The Assistant 7

Kylie left the elevator when the doors opened. She had quite the strut as Anthony followed. He however had a scowl. Kylie ignored him and had pleasant conversation with those around them.

After dinner she got a drink and socialized while Anthony socialized. Kylie ignored the attractive women he was flirting with, however he wasn’t able to ignore the attractive man she was flirting with. He could tell even under her makeup this man was making her blush. Anthony took a break and sat at the bar to watch as she danced with this nameless man.

“Jealous?” came a familiar drawl.

“Hardly,” Anthony said, not needing to look to know it was Seth.

“Your eyes haven’t left her all night,” said Seth.

“Making sure the likes of you don’t pounce,” Anthony said, finally turning to Seth. “Which, if you’re that observant of me means you’ve been watching all night too.”

Seth just smirked and walked away. Anthony resumed talking with a few people while Kylie and the nameless man sat at a table.

“Wow,” said the man. “I’ve never seen cards so tiny.”

“They’re the best,” Kylie said. “I don’t usually use them for actually playing cards with people. I usually use them for solitaire but they’ll do.”

Kylie and the man played some cards for a bit before Kylie excused herself to the ladies room. When she left the bathroom she saw Seth but continued walking until she felt a hand on her arm.

“Mr. Dixon,” she said. “Remove your hand.”

Seth let go, but stood close enough to force her against the wall.

“You look ravishing tonight,” he growled.

“Glad you think so,” Kylie said coldly. He ran his hand softly up her thigh, making her heart race.

“What would it take to get one night with you?” he asked lustfully. Kylie smirked.

“I bet you’d love to know what my lips taste like?” she teased. Seth growled, gripping her thigh near her ass.

Kylie leaned closer like she was going to kiss him. Seth smirked. Kylie quickly headbutted him in the nose. He quickly backed away holding his face.

“Fuck!” he said. For good measure Kylie kicked him in the balls before practically sprinting back to the ballroom.

She stood by Anthony’s side and didn’t say a word while he flirted and talked. When his company left he turned to Kylie.

“Did your company leave you?” he asked. Kylie just shrugged. Anthony looked at her and then noticed Seth sitting at the bar with ice on his nose and a blood stained cloth. “Would you like to dance?”

“I don’t have a place to put my…”

Anthony took her clutch and slid it effortlessly into his inside suit pocket. He gave her his hand and she followed him to the dance floor. He didn’t say anything for a moment until he heard her gasp and swear under her breath.

“Any particular reason Seth is bleeding from his face and glaring at us?” Anthony said. Kylie wanted nothing more than for the floor to swallow her. “Kylie?”

She looked at him as he waited for an answer. She bit her lip and her grip tightened on his hand.

“I may have headbutted him…” she said cringing as she spoke.

“You what?!” Anthony said quietly. This made her cringe more, but she continued.

“And kicked him in the balls…”

“Christ, Kylie,” Anthony said. “I said no…”

“He had me against the wall.”

Anthony stopped. He could now feel her anger.

“Did he hurt you?”


“Did he touch you?”

Kylie didn’t respond right away. She knew what he was asking.

“Kylie,” Anthony said firmer.

“Sorta,” she said. “He was working his way up my thigh.”

Anthony sighed.

“Let’s call it a night,” he said. He let her lead the way out of the ball room. He had to stop to pay his bar tab and Kylie stood back to wait.

“You really had me fooled Kylie,” Seth said. She ignored him and Anthony had finished paying. They turned to leave. “Maybe you should think about what signals your attire gives.”

Kylie stopped, her hands in fists. She stalked over to Seth who had a smug look on his face. Anthony grabbed her by the biceps so she couldn’t swing. She pointed a finger at him and said, “No matter what a woman is wearing, it means nothing. Unless she says yes you **do not** have permission to touch her in any way. Her clothing doesn’t mean she’s asking for it. She could be butt naked in front of you and that still doesn’t mean she’s asking for it. The next time you try to lay your hands on me without my permission, your balls will take years to re-descend to where they should be.”

Kylie ripped herself out of Anthony’s grip and left. Anthony quickly followed. When they got into the room Kylie threw her shoes off and violently undressed and put her pajamas on. After she washed her face she went into the tub room and closed the door. She sank to the floor and cried.

Anthony had partially undressed before he went to knock on the door.

“Kylie,” he said. “You ok?”

“I’m fine,” she said, but another wave of tears came.

“I’d like to believe you but, I don’t,” Anthony said. Kylie didn’t say anything. “Can I come in?”

“I don’t care,” Kylie said. She didn’t want to argue or fight or pretend.

He opened the door and she sat on the floor by the tub, her back against the wall and her head resting on her knees. He sighed. Anthony held out his hand to her. Kylie’s eyes blurred with more tears but she took it and got up. Anthony held her against his bare chest and she wrapped her arms around him on the inside of his untucked, unbuttoned shirt. She cried silently as she listened to his heartbeat.

“Can I ask you to do something?” Anthony asked. Kylie pulled away slightly and looked up at him. She nodded and he wiped her tears away. “I want you to get all your things ready and packed up for the morning. Leave out just what you need for the morning. Then we’ll watch some TV and cuddle. Ok?”

“Ok,” she said quietly.

He let her leave the tub room first and gave her a little pat on the butt which made her smile. Anthony also got his things ready for the next morning so they could have a smooth morning. As promised, they watched TV and cuddled until Kylie fell asleep. Anthony shut the TV off and joined her.

Once they landed the next afternoon, Anthony grabbed her bag for her and sent her home.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said as she got into the cab.

Anthony went to the office and closed his door for a few hours before he too went home.

Kylie walked into her empty apartment and took in a big breath. It smelled like home. She unpacked and started some laundry and other chores that didn’t get done while she was gone. It had been a long weekend so she texted her husband to bring home pizza for supper.

‘My baby is back! <3 <3 <3’


His text made her smile but she started to feel a bit guilty for what she did while she was away. Her heart ached. She knew if he ever found out he’d be crushed.

Anthony got home and was greeted by his youngest.

“Daddy!” she exclaimed and she ran into his arms.

“Hello baby,” he said and he scooped her up and kissed her head. “I missed you.”

He went into the kitchen where he found his wife preparing supper. He kissed her as she paused from chopping vegetables.

“How was your trip?” she asked. Anthony set his daughter down.

“It was good,” Anthony said. “I think it was pretty successful.”

“How was your assistant?” asked his wife. Anthony’s heart pounded, then he realized what she meant.

“She was good,” he said casually and he circled to sit at the island she was working at. “I think she learned a lot. Definitely got an earful of rumors as she told me later.”

“From who?” asked his wife.

“Seth,” Anthony said, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, because he knows anything,” scoffed his wife and she dumped the vegetables in the frying pan.

“He certainly causes a lot of problems,” Anthony said.

“What do you mean?”

“On top of telling Kylie bullshit, he was hitting on her and feeling her up.”

“That snake!”

“That’s not the half of it.”

“What does feeling her up mean?” asked their daughter, whom they forgot about.

“Nothing honey,” deflected his wife. “Ava, why don’t you go play until supper is ready?”

Ava left.

“What else happened?” she asked.

“Well, I took care of it the first night,” Anthony said. “Put a firm grip on his old football injury and told him to knock it off and we left. But last night he tried it again. I was in the ballroom doing my thing. Kylie had gone to the bathroom and was on her way back and he grabbed her hand, invaded her space so he had her against the wall. Wanted to know what it would take to have a night with her.”

“Oh my God,” said his wife in disgust.

“She said something witty to get him closer to her and headbutted him in the face,” Anthony said. His wife covered her mouth and started giggling. “And then kicked him in the balls.”

His wife busted out laughing.

“I want to meet this girl,” she said. Anthony smiled and held up his hand to tell her he wasn’t done yet.

“I saw him come back in all bloodied and stuff so I asked her to dance and then she saw him. I asked her why he was like that and glaring at us and she told me so we went to leave. I had to pay my tab so she waited for me and Seth made a remark which she ignored. Then we went to leave and he made another remark about her clothes sending the wrong signal and she ripped him a new one. I grabbed her to make sure she didn’t start swinging but damn.”

“Oh my God,” said his wife. “I wish I could have seen it. God I like this girl. Handing Seth his as and telling you what for. We should have her and her husband over for supper.”

“Mmm. I don’t know if she’d be comfortable with that,” Anthony said, his heart in his stomach. *I don’t think I can handle that*. “But you can come by the office if you want to meet her.”

“I think I will. Maybe tomorrow.”


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