Kissin’ the cowboy – Part 1 [F/M] [age gap] [DILF]

{ I hope you enjoy reading this – I know I enjoy writing it! I’m trying to polish my dialogue skills. What better way than writing porn! This might not be anybody’s cup of tea but mine, but here goes.
Older dilf cowboy and his favorite bartender make out after closing. It gets steamy.}


Glass clinked as I poured a beer into a frosty glass. The bar was fairly empty; a few tables of people with baskets of onion rings and greasy burgers filled the room with quiet conversation, a few guys up on the stools nursing their drinks and chatting. I passed the beer to the patron closest to me with a smile, as usual. My apron swished around my jeans as I made my way to the other end of the bar to get out some more glasses. I liked it quiet, especially after a rowdy night like last night. 

Normally today was my day off but my coworker got in a fight with some wasted idiot hicks again and was home with a concussion. I didn’t mind picking up his shift though, the pay was fair and regulars always treated me well. Small-town bars are like that. The bar is where most of the social interaction outside of work hours happens, so it’s best to be friendly with the bartenders unless you want warm beer and weak cocktails. 

The bartenders pick favorites out of the regulars of course, and I was no exception. My favorite regular was Marcus and he made an impression on me shortly after I moved to town and started working at the bar 4 years ago. Marcus was a real cowboy type, though I didn’t know what his actual profession was. He’d never told me. I did know that he dressed like one, from the black hat, the boots and the revolver and knife on his belt. He was my favorite for a lot of reasons, most of which any bartender would name as their reasons for liking a regular. He tipped well, played good songs on the juke box, never started fights, and liked a good conversation. 

Marcus was also my favorite because he was very, very attractive. 

Not in the glamour magazine hunky himbo kind of way, but the ruggedly handsome gray-in-the-temples smart and sexy kind of way. Marcus was 6’2″, with sandy brown hair streaked with gray, a stubbly strong jaw, big hands, blue eyes, and a panty-soaking deep voice. He was also single. 

Man I sound like a flustered housewife when a hot cop shows up at her door holding her delinquent teenage son by his scruff for yet another dumb incident. But seriously, Marcus was the real deal. I just turned 27 and he’s 45 but I still think he’s got the sweetest ass this side of the Rockies. 

I think the most interesting facet of this man was his way of silently observing things happening around him for a while and striking up a wonderful conversation with me nearly every time he stopped in for a drink. He was quiet and had a shy little grin that lit up and crinkled the corners of his eyes, but sometimes I got a full smile out of him. It was so rare but I basked in it every time he decided to show his teeth.

Anyway. It was just about midnight and I had already figured he wouldn’t come in tonight since normally he showed up about 9:30 and left by 11:30 at the very latest. I guess I was a little bummed but what can ya do? He’s just a patron at the bar not my god damn boyfriend… 

A few patrons were left; it had been a quiet night after all. The last one finished her drink, paid and left, so I started cleaning up to close in an hour. We stopped serving food at 10, so the cook had gone home already. Then the little bell above the door jingled and I could hear boots on the wooden floor. I didn’t have to look up from wiping down the beer fridge to know who it was. My heart skittered around in my chest a bit before deciding to stay there a little while longer.

“What are you doin’ on that side of the bar on your day off??” Marcus’s voice sounded surprised. I tucked a stray hair behind my ear and stood up.

“Well normally I wouldn’t be but Len got hit pretty hard by one of the assholes from out of town so I had to pick up his shift,” I chuckled, cracking open a can of Marcus’s usual ale.

“Ah yeah, heard about that. Bummer I left before things got violent, they might have thought twice before causing problems in here,” he mused. There wasn’t a joking tone in his voice at all. I’d seen Marcus stare down some out-of-towners looking for a fight; they turned tail shortly after. He hung his hat and coat on hooks beside the door before sitting down in front of the beer I had set on the bar.

“Thanks,” he cleared his throat, ” Uh, hope I’m not keeping you from cleaning up to close?” He nodded toward the soapy glasses in the sink.

“Oh not at all!” I said, “it was pretty slow tonight and the last person headed out a little while ago so I thought I’d tidy up a bit if nobody else came in.”

He nodded again and took a big swig of the beer.

“Well, let me know if you, uh,  need help stacking chairs or…” He trailed off and looked down shyly.

I chuckled, amused. “Yeah if you don’t mind, but I’m not in a hurry so you can enjoy a drink or two.”

I turned back to the dishes in the sink, knowing he would like to sip his beer in silence for a little while. The soft clink of glass, the hiss of the hot water, and the radio were the only sounds in the building. I had turned off the juke box before Marcus got here, switching the old radio on to the classic rock station. I brought him another beer after finishing everything else, and then started sweeping behind the bar and out around the tables. He stood up suddenly, and I looked up, a bit startled.

“Let me put the chairs up for you,” he picked one up and set it upside down in the table top.

“Okay if you insist,” I teased. He grinned a little, just enough to make his eyes sparkle. I swept, he put up the chairs for me. Stevie Nicks crackled sweetly on the radio, and the quiet room seemed to be filled with electricity, like a thunderstorm making its way slowly up a valley in the summer. Marcus was suddenly closer to me than I thought and I met his eyes briefly before he looked away, blushing, and picked up the last chair.

“I know you’re not supposed to while you’re on the clock but, uh, care to have a drink with me on this side of the bar?” He asked, his voice soft. He was right, technically I can’t drink on the job even if there’s nobody else there. But if I’m not on the clock…

“Uh, sit tight a moment,” I dropped some ice in a glass and poured a double shot of bourbon over it, then hurried over to the hallway between the back office and the kitchen where the clock was, and punched my card out (my boss was old-fashioned, liked to do things the analog way). Then I flipped the switch to the neon “Open” sign off. 

“Lucky you, I just clocked out and there’s a bourbon on the rocks with my name on it right here,” I smiled at him, “and we’ve got the whole bar to ourselves!” I tried to say that as casually as possible but realized how suggestive it sounded at the last second. Oops.

“Didn’t take you for a whiskey kinda woman,” he said, eyes following me as I took a seat next to him at the bar. 

“Well what kinda woman did you think I was, Marcus?” I turned to look him in the eye. This time he didn’t glance away. His eyes smoldered into mine and my heart did a flip in my chest. He broke into a big smile and stroked his stubbly chin.

“I don’t know but I was wrong either way,” he laughed and sipped his beer. We fell into friendly conversation, sharing our thoughts on local happenings, jokes and stories as usual, but without the polished bartop between us. Another beer, a bit more whiskey. Another good song on the radio.

It was all of a sudden past closing when I noticed he was once again much closer to me than I realized… Or was I closer to him? My knee was touching his and he brushed my arm each time he set his can down. He chuckled, noticing too. It was a deep growly sound that stirred up a little heat low in my belly.

“Thank you for inviting me to have a drink with you,” I said slowly, not wanting to be forward. He was just a patron of my bar after all…

“You’re welcome,” Marcus said simply. His hand rested on his knee, adjacent to mine. An image of his big hands on my skin flashed through my mind briefly, and I cringed inwardly. Not the time!!

He looked at me thoughtfully, and I felt his fingers brush my knee before his palm rested there. Goosebumps pricked my skin at his touch.

“Look I uh, hope I’m not crossing a line here but I um, enjoy your company you know…” Marcus said in that gravelly voice of his. My heart was beating so fast and I struggled to keep my composure. So I just looked back at him, waiting for whatever else he was going to say. His thumb fidgeted lightly on my thigh. He cleared his throat and scooted a bit closer in his seat.

“Now I understand if uh, you don’t feel the same or I’m too old for you um shit I guess you probably have a boyfriend or something by now…” He was speaking quickly and started standing up so I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

“Hey hey slow down Marcus,  don’t run away just yet!” I said, holding his hand tightly. I took a breath to calm my nerves. He was nervous too and I didn’t want to scare him off.

“I enjoy your company very much too, and I do not in fact have a boyfriend; and,” I said, suddenly feeling bold, “I think you’re very sexy Marcus,” 

His eyes got wide and he smiled a little, cheeks and ears getting red. 

“Oh um, thanks,” he said. He squeezed my hand back and cleared his throat.

“I guess what I was trying to say was, can I take you to coffee or lunch or something on your next day off?” He looked at me with sincerity.

“Yes, coffee sounds wonderful, how about you pick me up at 9 on Wednesday morning?” I suggested. I couldn’t believe it, the man I’d been crushing on for years was asking me out!

“Okay, perfect,” he said excitedly.

“Oh, before I forget – ” I leaned over the bar and snatched a pen. Shaking a little, I wrote my phone number on a napkin.

“There,” I said, folding it up and reaching to shove it in his shirt pocket, “Don’t lose that, I only write it down once,” I patted his chest with a grin.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget,” Marcus’ eyes were on me. He had an intense expression beside his excitement. We sat looking at each other in silence for a few moments. 

Fuck it, I’m gonna kiss him. 

I leaned in and kissed him softly on the mouth. He made a startled noise and hesitantly kissed me back. When I pulled away to gauge his reaction, his eyes were dark and my heart was racing again. The electric tension in the room was strong now, and heavy. This time his hand gripped my knee, and I kissed him again, gently, like I was exploring his mouth. He kissed me slowly too, moving intentionally with me. He tasted like beer and spearmint as our tongues met. We made out like that for a while, gently, with no hurry. He cupped my face with a rough hand, tilting it to his liking. I felt his hand slide up my thigh and grip my waist, pulling me toward him. 

Before I fell off the stool, I stood up between his legs and let my body press into his. His hand on my cheek ran down my chest, across the opened top buttons of my gray button up. He undid the next one, sending a thrill down my spine that settled in my crotch, stoking the fire. 

He’s serious, and so am I.

My hands were all over him, feeling his strong arms and back through his shirt. He pulled away from the kiss and gazed at me, panting lightly.

“I haven’t done this in a long time,” he said in a low voice.

“Neither have I Marcus, we can go slow if you’d like,” I whispered. He hummed and stood up, pushing my back against the counter. He kissed me, urgently. Our teeth clicked a bit, and his hands found skin under my shirt. I ran my fingers through his hair, scraping my nails lightly on the back of his neck. He made that noise again and trailed kisses on my jaw and neck. His stubble would leave my skin raw tomorrow but I did care. His touch was setting me on fire. His thumbs brushed my nipples through my bra and I gasped through the kiss, more sensitive to that touch than I thought. He chuckled and stroked my tits in my bra until I moaned.

“I wanna hear you make that sound some more, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear between nibbles on my throat and neck.

“Mmmm I’ll see what I can do,” I responded, a bit out of breath, “but I don’t think I want to right here…” I looked at him coyly.

“What are you suggesting?”

“Take me home with you, handsome,” I said pulling him against me by his belt, before kissing him again. 


[Look for part two tomorrow!]



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