Babysitting on the farm.

When you live in a rural area outside of any town far from the city there aren’t many choices when it comes to jobs for a young teenager still in highschool. I had friends who got their parents to find them jobs at the bank, or the court house, but my family didn’t have those connections. My dad was a trucker and stayed gone on long hauls for a few weeks at a time and come home for a few days before taking off again, and my mom worked in a local retail chain. My older brother was already off to college on a full ride on the disk golf team. I was stuck trying to figure out how to make it in this world. I was very good at manual labor, I’ve always been clumsy and no one wants a girl that can’t pick up 40lbs or weld a straight line. Academics are out of the question I skated by on Cs my first three years of school thanks to my brother writing essays for me and helping me cheat on test. This left me with few options.

I was getting food in town during a lunch break when I saw an ad posted on the door of the restaurant. “Babbysitter needed” it said, “no experience required, daily pay rate, meals included, can pay extra for housekeeping services.” I grabbed the flyer off the door and immediately called the number. “Hello?” A woman answered. “Hi my name is Clover I saw your add in town, for the babbysitter? I wanted to see if it was still available.” I answered. “Oh yes thank goodness we were begging to worry we would have to cancel our anniversary trip if no one reaponded.” The voice replied. “Ms. Clover is it? What a wonderful name.” The voice on the line continued, “My husband and I are going away for a week for our anniversary and need someone to watch our two children while we’re away. The rate is 150 a day. The meals are what we have at the house that you’ll have to cook.” “That sounds great when do you’ll leave?” “In two weeks. Now I have to Inform you we require you to stay at the residence for the entire duration of our trip. We have a guest room ou can move into for the week. Will that be okay?” I thought about it. A whole week for 150 a day that’s like $1,000, but having to spend the whole week out there on the job was a lot. “Your add mentioned tou pay extra for housekeeping services? ” I finally responded. “Oh yes we have a maid come out 3 times a week and she cleans the house for us. If you can take up her task we can pay you what wed6normally pay her, $250 for the week.” That didn’t seem like a lot but if the maid only cleaned three days then maybe I’ll only have to clean three days. “And you said you have two kids?” “That’s correct our sons Braxton and Jameson.” Those names sounded familiar, but didn’t know anyone by that name in my grade. ” Okay I would like to take the job ma’am.” “Oh that’s great sweetie thank you so much. We leave next monday and will be back the following sunday. I’ll call my husband to let him know so we can make our final preparations before leaving. Thanks again you really saved us on this one.” “Ma’am it’s no problem I was looking for something to do anyways I’m glad i could help you and your husband out.” We hung up after exchanging some contact information, and I went back to school.

The following week was went by in a haze I was focused on preparing for a full week away from home. I was ecstatic to have this opportunity I kept thinking maybe theyll6hire me on again they pay good money, I hope this isn’t going to be hard I’ve never dealt with kids before for long periods of time, I wonder if I can start my own nanny/housekeeping business after highschool. The questions and scenarios filled my ever waking thought and even broke into a few of my dreams. Finally the day came when I started my first babysitting job. They were leaving at 5 am so I had to get up really early to get ready and drive over to the house. It was about 15 mins from my home and was just as far out of town as I was. It was an old farm that hadn’t been used in at least a generation. A big field out from with a n old pole born sheltering rusted farm equipment and a tractor was tucked away on one side.the house sat on top of a hill level with the field and dirt road in front of it, but behind it the land slipped down toward a pond a few hundred yards from the house. It was a full moon so I could make out most of the details. As I drove up I saw the husband and wife loading luggage into their SUV under the carport. I pulled off beside the car shelter into the grass, and got out. “Good morning.” I greeted them ” Hello” the husband briskly responded. “Oh great you’re right on time we just finished loading our car and were ready to go.” The wife said in an almost singing voice. “Y’all have a beautiful place out here.” I exclaimed “This must have been a family farm?” “It was. Now it’s an expense.” The husband was obviously not in a good mood. “Oh no bother with him he’s grumpy when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep and when he’s awake,” the wife leaned in and whispered, ” and when he’s sleep.” “I’m not grumpy just tired.” “Oh of course my handsome man.” The wife ushered me j to the house while the husband continued to rearrange luggage in the car. She showed me through the house where I can find the food to cook, cleaning supplies, the laundry room, and finally the bedrooms. “This is where you’ll be staying place make yourself comfortable and settle in the the boys room. Is just down the hall on the left. Our bedroom is across the hall from yours. Its locked so please keep the boys out of it.” “Yes ma’am I think I can manage that.” I walked her out to their car where the husband had settled into the driver side. “Okay we’re off you have our number call is if you need anything. Our neighbor Seth lives just across the property line his number is on the fridge you can also call him if you need help he knows you’re here for the week.” “Okay ma’am dont worry about anything you two go enjoy your anniversary.” And eith that they backed out and drove off. I watched the tail lights dissapear over the hill as the made their way down the dirt road I had come from.



  1. Well this is a rough draft laying the ground work for a multiple part series story I want to do. Please give any feedback I’m sorry it’s long I hope it’s not to hard to read. Sorry there no erotic yet I want to cage the reactions of the community to see if anyone is Interested in reading more.

  2. Great start. Got a few ideas on where this’ll go. Can’t wait to read more.

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