Halloween Night [MF]

I was in from college for the weekend, and seeing it was Halloween tomorrow night, I called my buddy Jason to see if there were going to be any festivities happening. He told me a girl we had gone to high school with, Rachel, was having a big party, and that there should be a lot of ladies there. Rachel had been pretty hot back in the day, and the thought of her wearing some kind of slutty costume definitely sounded good to me, so I told him I was down.

I met Jason at Rachel’s house around 7 PM the next night. As we walked in, I looked around for her, but when I finally saw Rachel, I couldn’t help feel a little disappointed. While she was still fairly good looking, the three years since high school hadn’t been kind to her. When I asked Jason about it, he told me that she had gotten married pretty quickly after graduation, but there had been a lot of drama involving drugs and cheating, culminating in a nasty divorce. In the end, all of that had taken a pretty bad toll on her, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for the girl.

After the first hour or so, I began to feel like the party was going to be a bust, and wondered if I just needed to cut my losses and go home. I was sure I could at least find some good horror movies on TV, so I went to let Jason know I was cutting out when I saw her.

She wore a skintight, red top, and equally tight black jeans, with knee-high boots. Her body was thick but lean, and the top struggled to contain her ample bust while the jeans showed off her firm, round ass perfectly. Her jet black hair, which she wore in a messy bun, was a stark contrast to her pale skin, and the black lipstick and nail polish along with the piercings in her nose and eyebrow, completed the picture, giving her a sort of millennial Elvira vibe.

I gazed at her for a good minute, and when I started to feel a stirring in my loins, I decided I had to find out who she was. I looked around and found Jason talking to one of the other girls from our school days. “Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked. He excused himself from our former classmate and followed me to a private corner. “What’s up?” he asked. I nodded towards the mystery woman. “Do you know her?” He followed my gaze and grinned. “Morticia?” he asked with restrained laughter. “You don’t recognize her?” I shook my head. “Well, I guess she’s changed a lot since high school. Dude, that’s Judy.” I stared hard at the girl and recognition finally dawned.

Judy had been one of those awkward girls every school seems to have. She had been kinda chubby with unruly, mousy, brown hair and a mouth full of braces. Even as a senior, she had still worn the plastic choker bands usually reserved for middle school girls who are trying to be edgy, and she was never seen without some sort of supernatural romance book like *Twilight.* Needless to say, she was not very popular back then, and I couldn’t believe how much she had changed. Even with the gothic appearance, it was obvious she had really blossomed into a gorgeous woman.

Jason stared at me in disbelief as I gazed at Judy. “No way dude,” he said. “You have the hots for her?” I looked at my friend. “What’s wrong with that?” I asked him. “Look at her. Even all gothed out, you can’t tell me that she doesn’t look good.” He studied her for a good minute like he was Sherlock Holmes. “I mean…I guess she’s definitely changed for the better, but it’s still Judy. Besides, she kinda has a bit of a reputation now.” I looked at him questioningly. He held up both hands and made a circle with one while sticking the tip of the other in and out of it. I got the point. Regardless of her new look, it was hard to think of Judy from back then as a slut, but looking at her now combined with the thought, was a bit of a turn on. “You know what man, fuck it. I’m going to talk to her.” Jason shrugged. Suit yourself, bro,” he said to me. “To each his own.”

I walked over to where the girl stood by herself. As she saw me coming, it has hard not to notice the skeptical look on her face, and I couldn’t really blame her for it. While I had never treated her badly in school, I hadn’t really made an attempt to get to know her either. In fact, I could probably count on one hand how many times I’d actually talked to her back then. I had to be smooth if this was going to work.

I sidled up next to her. “I’ve just made a complete ass out of myself,” I told her shaking my head. She fixed me with a confusing look. “How’s that?” she asked hesitantly. “I saw this gorgeous woman standing over here, and I didn’t even recognize her. I had to ask someone who you were.” She smiled genuinely. “Thanks for the compliment,” she said laughing. “But I think you might be a little full of it.” I shrugged. “That’s probably true most of the time,” I told her grinning. “But I mean it. You look amazing Judy.” Color filled her cheeks as she smiled at me. The dark lipstick she wore, made her full lips look extremely sexy. “I go by Jade now, and I guess I might look a little different than back then,” she said flirtatiously. “No, you look a lot different,” I told her as my eyes lingered on her yet again. She grinned. “You must really like what you see,” she teased. “Especially considering you can’t keep your eyes of me.” I felt the color rise in my own cheeks. “Sorry about that,” I said embarrassed. Jade touched my arm briefly. “Don’t worry about it,” she said smiling once again. “I’m used to it. Besides I kinda like it when you look at me. After all, I might’ve had a bit of a crush on you back in school.” I raised a curious eyebrow. “Really?” I asked her. “Really,” Jade replied with a wink. I chuckled. “What’s so funny?” she asked confused. “Just the irony of it all,” I told her. “You had a thing for me in high school, even though I was an asshole and barely talked to you, and now here we are three years later, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since I saw you standing here. On top of that, you have no idea how hard it was for me to even know what to say to you, at first.” Jade stood there with an odd look on her face, then she smirked at me. “Life can be a wild fuckin ride sometimes,” she said. I smiled at her. “That’s probably the truest statement I’ve heard in a long time,” I told her.

After that, we decided to find a more comfortable place to talk and settled on the front porch swing. We talked for a good while about everything from our likes and dislikes to more deep subjects such as our plans for life. “We really should keep in touch from now on,” she said placing her hand on my knee. “I’d really like that,” I told her sincerely as I put my hand on top of hers. “Just as long as you don’t hold my behavior from high school against me.” She shook her head. “Don’t worry,” she said smiling. “You’re forgiven for that, but there is something else I wouldn’t mind holding against you.” With that, her smile turned salacious, and my jeans got a little tighter. “I definitely wouldn’t mind that,” I said fidgeting a little. She grinned. “I bet you wouldn’t.”

A sexually tense silence passed between us, but before I could say or do anything, Jade stood up from the swing. “Something wrong?” I asked her with concern. “Not a thing,” she said matter-of-factly. “But I’m ready to head out.” She turned and began walking down the steps and out onto the walk. I watched open-mouthed as Jade got farther away. What the hell was happening? Had I said or done something wrong? Those questions and more were running through my mind as I saw her stop, twist her body slightly, and look back over her shoulder with a sly smile. “Well, are you coming?” she asked. Hell yes, I was coming, but I was too busy admiring how tight her ass looked as she stood like that to really say anything, so I just politely stood up and began walking in her direction.

Jade’s car was parked not too far from my truck, and she opened the door and got in. “Follow me,” she said in a sexy voice as she closed the door. I ran to my truck, and soon we were headed across town with her in the lead. After a few minutes, we pulled into the parking lot of a bar called The Wet Spot. “I think we’ll like this party a hell of a lot better,” she told me as we approached the door.

As we entered the place, we were greeted with a packed crowd of people. Some were in street clothes, but a good many others were wearing costumes. We approached the bar, and directly, a female bartender, dressed like a slutty version of Raggedy Ann, came to take our order. Because her costume could barely contain her massive bust, it was hard not to stare at her cleavage as I ordered our two beers. “You look too long, and your eyes are going to explode,” Jade whispered in my ear. “Shit,” I said feeling like a kid who’d just got caught looking at his Dad’s Playboy. I looked at her timidly. “Sorry,” I apologized embarrassed. Jade smiled and pressed her large chest against mine. “It’s ok,” she said with a laugh. “But don’t forget you get to look at these as much as you want.” Jade pressed harder against me. In my pants, my manhood stood at full attention. The bartender returned with our drinks, and taking Jade’s hand, I led us to an empty table in the corner.

“How’s this?” I asked her indicating the table. “Just perfect,” she replied sitting down. I took a seat across from her and took a sip of my beer. “Sorry for the way I got up back at the party,” she said laughing. “It was starting to get kinda hot for me, and I was trying to be a little bit subtle about things.” “You’re fine,” I said with a grin. “Besides, I’m the idiot that didn’t pick up on the hint.” She leaned across the table. “I think you were just playing dumb so you could look at my ass as I walked away.” I laughed myself this time. “You’re only partially right,” I told her. “I honestly thought you were leaving, but I did like the way your butt tightened when you turned back like that.” Her head dropped and I could hear her giggle. “I am so sorry,” she said with colored cheeks. “Did you really think I was getting you worked up, just to leave you high and dry, or should I say wet?” I blushed at the innuendo.

“I wouldn’t blame you,” I told her. “I was kind of an asshole back then.” Jade reached across and took my hand. “I never thought you were anything but a nice guy,” she said sweetly. “We just ran with different crowds. Besides, that was then, this now, and we are both different people.” I squeezed her hand. “Why do you have to be so sweet?” I asked smiling. “What, you don’t like it?” she asked feigning hurt. “I love it,” I assured her. “In fact, I love a lot of things about you.”

The color rose in her cheeks again. “Oh really?” she asked curiously. “Do tell.” I looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, we’ve already established I like your body and its wonders,” I said to her. “Then there’s your smile and how sexy it looks with those darkly colored lips. In fact, I’ve been fantasizing about kissing them all evening.”

She leaned back and crossed her arms over her ample chest. “Well?” she asked accusingly. “Why haven’t you done anything about it yet?” I leaned back and mirrored her, crossing my own arms. “Probably because you’re over there,” I said flatly.

Without a word, Jade stood up and came around to my side of the table. I pulled her to me, then pressed my lips to hers. They were soft despite the dark lipstick covering them, and as our tongues met, it felt like an electric charge coursing through me. The kiss, which started sweet enough, built-in intensity, and soon both of us were breathing heavily, then she pulled away.

“You okay?” I asked as I tried to catch my breath. “I’m wonderful,” she replied between her own labored breathing. “But I think I need to go to the restroom.” She made a subtle motion, and this time I got the hint. She stood up and headed for the small hall that held the bathrooms. I watched her go inside and then waited a full minute before I followed.

I had barely entered the hall when the ladies’ room door opened and Jade’s hands pulled me inside. I turned, and instantly our lips became re-acquainted as I pinned her against the back wall. The heat was coming off of us in waves, and as we kissed, our hands explored the other’s bodies. I took my mouth away from hers and kissed her neck while my hands found their way under her shirt and up to her breasts. Jade let out a breathless moan as I ran my hands over her nipples and squeezed both massive breasts. With a quick upward motion, I raised my hands, causing her bra and shirt to go up and over the top of her chest. With both breasts now exposed, I left a hand on one of them, while my mouth found the nipple of the other. “Jesus Christ,” she breathed out exasperated. “You’re driving me insane doing that.”

I brought my mouth back to Jade’s and then kissed her now smudged lips. “Isn’t that kind of the point?” I asked her teasingly. She smiled wickedly, put her hand on the front of my pants, and then squeezed. “I’d like to at least be somewhat coherent when you make love to me,” she said still holding on to my bulge. “Well, no time like the present,” I said kissing her once more as I gave both breasts another quick squeeze, causing another moan to escape her lips.

I undid my belt and fly, freeing my manhood from its bonds, and then I watched as Jade slid her own jeans off, before kicking them to the side. Without a word, I went to her and then taking hold of her right leg, I brought it up then she wrapped it around my hip and buttocks. I kissed her full lips one more time, before guiding myself to her wetness, and then thrust it home. “Uunngg,” she screamed while clenching her nails into my back. Looking Jade straight in the eyes, I began thrusting into her, slow but hard, with each stroke eliciting an even louder response. After a few moments of this, I quickened my pace, and she had to cover her mouth to keep the rest of the bar from hearing us.

‘OH MY GOD, I think I’m about to cum,” she said as her eyes rolled back into her head. I intensified my thrusts. “Can you hold it for just another second?” I grunted out. She gave me a quick smile “I’ll try,” she said.

I braced myself with both arms on the wall, as I thrust harder and faster inside her. She tried to stifle her moans, but the closer she got to climax, the harder it was for her. Finally, I felt myself beginning to reach the end. “It’s time,” I grunted out. Jade wrapped both legs around me, and with one final hard thrust, I erupted in her with a grunt. She screamed loudly as her womanhood convulsed around my member, and then after a moment, it was over.

I pulled out, then stood there panting while I looked at her while trying to catch my breath. “Holy hell,” I said. “That was intense. How are you feeling?” She took my face in her hands and kissed me. “I am pretty fucking great,” she said grinning. “But we gotta get this place straightened up before someone walks in here.

We cleaned ourselves up real quick, got dressed, and then made sure there were no signs of our lovemaking. “You think anyone heard us?” I asked her quietly as we walked back into the main room. We looked around, and judging from some of the looks we were getting, the answer to my question was pretty obvious. We walked straight to the bar and paid for the beers, and then once we got to the parking lot, we were back in each other’s arms.

“What now?” I asked her in between kisses. Jade smiled like the devil. “Round two sounds good,” she said with a wink. “But this time how about someplace a bit more privet.” She kissed me one more time, then whispered into my ear, “Follow me.” I watched as she got into her car, and then I got in my truck. I didn’t care where she went next, all I knew was that I would follow my little Goth Goddess anywhere.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jjalg9/halloween_night_mf