Deep Dive [F] (Tentacle Rape, Double Pen, All the way through, Mind Control, Non-con, Wetsuit)

It wasn’t what Olivia had in mind when she was asked if she wanted to go on a research trip.  ‘The closest thing you can get to outer space’ she was told. And while the South Australian countryside was scenic, it was desolate and lacked a lot of the creature comforts that she was used to back in the lab.

The nearest flushing toilet was about a two hour drive away to the nearest service station across the Queensland border. A trip that Olivia had only undertaken once in the past few days out of necessity to restock a few supplies, but the toilet alone she deemed was not worth the trip. Even though it was clean for service station standards, she longed for the heated bidet seat of her modest Sydney apartment.

But, being the young scientist she was, she was almost always up for something new. The trip was also doubling as a bit of a ‘digital detox’, as she had caught herself spending too much time at her desk or on her phone in her non working hours. And despite the national phone provider’s slogan circa the mid 2000’s being “Coverage everywhere you need it”, in the near decade and a half since, this promise still had not been met for places such as this. It was so remote, you could drive for an hour and not pass another car on the road, if you could call the well traveled divot a road. And while that was the same for most of central Australia, it was an alien concept for Olivia, who grew up taking the bus to an inner city school for girls and never really expanding her horizon beyond the boundaries of the capital.

Dr. Siena, although she preferred to be called by her first name, Maya by her co-workers; had been working on her putting together this trip for the last few months. Getting the appropriate grants, paperwork and permission from the higher ups and local land owners, and all the stuff that Olivia hated doing as part of her job. Syntern Technologies, for all their faults during the early 2010’s were now, with a recent CEO change, well on their way to becoming the leading research group in the southern hemisphere. Olivia was thankful at the time for employment after just finishing University, but couldn’t help feel a little like a caged bird sometimes, being cooped up in the lab with a dozen other researchers. But this, this was the type of thing she’d been waiting for. A chance to get out and spread her wings, and perhaps even show off her skills to her supervisor.

“A cave diving expedition to collect samples from a newly discovered meteorite impact?” Olivia had spoken the words back to her supervisor and was still yet to process them fully.

“Yep, that’s it! You in?” The middle aged woman replied enthusiastically.

Olivia didn’t have any diving experience, which is why she thought it odd that Ms Siena had inquired if she would like to go on the research trip. Maya Siena had been at Syntern Tech for the last decade or so, riding its ups and downs, and now was definitely an up. Perhaps the woman saw something in the young girl? With the initial scepticism over, Olivia jumped at the opportunity to get out in the field. Ms Siena had also lined up the only other experienced diver that Olivia knew from the group of researchers, Hugo Connors. Connors had been one of Maya’s first hires, an old buddy from university whom assisted her on her PhD. A few weeks out from the trip, the group had gone out to the test pool the in one of Syntern Technologies facilities. An almost Olympic sized,.deep concrete cavity used for all number of scientific experiments. Olivia could recall a deep sea probe and an experimental shark detection buoy being tested here in the recent months. Connors had set up a mock training course made from fake rock panels for himself and Maya based on preliminary scans of the dive area.

Meanwhile, Olivia was being trained up to receive scuba certification by an outside instructor. Maya’s plan had been for herself and Connors to do the bulk of the cave diving; and have Olivia remain at a safe, yet deep enough depth to transport samples back to the surface periodically, to make the most out of their limited time beneath the surface.

She picked diving up fairly quickly, even impressing her instructor, which didn’t suprise her as she had always been a fairly good swimmer. Connors suggested trying out the first part of the test course since they had the time to spare, which even he was impressed at her competency.

The day had come, the group had left in the early morning and grabbed breakfast at the airport before catching a flight up to Brisbane, then waited around for their small 36 seater plane headed to Birdsville. Once there, they were met by their local liaison. By this time it was late afternoon and they were shacked up at one of Birdsville’s various hotels. Once feed and watered the next day, the liason sent them off, and they were headed south on the two hour drive, gear packed to the roof in the back of their four wheel drive.


It was the sixth day of their expedition Olivia was finally used to ‘roughing it’ and the team had set up their equipment and done a few test dives; it was about to get real.

Connors and Maya already had their wetsuits on from earlier that morning when Olivia finally wriggled into hers and emerged from the tent.
“How are you feeling?” Asked Connors.

Olivia rolled her shoulders, stretching out the suit. “Better than ever.” She replied with tension in her voice.

“It’s okay to be nervous, I remember my first time diving in a real cave up in New Guinea, I was so constipat-”

Maya slapped her gloved hand on Olivia’s back, interrupting the conversation. “You’ll be great, there’s nothing to worry about Liv.” During the last few days, she had come to call her by Liv instead, which Olivia thought was a good sign.

Soon enough, they were all immersed in the cold cave water, Dr. Siena and Connors departed through the opening at the far bottom corner of the rocky pool. A bundle of cables and tubes followed behind them, connecting their respirators with the compressor and tanks outside the cave. Oliva had a small tank strapped to her back, unlike the others, she didn’t need the extra room for sample containers and equipment.

The full face dive masks the team wore had an intercom system built in, allowing them to stay in contact. Oliva was listening to the others as they got to the first sample marker. It was now her job to dive in and retrieve the sample they were taking. It wasn’t far but it still creeped her out. The water temperature dropped significantly in only the small amount of distance through the opening, but she pressed on.

By the time she got to the first marker, the others were already moving on. She grabbed the sample container, which was a vivid orange, non-buoyant thick plastic jar, with an inner plastic pouch for the rocks or specimen samples to be safely packaged.

Oliva swam back up and deposited the container in the cooler she had prepared just on the water’s edge. She announced that she had collected the sample to the team.

“Excellent. We are down to marker 2, the next opening is just as the scan suggested, setting up the retractor.” Connors voice crackled over the intercom.

Dr. Siena’s initial scans of the cave had shown that after a certain depth the tunnel got incredibly narrow, allowing little room for the diver to turn around and move. She had devised a relay system, that not only transports samples from their position, but in the event of an emergency, they can pull themselves back out.

“Wait until we are at marker 3 to go and collect the next samples together Liv.” Maya’s voice sounded in her ear. She was happy to oblige as she watched the cables unwind slowly as her team went deeper and deeper.

A few minutes later, they were down to the next marker and Olivia set off again. It took her a good 20 minutes to get to the second marker and back, a trip she would have to do many more times over the next few days. But just as she had stashed the two samples away, she heard a crackle over the intercom, then she noticed the cable was unwinding unusually fast.

“Dr.? Hugo? Come in?” She was starting to sound panicked, because she was becoming panicked. “Hello! Can you hear me?!”

She made up her mind in a fraction of a second, and her stubby flippers made a splash on the cave wall as she dove. In the 8 minutes it took to race to marker 2, her mind was buzzing. She was still not getting any response back from the pair, however the cable had stopped unspooling down the tunnel.

Activating the small motor on the retractor mechanism, the cable reeled in faster than Olivia thought it would. A tense few minutes later, she found out why. Shining her mask mounted light, she could see that coming up from the narrow passage were two belts, empty of their owners.

Olivia gasped and desperately cried out for them again, but still no response. She had two options, continue down or go back and drive until she could contact help. She reasoned that it was time that the pair might not have, anything could have happened to them.

Clipping on both of the retractor belts she started her dive further into the cave, noting she had about half a tank of oxygen left. She’d been this far in her practice dives but nothing looked the same as it did then. She supposed she was at marker 3 a few minutes later, but there was no sign of anyone, just dark rock. But there was a faint glow from the tunnel ahead. Perhaps a mask light, she thought for a moment, but why is it so blue?

Continuing on for what felt like hours but was really only another few minutes of wiggling through and bumping around the narrow pathway, she came to an open cavity. As far as her light would reach there was no sign of a wall on any side. She cast her gaze down when all of a sudden, something was latched around her left leg and yanked her down with enough force to make her dizzy. She descended ten metres, before coming to an abrupt stop. Taking the moment to look below her, she saw a girthy mass tangled around her leg that was almost invisible. It was strong enough to hold her in place and resist her squirming.

The water down here was cloudy, like it had just been stirred up but was quickly settling again. Her light was starting to reflect of things, one of which was a scuba mask the same as hers drifting empty above her.  It was definitely Dr. Siena’s. Olivia concluded upon a second glance.

A few moments later, she could see a dim light straight ahead of her about seven metres away. And as the debris settled some more, she saw that it was Connors pushed flush against the far wall of this place. His limbs were entrapped in the same things that held her leg, but extra tendrils of whatever it was were probing into his head while another was wrapped around his exposed genitals.

“Hugo! Hugo!” Olivia screamed while flailing her arms. She tried to paddle the distance, and surprisingly the object that held her leg let her.  Connors did not respond in the meantime, however Olivia noticed his face contorting, eyes closed, body squirming like he was in some kind of nightmarish dream.

As she finally got to him, his face trembled and his male anatomy twitched briefly before a white substance was vacuumed up by the tentacle enveloping it. That’s what they were Olivia thought, tentacles, from some weird creature. She tried to shake the older man, but he didn’t move nor did he respond, and within a few seconds, he went back to squirming.

The tentacle that had kept a hold on Olivia’s leg tightened briefly then it reeled her in again to what she presumed was the centre of the chamber. Before she could even react, another rope like tendril shot out of the darkness beneath and aggressively prodded at the neoprene near her crotch. Olivia slammed her legs closed and fought to keep it away, but to no avail. It felt like a pressure washer blasting away dirt, but instead of dirt it was turning her wetsuit into fibrous chunks. Soon she felt the icy water creep in, followed by a strange sensation on her bikini briefs.

A thin tentacle wormed it’s way into Olivia’s vagina and up further than anyone including her gynecologist had ever been. She felt a shooting pain in her abdomen for a moment before she sensed the intruder retreating. Once it was out, and Olivia had come to terms with what had just happened, another thick mass gripped her other leg. She screamed and thrashed before she heard the ping of her oxygen tank warning.

Her short flippers had fallen off in the commotion, leaving her in her dive socks. She had maybe ten minutes of air left if she was lucky, but probably less as the rate she was breathing. Two more tentacles rose up and yanked her arms down behind her back. At the same time the ones wrapped around her legs slid upwards, forcing her to expose the hole in the wetsuit to the new intruder.  She could not do anything but squeal at the unpleasant feeling as the sizeable appendage entered her, ripping through her bikini bottoms in the process. She was gasping from the weird pleasure it was inducing in her, but screaming both externally and internally from the ordeal.

Once it has fully entered her, right up to her cervix it just stopped. Olivia took a moment to consolidate her thoughts, her mask was fogged from her hot breath.  “What the fuck was this thing doing to her, and to Connors? And where was Dr Siena?”

As soon as she finished that line of questioning, her mask was ripped off by more smaller tendrils and in the brief moment before her vision filled with the wet darkness, Olivia saw a tentacle headed straight for her face. What she didn’t see was the one headed into her rectum, but she sure felt it. Letting out a bubble filled scream, she definitely didn’t invite the limb inside her and it happily worked its way deeper and deeper. Olivia didn’t know which was worse, the one in her vagina, anus or the one that started going into her nose.

She choked for a moment on water before the thin feeler down her airways miraculously started allowing her to breathe like normal. If she had to guess, she would have said the creature was passing air and into her lungs somehow. But she didn’t have time to speculate further as the tentacles in her bottom orifices started to move, the vaginal one started to pulse and undulate within her. Whilst the rectal one slowly wormed it way up causing a great deal of pain as it made its way through the colon and into the intestines. Although it was being careful and as gentle as it could be, if it wasn’t for the intense pleasure she was starting to feel from the other tentacle, she might have been feeling a lot more pain.

The tendril assaulting her vagina had now decided to create micro tentacles near to the entrance, for what reason we will never be sure. Olivia felt them pry her vaginal lips apart and rub against her clitoris causing her body to jolt from the sudden and intense pleasure.

She only lasted a minute with all this going on, by that time she had felt the appendage inside her wind it was up into her stomach. Just when she was climaxing she felt and saw a dark smudge emerge from her agape mouth, then she fell into unconscious.

When she awoke, she was back in her lab head on her desk. A steaming cup of coffee next to her, with paperwork to attend to. She was in her safe place, or so she thought.…



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