Cousin Katy’s Anal Fantasy [MF] [Incest] [Rimming] [Anal] (1/2)

My parents were never exactly wealthy. This contrasted, however, with my grandparents’ lodge in Montana. They didn’t regularly live in a mansion or anything, they just had the extra funds to afford nice things as such. I received my first car when I turned sixteen and my graduation stuff and my college expenses was of no trouble of costs at all. My dad didn’t seem to inherit the wealth that came from my grandfather.

This story takes place during the winter break after my first semester of college. The plan was to leave my dorm and take a vacation for a few days in this lodge I’d visited so many times in the past. It was going to be several days of me looking for a signal because sitting around staring at the snow for several days didn’t sound too appetizing. Getting out of it certainly wasn’t an option because my dad was being so adamant on our appearance. If you ask me, I think it’s because he knew he could’ve been receiving some Christmas money.

This trip was taking place a week before Christmas, to be clear. This was because my parents wanted to spend Christmas at their house instead of the lodge. Not to mention, my dad’s sister’s family was coming as well, and they also wanted their normal Christmas spent with each other.

I hadn’t seen my dad’s sister’s side of the family in years. Unfortunately, my dad and her didn’t really get along well. The last time I saw her was my freshman year of high school. She was married and had two children. One was my cousin Katy, who was one year older than me, and the other one was my cousin Connor, who was eight years younger than me. My age, for clarity, was eighteen. The last memory I had with the two of them was sometime in middle school.

The night before my mom and dad picked me up for the long drive I made sure I was ready for this weird vacation. My electronics were packed, my headphones and my weed. The cannabis was definitely going to help.


“How you holding up?” My dad asked as he drove, my mother scrolling through her phone.

“What?” I responded, befuddled.

We were roughly two hours into the drive. The back seat area next to me and the trunk was stuffed with our bags, providing me hardly enough room to relax. Cramped, I was resting my head against the window, zoning out to music.

“What do you mean *what?*”

“How am I holding up?” I mocked him.

“Whatever,” he sighed. Dad was awkward, it slightly entertained me to poke fun at him. “I need to go over details with you.”

My earbuds slipped out of my ears as I tugged at them so dad had my attention. I yawned, made an attempt to stretch and failed because of the clutter. “Alright.”

“When we get there apparently we’re all going out to eat. Try not to embarrass us,” he eyeballed me. “No details on where. My stomach is turning just thinking about it- and that’s not because of the food.”

“Hysterical,” mom muttered.

“Anyways,” he continued, “I knew damn well before we even began packing that your aunt and I weren’t gonna get along well sleeping in the same room, let alone under the same roof. So, your mother and I have booked a hotel.”

“Great,” I suddenly beamed. “Where did you book us at?”

“Did you hear me at all?”

Mom turned around in her seat to face me. “It’s for the two of us.”

My eyes rolled back into my head. I opened my mouth to speak but just sighed heavily. Thoughts of how terrible this trip was about to get flushed into my brain.

“It won’t be as bad as you think-“

“How could it possibly get any better?” I interrupted her.

“Your aunt also has a hotel room,” Dad spoke boisterously.

“Oh,” I restrained, my brain with mixed feelings. “What?”

“So if you think about it, it should just be grandma and grandpa and you at the lodge. Katy and Connor will be there too if they also didn’t get a hotel room.”

“Oh good, my best friends,” I responded, sitting back again and resting against the window.

“You’ll be fine,” mom said, sitting back in her chair and once again pulling out her phone.

“How long has it been since you’ve seen them anyways?”

“Too long. I don’t even know them.”

“That’s fair,” dad sighed, watching the desolate road.

We arrived as the sun was setting in the distance. I watched the lodge as our car crept into the driveway. It was evident we were the last ones to arrive as three cars were parked ahead of us, one unrecognizable to me. The lodge itself hadn’t changed at all in the years I’d known it. It still perched in a cozy area next to an alluring, scenic view of various mountains and woods.

The snow had already bathed the area in its mist, I expected nothing less. It had to have been 30 or 40 degrees outside and I knew it would only get more cold as the sun went down. Eager to get inside, I shoved my car door open and grabbed my things that were placed next to me. The car heater was no longer my shield so my body shivered as the outside air struck me. Mom and dad called after me but I left them behind as I made my way to the lodge.

Inside I immediately found my grandparents. They were seated in the living room, drinking their coffee, waiting for us. Upon seeing me my grandmother’s face illuminated and she threw her arms out, inviting me to a hug.

“There he is,” my grandpa said, with his old, but booming voice. My grandma chucked as he said this and I stepped toward them both.

“Hey you two,” I smiled, tossing my bags down. I thought I’d graciously give them my presence before disappearing.

“Where are your parents?” My grandma asked as she wrapped me in her arms. “They didn’t cancel, did they?”

“If they could they would,” grandpa answered, laughing at himself. At that moment, the door swung open and mom and dad walked in, carrying some bags. Not their complete luggage, however, since they had plans to sleep elsewhere.

“What took you so long?” Grandpa asked my dad.

“Dread,” he responded.

I knew I was now trapped, so I took a seat on the sofa in the room. Mom and dad sat themselves in chairs across from me and the five of us sat and talked for half an hour. It was mostly exclusive to me as I didn’t care too much for the conversation. Truthfully I just wanted to go eat then get high.

“Your sister is hiding upstairs,” grandpa said suddenly as the conversation died down. “I know you two are at war by try to have some middle ground.”

“Well, she-“

“Jordan!” Grandpa called, interrupting my dad.

“What?” Her voice answered from upstairs.

“Get down here!”

This was probably about to be the most excitement I would receive from this entire trip. Comfortable, I stretched my arms behind my head and propped up my legs. Dad slightly revolted at the sound of her voice but composed himself out of respect for grandpa.

Aunt Jordan stepped downstairs and into the room. She didn’t make eye contact with my parents and stopped at the doorway, with a “Why-are-you-calling-me-here-now,” sort of expression. Grandpa nudged for her to take a seat on the sofa I was relaxed on, the only seat left in the room. She made a move like she was about to argue, but gave in after grandpa raised an eyebrow. All while this happened the rest of us sat silently.

“Hey Peter,” Aunt Jordan said to me, sitting down. “Hey you two,” she then called to my parents. This wasn’t a happy, cheerful greeting, but a forced one. We all said our hellos and the room fell silent again.

“So dinner?” Grandma insisted.

“Yes, dinner,” grandpa said. “Any ideas?”

“We don’t have a preference,” mom answered for dad and herself.

“Neither do I,” Aunt Jordan said.

It was clear to me I was going to have to break their tension and decide for us. This wasn’t a bad thing however, it meant I got to pick the food. “We’re getting steak.”

“Well then,” my grandpa laughed at me. “That was quick.”

“I know what I want,” I answered, laughing with him. If anything, grandpa and I at least got along well.

“Be down here in half an hour,” grandma said, standing up from her chair.

The five of us spilled out of the room. Grandma and grandpa made their way to their bedroom and Aunt Jordan walked back up the stairs. Mom and Dad walked to the dining table to sit and wait. I was left alone next to the front door.

I somehow had to entertain myself for another thirty minutes. All outside options were a bust because of the temperature so my mind scrambled. The lodge had a downstairs area with a kitchen, dining area, living room and a bedroom. Upstairs was another bedroom and a bathroom. Downstairs was a basement.

Aunt Jordan has taken over the upstairs area for whatever reason so I knew my destination was definitely the basement. I anticipated I was probably going to be stuck down there for the majority of this trip. Grabbing my bags, I walked toward the door that lead down.

Upon creaking the door open the old familiar smell and air hit me. It wasn’t a good or a bad one, but a characterizing one. I guided my hand along the wall as I marched down the stairs step after step. At the bottom was a small open room with a large couch and a T.V.- exactly what I needed.

The couch was a really nice modular sofa that covered a good corner of the room. I had many memories of just lounging up in here and eating popcorn watching movies. The T.V. Was a forty inch flat screen hooked up to an old DVD player. If I wanted to watch something knew I of course had to bring a DVD copy. Lots of other junk and old clothes cluttered the walls and floor of the room, completing the look as a usual basement. I spent fifteen minutes here before I had a sudden urge to piss.

“Your grandmother is cleaning up in there,” grandpa answered, cracking open their bedroom door to speak to me, in reference to their bedroom bathroom. “Could you try the one upstairs?”

“I guess,” I sighed, knowing how awkward it could get. I didn’t hate them, I just didn’t know them. Grandpa closed the door shut and I turned around to face the stairs.

Very quietly and nervously I climbed the steps. I heard voices coming from the bedroom down the hall. Luckily, the bathroom door was closer. I realized as I got close, however, that the light was on. Someone was inside.

“Oh hey Peter,” Aunt Jordan suddenly spoke to me. I jumped and turned to see her standing before me. “I’m not gonna kill you,” she chucked. “Katy is finishing her shower in there I think,” she looked toward the door. “*She’s been in there for twenty minutes.*”

“I’m almost done, jeez,” a voice complained from behind the door. It was kind of soothing to me.

“If you hang around you might can squeeze in.”

“I’m good, thanks,” I said, looking at Aunt Jordan and back at the door.

“You sure?” She answered. It was obvious she wasn’t trying to be malicious to me.

“Yeah I’m okay,” I turned around to head back downstairs.

“Let me know if you need anything,” she said as I left.


We all assembled in the living room at the appropriate time. All nine of us barely fit in the room so there was a sort of rush to get out of the door and onto the road. In fact I never even got a good look at anyone as I was the first out the door. You could say I was being an ass but I really didn’t care. I just wanted to go to this dinner so I could be left alone to smoke and watch my movies.

I climbed into mom and dad’s car and scrolled through my phone as I waited for them. After a minute they hopped into their seats and dad started the car. We pulled out of the driveway and followed my aunt and grandpa.

“Doing okay so far?” Dad asked me.

“Yeah I guess.”

“Well we’re about to have a steak dinner so I hope.”

“Before we leave you at that lodge tonight,” mom suddenly turned around to me, “let me make myself clear. I think we both know what you’ve brought with you- and you know what I’m talking about.”

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the window.

“I’m not gonna make a big deal out of it,” she said. “Just don’t do anything stupid. It’s a break so I’ll cut you some slack.”

“I think dad said he’s got some drinks lying around there,” my dad said surprisingly.

“What?” I turned to him, confused by his interjection.

“Don’t encourage him,” mom sighed, sitting back again to watch the road.

“I’m not encouraging anything. I’m just telling him what I know.”

He and I both laughed, which is rare.

“Thanks, dad.”

Grandpa lead us to one of the best steakhouses he knew of in the area. It was a large bricked building with several cars in the parking lot and a noisy atmosphere. It was surprisingly easy to find a parking spot for all three of our vehicles. Once dad parked we got out of the car and searched for the rest of our group.

Having not paid attention before, this was the first time during this trip I’d ever actually set eyes on Connor, Aunt Jordan’s husband and **Katy**.

Katy’s physique completely took me off guard. I hadn’t seen her in so many years I could barely even remember what she looked like, but *wow*. She was a year older than me and was easily one of the most stunning persons I’d ever seen. Her wavy brunette hair was brushed back behind her shoulders and clear of her eyes, her skin lit up by the pink sky.

I definitely wasn’t looking at her out of hunger, of course. I just couldn’t help but admire how attractive she held herself to be. Katy had an hourglass figure and wore a beige sweater with a black coat. The jeans she wore were a dark blue and the boots were one of the cute little fur ones. Her maroon scarf wrapped around her neck just below her sharp, symmetrical face.

That’s when I realized I had been watching her for too long. The two of us made eye contact and I nervously looked away, yanking out my phone to look for any excuse. My heart rate had sped up slightly. *You’re a fucking idiot*, I told myself.

Dad and Aunt Jordan made conversation with grandpa and grandma as we walked from the parking lot and inside the building. I stayed close to mom, following behind Aunt Jordan’s husband and their two children. Connor was being entertained by his father while Katy walked to the side of them scrolling through her phone. Admittedly I kept stealing a gaze or two at her.

Inside the tables were almost full. Our timing was lucky as they had a big enough table to seat us. Music played loudly and silverware clinger against plates as people dined. Our table was located near the back next to a window and at a good distance from other guests.

I strategically sat myself between mom and dad at one end of the table. Grandpa and Grandma filled in the halfway mark and my mom found herself sitting next to Aunt Jordan. Katy was actually seated at the other end of the table, facing me. I only sat here so that I could avoid the awkward tension between dad and his sister.

We all ordered our drinks and the awkward chatter began. Mom and dad engaged in conversation with grandpa while grandma entertained Aunt Jordan, her husband and Connor. Katy actually ignored it all and kept herself entertained with her phone. I forced myself to bounce in and out of conversation with my dad.

I don’t know why but I kept finding myself looking back at Katy throughout that dinner again and again. We ordered our food and I had to pull out my phone just so my eyes would stop averting. Right before our food came Katy and I made eye contact *again*. This time, though, she quietly chuckled and resumed her attention back to her phone. If she wasn’t in the family I’d think it was kind of flirty.

We all got our steaks, well, except for Katy. It was so strange to me and my parents but she actually just ordered a salad. The rest of us sat with our prepared steaks and sides and she just had a bowl of salad.

“I guess we’ll stay clear of *steak* houses next time,” Dad said, cutting his food. “That right, Peter?”

“Well, I…” I Stuttered. “I don’t know, I think it’s okay.”

“What?” He squinted his eyes, taken aback. Mom diverted her attention from grandpa, concerned.

“It’s no big deal,” I said. “I don’t know.”

“Okay…” dad said, drinking from his glass now. “If you say so.”

I wish I could say anything else happened but that would be a lie. All while we ate I kept up the usual entering and leaving conversation with dad and slightly looking at Katy. Honesty, I should’ve stopped by now but I just hadn’t. I was being creepy.

When we finished the plan was to drive back to the lodge so my parents and Katy’s parents could grab anything they needed to before heading off to their hotels for the night. This was the moment I had been waiting for. The place would belong to just my grandparents and I so I could just enjoy myself. It’s not likely anyone was gonna be in a rush to get back tomorrow.

As soon as the cars were parked I got out and rushed to the basement without saying goodbyes to my parents. Like I said, I really was being an ass, but I had been with them all day. I wanted to just be alone for a bit with my goodies. I did some rearranging in the basement and the door opened at the top of the staircase.

“Hey, Peter, I know you’re in there,” called my father’s voice. I walked up to meet him.

“What’s up?” I said, arm resting against the wall.

“Your mom and I are leaving. Aunt Jordan should be gone shortly too, so enjoy yourself. Beer is in that fridge behind you.”

He pointed to a mini fridge hidden slightly under some clothes against the wall behind me. I looked at the fridge then back to him. “Thanks, dad.”

“See you tomorrow.”


The door was shut at the top of the staircase and I walked back down. Excitement filled my body as I was finally alone and ready to kick back. I turned on the lamp beside the couch and turned off the ceiling lights.
