The Divorce..

Dave sighed as he signed his name for what felt like the 100th time in the last half hour. He kept flipping to the next page, signing his name here, initialing by the orange sticky note there, it seemed never ending. He could feel his lawyer’s eyes keeping track of his work, making sure he didn’t miss signatures while simultaneously making small talk with another lawyer across the table, as well as his very soon to be ex wife, Melissa, or Mel as he called her.

Dave and Mel has been married just shy of 16 years, and had two kids; Sarah who was 15, and Danny who was 12. But Dave wasn’t thinking about any of that now. Right now, Dave was thinking about the 46 page document in front of him detailing how half of his belongings would no longer be his and his soon to be new status of ‘divorcee’. He hated that word. He wasn’t sure how their marriage had gotten here. They had done the couples counseling and anything else their friends and therapist had recommended, but in the end they were both unhappy and decided it was time to stop trying to force it to work.

Dave finally found the last page of the never ending document and signed it. There was a moment of silence as Dave looked up at Mel, realizing this was the first time he looked at her in almost 16 years as someone other than her husband. Mel looked back at him and Dave could tell she had the same thought.

Dave’s lawyer broke the silence, “alright, that’s everything. We’ll finish up the paperwork and send you both official copies. Thank you.”

The four of them stood up, and Dave & Mel walked out of the conference room and then out of the lawyer’s building. They both stopped on the curb, not exactly sure what to say. This goodbye was different than any goodbye either of them had ever said in their lives, and they could both feel the tension. Dave decided that he wasn’t ready to say goodbye quite yet, and started trying to think of a way to ask her to go to lunch, or grab a coffee. Anything to prolong getting in their cars and driving off in opposite directions. But Mel beat him to it.

“I could use a drink… would you maybe want to grab one last beer at The Hole?”

‘Thank fucking god’ was all Dave could think.

“Sure, that sounds good to me”, he replied.

“Okay cool, just hop in with me” Mel quipped back as she started walking to her car, Dave quick behind her.

They both hopped in to Mel’s oversized SUV, which Dave hated. It was a very nice car that had all the bells and whistles, but it was way too big for their needs, not to mention it got like 9 miles to the gallon. It caused a pretty big fight between them when she bought it, but she loved it and had to have it. Dave constantly teased her about her very un-environment conscious vehicle, and decided to get one more jab in for old times sake.

“I won’t miss paying to fill this tank up with gas every week, that’s for sure” he said with a smile.

Mel laughed and playfully slapped him in the ribs as she pulled out of the parking lot and started on the 4 block journey to their favorite bar.

It was only 11:15am and the bar had just opened. A regular sat at the bar and was telling his life story to a very uninterested bartender. Mel and Dave took a seat at a small table in the corner and the bartender jumped at the opportunity to get out of the conversation he was currently in to go take their order.

“I’ll have a Michelob Ultra draft, your biggest size, please” Mel said.

Dave, following suit, ordering a Budweiser draft, also in the largest size.

When the bartender asked them about food, Dave realized that he had no appetite at all, probably due to the current life event he just went through. You know, getting divorced. But Mel ordered a nacho appetizer.

“Just something to munch on” she said

Dave figured they would get some liquid courage with a beer or two before saying their final goodbye’s and he would probably spend the rest of the day in the bed of the hotel room he was staying at, replaying the entirety of their marriage in his head, wondering if he could’ve done something different to prevent this current situation. But that’s not at all what happened. The beers were going down smoothly, and he even had a few nachos which were surprisingly good, given how small their kitchen was.

The two of them drank beer after beer, together.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. They were currently half way done with beer 6 and the conversation was easier than he had anticipated. Maybe now that the weight of their marriage was off their shoulders, they could enjoy each other’s company more.

“I have something to confess,” Mel said, with a devilish grin on her face. Dave knew that look all to well. “Remember when your truck got keyed out on the street in front of our house a few years ago?”

“Yes?” Dave replied, curious as to what was going to come next.

“…. that was me.” Mel said before launching into laughter. Dave started laughing too.

“What?!” He said. “Why?”

“I was mad at you! You we’re being an ass! I don’t remember what you did now that I think about it, but I just know you were being an ass!”

This would’ve caused a larger than life fight if they were still married, but now that they weren’t, they both couldn’t stop laughing. And it continued like this for over a hour. Both of them confessing or telling their side of the story for things that happened throughout their marriage. No bad blood, just laughter and good times. Dave caught himself thinking about how much fun he was having and wish it wouldn’t end.

It was 2:30pm now and they were somewhere between beer 8 and 11. Dave was tipsy, very tipsy, and could tell Mel was right there with him. Dave couldn’t have guessed what was about to happen next if he had a full year to try.

Mel looked around to make sure no one was within earshot, and quietly said, “do you remember that time in the library bathroom, our senior year of college?” Dave felt his heart skip a beat and then rapidly pick up pace at the question.

“Of course. That was a long time ago” he said, “I remember barely being able to get anything done in that tiny stall.” He felt the liquid courage kick in as he started the next sentence. “God, you were so flexible back then.” Mel’s cheeks turned the slightest shade of red, but her eyes were glued to his.

“Maybe… I don’t know. Maybe… one last time? For old times sake” she whispered loud enough for only him to hear. Dave could feel his cock push against his jeans as she said the words.

He gave her a smirk, “a farewell tour.”

He stood up to go pay the bill. When the bartender finished running his card, he turned around to see Mel already out the door headed towards the parking garage across the street. Dave did his best inconspicuous speed walk out of the bar, which turned into a jog once he was outside to catch up to her. He made it to her right as the elevator of the parking garage opened and they both stepped inside. The doors closed and immediately he could feel the sexual tension. It was unlike anything he had experienced in their marriage. Hell, in his entire life.

The elevator was slow. Painfully slow. They were only going up three floors but it felt like thirty at this pace. His attention quickly shifted from the floor counter, to Mel’s hand rubbing his cock on the outside of his jeans. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this hard.

The doors finally opened and Mel walked out first, with Dave close behind. He stared at her hourglass figure and long brown hair as he followed her towards the car. He smiled at the sight of her ass in those jeans. Despite being 43, Mel looked like she could still be in her late twenties. When they finally made it to the car, Mel got in the backseat. Dave walked around to the other side and climbed in.

Before he could even close the door, she was on him. Straddling him and their lips connected with her tongue shooting into his mouth. It had been 3 months since he last kissed her, and all he could think about was how much he missed it. His hands found her ass and squeezed, she let out the softest moan into his mouth. He pulled her shirt over her head, and unclipped that old familiar bra. Her C cup tits fell and he quickly took one into his mouth, pinching the other with his hand. She moaned a little bit louder at that, running her fingers through his hair.

She pulled away from him and moved the seat back to give herself room to get on her knees in front of him. Boy was he thankful for that oversized SUV now. She undid his belt and pulled his jeans completely off. His cock, which was starting to hurt from being pressed up against the denim, sprung out, finally unrestricted. Mel smiled that devilish smile again.

“Hello old friend” she whispered. Dave thought she was talking directly to his cock, not to him.

She drug her fingernails from his knees to his lower stomach as she leaned forward and took his tip into her warm mouth. Dave closed his eyes and leaned his head back. ‘Wow’ he thought.

She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock and then pushed his tip to the back of her throat, her face now flat against his abdomen. Dave moaned and managed to get out a, “fuuuck.”

She stayed there for a few moments, he could feel his cock throbbing in her throat. One hand was digging her nails into his inner thigh while the other one was cupping and massaging his balls. She slowly pulled his cock out of her mouth until the only thing connecting the two was a string of saliva. She took the hand that was cupping his balls and spit in it, only to return it to his balls, which were now soaked. She gave him passionate kisses on the tip of his cock, down his shaft, on his inner thigh, and finally taking both balls into her mouth. Dave whimpered. She gently released them from her mouth and came back to the his cock, beginning to bob up and down on his shaft. One hand returned to his balls and began massaging them again, but the other started massaging the directly behind his balls. Dave was in heaven as she took that same hand and began swirling it around his asshole. His cock in her mouth, her hand massaging his balls, and her fingertips playing around his asshole. She knew exactly what he liked.

Dave was in heaven. Time stood still. But he started to feel a build up in his balls. That tingling sensation that let him know much more of this and he would shoot his cum down her throat. While that sounded great, Dave wasn’t ready for this moment to end just yet. He reached under arms and picked her up off of him. He leaned her over the back seat and took her pants off to expose her very wet pussy and her asshole. Dave wasted no time as he plunged his tongue into her ass while at the same same playing with her clit with his thumb. She shrieked when his tongue made contact with her, and the shriek quickly turned into a very loud moan. Dave worked a finger into her wet pussy, finding all of her favorite spots. Then he added another finger, and another. All this while his tongue played in her ass was too much for her, and she started screaming with pleasure. Louder and louder until she jerked her hips away from him and squirted all over the door and window. She was panting now, moaning between breaths. Dave smirked as he grabbed her hips and pulled them back to him. He stood up to align the head of his throbbing cock with the entrance of her pussy. For half a second he marveled at how much head room this damn SUV had. He moved the tip of his cock along her soaked pussy lips. Her body shook and she whimpered has he grazed her clit.

“Please stop teasing me and just fuck me!” she pleaded.

Dave slowly pushed himself into her, inch by inch. She started to moan, louder the farther he got. By the time her pussy swallowed all of him, she was practically screaming. He couldn’t help himself, and started fucking her hard, using every inch of his cock. One hand squeezing her ass, the other reached up and grabbed a handful of hair, pulling her head back. God she felt good.

“I’m!… gonna!… cum!…” she managed to scream between pumps. She pushed him back and squirted again, this time all over his cock. This only made Dave hungry for more. He slid his soaked cock back into her, still holding on to her hair. With his other hand, he put his thumb into his mouth, and then directly into her asshole and began fucking her hard again. She was screaming so loud he was sure anyone within 2 floors of this parking garage could hear her. God forbid someone walk on to this floor and see the SUV rocking aggressively back and forth like there were a pack of wild animals inside.

Dave started feeling that tingly sensation again in his balls. The same sensation that let him know that he was about to cum. He wanted to get her off one last time though, so he slid her legs apart just slightly, so that his balls would slap against her clit each time he shoved himself into her pussy. Immediately, he felt her body start shaking harder. He was trying his best not to cum until she did but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hang on. She was screaming, and shaking, clearly right on the edge. Dave felt himself pass the point of no return and felt the cum start moving up from his balls to his shaft. Right as he shot the first rope of cum inside of her, one of her knees collapsed and she fell and twisted to her back on the seat, squirting all over his legs on the way down. Dave was shooting cum all over the place. He didn’t think he’d ever cum this much in his life. One hot rope of cum to her stomach. Two to her chest. One more to her face and two more over her head into the trunk. She opened her mouth and did he best to find her way back to his cock, but her body was still violently shaking from her orgasm, which she was very much still having. Dave finally stopped cumming, and he sat down on the center console, afraid his legs were going to give out. Mel laid back for a few moments, breathing deeply and still shaking a little bit, and absolutely covered in his cum. She finally regained enough strength to sit up, and slid up to take Dave’s now half hard cock into her mouth. Dave’s legs shook. She worked up and down his cock a couple of times making sure to get any last drops of cum, before letting it gently fall out of her mouth with a smile.

Neither of them said anything for what felt like 10 minutes. They just tried to catch their breath, and put together what the fuck just happened. It seemed like every inch of her SUV was covered in some sort of bodily fluid or another. Finally, they put their clothes back on and climbed into the front seats. She drove him back to his car, where he got out and stood by the open window. Mel grinned at him.

“So I’ll see you at Danny’s soccer game on Saturday?” She said.

He smiled back, “Only if we can grab another beer after.”

Maybe this divorce thing wouldn’t be that bad, he thought.
