[MF] how I fucked my cleaning lady (with proof)

How i fucked my cleaning lady.

Background- I live in Colorado, I have my own start up. my cleaning lady is a hippy 45 year old lady who loves to ski and smoke up.. She is entertaining and very blunt. I think she over chargers me, but on the off chance I get home before she is done she always has a funny story or a crazy life event to tell me, and she does a good job. She also calls me boss, it bothers me bc I am about 15 years younger then her.

So the other day, I’m at work and I receive a text from her ( which is weird bc she only texts me when shits fucked up) see the text below

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At first it felt very awkward, but then I kinda was turned on. For the record my length is above average, but my girth is about 6.5 inch circumference. I told myself that I would push the envelope with her as far as she would let me. Just for kicks.

I get home from work, house is clean I’m happy. i go to my room and the laundry is folded and on top of the folded laundry is a 3 pack of regular condoms.. With a “note sorry I washed your rubbers boss” I laughed to myself and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to mess with her. See texts below..

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I kinda felt like she shut me down so I said fuck it. But later that night I get a text see below

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So now I really put my self out there, and after her last comment the conversation fizzled.
Since I was already out there, I decided that I would work from home the next time she cleaned just to see if anything would happen.

I’m wearing my sweats and I have this raging bone waiting for her to get to my house. She finally gets to my home ( classically late)
She is surprised to see me and we do the small talk and I tell her I’m working from home ect ect. She is wearing yoga pants and she is curvy, and I am really turned on. She goes through her routine and it time to do laundry. By this time I think that nothing is gonna happen. Then she ask to wash the sweatpants I’m wearing, I tell her that that it’s fine, I’m not wearing any briefs bc they are all dirty, she laughs and says something like that’s ok iv already seen the monster boss, and she insists. So I stand up and drop my pants and my rock hard cock bounces off my stomach, she is just staring at my cock, ( the pic I sent her was a half chub) she says something like can’t believe how it grows.After a few awkward moments she asks if she can touch it, one thing leads to another and she is trying to deep throat my cock, unfortunately she couldn’t and she was very teethy. She apologized, and says she wants it in her and ask if I have any lube. So i run to the bathroom and get the lube. When I come back she is fully naked and laying on her back on my couch rubbing her pussy. I squirt the lube on my hand and I start rubbing her pussy and after awhile I Insert my cock. Slowly going deeper and deeper, soon I am pounding, and she is screaming, after about 10 mins of pounding she cums, soon after that I pull out and blow my load all over stomach… After that we smoke up and we fuck one more time before she leaves. The next day I get a text

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Needless to say i work from home when I can and we have sex about once a month. She cleans the house 2 times a month. We don’t really hang out and it is strictly casual.

Edit( if you want to see a full shot of my cock just send me a pm, I have had experience with both male and female, if you want to hear more about my sexual encounters just let me know!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5lmy2q/mf_how_i_fucked_my_cleaning_lady_with_proof


  1. If only other stories in this sub left as little room for doubt regarding their truthfulness as yours did. Great story. Please share some more.

  2. I fucked my cleaning lady last year. I dodged her bill for 6 weeks then reported her to Immigration Services.

  3. Is she like a frizzy haired, dumpy 45-er, or a sultry, curvy, silver fox 45-er?

  4. Why is the last text at the top like your first three? Doesnt it auto scroll down for previous messages? Or do you delete them?

  5. I have one question… Why is your sink so dirty if she just cleaned your house?

  6. Does anyone really say the name of the person they are texting at the start of a text, like in a letter? The couple of times I have felt tempted to – because I was texting someone I rarely text or didn’t know well – I didn’t, because it seemed so odd.

  7. this is such a bull shit made up story that i actually laughed throughout instead of getting turned on. boss you peddled a shitty story

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