Undisciplined [MF]

The rattled jangle shook him as half jumped. Eyes burning for a second before he looked to his side. Slightly discombobulated he saw the blur of what was his quarter filled Tom Collins.

She’d lied down her bags on the kitchen table. The keys strewn on the island.

His arms and upper body covered with small bumps under his slightly hairy, salt and pepper covered chest. He’d fallen asleep kicked back in only his lounge pants. Slightly cold and shivering he came to.

Unstrapping her heels she’d hoped to clear him. Not noticing him as she fully was transfixed on getting them off. Not seeing him standing in the kitchen entrance way. Hands in his pockets he merely cleared his throat. Now it was her turn to jump. “You, um..aaa…scared me.”

She saw him looking down at his watch. She was playing nonchalant as best she could. Taking her shoes both in one hand and carrying them as she headed to the table. “Enjoying your drinks? You should check out this little skirt I found tonight. So cute, I bet you’ll ju….”

“What have we discussed?” He said sternly. Not raising his voice. Just direct and with purpose.

“I jus….I mean there was a train and then…” She attempted.

“We both agreed together. Yes? Have we not had these conversations? Well, I was rather just looking for an uneventful night. I have to be on a call early tomorrow.”

“We did. We did agree Sir. I’m sorry.”

She truly was. He knew that. He *also* knew that the two of the made a pact and that she’d even been made to write lines to imprint expectations in her mind. Help her out a bit. A second infraction wasn’t helpful to her needs and what she wanted or needed.

“I don’t *want* to do this. You know I prefer *not* having to but you again just put me in this position. Did you not?”

She responded head to the floor. “Yes Sir, we did.”

His index finger under her chin he slightly raised it. “Uh, uh. Look me in the eye. No shame, *Only* accountability.”

“Yes Sir.” She responded.

He walked over and grabbed on of the basic wooden kitchen chairs and pointed to it. She walked over and just in front of it. He gave *very specific directions and expectations. He knew lines alone *cleary* had not worked.

“Knees on the seat”, he ordered.

She did as he asked. He held out his hands so that she could relieve herself of the heels. Then climbed on.

He walked around her. Gazing up and down, “Skirt comes down.”

She knew how he liked it and would do it himself. She ran her thumbs just under the waists and slide them off very slowly. After taking it in with a wry smile he walked over to the kitchen drawer near the dishwasher and grabbed a bit of jute rope walking to the knife block and grabbing the pair of scissors. He cut the rope and admired her cheeks in the white lace thong he’d selected for her that morning. Pleased that she still did most things right. She gives him sheer enjoyment most of the time. He wishes to be fair. He holds out his hands and she places palm against palm and wrist against wrist. He runs the rope around a couple times to get snug and the loops it through before tying the other end around the top left of the x made in the back of the chair.

“Arch the back.” It was starting to get late. Going to take another drink he stood in front of her. Unburying then top of her white blouse just for kicks before standing there with his hand rubbing slightly his beard. Then he walked to their room.

He walked back out and shivers ran through her as she saw this evenings tool of choice.

“Arch the back. Hey. It’s the *only* effective tool I believe will work.” He ran his leather flyswatter along her right cheek. “I know, I know. It leaves a crazy bite.” It’s an odd sounding disciplinary item but it leaves a different kind of impact and bite. He drags the head of it now along her left cheek up…..and then down. He walks in front of her and slightly bends over. His hand on her cheek. Slightly brushing and caressing. “It’s the only lasting discipline that will *truly* be effective in helping you get better at following through for yourself and us. I think the bruising and the pain when you sit will really allow it time to sink in.”

With that the first impact on her raised ass. The right cheek upward. Thwaaaaaaack!! He then rolled the head up and down on the sensitive cheek. “Staying out late to buy pretty things.” She didn’t protest or whine. She was well trained. She wasn’t going to make it worse on herself. THWACK! TWACK!! Right downward on her left cheek. Waiting and waiting a bit more. TWAAACK!! He placed his hand on the bottom of her neck and bent her forward to raise her ass cheeks a bit. THHHWAACK! Right upwards on the right cheek. Her hands jolted a bit in the front of the chair from the deep, raw impact. This is why we use the jute rope. We had an incident in the past. The rope is a mere safety tool for her own good. The bite of the next impacts on her right cheek deep but the interesting thing about the leather is that it’s impact is felt deep *also* at the edge of the skin. Marking it. His middle finger now rubbing the outside of her thong. Slowly along her damp lips. Pulling them to the side he then swats the head directly on her lips. His finger back on, this time *just* inside her lips. Her cheeks cherry red. He stops along to take a sip of his drink and taking a quick look at his watch. He leans down and in, his stomach brushing against her. She can smell his woodsy scent. Again the thwack of head against her sore lips.

“Let’s not have to revisit this behavior. I’d hate to have to bring out the leash and clamps. I *truly* believe we can get this corrected.”

With that he loosened her rope and kissed her softly on the forehead. “I’ll be upstairs. She you in bed.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ji33km/undisciplined_mf