erotic massage M (bit of GFD)

I had this taken down. .. was not tagged properly. sorry.

my 1st time trying to write about this. hope you all enjoy

PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS! good or bad or otherwise

i have a dream a getting an erotic massage.  just for me. take my mind off everything for at least an hour or however long it takes to crack me..  I am so very tired, sore and frustrated. With Covid and my line of work, every day is a fight. Some days are winners and some are not so good. 

I would enjoy so much, is for a short period of time, talk to me, touch me, rub me, heal me, in a darkened room.

I walk in and you greet me.  we have some small talk. You ask me to take off my clothing, and hang it.  I am standing there naked. You walk up behind me, put your hands on my shoulders and whisper in my ear, “it will be OK.” I lay down on the table, face down. You ask me if I’m ready to begin, I take a big deep breath. “Yes please”.  

The 1st thing I feel is a nice warm oil at the base of my back. And a slow movement right up my spine. I immediately start to sink into the table. Slow easy circles all over my back. As you start to work away at my knots, little by little my escape is happening. I have no blanket on, the room is nice and warm and there is a light scent of lavender. On the 4th or 5th pass over my shoulder bone, the knots start to break away. i try to start a bit of a conversation, and you keep it to the minimum. You got very close to my ear, and said, ” shh, please. don’t say anything, just feel, don’t be.  Let yourself sink into pleasure. You move around to my stand in by the top of my head, and start to move your hands down my back over my ass cheeks. I have not felt that before. . back up my sides, to my shoulders,  and down again. closer to the middle of my ass, with a slight grab this time… my breath gave it away. ‘shhh, I have you.” down the sides again, up to my shoulders, and this time, over the crown of my head. Your fingers stiffen, and start pushing in circles across the back of my head, around the sides, right to the top, I am getting shivers all over my body. This feels so nice. Down around my ears, slightly pinching my lobes, tracing around the sides of my neck, very lightly scratching at the base of my head. The hand sensations over my now awakened skin I am slowly becoming aroused, I’m letting it go. We have had at one time or another wanted to be cared for, cawdle in a sexual way. Now is my time. You push down on my sore back, finding the tender areas, some knots that have to be worked out. My left side, right under my shoulder blade, there it is, my pain. I flinched and moaned. “There it is”, both of your hands zoom right in to the area, getting right to it,  “Take a deep breath”, I do, it’s so sore, tender. “Hold…” I am wincing, trying to get it out. “Hold, my dear..”  your thumbs are rocking the spot. “Let it out. breathe…”  It’s still there, that knot. “Breathe in, and hold”.  This time, with a little more force, I feel it… your elbow, rolling over it. Your other hand is scratching my head.. “Come on honey, let it go. It’s OK, it’s going to be OK.”.. … and it goes,  “there you go.”  I hear a bit of a snap.  Cripes I’m sore.  Now both of your hands are working the area to free the tension.  Your movements, and voice are so soothing.  I’m sinking right there but oddly, i am getting hard.  I am wondering if this is really happening. For a moment you step away from me, just outside or the room, and back just a quick.  I feel a warm towel on my back with an amazing scent of jasmine and a hint of vanilla..  OK.  I am really falling for this. I can feel myself getting a bit hard. I am a bit worried, and embarrassed, but at this point I am being taken care of. 

You start on my legs, both hands right down the centre with your thumbs pushing slightly on my hamstrings. I am on my feet a lot all day, in my work boots, on concrete and construction sites, my legs are achy. I had no idea how sore i really am. Your hands are over my calves now, they are so tight, over my feet.  Not a word has been spoken, this feels so surreal. I am naked on a table with no covers, it’s so warm in here, so comfortable I feel so safe.  You start on one foot now. Right in the arch.  OK I give, that’s a real tender area that I did not know about. both hands of your kneading away right inside and pushing to the outsides. Curling my toes around for a good stretch. “Just relax.”  Is what I heard. Right back up my calf, the soreness is there, but only for a moment. The soothing touch is chasing it way. I am really loving this, and the hardness is not going away. You spread my legs apart a bit more,  to start up the top part of my leg,  I know you can see my cock, you really work on my hamstrings, up the centre, down the sides. The 2nd time you brush your fingers right over my dick, oh god, yes. I am in need, the 3rd time around, your hands go a little higher, right on my ass, and you slide your hand right down the middle of my ass, brush over my hole, over my sack, and you make little circles on my shaft.  That felt really nice… Really nice.. wow.. On the other leg now, my arches, calves, hamstring… my mind is racing for the same touch…I know i am breathing a bit faster. I am wanting another touch. Aching for it. I am so aware of my feelings now. I am under a spell almost. I have so many things going through my head. You slide your hands up either side of my leg.  I know what is going to happen. Over my ass again, to my balls, circles on my shaft. Slower, and you encircled it… oh my this feels so nice. . you let you grip on me go, and bring your hands up to remove the towel.  “Time to roll over my boy.”   This is when I got nervous.  Oh God, it’s all now.  I roll over, and get as comfortable as i could. You noticed me fidgeting, and you put me right at ease,  leaned right up to my ear, “I have you, it will be just fine”. and you pushed your hand down my chest and around to my shoulders. I settled right away, That scent of Jasmine. So soothing. I felt something i was not expecting. I felt a cloth over the top half of my face. I opened my eyes to be blindfolded.  I wanted to say something. Right away.  ” Shhhhh.  This will feel so nice.” I thought how could this get any better.  And it did…  You grab my left hand and gently pull it over the side of my head. Then, the feel of something cool over my wrist. Then tightened and held there. Then my right wrist pulled over my head.  The distinct sound of a metal clasp.  I am held there…  Whoa… I mean real whoa.. “I have you, this will be so nice for you.”  I took a breath, “OK, please..”..  

I heard you step around to the bottom of the table, you bring my knees up and open, I felt a bit of a rustle and you hopped on the table with me.  You placed my legs on either side of you, resting on your legs. I feel so exposed, open and vulnerable.  But oddly enough, I am at peace. I hear you take a breath,  almost cleansing.   One hand on each leg, from the knee, right up to my cock.  I sprang up right away.  You grip was so soft yet firm. I let out a huge sigh. It has been so long since I have been touched like that. You other hand massaged my balls. The coconut oil was so warm. Your fingers finding their way around and down, just a bit. you just graze over my hole down there; I have not felt that in a very long time…. just a little pressure and a bit of a tickle.  Back up to join your other hand, one follows the other, with a slight squeeze right at the tip. There is a constant flow of hand moving, twisting, curling over the top of my head, all your energy concentrating on my pleasure.  At one point you grabbed my balls firmly, and took your thumb and rolled over my frenulum. Circles, more circles,  up right over the top of my gland, just a bit lower now, right under the ridge, twisting… it almost burns.. but so much pleasure. Down again, right down to the taint.. and a gentle push… i felt a bit of pressure release.. some precum…you took your fingers and rubbed it all over the tip, like more lube.. Then you stop..  let go of my dick..  back to the inside of my legs.. oh god..  please don’t stop.  Go back..  I can’t see what you are doing. Both legs, both hands with a firm grip, under my hamstrings again.. and back over top, cross your hands right over my cock.. teasing me. edging me, back to my legs; down to my knees, and back to my cock…  one hand takes the base,  the other right over the tip, your fingers slide over the ridge, lightly scratching the way down..  back over to my frenulum… 2 fingers this time.. it’s time.. i want to cum.. round and round.. your pinky finger, pushes against my ass.. it’s all too much..  i can feel it happening.. oh god yes.. i am cumming.. i can feel it spurting on my tummy.. oh .. my … yes.. 4 good spurts.. halfway to my chest.. …   oh…. 

You loosen your grip on me, let me rest for a second, and i feel that warm towel again, wiping my cum off of me. gently cleaning my cock as it goes limp. i am so relaxed, this was amazing,  beyond amazing, I got taken care of. I feel so nice, almost at peace. I could sleep. You move my legs aside and got off the table, walk around to my head, and remouve the cloth from my eyes, I open them to see your smile,  “How was that? and a bit of a wink. The leather cuffs come off one at a time and I can put them at my sides.  

Did this really happen? I can’t remember the last time i felt like this. Total bliss, total release. Total happiness. 


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