Persephone and Hades – Part Two

“Fine, come in, I’ll lead the way” I murmured, gesturing to the big house with a sarcastic wave of my hand as we walked towards it

He crossed over the lawn to a paved walkway that led from the pool area up to a large decked patio area, just outside of the kitchen doors. There were lush gardens to either side of the patio that were filled with baby fruit trees and honeysuckle vines and lit up like magic at night time thanks to some handy spotlights and some fairy lights. The darkly varnished wood of the deck gleamed and little blue lights decorated the edge every now and then. A large L-shaped black wicker lounge with grey comfy cushions and two matching chairs sat clustered around a wide coffee table like little old ladies at the market, adding an air of relaxation to the place. It was my little sanctuary, my little go-to area when I was sad. 

The house itself was a three storey mixture of matte black iron, crafted timber features, stone and smoked grey glass. It sat nestled at the top of a small cul-de-sac backing onto the expansive forest, its modern squarish design and all its components fitting right into the backdrop of nature. It was kind of industrial, rustic, urban modern chic, if there were such a thing. 

“Come on in,” I motioned again, as he pulled the backdoor open for us to walk on through to the kitchen. Hades deposited me gently to my feet in front of him as soon as we crossed the threshold and his eyes drank me in like a dog deprived of water, a long, hot, lingering look that was hard to put my finger on in terms of figuring out what it meant.

“Coffee or tea?” I asked, shooing my hands towards a corner of the room to suggest that he make himself comfortable in the breakfast nook whilst I busied myself with the kettle. 

“Coffee,” he answered with a snort. I shot him a questioning glance at his odd tone. His huge bulky frame seemed to dwarf the fragile benchseat he had perched himself upon. “What?” He asked defensively, throwing up his hands and shrugging his broad shoulders. “I happen to like coffee a lot. Tea is weak and tastes like goat’s piss.”

“And when have you ever tasted goat’s piss?” I asked with a laugh as I started to spoon instant coffee into two mugs and padded over to the fridge to extract the milk.

“You don’t want to know,” he grimaced, twisting his handsome face into a scowl. 

I tinkled a laugh at his reaction and began frothing the milk in a frother. My wet denim shorts were even more sodden at the crotch where I could feel his thick cum dripping out of me. I wriggled slightly against my discomfort. 

“Aaah, you need a shower, and to change into some fresh clothes,” he murmured, drumming his big fingers against the table. “I can smell myself on you… Aaargh, finally!”

“Finally?” I asked, bemused, stirring the cups before carrying them across to where he was sitting. 

Another snort. “Yes,” he snarled, expression darkening. “I could smell the other human males that you’ve been with on your skin, before. Now, you smell like me, as it should be.”

I arched an eyebrow at him. “You could smell other men on me? But it’s been ages since I last had a boyfriend…”

“Trust me, Persephone. I could smell them. Never again.”

Whaat!? “Now that’s downright possessive, Hades!” I scolded him gently, a frown creasing my brow. I still couldn’t believe that I was having this conversation.

“You’re pregnant, my little wife,” he sniggered suddenly. “What did you expect of me?” He lifted his cup to his lips and took a long swallow. “Nice,” he said appreciatively, eyeballing me up and down as he said the words so that i’d clue on to his double meaning. 

His little wife…

A scene flashed before my eyes, of him and myself entwined in each other’s arms atop a huge four poster bed. Flame sconces lit the warm sandstone walls of the room. Hades was kissing me like a man possessed, his huge hands clawing at the lace of a skin tight wedding dress that I was wearing. An audible tear was heard, and I remembered pushing him away from me and sitting up in anger…

“…You tore my wedding dress…” I whispered softly, my cup clattering to the table and sloshing the contents out onto the wood.

Hades’s dark vermillion eyes widened first with surprise, then with joy. They lit up from within with that unusual red glow. “Your memories,” he breathed exaltedly, “they’re coming back, my love.”


I guess this was all really happening, then.

“Yes, I tore your dress,” he continued, his gaze turning devillish. “Do you think that I would bother taking all that time to unlace and unbutton my prize – you? I couldn’t do it. I just had to have you, there and then. My cock was straining so hard against my pants it was painful. So I tore it at the neckline, exposing your perfect breasts to the warm night air and my questing hands.

“On our four poster bed, in a room lit by flaming sconces?” I murmured, focusing on the memory and straining to remember more.

He nodded intently. “And then, you slapped me. With your little hand, right across my cheek.”

I had slapped him? “Damm right, I should think,” I replied snootily, “ruining a woman’s wedding dress like that, you brute!”

He threw his head back and positively roared with laughter. “You hotheaded little wench! I knew you were exactly the same, I just knew it!” His gaze turned dark as he recalled more of the memory. “I pinned your wrists above your head and ripped the rest of that damn dress off your lithe, supple little body as you squirmed and rained insults down upon my head, and then I spread your sweet thighs and kissed and licked all of your protests into oblivion…”

“…And then what?” I breathed, my nostrils flaring at the thought of his tongue deep inside my folds.

He leered at me and flexed his pecs, laughing. “Why, I pinned down one of your thighs and fucked my wife senseless, of course.”

I could almost recall, him driving into my body, my back arching beneath him as I howled my ecstasy at his piercing stabs into me, pulling at his hair and clawing his rippled back…

“Oh,” I whispered, my lips parted.

“Do you remember, baby?” He murmured, gaze boring into mine.


“I… I don’t…”

“You do, deep down. It’ll come back to you. Especially with my seed blooming to life within you, with our DNA mixing together. I know it, I do.”

I bit my lower lip and stared at him pleadingly. “This is… This is all going a bit fast for me,” I confessed. My thoughts were all over the place, what with that firelit room and the scenes from the bed playing at the forefront of my mind… My heart was aching, for some reason, as I stared at Hades and his incredible eyes, and my lower belly kept tingling, reminding me subtly that this was indeed real, no matter how insane it sounded.  My body knew best. 

Suddenly panicked, I recalled what he had said about him granting me three wishes for saving his life. “So what’s this about my three wishes?” I blurted out. “Could I… could I wish that this never happened?”

“Persephone!” Hades roared in response, slamming his hand down on the table hard enough to make me jump like a startled rabbit, his eyes illuminating to blaze a bright, roaring red like the fires of hell. The room seemed to darken, suddenly, and the wind picked up outside, whipping my wind chimes into a frenzy. 

“What?” I winced, wishing that I’d never asked. 

“Never speak those words to me ever again,” he hissed hotly, leaning across the table towards me intently, palms splayed. A muscle twitched in his cheek, showing his rage and his restraint. I gulped. “You. Are. Mine… Do you hear me?” He continued. “Mine. I’ve waited long enough to find you. Did you think that I would do that, wait hundreds and hundreds of years for you to return to me? That I would finally get to fuck you again, and then I’d let you just walk away from me? Why? Why would I do that? Because you’re a modern woman these days?” He snorted. “Not fucking likely. You belong to me, nobody else but me, and I am here to claim you.”

My temper rose at his words like a slowly simmering pot on the boil. Modern woman? 

“Look here, you big, possessive, sexist fuck,” I intoned slowly, leaning forwards across the table myself. “This is all new to me. You appeared to me less than three hours ago, and now all of a sudden I find out the supernatural world exists, that I am a reincarnated Goddess with a God for a husband and an entire Kingdom who all expect me to return to them just like that?” I snapped my fingers. “To simply give up my family, my job and my life here and just vanish with you? Oh, and not to mention, there’s the fact that I am also now apparently fucking pregnant! You expect me to take all of this in easily, to accept this derailing of what I had planned for my life, because you just so happened to come waltzing into it?” A lock of my drying wavy dark hair fell in front of my eyes and I hastily blew it out of the way with a small puff of my breath. Hades’s gaze followed the tendril and his hand twitched as though he wanted to reach out and brush it away from my forehead, then a look of complete and utter… anguish… filled his eyes, so much so that I was totally taken aback in my anger and momentarily silenced. I sat back, a bit stunned as he surveyed me from underneath his furrowed brows. His large frame was hunched slightly, leaning forwards. He sighed. 

“You’ve said something similar to me before,” he said softly, eyes searching my face. “When I first took you, all those years ago, when I saw you in the meadow. You were picking wild flowers away from your Mother, thinking that you were safe. But, Persephone,” his aching voice cracked and he reached out a hand towards me, imploring me, “you don’t understand, you could never understand, how much I love you, how much I have always just had to have you… I fell in love with you at first sight, like Zeus’s lightning bolt had struck my heart and suddenly electrocuted me, the shock of it was that great. I was compelled, I was enchanted, I was unthinking, in my pursuit of you. I just knew, all that I could think, was that you had to be mine, forever.”

I sat there, stunned at the anguished intensity in his voice, in his face, in his burning, glowing eyes, taking it all in. I cast my mind back to what I knew of the legend of Hades and Persephone… she’d… I’d… been picking wildflowers in a meadow, when he’d come across me and swept me up, carrying me away to the Underworld to be his Queen. My Mother was so heartbroken to lose me that she abandoned the land and the crops, and with her sadness the world was plunged into cold and darkness and the people starved and died. She pleaded with and petitioned the other Gods and Hades to have me released. Hades had eventually given into her begging, remorseful to cause her such pain because he, too, knew what it was to love me. But I had eaten six pomegranate seeds during my time in the Underworld. That had meant that I’d have to stay six months of the year with Hades, in the Underworld as his Queen, before I could be returned to my Mother aboveground for the remaining six months of the year, reigniting her joy and abundance for life, thus creating the seasons. 

“Tell me what happened, Hades, that day that you found me,” I pleaded, needing to know for some reason how deep his obsession with me ran. 

He nodded slowly, after a time, and his fingers drummed the wood of the table in a repetitive rhythm. “Very well, I see no harm in reminding you. You know the legend of our love, and how it only grew afterwards. Just remember, keep an open mind… I was different back then, younger, more hot headed. I wasn’t used to not getting what I wanted…”

“Right…?” I murmured, nodding to encourage him to continue.

He sighed, a small exhale through his nostrils, and then began to spin the tale, painting the picture for me, of our first meeting, all those years ago…

“The golden sun was lounging lazily in the cerulean sky; it was a deliciously warm day, without the puff of a cloud to be seen. Birds sang and nymphs pranced in the woods. I had been out somewhere, I don’t recall, now; considering what that day came to mean to me, that’s not surprising. For me, the day began when I came across a bright emerald meadow in the rolling hills, close to a gurgling brook, and happened across the most bewitchingly beautiful creature that I had ever laid eyes upon. I reigned my horses to a halt and stopped my chariot by the meadow’s edge, just… to watch, from afar… At first.” His voice changed and something heated his tone, then. Something dark, and dangerous. I shivered slightly in my drying clothes. The wind picked up again and moaned suddenly against the windows, as though insisting he continue his tale. He complied. 

“You were wearing a long, sheer dress of a dusky, pale pink, like a baby rose. The colour complimented your long, thick dark hair and your sun kissed skin so much, you looked like a flower yourself, as you gathered wild blooms in your arms. Your lovely hair, falling in loose curls and waves down your back to your waist, kept getting in your eyes as you bent to pick new stems, and you had to stop singing in your sweet, clear voice each time to puff the tresses out of your face with your breath, as your hands were busy. You swore aloud each time as you did, with an incredibly filthy mouth like that of a rowdy, drunken male. I couldn’t help but laugh aloud, upon hearing your inventiveness, as I snuck up slowly behind you, intent on formally introducing myself… I hadn’t meant to startle you, I just didn’t want you to immediately recognize me and my black Chariot and run for the hills, beforehand… but that snort of laughter was my downfall.”

“What happened?” I breathed, my eyes wide, skin prickling as he set the scene and my memories, real and of the story, kicked in to warn me of the impending danger that Hades had presented… And still did. 

“You heard me,” he answered dutifully, blinking slowly up at me from beneath his thick lashes. “You straightened up like a baby deer sensing danger in the woods, turned towards me, and dropped your flowers all around you in shock. As the blooms rained to the ground, only then did I get a proper look at you, at your astonishing, inhuman beauty. Your greeny hazel eyes were wide with fright, the most incredible sight that I had ever seen, so long were your lashes, so bright was your gaze. Your dress skimmed your lithe form as it fell to the floor in a train, its sheer, soft material tight across your high, shapely breasts and accentuating your tiny, tiny waist. Your hair fell in ripples, a dark cloud around you, framing your face and your bare shoulders and arms. Your startled, nervous breathing drew my gaze to your heaving bosom, and then to your full, luscious lips, and I felt my body responding to the sight that you presented, a stirring in my groin and in my heart that I had never felt before. Desire bloomed within me, hot and fast, and, as the wind wafted the scent of flowers and your fresh female skin down towards me, something inherently dark and animalistic, something powerful and all male, awoke within me, firing up my senses and my instincts like a lion to the hunt. My nostrils flared, my breaths deepened, and the polite, soothing greeting that I had poised on my tongue to call out to you died before it could leave my lips, before I could even begin to form the words. Without even stopping to think, I leapt forwards…”

He let the loaded sentence hang in the air for a moment before continuing. The expression on his face as he stared at me was something akin to the one that I could almost half remember painting his features on that very day, at the very moment he was describing… my nostrils flared in response, like prey sensing a predator nearby. 

“I rushed at you,” he continued then, “I had chased you down even as you turned on your heel and tried to flee, such was my speed. I leapt at you, carrying you to the ground underneath the force of my body. You hit with such impact that the very breath was knocked from your chest, making it impossible for you to cry out for help, let alone breathe! I swept your tiny wrists up and pinned them to the grass above your head before you had even realised what was happening, holding you down beneath the weight of me, making it impossible for you to wriggle, let alone escape, before catching your lips up against mine. You screamed against my mouth, and I took the opportunity to plunge my tongue into yours. Oh, Persephone… you will never know how good you tasted to me… I drank of you as though you were a happened-upon fresh spring and I was a parched, dying man, positively fading away thanks to my aching, unquenchable thirst for water… I drank until I was drunk on you, on your sweet taste… A devastating need was upon me, a desire to conquer your resistance and to render you, and your body, all mine. With a firm one handed grip, I tore your dress open down the middle, exposing your luscious tits and your taut little belly to the sky, and to me, looming above you. As my mouth found your gorgeous rosebud nipple, you were finally able to scream, and scream you did, cursing me to high heaven, calling out for help from the Gods, from anyone, as I kept my head bent and devoured your flesh with my tongue, kissing and tasting you all the way down to your belly button, where I dipped my tongue and languished at the softness of your skin. My questing hand gathered and pulled up the silken layers of your dress to your waist, exposing your lower body to me, and then I moved to make a quick adjustment to my own clothes, pulling down my trews and freeing my massively rock hard cock to the heat of the afternoon and the warmth of your skin. I was aching to bury myself within you, but you had started to cry at me removing the barrier of clothing between our skin. You knew what I wanted from you, instinctively, and your inexperienced little virgin body tensed up with fear, as my fingers reached down to that little mound of Venus between your legs and began to explore you, parting your silken folds and circling their tips across your jewel, pressing down gently to offer you some pleasure, as I sought to ready your wetness so that I could mount you.”

My mouth was agape. “So you did rape me, then?” I gasped, my heart pounding within my chest.

He squeezed his eyes shut, as though pained, then slowly opened them to appeal to me as he nodded his head. They positively burned. 

“I grabbed at your slender thighs, wrenching them apart, exposing you to my ever thirsty mouth. I buried my face between your legs, lapping at your clit, circling it with my tongue, suckling you and revelling in the taste of your heavenly womanhood. You were like the sweetest, headiest ambrosia that I have ever tasted. I was drunk on you, high on you, on your delicate female scent. Before you knew it, I pushed myself up onto my forearms, manoevered myself and my questin, straining cock between your hips, and with one mighty thrust, I pushed myself deep inside the creaminess of your lush body and ripped you open, claiming your virginity with one fierce, desperate stroke. I cried out at the same time as you, hating myself for causing your pain, yet at the same time, loving the feeling of you as you sheathed me, you were so, so tight, almost like a vice around me. I collapsed atop your chest, mumbled my apologies for hurting you into your ear, kissed and bit at your neck and then continued to thrust into you, dipping in and out of your lushness, gaining deeper and deeper access to your body with each glorious push. You screamed aloud, biting down hard on my shoulder, clawing at my cloaked back, but I just let more of my weight come to rest on top of you, pinning you were you were so that your kicking legs had no option but to open further for my hips, to spread out my weight upon you more comfortably. I took your spreading thighs as the opportunity to slip into you further, pumping rapidly, grinding myself against your pelvis, deepening my thrusts inside you as I was transported to Nirvana. As I laboured over you, you eventually moaned again, although this time, something had changed, and I detected a different movement in your lower body to the usual thrashing to escape me and throw me off. You’d started to rock with me, flicking your tiny hips up to meet my thrusts, increasing my pleasure tenfold, a hundredfold. I laughed deeply and darkly into your hair, a possessiveness for you catching me up so fiercely that I was momentarily rendered breathless. My heart was pounding along with our bodies, and I felt a building pressure inside my chest that mirrored the pressure that was starting to build inside my balls – they slapped against your tight little arse again and again as I picked up the pace, till it was almost painful. You mewled like a kitten in my ear and I moved my face to yours, pinning both your wrists down on either side of your head. My breathing was as laboured as yours as I kissed you deeply, my tongue plunging into your mouth between your lips over and over, mirroring my cock and how I moved deep inside your body. You wrapped your legs around my waist as I increased my pace, and I almost choked at the feeling of sliding even deeper inside you, deeper than I had ever experienced before or even thought possible, what with my large size, so much so that before I knew it, I had crushed my entire length into you and buried myself balls deep inside your silken folds. I pumped into you again and again, grinding my hips against yours, feeling every inch of you adjusting to accomodate my girth and squeezing me ever tighter, tighter than I ever thought possible. I cried out in triumph against your mouth, thinking how clever and lucky I was to have captured you, and to have gained access to your incredible body, a masculine need suddenly spreading through me to impregnate you with my seed there and then, claiming you for all time as mine, as my own, forever. Then, as I mumbled nonsensical jibberish against your mouth, kissing you inbetween, you captured my bottom lip between your sharp little pearly teeth and bit down, hard. The fierce pain of it, the surprising audacity of you and the explosion of my blood into our mouths, finally sent me over the edge. My dick became engorged, my tingling balls tightened, and I bucked into you with one mighty, punishing thrust so deep I hit the entrance to your womb and positively roared my release as I spilled stream after stream of hot cum up inside of you, filling you completely with my seed. My pulsations sent you over the edge yourself, then, and you crested a peak that I’d had no idea that you were even close to approaching. Just as my twitches were winding down, your body clenched me up and started to milk my seed from my cock, and you whimpered your pleasure against my bleeding lips, eyes squeezed shut as you quivered in my arms, your body wracked with shudder after shudder and spasm after spasm, drawing out of me the longest and most intense orgasm of my entire life, until recently, anyway. You were mine, then, Persephone. I had you. And I promised myself that you would be mine forever more.”

Forever more… his words echoed in my stunned ears as I sat, open mouthed, contemplating his story, contemplating his desire and his love for me, and as I stared into his steadily glowing, fiery red eyes, the wind wailing ominously outside the kitchen window, I started to realise, with a dawning sense of fear and excitement, exactly what that might mean for me…



  1. Great story. As thisisntreallymeso stated, an epic indeed. Many thanks for sharing…

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