Futa Cum Industries Chapter 2 Sophia [Futa/F] [Addiction] [Blow Job]

https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/isgo53/futa_cum_industries_long_orgasm_denial_hand_job/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share [Part One]

https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iw8i3l/futa_cum_industries_prequel_m_futa_femdom/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share [Prequel]

“Sophia, we need to have a talk,” Cassandra said. Cassandra was the inventory and requisitions manager for the Futa and Human Resources Agency (FHRA), if she was here then that meant Sophia had been found out. The FHRA was the government’s way of dealing with a national futa cum addiction epidemic. The government’s solution was to simply give decreased doses of cum over time to eventually eliminate the dependency. In Sophia’s opinion the way the government had set the program up just didn’t work. There just wasn’t enough highly skilled help for the size of the problem. Since this dependency was so wide spread there where FHRA specialized counselors ,like Sophia, for dealing with this addiction specifically. If someone didn’t respond to the weaning then they where screwed, unless they where one of Sophia’s cases.

“I’m guessing you’re here about case 80,” Sophia said with a smile. Cassandra shifted her weigh “You’re making it real difficult for me to get that Christmas bonus. Your cases consume more inventory than any two counselors’, why is that,” Cassandra asked while looking over her tablet. “I’ve had a few relapse, so their dosages will be higher while I start to wean them back down,” Sophia admitted as she leaned back in her chair, the wall stopped her from getting comfortable. “I get it, but since we’re over our budget I have to ask you how many relapse cases have you had in the last six months,” the IR manager muttered as she held up a tablet to type on. Sophia blinked slowly,” Fifty”.

Cassandra sighed, “So all of them. Now of those fifty relapsing cases how many are on second or third strikes?” Sophia folded her hands over her belly and remained silent. Cassandra shook her head and typed something else on the tablet,” Cut the triple offenders. I’m not your supervisor but you gotta cut ’em. If somebody less empathetic than me finds out you’re keeping them in the program after strike three you’re going to be the one out.” “Yep,” Sophia said curtly. Cassandra held her free hand up, “I’m not going to say anything! Just look out for yourself. You can’t help people if you’re fired. Save our inventory for the people who are serious about becoming more than just cum guzzling dick tuggers. Just be careful, ok? A lot of us really like having you around.”

“I know I know, I’ll cut them ok. It’s just seeing those videos from the Cultlands on the news everyday, when you see where these people come from… Thank you for keeping it quite by the way, seriously. Sometimes I just don’t want to say no. What can I say? I believe in second chances,” She said while reluctantly leaning toward her computer. “So does that mean it’s ok if I ask you out for a second time,” Cassandra ventured while looking down at her tablet, her fingers tracing a tattoo on the left side of her neck. Sophia looked up from her computer. Was that what was on her mind? People where going to have their lives ruined by their own addictions but Cassandra was worried about dating, in the same conversation? Cassandra was quite the beauty and to be honest Sophia had wondered about what the rest of that neck tattoo looked like, but the way the IR manager spoke about the clients was a huge turn off for her. She was also human, Sophia preferred to avoid those.

“Cassandra, I’m sorry. You see my case load, I don’t think I have the time for that and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon at all,” She said while trying to let her down as easy as possible. Cassandra smiled graciously,” I get it! I’ll stop asking. Please don’t think I’ll suddenly report you because you turned me down, ok? If the higher ups find out it won’t be from me, all I ask in return is that you make my job a little easier.” “Thank you,” Sophia said returning the smile,” I’ll get to cutting right now, you’re right and I don’t want to fuck you over like that, I’ll take care of it.” Cassandra muttered something under her breath that Sophia couldn’t quite hear.

“Hmm?” Sophia asked. “Time for me to clock out,” Cassandra said red-faced as she slipped out of the doorway. Cassandra really wasn’t a bad person, she just didn’t share the same goals as Sophia did, and that was really important for her in a relationship. She just didn’t feel as strongly as Sophia did for those cases. A lot of those people in relapse where just unfortunate souls who had this addiction literally forced down their throats. Those case numbers where lives. As a futa herself she felt somewhat responsible to help. Sophia felt there was something very justified about a futa helping instead of selling her cum or starting up yet another brood of poor humans addicted to her cum in the Cultlands, like so many did.

“Ms. Villa, your 3:30 is here,” came the voice over the intercom. Sophia glanced at the clock on her computer, it was five. “It’s ok let her in,” she sighed, her name was Renay Dillon, she was in her fifth relapse, Case 80. A thin woman with gentle features opened the door to Sophia’s cramped office space. Even with her vacant and exhausted expression she was still quite beautiful. She mumbled an apology for her extreme tardiness, Sophia accepted and asked her to sit down. Clients like Renay where given free counseling and just enough cum to ease the worst of the withdrawal symptoms, unless they failed the program three times. “Thank you for seeing me still, I fell asleep while getting ready,” Renay said while avoiding eye contact. Sophia couldn’t take her eyes off of her, her heart nearly broke when she realized she would have to drop 30 more people. “Still having trouble sleeping,” Sophia asked while trying to buy time to figure out what to say. Withdraw syndrome tended to be different from person to person. Sometimes it caused insomnia, in other cases maybe extreme depression that made it difficult to do anything else but sleep, perhaps a combination of the two or something else entirely.

Renay shifted in her seat and rubbed at her weary eyes,” Only about an hour or two, I never know when that is though. I’ll just fall asleep during anything and wake up after a couple hours exhausted. I just can’t shut my brain off without it unless I have help. My doctor cut me off the sleep aids after you reported my last relapse. Sophia interlocked her fingers and leaned forward, “I can go to jail if I up your dosage without reporting that.” “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to sound like that. I’m just tired all the time and it’s hard to think straight,” Renay admitted apologetically. Sophia shook her head, there was more bad news In store for this poor woman. ‘Best to do it fast, that’s what I would want’, Sophia thought to herself.

Sophia sat up straight, “I can’t work your case any longer, I am dropping you from the program Ms. Dillon.” Renay’s tired eyes blinked a few times as if she where trying to discern if she was dreaming or awake, Sophia wondered if somebody with that much sleep deprivation could tell the difference. The exhausted woman didn’t even move except for her chest which was now taking shallow and rapid breaths. “B-but you said you could work me in. You said we where going to beat this, together. What did I do wrong,” Renay said as tears filled her eyes. The fact that Renay would blame herself for Sophia’s mistake made her feel even worse, she had to tell her.

“Renay listen, this one is on me. I’ve been keeping multiple people in the program past the third strike. It’s easier to do with just a few but I have 31 that I’m being forced to cut now or I can lose my job. If It was just you I could sneak it in, but I bit off more than I could chew here. It’s all my fault, not yours. I can understand if you’re angry with me. The treatment plan just doesn’t work, I thought I could fix it,” Sophia said as her voice cracked with emotion. Sophia placed her sweaty palms into the cool surface of the desk. Renay took Sophia’s sweating hands in both of hers, her fingers where soft and gently forgiving. “I never deserved someone like you watching out for me,” Renay stood and leaned over the desk to bring Sophia’s hand to her lips. She kissed her fingers like they where made of solid gold. “Thank you,” she whispered into Sophia’s sweaty hands.

Sophia shook her head, she would cut everyone but this woman if she could. Renay was a genuine and selfless soul. Now she would be forced to deal with withdrawal on her own without anything to ease her symptoms. She was in for the fight of her life but was bent over kissing Sophia’s fingers like Sophia was something more than another lost idealistic idiot trying to play the hero. “I’ll keep trying. I won’t let you down Ms. Villa,” Renay looked up from her kissing and smiled. She hadn’t been a FHRA counselor for long but Sophia had never met someone as hopeful and kind as Renay. Renay didn’t threaten to sue or demand more treatments, she seemed confident she would be ok on her own. She would miss this client the most of all. Sophia got up and walked around her desk. She stood over the sitting woman with her arms open, Renay shrunk away. “Oh! I um… I don’t think that’s a good idea, um… People like me…”, Renay mumbled with a shaky voice while gathering her purse to leave. “Please, at least give me a goodbye hug,” Sophia insisted. The purse hit the floor with a soft thump. “Yes ma’am,” whispered Renay as she got up to embrace her. The woman leaned forward to get out of the chair, her face traveling closely up Sophia’s body as she stood. Sophia heard her take in a deep breath the entire way. Sophia looked down into her eyes and flushed face. The smaller one allowed herself to be embraced first before returning the gesture, her small hands encircling around her hips then traveling up Sophia’s back until resting at her shoulder blades. Sophia felt the smaller woman bury her face into her chest. Renay groaned at the full body contact, the sound caused Sophia’s face to warm. How long had it been since anyone had held this woman?

Sophia knew what this embrace was doing to Renay, she was ok with that for some reason. The counselor could feel the barely restrained hunger as Renay wrapped her arms around her like a straight jacket. Sophia had no intention of leaving this person to horrific cold turkey withdrawal hell. There was something Sophia could do for Renay, and while not ethical, it could be her only shot at recovery. The good ones like Renay needed something more, a personal touch. In this moment Sophia felt her job was worthless if she couldn’t help a woman like Renay. With some effort Sophia managed to pull away from Renay, walking over to the door and locking them both in.

“Oh god please,” Renay moaned as she understood what was happening, her fingers digging into her own thighs. “Tell me this is happening, Ms. Villa”. “Call me Sophia,” She said softly, the reality of this settling in her own mind as well. She couldn’t lie to herself any more, she was enjoying this. She wanted to feed the hunger in that woman, even if only to help her past it. She was disgusted and excited at the thought of taking advantage of someone so vulnerable. Every part of her training screamed at her that this was wrong. However, if she did nothing Renay would wind up getting it from someone else, they might not have her best interests at heart. Sophia couldn’t tell if she wanted this was for Renay or for herself. “This is to help you ok,” Sophia said as she slowly lifted her skirt. Renay glued her eyes to what the skirt had kept hidden,” Help me please.”

“We want to get you onto the refined stuff eventually. For now we will do this for a few days to get you caught up on sleep. Once we get you rested, I’ll start cutting you off slowly and giving you more supplement. Hopefully we can get you to a point where you can sleep with only refined and eventually none at all,” Sophia explained even though she would likely have to repeat it all again. “So are you going to do it in my mouth,” Renay asked bluntly. Sophia felt her cock twitch at those words “If that’s what you want. I could always-,” Sophia offered but Renay cut her off. “My mouth please! When it throbs I …”Renay tailed off. “I’m going to do it in your mouth then, every last drop. Just don’t get too used too it ok,” She warned. “I think I’ve gotten a little too used to it already,” Renay said with a mischievous smile.

Sophia sat down in her office chair since it was the most comfortable, she would have to relax in order to give Renay what she needed. Renay dropped to her knees and disappeared behind the des as she came crawling around on all fours, it was odd but Sophia let her do what made her comfortable. She spread her legs to give the crawling woman access. Sophia told herself she didn’t enjoy the sight of someone crawling up to her, but her cock didn’t get that message. Sophia’s dick grew as the woman came closer.

“It’s beautiful,” Renay whispered as she knelt between her knees. Her eyes looked at the cock with adoration as the throbbing member stood proudly in front of her face. Sophia relaxed and leaned back, pushing her groin closer. She could feel the hot shallow breaths of the eager woman between her legs. This was wrong, but she was doing it for the right reasons, right? Sophia closed her eyes and let it happen. In perfect unison a pair of hands cupped her balls while a warm hot mouth and lips took the tip of her cock inside. She let a moan escape her lips. The breathing between her legs quickened with lust. She felt a tongue greedily lapping at the opening of her cock, the rough and bumpy texture sending pleasure all the way into her ass. She felt her pelvic muscles spasm in response as if she where cumming already.

The whole thing was making her head light, Sophia tried to avoid relationships with humans so she didn’t pass on an addiction, but if one was already addicted then it’s ok right? The kneeling woman began to bob her head, applying more sucking as she went deeper. Renay didn’t attempt to throat or even take more than the head. Renay let her lips and tongue tantalize Sophia’s cock in sensually slow rhythm. No doubt Renay was used to sucking cocks way bigger than her own mouth could handle, definitely bigger than Sophia’s. A den mother tended to be massively endowed. From her file Renay had apparently spent most of her adult life as a slave to a den mother in the Cultlands. An existence as a slave wasn’t uncommon for a human in the lawless hell hole that lay south of Harding. With a mouth like Renay’s Sophia could understand why she was kept, that thought almost made her stop right there.

Sophia wondered if Renay’s den mother sat like she did now, wide legged as the kneeling person between her legs serviced her cock in exchange for a night of much needed sleep. Sophia could understand why those den mothers did what they did however, because she now felt that sick joy of having something somebody else would do anything for. Renay was amazing, her soft sucking sending delicious sounds through the small office as well as lightning bolts of pleasure up Sophia’s spine. To her shame, the pleasure wasn’t what she liked best. Sophia loved the fact that this person would do anything she asked as long as they got to swallow her cum, even though it sickened her to think such a thing. The taboo of it excited her even more. Perhaps she never did this before because she was afraid she would enjoy it and submit to her own desires? She felt the hands on her balls gently rolling her neglected balls around between massaging fingers. Each one was massaged differently at the same time. Sophia couldn’t exactly tell what the hell was happening with her balls in Renay’s hands without looking but that didn’t reduce the waves of sensation that flowed through her sex. Renay was content to simply tease pre cum out. Perhaps the former slave was confident that once she had someone in her mouth they didn’t leave until they had cum, that was exactly what Sophia was planning to do. This gentle mouth love from Renay just made her cock more sensitive, it made her want to cum even more. To Sophia’s disappointed grunt Renay took her mouth off, she laid her head on Sophia’s thigh as she teased the rock solid cock with her fingers. The gentle blow job had left her cock hyper sensitive, Sophia twitched as Renay’s fingers caressed her. Renay made her hand into an octopus, teasing all of her fingertips on the saliva soaked head and pressing her palm into Sophia’s tip. The kneeling woman teased her fingers up and down like that edging Sophia even more.

Sophia found herself thinking things that she swore she never believed in, but the thoughts where uncomfortably familiar. Renay belonged between her legs. Humans belonged between her legs. They should suck her gift from her balls and drink it all down with a grateful smile. Sophia covered her face with her hands as she attempted to force those thoughts back into the cage she kept them in, she wanted to be more than that. Renay continued her teasing as she spoke,” It’s ok to like it. I don’t think less of you because you like how I make you feel. You do like what my mouth is doing right?” Sophia uncovered her face and looked down her belly at the woman between her legs,” Your mouth, your hands and even your breathing, all of its amazing.” Renay laughed with a smile and slapped the wet cock on her face a few times,” I’m completely ruining my panties right now. It feels so good in my mouth that I wonder what it would feel like inside me.”

She let her tongue roll out and place a fresh coat of saliva on the cock she held in her hands,” My old mistress stopped fucking me after I wouldn’t get pregnant.” Sophia’s mouth dropped open, “She threw you out because you weren’t pregnant?” The former slave dipped her mouth on Sophia’s cock as if she felt it had been to long since it was last inside. “No she never threw me out. She kept me around still to suck her off and fuck me in the ass. She fucked everyone who wasn’t a breeder in the ass, so the guys and me. ” Renay shivered after speaking, a faint smile on her face as she remembered her debasing treatment. Sophia’s cock twitched after what Renay described, Renay noticed. “It’s really ok. I think it’s cool when you try to be something different, but don’t you want to indulge in that darker side? I’ll let you use me if you want,” Renay murmured as she kissed Sophia’s cock. “You’re so much kinder. I think you deserve to use me a little don’t you? Maybe indulge in that instinct to bend me over this desk. It’s been so long since anyone has been inside me, I think it would be good for both of us.” She sucked Sophia’s cock a little more,” Don’t you wanna know what my little pussy feels like, Sophia?”

Sophia just didn’t give a fuck any more. She got to her feet while kicking off her shoes, her cock looming over the kneeling woman. “Has my dirty mouth gotten me in trouble,” Renay asked with a mischievous smile. The tired and weary woman was completely gone, this was what the real Renay looked like, she was vibrant. Sophia grabbed her by the hair, pulling the smaller woman to her feet. Then Renay was bent over the desk as she continued to speak, “Was my mouth not good enough? Are you going to use my slutty human pussy to get your balls off?” Sophia smacked her wiggling ass,” YES! Harder mommy. I’ve been bad because your balls aren’t empty. I deserve it!” Renay’s ass was bouncing up and down as she jumped, Sophia couldn’t get her cock inside. She grabbed the bouncing woman by the hips and lifted her feet off of the ground, “So strong! What are you doing letting a little skank like me go cockless? You could’ve taken my pussy any time you wanted, just pin me down and fucked me any time your cock was hard.” Sophia angled her cock as Renay wrapped her legs around her waist. Sophia spread her pussy open from the back. Renay’s insides where molten with unhinged lust, her legs tightened as her body demanded more. Sophia couldn’t get her cock in all the way, her head already finding bottom after six inches. Renay wiggled as she felt her pussy reach it’s limit,” Sophia had no intention of stopping at this point, Renay had know exactly what to say the whole time to bring this side of her out and now Sophia didn’t care what her own precious morality would or would not allow. She had a hard dick and this human was about to taste her cum, that was all that mattered at the time. Sophia gave the mewling woman what she had been asking for, she stabbed at the back of her pussy without any regard for what the other person wanted. Her conscience begging her to go easy, to think about if she was hurting Renay, but Renay didn’t matter to her right now, but her moans did seem to be getting louder. She set Renay back on her feet but she had to crouch slightly to stay inside the smaller woman’s pussy. Sophia put her full weight on the woman’s back pinning her to the desk. She wrapped her arms around Renay’s ribs as she fucked her from behind. She whispered into her ear as she stabbed at the back of Renay’s pussy,” I want you to eat it all.”

Renay was giggling she was so ready for it,” Yes please. My pussy doesn’t deserve it, make me eat it instead.” Renay lifted her head, Sophia’s long black curtain of hair draping around her face like a silky mask. Sophia dug her tongue into her ear, making the woman under her to involuntarily shiver. “Against the wall Renay,” Sophia ordered hoping Renay could understand what she meant, it was difficult for her to communicate in her state. Fortunately the woman underneath her knew exactly what that meant. Sophia let her up and she slipped off her cock and knelt with her back to the wall and her mouth open. Sophia had her cock back in her hot mouth and rested her elbows on the wall while Renay began to milk her cock. It didn’t take long. Sophia just closed her eyes and buried her face into her own forearms as she felt her balls tighten. The load was so huge it was almost like her cock didn’t know what to do with it, but Renay’s urging mouth took care of that. It’s was almost painful how much shot out in the first pulse of her orgasm. Renay cried out in surprise but swallowed it eagerly as she massaged the balls that where feeding her addiction. “Oh my fucking god,” Sophia cried into the wall as the next wave took her by surprise. Usually the first is the largest but it was bigger this time. She felt like her cock would explode. Renay was ready this time and swallowed it immediately with a lustful moan that vibrated her cock. The woman on her knees continued to nurse her hard labor out of Sophia’s cock as the taller woman shivered. Sophia had never been properly edged before, she had no idea how much better it was to cum after that. It left her completely satisfied.

She fell in a heap next to her. Renay’s head was tilted back as the effects invaded her mind, leaving her in pure bliss. Sophia nudged her shoulder,” You can’t sleep here. I guess you’re coming home with me.” Renay looked at her hopefully,” Does this mean I’m yours now?” Sophia felt her mind clear, the gravity of what she had just done finally sunk in. “I’m just as bad as your bitch of a mistress,” Sophia muttered,” I was supposed to help you.” Renay’s face turned solemn, “Her name is Ivanka. No she wasn’t a human rights activist, the opposite really. You actually care though! When they found me I was eighteen. They took me to her place and tried to sell me to her for a chance to make her cum in their mouths. Oh she let them have her cum alright. She bent me over right in front of them and filled my pussy, they where licking it off my thighs and slurping it out of my pussy. She would sit on my face until she got hard and dumped another load in me. When she found out I wasn’t getting pregnant she only fucked me in the ass, she was huge too. So no. I think you’re a little better at least.”

Sophia grimaced,” I have a friend named Tory who used to be like Ivanka, she has a good job now though. I’ve thought about working on that side of the industry. So what happened to Ivanka? You said she never kicked you out so how did you wind up here?” Renay face drew distant,” She was taken from us.” “You mean somebody killed her,” Sophia asked with her eyes wide. Violence was an all too familiar reality in those kinds of places. “Nobody died that I know of but some people did get shot up pretty bad,” Renay admitted. “ There where these slaver gangs but they where humans. It was right around the time where people started realizing you could refine the bad stuff out and sell what’s left, after people found that out these gangs started kidnapping futa. I guess they felt it was fine since just about everyone had a family member or friend like me, stuck in a brood. They just burst right in, bullets everywhere. I managed to hide but they never went for the humans. They came for her. One of them bent her over her own couch.” Sophia swallowed,” Then what did they do?” Renay tossed a smile at her,” I liked it too, especially since my ass was really sore all the time back then, was nice to see her get a taste. Thing is that she seemed to like it, This one guy fucked the hell out of her until she blew her stuff on the floor. He made her kneel in it and he fucked her even more until he got his. They plugged her ass and put her cock in a cage when he was done. Now I’m serious, she followed him out crawling begging for the cage to come off. I’ve never seen a futa act so human before, it’s almost always the opposite. He told her she didn’t cum for free any more, I guess they started to sell her cum after that. I never found out because another brood came for our spot after that. I left before things went to hell. I decided to try to kick the habit instead of risking joining another group. I heard that guy was grabbing every lady with a dick for miles around. I mean he seemed kinda hot but that’s a bad guy to be around, I’m not trying to get shot. Somebody who gets off on that is just crazy.” Renay paused,” But you’re trying to help right? You’re just going to keep me until I’m better?” Sophia shook her head, “Please don’t say it like that ok? I just think it’s easier if you stayed at my place. I want to make sure you do better. I’m just not cut out for this job so I’m quitting anyway, I think I’ll ask my friend if her place has any openings for FHR workers. Too much temptation here, might be better for me to work around people like me. So I’m going to give my notice and close the cases that need to be closed. Maybe I’ll get a job up at Phoenix. Tory said the guy who owns it is all about helping the community, helping futa and humans. Maybe he needs some help? I mean we buy all of our supply from them anyway, my experience on this side of the industry could be useful.”

Sophia felt Renay sidle up to her arm and hug it tightly,” What,” she asked. Renay shrugged and leaned her head on Sophia’s shoulder,” So much is changing. It feels like things are getting better.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jfu18v/futa_cum_industries_chapter_2_sophia_futaf

1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading my story, I hope you liked it. If there was something specific you want to discuss about it (good/bad) feel free to comment or PM me if you want. You don’t know how much the comments and compliments motivate my writing! I think about every single one you people send, I look at them when I’m needing some extra inspiration. So thank you again.

    I have something of a large project I began before I started this series so that’s why it took so long to make this. I really don’t have any creative discipline at all, I just write stuff. But I am learning! So the rest of this series will be posted all at once when it is completely finished, same goes for the other project I spoke of. It’s just easier for me with my writing style to post it all when it’s done since I don’t know what is coming next either until I make it. I will still be making shorts while I finish my bigger projects since I get bored easy.

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