My Best Friend Part 16 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

“Are you ready for this?”

Amanda’s question shook my thinking. I looked at her and Jeanette with a smile, “I guess.”

Jeanette spoke, “I have been looking forward to this for a while now. How about you?”

Amanda nodded her head, “Are you kidding me? I have been so excited about this for the past couple of weeks. I’ve had to resort to use padding in my panties to soak up all my juices so they won’t soak through to my jeans the past couple of days.”

Jeanette laughed, “I know how you feel.” And she opened the door to her sister’s house.
It’s been a couple of months since the last time I’ve been to Jenna’s place. Last time I was here I was being video taped by Jenna and was asked to come back after Amanda had returned from being with her grandmother.

In the past two months or so, I had gone to states and our team won. Jeanette and Amanda’s cheerleading squad had taken 2nd place at the cheerleading finals in their divi- sion and took 10th place overall.

We had gone on our winter break. Came back and done our midterms. And es- sentially had to wait until this weekend to do our follow up, mainly because Jenna had gone to twelve different shoots before she had free time to finish up our video session.

I had completely forgotten about the video shoot because we have been so busy. Hell I gotten reminded about this yesterday and my promise that I would do this. I tried to get information out of Amanda and Jeanette about what was going to happen but didn’t get very far beyond it’ll be fun, or it’s a surprise.

We walked into Jenna’s house and it looked like a normal house again. There was actual furniture in the main room. Last time there was a couch only, the rest of the furni- ture had been moved to another location to make room for all the filming equipment.

I wasn’t standing there for very long before Jenna appeared and met us in the main room. She quickly greeted each of us with a hug before speaking, “I’m so glad you could make it today.”

I rubbed my arm trying not to look anxious, “Yeah. Well I did promise the girls.”

Jenna smiled, “Oh, and congrats on the win.”

I smiled, “Thanks, but it wasn’t nothing.”

Amanda quickly chimed in, “Yeah he even got invited to the West vs. East High School All Star game next year.”

Jenna looked at me like she was impressed, “Is that right?”

I spoke, “Well not formally but it’s a possibility if I play well next year.”

Both Amanda and Jeanette spoke at the same time, “Oh you will.”

Jenna laughed, “Well you guys ready?”

The girls nodded their heads furiously. I wanted to laugh because their previous conversation told they were excited. I just gave Jenna one little nod.

Jenna smiled, “Alright follow me.”

All of us followed Jenna through the house. I keep forgetting how big Jenna’s house is. We must have passed at least five doors before she opened the door for us, ac- tually I wasn’t really counting how many doors because all the artwork and photos along her walls distracted me too much. Along Jenna’s walls were pictures of her family but those were sparse. Mainly along her walls were her various photo shoots nude and com- plete wall posters when she stared on the cover of her films. Any guy would be distracted by those photos no matter if they had eyes for only one girl, hey sue me I’m a guy.

We walked into the room Jenna was looking for and was immediately surprised by two things. First thing was how large the room was. This room made my living room look like a normal bedroom compared to this room. How big exactly is Jenna’s house?
The second thing is how the room was laid out. The room had a blue backdrop covering 3⁄4 of the walls. You could tell that there was no windows in the room that or if there was any windows the backdrop hid it very well. There was a camera on a tri pod with five others sitting on the ground against the wall. In the center of the room was a cushioned table large enough to hold two people…barely. Behind the table was a score- board you’d see at a little league soccer game or something like that.

On the scoreboard it didn’t have the normal home and away placings, instead there was masking tape over them with a sharpee written on them saying “small” and “large”.

Okay…I’m confused.

Jenna spoke before I could think what the score board meant, Jenna spoke. “You guys ready?”

I looked over at Amanda and Jeanette seeing them nod. I turned my attention to Jenna, “Ready for what?”

Jenna smiled, “For the sex games.”

I looked at her completely confused. Jenna saw my confusion after a few sec- onds, “Didn’t the girls tell you?”

I slowly shook my head. Sex Games? What the fuck is that? I didn’t know whether to be confused or be mad or some combination of the two. God I hate it when they, meaning Amanda and Jeanette, spring surprises on me. The least they could have done was tell me what was going on instead of keeping me in the dark. I know that their surprises have slowly become more and more fun but still just a few hints here and there would be nice.

Jenna spoke, “Ok…well as part of your anniversary gift from the girls. We are going to see how many times you can have sex in one day. How many orgasms the girls can have. And finally see if you can tell which girl is which when you’re blindfolded.”

I slowly spoke, “O…..K…., which one are we doing first?”

Jenna smiled, “We are seeing how many times the girls can cum to your one.” Jeanette spoke, “Alright!” obviously someone is excited, “Who’s going first?”

Jenna spoke, “That’s a good question.” She thought about it for a moment like she hadn’t considered that. Then as if a light bulb went off in her head she quickly fished out a coin from her shorts, and flipped it in the air, “Call it.”
