Excerpt from Unconventional Sex [Sex in public place]

The bell dinged as the elevator arrived. The elevator was pretty packed but there was room. They excused and pardoned their way to the back corner, since they were riding down to the lobby bar and a lot of the company welcome and meet-ups tonight were being held on multiple floors throughout the building. They knew there would be a lot of stops on the way down. The crowd was rowdy and excited, lots of greetings and chatter, filling the elevator with noise. He slumped against the back wall and slid down a bit. Concerned, she asked, “Are you okay?” Then she felt his hand and shook her head. He just couldn’t stand to not touch. He slipped her skirt up just a tad in the back so he could fondle her ass, it was his weakness. There were no panties in the way as she’d worn a thong. Barely even a strip of material she wasn’t sure how it could legally be called underwear. He amused himself caressing her softly, as the elevator slowly hit every floor on the way down.

On and off, on and off, people traded positions, but the dull roar of conversation never faded. Finally about two-thirds of the way down he got a little bolder, and slid his hand down, reaching forward, he slipped his fingers under the thong and began gently fondling her. She leaned back with surprise and caught hold of the handrail for support. She let loose a long deep breath and then without garnering any unnecessary attention, she repositioned her legs just a little further apart, granting him more access.

To be honest, she had already been very aroused before they’d even left the hotel room. Just putting on this outfit and imagining what he was going to do to her had been quite stimulating. She knew her nipples were already very erect and she’d seen several of the men in the elevator glancing her way. It pleased her to be noticed and she didn’t mind. She even gave one or two of them a slow sultry wink just to mess with them. They had no idea that at the moment her boyfriend’s fingers were teasing the opening of her vagina. She had a good poker face.

Shit. He wasn’t messing around, he had every intention of finger fucking her right here. He inserted his middle finger slowly and then just as slowly pulled it out. They were two floors from the lobby now. His head was resting on her bare shoulder and she could feel his warm breath on her neck. One floor. She took a long shuddering breath in. He kept going. In and out. She was so wet she felt it starting to drip down her leg. The doors opened at the lobby and she shifted, unsure what to do.

“Excuse me miss,” he said, getting the attention of a fellow passenger near the buttons, “Can you press 28 for me, please?”

Relieved they were headed back to the room, she pressed against him even more, hoping he would get the hint. She endured while people surged onto the elevator to make the journey up just as crowded as it had been on the way down. They started the long tortuous ride. More stops. More people trading places. Her desperate attempts to control her breathing. His fingers were slick with her juices. He murmured in her ear, “Would you like me to push your button ma’am?” She shook her head, rolling her eyes, always joking he was. He pushed his fingers farther, splaying open her labia. He played there for a while, teasing and just running his fingers back and forth gently stroking. As turned on as she was, she was glad he wasn’t touching her clit because the way she felt right now, she would probably have a screaming orgasm right here in front of dozen strangers.

She swore the ride lasted forever, until finally they made it to their floor. She pushed her skirt back down and they squeezed their way out of the packed elevator. She was so glad to be out of the crowd she took a big, deep breath of fresh air and started towards the hallway. He caught her arm before she got two steps and said, “No.”

She turned, confused, “I thought we were going back to the room?”

“No. Here. Now.” He pulled her to the narrow elevator waiting bench.

“Oh my god, what?” she whispered fiercely, “Fuck! No! What? Are you crazy?” Her protests went unanswered as he was already pushing down his pants to reveal what he sometimes jokingly referred to as ‘middle management’ already standing at attention. He was not fucking joking. He straddled the bench and guided her to him, with one leg on each side.

“Look what you did to me,” he whispered lustily as he pulled her down to his waiting lap and his very erect penis.

“Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. You are insane. Oh my god.” She kept up a stream of profanities even though she didn’t try to stop him, letting him maneuver her willing body onto his waiting cock. Only her mouth disagreed, her body put up no argument whatsoever. He pushed into her easily. He had made sure she was already well lubricated. She was sure she had left a goddamn puddle in the elevator. With him inside her, it was over. Whatever molecules of sense and reason she had, completely disappeared. “I hate you,” she muttered, as she started riding him forcefully. Their lips met in a violent need to conquer each other while his hands worked her skirt up so he could grab her ass. Ugh, this was bad. She was going to get thrown out of the convention and maybe even fired. Fuck. Too late for sanity, not once his dick was inside her. She was committed to it now. Her desire took over and she abruptly pulled away from his kiss to shove the drape shirt apart, exposing her breasts fully so he could take them into his waiting mouth. He began slathering them with kisses and hungrily suckling her flesh as she continued rotating her hips aggressively.

She was desperate now. It wasn’t enough. She needed more. With his head at her breast, she leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I need you to fuck me,” with a pleading tone in her voice. She pulled away and repositioned herself, still straddling the bench but facing away from him. Standing with her ass in his face, she bent down holding onto the seat, offering him her backside. Without saying a word, he quickly stood up and entered her from behind. Hands grasping that beautiful ass he adored so much, he gave her what she wanted.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jhkpjt/excerpt_from_unconventional_sex_sex_in_public


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