Mating Cycle [F/M] (Mermaid/Human, Blowjob + Vaginal Sex, Heat, Mating)

As Ethan stepped out of his car onto the sand covered car park, the sound and smell of the ocean filled his senses. The soft early evening breeze blew his clearly un-styled medium length brown hair and created gentle waves that rolled across his t-shirt and shorts. The midsummer air was warm but refreshing this close to the water. The sound of distant thumping techno music was almost drowned out by the continuous crashing of the waves nearby. After straightening his clothes and attempting to tame his hair, Ethan made his way onward to the source of the music.

Pushing his way through the crowd of people standing about the decently sized decked area, most with beverages in hand, Ethan kept his eyes peeled for any familiar faces and bodies in the rolling sea of people.

“Ethan! Dude, you made it!” A voice from behind his left shoulder called out.

He spun to face the voice to be greeted by the organizer of the party, Jerry. Ethan has assisted Jerry with one for his assignments for a university class they were both in, probably the only reason Ethan was invited to be fair, as the two weren’t exactly moving in the same social circles.

“Hey, Jerry, nice party man.” Ethan raised his voice over the thumping music.

“Cheers dude, it’s so great to just chill with everyone now that the semester is over, you know.” The long haired man that could pass for a professional surfer said. He then began to be absorbed back into the flowing ocean of bodies. “Help yourself to some beers, I’ll catch ya later!”

“See-ya Jerry!” Ethan managed before the other man was out of sight.

As the song changed to something even more painful to the ears, Ethan popped his hands into one of the many coolers scattered around the edge of the deck and pulled out a can of some alcoholic beverage he wasn’t familiar with, before stepping down into the sand. He walked a few steps before flicking off his shoes and carrying them in his free hand. He found the sand to be soft and still warm from today’s sun. Once he was far enough away from the deck, he sat on the beach and cracked open his drink.

Minutes slipped by as Ethan tried to concentrate on the sound of the waves rather than the horrible noise coming from the deck behind him. The afternoon light had faded and now all that illuminated the beach was the dull moon light and the spill from up on the road. The roaring of each wave that came in echoed up the beach, drowning out the music for a moment. Ethan had long since finished his beverage, he felt like another but couldn’t bring himself to leave the spot. The alluring sounds of the sea and the brief but blissful moments of tranquility weren’t worth leaving for another drink.

Screams broke Ethan from his trance-like state. He looked over to see about a quarter of the people from the deck moving down onto the beach, some taking their clothing off as they went to reveal swimmers underneath, some of the men just whipping their shirts off. Everyone trickled into the water with various screams of discomfort for the cool water.

Ethan made a choice, one he wouldn’t know at the time would effect him for the rest of his life. He put his empty drink can down in the sand and in a swift movement pulled his t-shirt off while standing up, then untied his shorts drawstring before stepping out of them. Ethan stood there in the calm breeze for a moment, only in black swim shorts that clung to his upper thigh before making his way down to the water.

He intentionally stayed a few meters to the side of the main congregation of intoxicated young bodies, to his other side was a short pier than ran all the way up to the road. The current was unusually small for this time of evening, but still tugged at everyone’s mostly submerged legs, slightly dragging them away from Ethan who stood more sober than the rest. Young ladies shrieked in fear with every chilling wave that rolled through the group and minute by minute, clusters broke off and headed back to dim sandy beach and the party until only a few remained including Ethan, who other than dodging the occasional large wave was in yet another trance-like state and had unconsciously waded out deeper than anyone else. The cool water washed away all his issues, leaving an almost blank shell of a man behind to be buffeted by the salty sea.

He was almost out of sight of the rest of the group if there were any left out in the water, the dull light spilling from the pier lanterns was his only source of illumination other than the moon and it’s reflection on the choppy waves. Without warning, a large wave dunked him, sweeping him off his feet and sending him rapidly drifting away. His eyes had shut reflexively as had his mouth. However, with a smack, his small body rammed into something equally as hard under the water. He found his footing again and stood up, but to his surprise, he couldn’t see what he had bumped into. He was still a good few meters from the end of the pier and the pylons that held it up.

“Hello?!” He asked loudly in fear that he had knocked someone over.

A long moment passed before Ethan stuck his head underwater and opened his eyes, the salty and sandy water was hard enough to look through in daylight, but the absence of any significant light made it a useless effort. As he rose from the water, he wiped the saline liquid off his face and instinctively brushed his fringe back before opening his eyes. Right in front of him, not a body width away floated a beautiful girl, not too much younger than Ethan, with chestnut hair and a crooked smile, illuminated by the moonlight.

“Oh, hi. Sorry…. about bumping into… you.” Ethan spoke with awkward lust.

The girl remained silent, her body bobbing up and down with each wave the rolled in.

“I’m, Ethan…. Enjoying the party?” The girl remained silent, studying every detail of Ethan in view.

A wave rose the pair up before dropping them back down again. It was then that Ethan noticed she did not have a top on at all. Her perky breasts were just floating freely below the dark waterline. As soon as he noticed them, his eyes shot back up to her eyes which were still transfixed on him. Her hair was damp, most of the loose strands were tied up in a half braid that fell down her back in a ponytail. She inched closer to him, lips trembling with anticipation.

“Are you of good stock?” Her words finally escaping with a rather harsh tone.

Slightly taken aback by her first words to him and what she had said, Ethan couldn’t say anything. He looked over at the other swimmers who were further off than before.

“You. Eth-an. Are you of good stock?” She repeated, her tanned skin glowing almost ethereally in the moonlight

“What do you mean ‘good stock’?” Ethan replied.

“Are you good for breeding?” The girl answered with another question, a little slower this time.

Ethan was again taken aback. Was this girl he had only just met asking for sex, or was this her way of saying hello? Her accent sounded foreign, but he could not place a country where it was from. Perhaps it was a mix of dialects, both European and Asian.

“Wait, are you asking me to have sex with you?!” Before Ethan could finish, the girl ducked under the water and grabbed Ethan’s hips.

He could feel her sharp fingernails working their way over his body in an attempt to pull his swimming shorts down. In turn, he put his hands on her shoulders and tried to haul her up with much resistance. It was too late and a moment later the girl had lowered his black swim shorts over his member and down to his knees. She ran a gentle hand over the semi-erect lump of flesh and the rest of his leg and lower torso before surfacing again, even closer to Ethan’s body.

“What the hell?! You can’t just do that to someone!” Ethan shouted over a crashing wave, confused and perturbed.

The girl in a reply locked eyes with him and rose in the water to meet his face. Launching her arms around him she enveloped him in an embrace, pressing her naked chest on his, before giving him an overzealous kiss on the lips. He instinctively held her from behind, feeling her soft back.

She pulled her lips away, but still remained locked around him in an embrace. “I’m sorry for my boldness. But I have chosen you to be my mate. Will you mate with me Eth-an?”

Still dazed from his kiss with the strange girl, Ethan was left gobsmacked by her newest question. He noted she wore a small shell bracelet around her left wrist, which was one of the least interesting things about her thus far. And he didn’t smell any alcohol on her, was she saying all this sober? “My mate? Like as in mate, mate? I don’t even know your name?”

“Yes, we will have sex. You seem to be healthy and adequate for my needs. My name is Jaleh, daughter of Nereus.”

“Daughter of Nereus? What are you taking abo-?” Ethan started, but was cut off by another kiss. He could feel his manhood rubbing against Jaleh’s body, a sign that she was obviously looking for as she increased her passionate hold on him, constricting him like a snake.

After a long moment, Ethan pulled himself away, peeling the girl from him. “Look, you are very nice, but maybe….”

“Maybe what?”

“Maybe we can go get dressed, have coffee, get to know each other first, you know?” Ethan proposed.

“Do you not wish to be my mate?” Jaleh replied, with a look of worry and sadness.

Ethan looked over at the other swimmers as the handful that remained worked their way back into the beach. Ethan and Jaleh had drifted with the soft current closer to the pier, practically out of sight.

“No, no it’s not that. It’s just, I want to get to know you a bit first.”

“Eth-an. My cycle ends tonight. I must mate if I wish to have a chance of having offspring this season.”

Ethan moved closer again, placing his hands on her waist. “I’m sorry Jaleh, but that’s the type of person I – wait, your cycle?”

“Yes, my cycle. I am only fertile for a few days each season.”

“Ahh, I think you are a bit misinformed about how certain biological processes work…”

“I am well versed in your human biology and reproduction.”

“My human?”

Jaleh moved herself a few inches closer too, then grabbed his hands and dragged them lower and lower until she got what she wanted.

As his hands fell lower on her body the texture of her skin changed from delicate porcelain to wet sandpaper. His eyes lit up in shock and surprise as his mildly tipsy mind put all the puzzle pieces together.

Jaleh smiled, letting out a quick giggle. “Eth-an, will you please be my mate?”

“You’re- you’re a mer- mermaid?”

“Oh. You’ve heard of us?” The mermaid said coyly.

“Only in stories and myths….. I didn’t know you were real.”

“We are very…. Real.” Jaleh span the pair round and pressed Ethan up again one of the pier pylons, his feet only just touching the sandy beach below. Then she moved her hand down to his still very engorged member.

“Jaleh, if I mate with you, will I see you again?” Through breaths as the mermaid felt around his aroused area.

“Perhaps. Would you like to see me again?”

“Very much. I have so many questions”

“I promise you then, Eth-an. We will see each other again after tonight. But you have not answered my question.”

“Oh. Um. Yes. I. I will mate with you. How do I do that?”

“My kin have taught me the correct techniques. I hope you find them, pleasurable.”

The mermaid halted her teasing of his lower half and too his full length is her hand as he held her up, still braced against the pier. Waves rolled by as she began pumping him, eliciting whines of pleasure.

“Enjoying yourself?” Jaleh asked as she continued to move her smooth fingers up and down his shaft.

“Uuurh ye, yes.” Was the only response Ethan could muster.

“Good.” The mermaid replied before sliding down back into the murky salt water.

Ethan felt a new sensation tickle his engorged organ. A warm environment had collapsed around it, making a contrast to the cool water that had enveloped it just before. Ethan knew what the mermaid was doing, but it had felt completely different to blowjobs he had had previously, and would ever have again.

Her tongue darted around his tip, tickling and stimulating his glands while she pulled her face back and forth using her arms that had slid down to his waist. She was down there for a solid few minutes, Ethan was getting concerned, before he realized who was giving it to him – a mermaid.

Before long, as if she knew he was getting close to finishing, she stopped and resurfaced without even drawing a breath. Jaleh looked deeply into his eyes as they rolled back to their normal position. She gave him a wink before diving to the side of him, back into the water. It was then that Ethan caught a glimpse of her celestial tail. The vivid and vibrant blue green colour sparked in the dim light. Started at her hips, the tail transitioned from skin to scale, ending in a semi-transparent webbed fluke that curved like a crescent moon.

Further up the beach, the mermaid resurfaced gradually with the increasing shallowness. Looking behind her, she beckoned to her human companion to join her as she dragged herself a little further up onto the raggedy beach under the pier. Ethan joined her momentarily, walking up from the shallow water to join her while cautiously looking around for anyone who might see before taking note of the mermaids full form now that she was out of the water. She was just a little taller than him from head to tail, her body was slender but toned, sporty if she was a land girl. All of her muscles were well defined from years of constant swimming. She stopped crawling up the sandy surface just as Ethan came in front of her.

“You are soo…. Beautiful.” He said, mouth agape.

“Thank you Eth-an. Please, will you sit.”

Ethan complied and sat on the wet sand ahead of her, then wrestled his damp swim shorts down and off over his feet.

She wriggled up further to close the gap between them, her wet underside collected some more sand as she went, then was partially washed off by an incoming wave that flowed around the pair. Ethan saw her chest rise and fall as the water washed over her, indicating she had some way of breathing other than through her mouth, which explained how she was able to go down on him for several minutes without taking a breath. However, his train of thought was cut off when she took his still somewhat erect penis into her mouth again, preparing it for what was to come next.

With a quick gentle massage from her tongue and suction from her mouth, his manhood was nicely warmed up. Saliva dropped off her mouth as she disconnected from him. The mermaid swiftly dug her fingers into the wet sand either side of Ethan and catapulted herself up further into him. The young man collapsed under the added and unexpected weight of the mermaid as the pair lay with their chests rubbing together.

“Are you… Are you ready?” Jaleh asked nervously.

Ethan nodded in response, a gesture the mermaid clearly understood. She arched her tail up slightly, shifting the weight to the end of the tail as she grasped Ethan’s shaft and maneuvered it into a tiny scaled opening, 6 inches below her belly button.

As Ethan entered, he felt an amazingly blissful sensation as his weapon was sheathed inside. It felt like a dozen girls were gently kissing him with soft, moist lips. Jaleh gently lowered her tail down inch by inch, giving them both time to adjust to new sensations. Another wave rolled by them, almost coming up the beach past Ethan’s head.

Once they were fully entangled, the mermaid rested on Ethan’s body for a short moment, before giving him a quick kiss and began to give him the ride of his life, and he couldn’t do much but lay back and enjoy.

With each stroke and thrust, the mermaids’ pleasant insides milked the young man for all he was worth as the cool night and salty sea water was kept the conjoined pair from sweating buckets. She could feel him wriggling and spasming inside her as he shriveled up in pleasure beneath her. Minutes of torturous glee had almost sent Ethan mad, as her carefully calculated movements and short delays between thrusts had denied him sexual release.

It’s not that she wanted to make him suffer, she wanted the most fluid she could pull from him as possible. Plus she was enjoying herself, this was the first time she was having intercourse, having only been taught theoretically rather than practically through experience. She was finding it rather pleasurable herself. All the stress of rushing to find a mate, her cycle coming to an end and all her other worldly issues melted away as it was just her and him caught in moment in time, a wonderful moment of joy and bliss.

Ethan was getting restless, his insides felt like they were about to explode as his well lubricated piston kept firing into her as she flexed down onto him. He has been on the verge for minutes now with no sign of conclusion, so he deciding in his half baked state to take charge. Promptly, he grabbed the mermaids’ ribs and rolled them both over to the right while trying to stay docked, his hands landing either side of her shoulders. Jaleh was surprised, but the look on her face indicated to him that it was a welcome one with a coy biting of her lip.

Another wave rolled by, the higher tide engulfed the mermaid and her chest rose in-turn as the took oxygen from the water. Ethan started to go to work, taking over thrusting from Jaleh, pumping himself in and out of her engorged hole. And only a few thrusts later he was back on track to blow his load.

Ethan scrunched his face in agony as he prepared, with one final thrust he pushed deeper than the pair had gone before. Jaleh shivering in pleasurable response. In an instant, the man’s load was unloaded into his mermaid companion. Dumping warm white liquid inside her with the remainder that couldn’t be contained oozing out either side of his penetration. Ethan collapsed in exhaustion onto her as she shuttered from her own climax. The two staying entwined for another hour.

“Thank you Eth-an. Thank you for everything.” The mermaid whisper into his ear as she rolled him off of her.

The tide was going back in, in another few hours the sun would rise and people would flock to the beach for another day of fun. It was sadly and unfortunately, the mermaid thought, time for the her to go. With a quick peck on the lips. She left the sleeping human under the pier as she slowly made her way back to the water, dragging her tail behind her.

When Ethan awoke with the sunrise beaming into his face, he recounted what had happened that night and smiled to himself. He was happy that he wasn’t crazy or drunk and imagined it, it had indeed happened. A mermaid had came to him to mate with him, and did. Perceivable by his shorts were off, he felt drained in his loins and most importantly the mermaid had left him two pieces of evidence. A trail in the sand that her marvelous tail had left behind as she dragged herself back to the water, and a gift to remember her by, the shell bracelet that she wore was now tied around his wrist.



  1. Alright, I read the story but am wondering what the original language was. It reads like a mechanical translation from another language. The phrasing is very awkward.

    If these words are original, then I suggest editing passes, and have a friend give you feedback on the writing. But if you Google-translated it, then I can tell you it does not work as an English-language story. You can’t rely on mechanical translations.

    That’s my feedback, I hope it helps.

  2. I disagree with the other comment, I thought it was very well written! I think your phrasing was chosen with care to match the theme of the story. I loved it!

    Only mistake I could find: look up effect/affect. You used the wrong one in your story.

  3. Man that was such a great read. A++ for originality and effort. I hope there’s a follow up.

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