[SNATCH. MOIST. CUNNILINGUS. WHY DO FEMALE SEX WORDS HAVE TO BE SO GROSS-SOUNDING?](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/snatch-moist-cunnilingus-female-sex-words-gross?utm_source=GetTheElevatordotcom)

I am posting this article here as it is a good read for writers, if the mods don’t think it belongs simply delete and my apologies. I didn’t see any rules against it. Not sure I agree with the woman’s take completely (of course I am a guy), but certainly good perspective. I found it interesting that erotic literature is the one place where these words aren’t considered “so gross”.

Maybe there are better subs for this, please point me to them, if so. I have searched but must not be hitting the correct keywords.

Carry on….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jca5rw/article_for_aspiring_writers_snatch_moist


  1. Most women do seem bugged by moist, but if it fits it fits. I think that a horny woman deals with that word better than a sober one.

    Snatch isn’t bad as a quick fill in, or for some cheap dirty talk. And cunnilingus? Well I mean, yeah I’ve never used it. Though now I feel challenged to…

  2. Interesting article, thanks for sharing! Definitely worth a discussion, and yes women get the shorter end of the stick in this regard ?

    I used [this “Sexy Thesaurus”](https://laurelclarke.com/2014/08/18/sexy-thesaurus-romance-erotica-words/) *(it’s far from perfect, some of those terms are mortifying)* in my early writing to help me find words that weren’t gross or clinical or boring. My writing has evolved a lot and I hardly even use the words for genitals anymore, I focus more about action and feeling, not so much describing physical body parts (for the most part, not always). But still, I do need the words occasionally.

    And yes, like most female authors (I imagine) I would **never** use the word cunnilingus in a story. I’m not even certain I know how to pronounce it.

    I’d love to hear other author’s favourite words to use for female sex (actions or parts), or ones they hate. If only to know if my opinions align with the average person’s ?

    For me:

    * Honestly, “pussy” works a lot of the time, but it gets boring and I find it really awkward to say out loud.
    * I like “cunt” for how vulgar it is, it’s punchy.
    * “Pink Pearl” or “Knot of Nerve Endings” for clit works for some nice imagery. Also “clit” is fine.
    * I use “Core” and “Centre” a lot for just general sex area, describing general arousal/desire.

    One last note – I found it interesting that the article mentioned peach for vagina, I’ve always pictured peach as ass (particularly cheeks). If someone used the phrase “ate her peach” or something, I’d picture butt play. Am I the only one who had this notion?

  3. The article was worth reading just for the idea of calling a vagina “my little lady”. I struggle for words for female anatomy. I tend to not use lingo at all if possible, but erotica sometimes requires it. Pussy is over used, sex, core, center ect fine, but most other are kind of cringy.

  4. Oh yeah manly words like dick, schlong and wiener are better. Why do snowflakes look for problems where they don’t exist? Well we all have starfishes if that helps.

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