d good to look at.
As the night went on the drink was flowing and I was getting on with Kayleigh surprisingly well taking turns to dance with both ladies dancing slow songs with both of them and getting turned on when they rubbed there hot little bodys up against me,the night was going well when there was another twist to the night,
When Dan Becky’s asshole ex turned up we hadn’t seen him for years ,I hated him he was abusive to my wife when they were together a real bully,
He didnt even look at me just kept staring at becky and said Luke long time no see, hes hated me since we were kids but he’s a real thug and im not a big guy so didn’t want to start anything because I know he loves a fight. It couldn’t be long enough as far as I was concerned,
He turned to Becky and said hi gorgeous and kissed her right on the mouth, she pulled away looking shocked, I wanted to punch him but thought better then to ruin the night!
He turned to Kayleigh and said hi Kayleigh don’t you look amazing its been to long, are you here on your own,and when she said yes it has Dan and yes he didn’t fancy tonight he said do you mind if I join you then, great with me she said looking at me and smiling when she said it, I was screaming inside for her to say no.
As the night went on he danced mostly with Kayleigh having just a few dances with my wife and I was beginning to relax a little bit,he was keeping the ladies glasses well topped up and they were both getting a little drunk,well in my wife’s case very drunk,she can’t drink wine but seemed to be letting loose and having fun so I didn’t want to stop her as she deserved to let loose(so I thought anyway).
In the early hours of the morning I decided that we should go home, I told Becky I would go outside where it was quite and ring a taxi I left her and Kayleigh at the table becky was slurring that she didn’t want to go but clearly had had enough, Dan had gone to the toilet so I left. it took me ten minutes or so to get one and was told It would be an hour as they were very busy.
I went back inside and found the table but couldn’t see the girls anywhere probably in the toilets I thought but then realised I couldn’t see Dan either, I panicked a bit and went looking for them,
It was still very busy but they were not downstairs anywhere so I went upstairs to the bedrooms telling myself that I was just being silly,
In the first bedroom was a couple on the bed kissing I apologised and closed the door,the next room was empty, but when I listened at the door of the next bedroom I heard little moans and noise taking place, I was hoping it was my imagination because the moans sounded familiar I opened the door just a little bit in case I was wrong and what I saw chilled my blood and sobered me up very fast,
Becky was on her back and Dan was between her legs fucking her hard, I didn’t want to see it but I couldn’t move as I watched him driving his cock into my lovely wife, I could see about 9″ of the thing and couldn’t even see the head, i thought i was decent with my 6 ” but Fuck Dan was huge he even had me by about 3 times with the girth, she was squealing and grunting every time his hard cock was driven down into her hot cunt, I could see my sweet wife’s pussy stretching and then hugging his thick shaft as he pulled back I heard him say,you have missed this haven’t you bitch,she just moaned and swing her head about calling his name as his hips went faster, his heavy balls slapping against her ass,he had pulled her dress down and was sucking and biting her tits her nipples were harder than I had ever seen them,I should have stopped them but I felt my cock harden I had secretly always wanted to see Becky getting fucked and now it was happening but just didn’t want it to be him.
I felt someone beside me it was Kayleigh she looked in the room and quietly just said Wow I’ve heard he was hung but at look how he fucks her, thats a man there. I felt her hand on the front of my trousers pulling my zip down,she took my cock out and wanked it as we watched my wife getting fucked in front of us, you think this will ever be enough she said while laughing quietly. Dan had Beckys legs over his shoulders now and was now driving his cock into her like a piston his big heavy balls slapping her ass every time he bottomed out. harder and harder Becky was screaming on his cock i had never seen her in such a state before, she has never reacted to me like this when we fuck I pretty sure I heard the word “love” not sure if she was talking about him or his cock but just as I heard this I felt something hot and soft on my cock I looked down and Kayleigh had taken my cock into her mouth I see now she only done this so I couldn’tget to mad at Becky, I knew I was going to cum quickly.
I looked back to the bed in time to see my wife coming on his cock she was holding on to him as her body shook uncontrollably the was screaming so loud anyone in the house could probably hear her. she look amazing, sweat was running off her the tattoo under her left breast shining black in contrast to her pale skin. then they just started to kiss like propper lovers o couldn’t take it I started to cum instantly in Kayleighs mouth and she swallowed my load easily taking my full length in her mouth while she did,I looked back to the bed and was shocked to see Dan looking over his shoulder and grinning at me,his cock shining with beckys juices slamed down one last time making her yelp and grab his ass pulling him deeper, his huge heavy balls tightened up and I knew what was coming next he stiffened and he groaned as he filled my wife my sweet little Becky’s cunt with his hot man juice coating her fertile womb in his hot spunk then they just layed there for a couple minutes kissing, Dan started to get up and as he pulled out i saw his huge cock for the first time in all its glory it was softening and still about 10 inches his head was huge which was even thicker then the shaft he looked down as my shrinking cock and laughed he looked back up at me and said no wonder this little slut didn’t put up much of a fight. Becky I think only just knew I was there she was still twitching from the hard fucking she just rexieved couldn’t even try and cover herself up she just looked at me her pussy looked stretched and very red it had a mixture of his and her cum running out down past her ass hole on to a visably wet bed sheet, she looked worried and a bit confused untill she looked down at what Dan was laughing at and a i swear a little smile came out. Dan broke my gaze by saying now put that little dick away as you can see it won’t be needed here you skinny little fagot. I will bring the slut downstairs once she cleans my cock i looked back at her and she was no longer looking at me just the massive swaying cock coming round to her face i saw her hand come up and started guiding it home, my Becky is only a small girl and holding that it almost looked fake I saw it get to about 5 inches from her face when she looked at me once more mouth opening about to take his fat head just then i felt kayleigh pulling on my arm so we turned and left. Feeling defeated i walked downstairs followed by Kayleigh who was looking very happy about the hole thing, when we arrived back down at the party people were talking and waiting to see who was going to come down after hearing someone obviously take one hell of a fucking, god what they must have though when they saw my becky I just walked outside to wait for the taxi so I didn’t have to see my friends all look at me knowing what had just happened.
Ten minutes later Becky and Dan came out Becky looking very sheepish and worried looking, and may I say it looking well fucked her hair was a mess her makeup was smudged and ran where her eyes had been running her dress ripped at the front so you could clearly see her bra had gone missing along both her stockings and if you looked closely I bet you can still see his come running down the inside of her legs, Kayleigh wasn’t far behind and wasn’t being very quite about what she just witnessed Dan found it funny as said well Luke you must have knew she needed a decent fuck when i had becky thats all she was good for becky just just looked at me and I said nothing just looked down.
Just then our taxi arrived, Dan sayed awsome you got a taxi we can go back to yours for a few more drinks,he took Kayleighs hand and walked towards the cab.
Becky took my hand and said I’m sorry Luke, I couldn’t answer her as we got into the taxi, I was wondering what would happen when we got back home…
