My Best Friend Part 19 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

We have been sitting in my living room for about twenty minutes. Moira was upstairs hogging up the bathroom that was in my room because it had a huge tub. Thanks to the renovation that my parents did to the entire house expanding things here and there, because of the renovation my bathroom was large enough to have a bath tub that could fit Amanda, Jeanette, and me comfortably.

While Moira was taking her bath, Amanda, me, and Sara were sitting down watching tv waiting for Jeanette, and the twins to get back. Jeanette had to go back to her actual house and get what she needed for the event that Moira and her had planned. Naturally she asked the twins to help her out for whatever she needed.

I still have no idea what the girls were planning to do. All I know is Moira talked to my parents to do whatever they have planned and she had to promise to some rules for whatever was going on. I know that no boys are allowed at the house for whatever this was because Moira told me that much. And she told me either I have to go out for the night or hide out in my room when all the girls show up for the event. Naturally I agreed to hide out in my room because 1) I really didn’t feel like going out partying with the rest of my team mates and 2) I wanted to be home for when the event was over so I can have sex with the love of my life.

Because I knew Jeanette pretty much lived on the other side of town we had about another 50 minutes at the very least because it takes about 30 minutes to get from my house to her house. No telling what she has to pick up so if she already has everything packed I guessed she would be back in an hour and 10 minutes to maybe 2 hours or so if she didn’t have everything packed maybe more.

With that much of a time gap I would try to make moves and actually have a good session of making love to Amanda but with Sara here it would be kind of rude to that. I mean what am I supposed to do make Sara watch a movie while I take Amanda into my room so I can have my fun? Or am I supposed to have sex with Amanda while Sara is sitting right next to me?

If I were a dick I would probably just fuck Amanda with Sara right next to us. But because I’m mister nice guy I decided I could wait until everything is winding down then I could have sex with my girl. Choosing to wait seeming like a more logical decision.

We watched TV for some time before the boredom of none of us talking was broken by the sound of Moira walking down the stairs. She walked down in a tank top and mini sweat shorts that barely covered her ass and looked like it was painted on. She lightly ran her fingers through her wet hair letting it air dry.

“Fuck that bath was good,” Moira said as glided down the stairs.

I looked at my cousin, “So is my room all steamed out or should I wait a little bit before I hide in there while you girls have you’re party or whatever it is.”

Moira looked at me and waved her hand, “I just told Aunt and Uncle what they wanted to hear. If you want you can stay while we have our little shindig.”

My eyebrow lifted, “What are you girls planning on doing?”

Amanda smiled, “We’re throwing a passion party.”

I looked at Amanda, “What the fuck is a passion party?”

Moira spoke, “It’s like a tub a wear party but with sex toys. We test out different toys that are available and put in our order if we like what we try out.”

I looked over at Moira, “How many girls are going to be here?”

Moira shrugged, “Well there’s me, Amanda, Sara, Jeanette, the twins, and six other girls.”

I laughed and got up, “As much as I would love to watch you girls try out different sex toys I’d rather just go somewhere else.”

Amanda got up and hugged me looking at Moira, “And I already have my best toy right here. I love him and he always satisfies me.”

Moira laughed. Amanda turned her attention to me, “You sure you don’t want to stay baby?”

I smiled down at her, “Na, I’ll just hide out in my room.” I bent down and kissed her, “You girls have fun.”

I walked up to my room shaking myself and have had a nice silent argument with my hard on as I walked upstairs threatening it with an ice cold bath.


I must have been in my room for the better part of 3 hours just kicking back on my bed playing games on my system before my bedroom door opened…Amanda. She was completely naked and looked like she has had some fun because she shimmered and glistening like she just freshly had sex. Her hair was semi roughened up a bit. Her breasts were demanding that they were given attention. Her whole body shimmered demanding that I make love to her.

Before I could answer the spell she was simply weaving on me, she spoke, “Hey baby.”

I smiled at her, “Hey baby. How was your passion party?”

She walked over to me and gave me a deep kiss lightly gliding her hand over my rising tent in my sweats.

An explosion happened in my head. Nothing seemed to make sense. My hormones went into over drive. My need to be inside her demanded I answered.

Just then Jeanette walked into my room and leaned against the doorway. I barely recognized her until she spoke, “Hey Honey.”

The only thing I could answer was a grunt. By this time Amanda had already pulled down my sweats and begun licking my dick. All my blood for cognitive thought disappeared.

Jeanette purred, “We have a surprise for you.”

When she said that all the blood rushed from my stiffened member back to my brain. “What surprise?”

Amanda didn’t even bother to stop licking my dick, “We have new girls for you.”

“What girls?”

Amanda continued licking, “Some new girls to bring into our fold.”

I pulled her up to face me the moment I did my dick wanted to detach itself from me and literally bitch slap me for stopping the enjoyment it was receiving. “What do you mean you have new girls to bring into our fold? What is wrong with what we have right now?”

I got a close look at Amanda’s eyes it looked like she was in a trance like she had been hypnotized or something. Maybe her mind was stuck in horniness mode and couldn’t get out of it. She literally dripped from her pussy onto my leg. That one drip told me she couldn’t think beyond the vibrating demand and need that was between her legs.

Even though Amanda looked like she was in a trance she still spoke, “To help us baby.”

That completely confused me. How was bringing new girls into our situation supposed to help them?

I wasn’t mad. I wasn’t pissed. I wasn’t angry. That one statement completely confused me. The only thing I could think of saying, “Explain.”

Jeanette sighed, “What Amanda means is there are times when your stamina is too much for us baby.”

I wanted to laugh. Actually I did laugh. My stamina too much for them. That was the real joke. More like they reveled in draining my balls. I cocked my head sideways obviously showing my curiousity, “How so? Explain.”

Amanda spoke still in my grip, I had forgotten that she was locked my hands a complete arms length away, “Baby, there are times when you have sex with us when you go past our limits and before we can recooporate you keep going. Hell there are times when it feels like you have turned my pelvis into dust which I enjoy. But it feels like that I can’t fulfill your need.”

That definitely made me laugh, “What are you talking about? I only have sex with you two showing you my love and yet you two tell me it’s too much. How is my stamina too much?”

Jeanette spoke, “What she means is there are numerous times when you have had sex with us both you go way beyond our limits and while we are at the end of rope and need a rest. You keep going when we’re not ready for a second round. Ask Amanda how many times she has passed out from you fucking her while you kept pounding her.”

I looked at Amanda. She just blushed, “Mind you I’m not complaining. But you have fucked me into a stupor where I have passed out and I don’t know when you have finished.”

I was still confused. It sounded like they were speaking Russian or something. None of it made sense.

I looked over at Jeanette. She smiled and only nodded. I looked at the girls, “Who’s idea is this?”

Jeanette smiled, “I figured you’d ask that. The answer is simple the person you’re holding is the one who suggested this. I only found the girls willing to do.” She interrupted her ownself, “Let me rephrase that. They asked us why WE,” she pointed at herself and Amanda,” get to have you and why WE aren’t fighting each other for your attention.”

I looked between the girls still confused as to what is happening. “So what are you trying to tell me?”

Amanda grabbed my dick and yanked it towards herself forcing me to look at her, “What we’re saying is we love you, you dolt and we wanted to add girls to the rotation.”

She saw the confusion hasn’t sunken in and sighed, “Come on baby didn’t you ever wonder what it would be like to have more girls?”

If Amanda wasn’t holding my dick it would have nodded for me. Actually I was more in shock because Amanda has NEVER done this. Usually she is the shy one and she has never grabbed my dick yanking it and controlling a conversation. Usually that was my job.

What the HELL was going on? First I get suckered into taking Jeanette to my bed with the girl I love…Amanda. Now Amanda wants me to bed multiple girls along with herself. I mean it has been nice have Jeanette around because she has helped not only Amanda but me as well when it comes to our sexual desires.

If I do agree to Amanda and Jeanette of adding more girls to our bed what does that make our relationship? How has our relationship gone from best friends to lovers, then from monogamous lovers to sharing lovers. Is this how swingers were started? What’s next? Leave your keys in a bowl if you get chosen then you can join our bed? Will these additions be the only ones that will be added or will there be more? Will they permanent or will they be floating? What is going to happen between Amanda and me? Will we stay together or is the beginning of something new?

Either way I’m going to have to make a decision and no matter how I look at this it doesn’t look like it’s going to be easy for me.


I snapped my attention looked at Amanda, “Well what?”

She sighed, “Come on don’t you want to add a couple of girls to our rotation?”

I actually had to think. On one hand I’m being handed the dreams of every teenage boy coming to life on a silver platter…having multiple sex partners. I thought I already had that with Amanda and Jeanette, yet here are the two girls I’ve let into my life and effect my emotions mainly that of love asking me to add more girls to our little ensemble.

Isn’t it usually the guy begging the girl for another sex partner or partners? I tried to wipe away that thought thinking if I dwell on that question it might make me think I’m less of a man in the relationship.

On the other hand, if I agree to this then I will have to worry not only about satisfying multiple females in the dance that is called sex. But I will also have to make sure that none of this comes back and shatters my world that I currently live in meaning the end of my relationship with the girl I love…Amanda.

I looked from Amanda to Jeanette back to Amanda closely paying attention to their eyes and trying to read their body language hoping that it would help me in making my decision. Jeanette’s eyes looked like she wanted this to happen but I could tell she wasn’t the puppet master in this decision. Her body was kind of hard to read being naked didn’t help my blood flow trying to stay inside my actual head and feed my brain.

Amanda’s eyes still looked like they were glazed over with the need for sex, but I could see she really wanted this. Her body told me she wanted everything that was happening and more. Or was that my dick telling me to stop thinking and just agree so it could get wet in it’s favorite hole to get lost in?

Finally what felt like years, I sighed. “Who are the girls?”

As if that made Amanda’s world her eyes blazed with need and happiness as if she just had a mini orgasm because she was getting her way. “Come on we’ll show you.”

She didn’t let go of her hold on my dick and led me to the girls.



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