Step Sister Corruption Part 18 – Day 2 Prepping (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Summer and I headed downstairs towards the laundry room while Kelly went off towards the kitchen.

When we got into the laundry room we were greeted to a near mountain of clothes with a powerful body odor slash damp smell coming from the mound.

I sighed and started grabbed laundry beginning my separation process.

Summer quickly jumped in as soon as she recognized my sorting style.

Delicates, towels, whites, blues, blacks, reds and so on.

We remained quiet as we separated not speaking a word.

As we separated I noticed that my dear sister had gone through a significant amount of towels and work out attire.

Which of course figures for the last 5 days Kelly has been a work out whore spending all her waking hours at the gym. Until yesterday that is.

For four and a half solid day’s this little bitch would wake up early make her breakfast. Change into her jogging attire go out for a jog. Come back do a video in the studio. Come in eat a snack. Go upstairs shower off her current funk. Change into a different set of work out attire go into town and hit the gym. Come back drenched in sweat. Eat lunch. Go upstairs shower and change. Go into the studio make a couple more videos. Come back in eat a snack. Go change into workout attire again. Go back into town to hit the gym. Come back drenched in sweat. Shower. Eat dinner. And if she still has energy she would change again this time into her workout swim suit and go back into town to swim. Or do late night yoga. Them if she did all that she would come home eat another small meal shower and change into her sleep attire.

Rinse and repeat for four and a half days.

The bitch went through at least four or five charges of clothes a day. That’s not including the towels and workout towels she went through.

So of course the laundry mountain was so fucking high.

You know how many I went through in four and half days? Maybe six outfits. I like to reuse my work out clothes until the stench offends me.

Yes I know that sounds gross but I’m a guy. And I only work out in the studio. Maybe join Kelly on her morning jogs…..when she’s not in work out whore mode that is.

And I sure as fuck don’t go through towels like she does. I have only 4 regular towels and 2 workout cloths.

Summer spoke snapping me out of my thought of Kelly’s waste of clothes.

I looked at her and said, “Huh?”

Summer looked at me and semi smiled, “I said, So how much trouble do you think you and Kelly are in?”

I thought about my answer and shrugged, “Honestly no clue.”

Summer threw separated more clothes now separating Kelly’s work out clothes with the rest of the clothes, “If you had to guess?”

I blew out through my lips before answering, “As long as mom keeps this to herself and not dad….. probably not that bad.”

Summer laughed, “That’s good.”

I nodded and smiled at her, “Sorry you got dragged into this mess.”

Summer waved at me, “Please I got myself into this mess when you talked me into helping Kelly. How was I supposed to know we were being watched by big brother or in our case big mother.”

I actually laughed at her clarification, “Yeah if either I or Kel knew about the cameras we would have warned you.”

Summer laughed and nodded. Then she looked around trying to find the camera that was in the laundry room.

I recognized what she was looking for and pointed towards the corner remembering from the feed where it was angled.

Summer looked towards the camera and nodded. She lowered her voice, “Think that one recorded sound?”

I looked at the corner actually seeing the camera which was part of the light bulb. Another ingenious invention.

I looked back at Summer and shrugged, “No clue but if I were you I’d keep the conversation vague until we know we’re safe now that we know about the cameras.”

Summer nodded and looked at me, “What do you think about it?”

I sighed, “Honestly.” I stopped and looked at the bulb camera before returning my attention to Summer, “I feel like a major invasion of privacy has just been done. I mean the least dad could have done was tell us of all the cameras and tell us where they were.”

Summer smiled and nodded, “Yeah I hear yeah.”

I grabbed the load of delicates and started separating further to the different colors before I threw them in the washer starting my first load. I continued to speak, “But I do see the argument of trying to keep us safe on all fronts but were in the middle of no where. The closest person is a couple of miles away before we even get to the city proper.”

Summer listened and nodded.

I looked around before blowing out again, “So yeah I see both sides of the argument but I think dad went a little over board on the whole security system. But then again the world is crazy.”

Summer laughed and whispered, “Listen about us.”

I held up my finger and pointed towards the camera.

Summer blinked and looked. Then she looked at me and nodded.

I smiled at her and spoke, “At least answer one question before we go into that topic.”

Summer looked at me for a moment before nodding.

I looked at her and wished we could stay down here and talk but with the cameras and the sudden need to be private I had to keep my conversation vague, “Are we at least good?”

Summer looked from me towards the camera before looking at me and thinking her answer. I could see she was trying to figure out a way to be vague and still answer my question. She looked at me and finally said, “For now yes.”

I nodded and said, “Well the first load is in. Should take about 20 minutes before it needs to be switched. Would be offended if I draped my arm around you as we go check on Kelly?”

Summer held her hand to her chest, “My my Gabe that sounds like something two couples should do not friends.”

She leaned and lightly jabbed my side, “But I’d be honored Benny.”

Guess that answered my question. She just confirmed we were still friends with benefits……I think.

I smiled and draped my arm over her shoulder. Summer in turn just leaned into my side like she was perfectly molded to be there as we walked up the stairs to go check on Kelly.

Just as we hit the main floor Summer pinched my ass. Which made me jump and Yelp all at the same time.

I looked at her completely shocked that she just fucking pinched my ass.

Summer giggled and said, “Sorry had to.”

I smiled at her. I guess for now she was going to act like the whole Jessica thing never came up. But I was sure that it was going to come up once we were behind closed doors.

I lightly rubbed my ass as I turned my attention to Kel who was furiously scrubbing pans that I had cooked on that I obviously failed to clean after I was done cooking.

I called out to Kel, “How’s the kitchen coming?”

Kel stopped and looked at me, “Good I think. I got most of the mess either in the trash or in the dish washer just scrubbing the pans.”

Summer spoke, “Here I’ll help wipe down the tops while you do that.”

Kelly called out, “Thanks.”

I smiled and said, “While you two handle the kitchen I’m going to see what all else needs to be cleaned up.”

I heard the girl’s grunt as I walked off.
Honestly I hate cleaning the kitchen. And the rule of the house is whoever cooks doesn’t have to clean.

Though lately it’s whoever can’t stomach the piling plate in the sink shall clean the kitchen.

Mom always loses that game and eventually cleans the kitchen and then chews us out for letting it get that bad.

Dad always wins that game.

Come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever seen dad clean the kitchen. Not once.

I looked at the main living room finding it wasn’t that bad. Just a little pick up here and there. A little bit of wiping. Maybe some smell good.

I straightened up the room picking up whatever before I broke out the trusty dry mop. I sprayed some hard wood cleaner and dry mopped the floor.

Thank you hard wood floors.

The only place in the house were there was carpets was the bedrooms on the second floor. The rest of the house was either hard wood of some type and tile.

I went downstairs and straightened up the entertainment room from our romp yesterday. Mainly picked up the remotes and put them back to where they should be. Put some of the furniture back where it was like to ottoman and the chair. Then sprayed the room with some smell good to combat the stale ass that still lingered in the room.

I went into the laundry room to check on the wash to find my first load of delicates were done. I moved that over to the dryer putting the setting on delicate and low heat low cool so it wouldn’t damage anything. Then I put my second load of delicates into the wash.

It’ll be about 30 minutes before the dryer is done.

I went back upstairs to find the girl’s were gone and the kitchen looked clean again. Also heard the dish washer going.

With nothing else to clean except laundry now it was safe to go upstairs and face the music.

I walked upstairs and found someone in the shower. I looked into Kelly’s room to find Summer opening a couple of boxes.

I looked my head in, “What you doing?”

Summer looked at me and smiled, “Setting up Kelly’s next lesson.”

She waved at me, “Come in you can help and close the door.”

I nodded. I walked in and closed the door.

I looked down and found 3 small digital cameras along with a few other items mainly clothes.

I spoke, “So what’s Kelly’s next lesson?”

Summer smiled, “For her to be free with her gift and find out exactly how many guys find her talent of squirting to be a turn on.”

I looked at her semi confused. I think I knew where she was going with this. I just need to confirm, “So what your idea is to have her go on one of those adult sites and have her masturbate online?”

Summer nodded, “More or less yes. Kelly goes online creates an online account hook up her financial information, hook up her vibrator, and let the guys tease the shit out of her while they pay.”

I spoke, “Won’t that kind of go against our current contracts with our sponsors if they find out about this account?”

Summer looked at me and smiled. She dug behind a pillow and held up a bondage mask from Kelly’s collection and a simple frilly mask, “Way ahead of you.”

I looked at the masks. I pointed out to Summer, “The frilly mask might be too little and she could be easily recognizable.”

Summer looked at the mask and frowned, “Maybe you’re right!”

I pointed at the bdsm mask, “And that one is too much. Might draw the wrong crowd.”

She looked at the rubber mask and sighed, “Well shit.”

I looked at her, “We want to protect Kelly’s identity correct?”

Summer nodded.

I continued, “And this whole online is to get her comfortable about sharing her special gift so the next time she gets with a guy she doesn’t clam up again and be back to where she was. Correct?”

Summer nodded, “You’re getting the idea.”

I thought for a moment before I snapped my fingers, “I got it. I can contact my buddy Ben and see if he can whip up something fast.”

Summer looked at me quizzically, “What’s the nerd going to do?”

Ben for the uninclined was a kid that ALL of us grew up with. Yes it was true what Summer was saying that for all purposes he was a nerd. But a nerd with an amazing sense of humor. And an all around nice guy. Plus those that weren’t aware was that he had been cosplaying for a few years and was actually good. Good enough I knew he was leaving soon because he got a job offer at his last geek convention as a makeup artist over in Hollywood.

I only knew this was because I actually talk to him from time to time we’re not close friends but friends enough to actually talk to each other. That and he’s a regular on my COD team so we talk whenever we’re on.

I looked at Summer, “Hey he may be a nerd but he could help whip up a mask for Kelly that will hide her identity and possibly look good enough to where she can fit in any category on that spank site.”

Summer looked at me like she doubted me.

I spoke, “Do you trust me?”

Summer looked at me and finally said, “If you think he can help I guess that’s good enough.”

I smiled, “Great I’ll call him while I go check on the laundry.”

I was about to walk out when Summer some causing me to turn sound, “Don’t forget we still need to talk.”

I nodded.


I came back upstairs after folding Kelly’s delicate bras and panties, throwing the next delicate load from washer to dryer and starting a new load in the washer. I was even able to get a hold of Ben.

I walked into Kelly’s room seeing Kelly was out of the shower and now sitting in front of her laptop while Summer was sitting on the bed.

Summer immediately looked at me and said, “So did you talk to your buddy?”

I smiled and nodded, “Yeah Ben was actually happy to do it,”

Kelly immediately interrupted me, “Guh why you talking to that nerd loser?”

I looked at Kel, “He’s willing to help make a mask to hide your identity Kel.”

Summer added, “Yeah Gabe made a decent point our ideas to hide your face was a bad way to go. One your masquerade mask wasn’t enough to hide your face increasing your chances people would recognize you and possibly make you lose your current sponsor’s. And the bdsm mask was too much and might attract the wrong type of people.”

Kel thought about Summers statement and looked at me, “Ok and how can Ben of all people help?”

I looked at her and smiled, “Because unbeknownst to you he’s actually a good cosplayer enough to get a job offer as a makeup artist in Hollywood Kel.”

Kel blinked at that little tidbit and I could see her thoughts of Ben begin to change. She might now see him in a different light and maybe elevating from nerd to possibly a good guy.

But I’m just guessing at this moment.

Even when I admitted that to Summer she had the same look as Kel. Like she changed her opinion from no factor to possibly sugar daddy status or something.

Once again I’m just guessing.

Summer spoke, “So what did he say?”

I frowned and said, “That’s probably the bad news depending on your view.”

Kel frowned, “Spit it out Gabe.”

I sighed, “He wants to do a FULL body scan, before and after for his portfolio, and money just for material’s or you pay him $900.”

Kel squinted at me, “What do you mean a FULL scan?”

I coughed, “Naked.”

Kel stood up, “Oh hell no!!! I’m not letting that nerd scan my body when only I need a mask. No. Fuck no!!!”

Summer spoke, “You couldn’t talk him into doing it all for free or even as a favor?”

I looked over at Summer and shook my head, “Sorry even he said he was going out of his way because he already had every thing packed because he’s leaving at the end of the week. He’s willing to do it because I was actually nice to him.”

I looked at Kel, “Or you can just pay him $900.”

Kel blushed hard and grumbled, “Fine I’ll do it.” She looked at me stead fast and said, “When can he do it?”

I looked at her, “Tomorrow. 9am. His place. He said he should have it finished before the day after.”

Kel sighed, “Fine but you’re coming with me Gabe.”

Summer lightly chuckled. Kel looked at her, “Bitch you’re coming too. I don’t want him doing weird things to me.”

Summer gasped, “Why the fuck do you need me? You have Gabe.”

Kel looked, “Oh you’re coming if you want me to do all this video shit.”

Summer fired back, “It’s to help you become comfortable around guys with your hidden talent. So yes you’re doing the video shit. If you want my help then that’s what you’ll do.”

Kel just looked at her, “Please!!!!”

Summer folded her arms under her chest and huffed, “Fine. But I’ll need to check in with my parents at the least.”

Kel smiled, “Thank you.”

Summer sighed, “Fine. In the mean time, finish your account and look around on what other girl’s are doing to study them. I’m going to go in Gabe’s room and call my folks.”

Kel nodded and started back on her laptop.

Summer and I went into my room where we were going to have our conversation.

This is going to be awesome!!!!!

Pure sarcasm. I was dreading this.

I wonder if I should wear protective gear in case sharp objects are presented?
