My Best Friend Part 18 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

God! Do I love this time of the year. Well actually to be honest I love it when the football season is over mainly because I’m not constantly sore from working out all the time and football. I find having more time to myself and being less sore is always a good thing.

Currently I’m listening to Amanda and Jeanette on either side of me cheer on Moira as she plays her soccer game against one of our rival schools.

“Come on, Moira. Kick that stupid ball into the net,” screamed Jeanette. Obviously she doesn’t fully understand the rules of soccer. Granted, nor did I, but here’s the difference between Jeanette and me… I don’t really care. I’m just here to support my cousin.

“Come on blues beat those silvers,” came from two females in front of me in unison.

The two females sitting in front of me that sounded dumb in unison was Abby and Geri Cooper. Have you ever met two twins? Have you ever met twins that were red- heads? Yeah neither have I until a couple of weeks ago.

Actually to be honest, I knew of Abby and Geri Cooper. I knew that they didn’t hang with any crowd in particular except one…gymnastics. That’s right these two girls have been training in gymnastics. Now you may be asking why these two girls are at a soccer game and not out training for something? The answer I’m still clueless about but for some odd reason they have been spending an awful lot of time with Amanda, Jeanette, and me.

Abby and Geri like most twins look completely identical. Red hair, both weighed between 105-115lbs. Abby stood about 5’3” and Geri stood about 5’2”. Both had about A cup breasts if not just under B cup breasts, but I couldn’t really tell or confirm it.

Other than the girls being identical twins and having an aptitude in gymnastics the two are completely different. Abby dresses like she prefers having skin tight clothing on her body showing off her curves and lack of undergarments. Geri on the other hand always dressed with either comfort or conservative but I can’t tell the difference.

Somehow I have a feeling when they go off to college Abby will become the slut and Geri will become a lawyer or something along those lines, I doubt they will continue gymnastics beyond their first year of college. But this is just a guess I have no idea what their future plans are after high school.
If I were a smart man or at least put two and two together, I’d probably figure out that something odd is happening. Or at the very least something is going to bite me in the ass and blow up in my face.

“Good job, Moira! WOOOOOO!,” Amanda screamed right next to my ear.

I really need some freaking earplugs cause if this keeps I’m going to be deaf. That’s if Coach Bradley hadn’t already accomplished that.

Amanda’s screaming at the top of her lungs snapped me back to the game. I caught to see Moira still in mid air in mid kick and watched as the soccer ball sailed through the air at a good speed continuing it’s path to the net.

“That’s the way to fucking kick that damn ball.” Came from another girl next to Amanda, Sara.
Sara is another girl that has been hanging out a lot with us and by us I mean Amanda and Jeanette. Actually to tell the truth she has grown attached to Amanda and Moira sticking to them like glue or like a lost puppy dog.

Sara moved to our town and entered our high school as a new junior just like the rest of us. At first she was really shy and kept to herself for the first few months and al- ways wore baggy clothes that looked like it was six sizes too big for her.

Because she kept to herself for so long a lot of rumors began to spread about the girl how she was damaged or mental ill or came from a broken home or was abused as a little kid or she was part of a gang or something along those lines. Normally I don’t listen to rumors nor do I really care from the sources they come from at our school because about 60% of is complete bullshit.

But then Amanda and Moira took pity on the girl and started a conversation with the girl. After a couple of months say started to blossom around us and we found out the real truth about Sara.

Turns out the girl has been around the world and actually lives in a normal home. Her parents like mine travel a lot, her father is an archeologist and her mother is a international designer.

Sara was a small girl maybe about 5’2” has light auburn hair and had dark green eyes. For a while I didn’t know much about her measurements or weight because she always wore baggy clothes so it was hard to tell. She could be big underneath those clothes but I doubt that because of how close they fell along her body.

It wasn’t until after Winter Break I found out what Sara hid underneath all those baggy clothes. One day Sara spent the night over at our house and caught her wearing some tight shorts and a tight tank top. Turns out that Sara was completely skinny as a rail and didn’t have much in the chest department, frankly it looked like bb’s on a chalkboard. But her figure wasn’t sickly or anything like that actually it was the complete opposite. She was toned to where you could see every muscle clearly along her body.

At first I thought her figure was because she didn’t eat much but even that surprised me. When she first slept over first thing in the morning she ate a tall stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, orange juice plus a cup of diced fruit. I had to ask her how she kept her figure after watching her clear away that much food in which I found out she’s completely active and is heavily into martial arts hence why she kept a good figure.

And here I thought it was a high metabolism, hell for all I knew she had that going for her as well. After that I quickly found out that she weighed about 120lbs or so, surprised me thought because of her figure she weighed between 95-105lbs but because she is so toned all her muscle gives her more weight.


All of us waited next to my car, actually me and the girls (Amanda, Sara, and Jeanette) stood by my car while the twins stood next to their SUV. Guess mommy and daddy love their gymnastics princesses.

All of us were talking about various things while we waited for Moira to get out of the locker rooms and make her way over to us. Normally we would wait for her just outside the locker rooms but we are currently parked less than 15 feet away and leaning against the car was more comfortable for us.

I really wasn’t paying attention to what Jeanette, Amanda, and Sara were talking to the twins about. Hell for all I know they were sharing trade secrets in order to help increase their flexibility. They might be talking about my own doom for all I cared about but I didn’t care the cool air against my body felt too good to actually pay attention to their conversation.

I’m too much in love with not being sore and bruised on a constant basis. Even though I’m sore from working out all the time, I’m not bruised from football on a constant basis. That fact was something I always looked forward to. That and I had more time on my hands to spend with my girls.

Before I could really start figuring things out of why the twins were hanging out with us or trying to figure out what the girls were talking about, Moira stepped out of the gym in her sweats.

Right away I noticed that she didn’t shower in the gym and I knew what I was going to do…give her shit like she gives me all the time.

“Now who’s the smelly jock.”

I heard Moira sort of chuckle as she got closer, “Screw you too. I forgot my flip flops at home and I’m not about to get some funky bacteria because I forgot them. So I’ll just shower at home.”

Amanda chimed in, “Good win. You looked good out there.”

Moira just smiled at Amanda, “Thanks.”

The twins chimed in unison, “We didn’t know soccer could so enthralling.”

Jeanette just snorted, “It helps if you understand the sport better than just yelling ‘Go Blue’.”

Abby turned to face Jeanette, “Well what are we supposed to yell? Go Buckeyes?”

I just looked at both of them, “Jeanette it’s ok they can cheer whatever they want as long as they cheer for our school. I don’t care what it is they say as long as they sup- port our school. You should be happy about that at least.”

Jeanette smiled, “You’re right Jay. I’m sorry.”

Then Sara spoke, “That was a great kick out there.”

Moira smiled at Sara, “Thanks for showing me how a jump kick could be advan- tageous in soccer.”

Sara had a huge smile on her face, “No problem.”

Moira looked at me, “Can we please go home? I want to relax in a hot bath be- fore the rest of the festivities start.”

Jeanette looked at Moira, “You still want to do this tonight after what you did tonight?”
Moira, “Of course I do. I’ve always wanted to do something like this but never could find girls that were open enough to do something like this.” She looked over the twins, “You two still coming over for the festivities tonight?”

The twins smiled in unison before Abby spoke, “We’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
Moira nodded and flopped in the back seat of my car.
