My Best Friend Part 14 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

I really didn’t know how to respond to this. Should I be completely honest how I feel about Jeanette? When this whole double dating originally started I kept myself guarded expecting this to blow up in my face. Originally I saw Jeanette as a nuisance, along with a few other unkind thoughts about her.

But over the past month of all three of us dating Jeanette, she has slowly grown on me. I’ve actually started caring for her but nowhere near as I cared for Amanda. And lately I’ve actually started having sex with Jeanette more often but not nearly as often as I have sex with Amanda. Amanda is still my girl.

I decided to go with a half truth mainly because I know Amanda and Jeanette will see the finished product of this. My only question is how much of this will be in the finished product?
“Well honestly, I see her as a friend. But over the past month she has been growing on me. So do I care for her? Sure but not as much as Amanda.”

Jenna spoke, “Well that’s good. Let’s move on to some of the more juicier questions. But before we do let’s watch some of the footage we got from the girls first.”

The camera light finally turned off the same time the TV turned on. Within a few seconds a video played and I instantly knew it was Amanda.

Jenna’s voice came over, “Tell us a recent sexual act that you had with Jay that surprised you?”

I could see Amanda think about it for a few moments before she found the memo- ry she was looking for and spoke, “Well the most recent one was about two weeks ago when I squirted for the first time.”

Jenna spoke, “Ok. Stop it.”

The video on the TV stopped, the camera’s light turned red, and the light was beating on me again.

Jenna spoke, “That was a juicy story from Amanda’s point of view. Let’s hear your side of the story.”

I knew which day Amanda was referring to. To be honest that was an interesting day. Just thinking about that day instantly gave me a hard on. I shifted my weight in the chair trying to hide the fact I had a hard on from Jenna.

“Well the day that Amanda is talking about, it was a normal day. We were about a week into the whole me dating both Amanda and Jeanette. I had gone out for my normal job first thing in the morning.

When I got back from my jog, I usually take my shower. Well after my shower and went down stairs to see Amanda and Jeanette completely naked laying on the floor watching a movie.

As soon as I sat down they noticed me. Jeanette and Amanda turned to me and Jeanette saying that her and Amanda wanted to play a game. Initially I was hesitant because our relationship was still fresh. But after Jeanette explained the game it sounded fun”

I chuckled and scratched my head, “Hell the idea actually had me aroused.”

Jenna interrupted me, “What was the game that they wanted to play?”

I thought about the exact game, “Basically they wanted to see who could ignore me playing with them and having sex with them the longest while they watched a movie without succumbing to what was happening to them.”

Jenna, “Ok. Go on.”

“Well they popped in the movie they wanted to watch. I initially waited about five minutes into the movie before I started playing with them. I actually waited about ten minutes into the movie when I knew Amanda and Jeanette were into it before I made my move. I came up behind Amanda spread her legs as she laid on her stomach and began eating her out. Initially she didn’t make any sounds besides beginning to breathe differently. I continued to slowly eat her out until I could tell she was about to cum. Then I stopped.

I moved over to Jeanette and did the same to her.

I then waited a few minutes to let them settle down before I sat in between them and put my fingers inside both of them. I slowly moved my fingers until I felt them tighten around my fingers and then stopped.

Then I flicked the head of my dick along their pussies. Then stopped.

During their cool down time after that I noticed that Amanda had begun to look slightly more wet than Jeanette. It almost looked like she was beginning to drip some of that wetness. But their bodies by this time were glistening and little pools of sweat had formed on the lower backs so I wasn’t too sure at that time.

I kept this process up for quite some time on Amanda and Jeanette both. It was the third or fourth round me eating them out to fingering them to flicking my dick that I couldn’t take it any longer. The veins in my dick were throbbing something fierce but they both hadn’t succumb to what was happening so I had to step up the game before I was going to burst.

I started slowly fucking Amanda. The moment I was up to the hilt I felt a double throbbing going on. The throbbing of the veins in my dick and the throbbing of Amanda’s pussy pulsing on me. I slowly exited out of her until I was to the tip then slowly forced myself into her. Each time I got myself to the hilt the throbbing from Amanda’s pussy felt got stronger.

About the seventh or eighth stroke Amanda finally panted “Pull it out.”

I didn’t listen and got about six more strokes in feeling a stronger and stronger pressure build making harder and harder getting myself to my hilt.

This time Amanda in short quick pants uttered, “Pull it out. Pull it out. Pull it out…..please!!!!”
I smiled thinking I had won I pulled out fully and was hit just above my dick with high pressure of liquid spraying out of her pussy and she tried to hump the air before convulsing and collapsing not moving.”

Jenna interrupted me, “And what did you initially think when that happened?”

I laughed, “Initially I thought she has pissed all over the place. But then I realized she has squirted when I figured it didn’t smell like urine. Plus Jeanette had to explain it to me. I thought that was something only porn stars could do or it was a myth or something like that.”

Jenna spoke again, “Is that the only time she has squirted?”

“Up until that moment she hasn’t squirted. Maybe gotten extremely wet or an overflow leaking down me when she’s on top but no.”

Jenna, “Can she do it all the time now?”

I scratched my head smiling and pushing my free hand down on my crotch trying to reposition my dick so my tent would disappear, “Most of the time now, sure. She squirts quite often some days more often than normal but yeah.”

“What positions does she squirt the most?”

I put my hand to my chin trying to think which positions she squirts the most, “She usually squirts in any position but she really squirts the hardest when she’s in the doggy position, or if I bend her in half.”

Jenna spoke again, “Ok. Let’s move onto the next video.”

The camera shut down and the TV turned on. In that moment I thought to myself, what the hell is going on here? Is this a trap? Will Amanda and Jeanette see this finished product? What will the finished product be? Will this video be the beginning of the end of my relationship with the girl I love? Or am I just being paranoid?
