The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapter 17 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

Previous Chapters:

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

[Chapter 5](

[Chapter 5.5](

[Chapter 6](

[Chapter 6.5](

[Chapter 7](

[Chapter 8](

[Chapter 9](

[Chapter 10 part 1](

[Chapter 10 Part 2](

[Chapter 11](

[Chapter 12](

[Chapter 13](

[Chapter 14](

[Chapter 15](

[Chapter 16](

A shiver ran down Julie’s spine. It was cold in the hall as she stole out of her bedroom wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and panties. She put her hand protectively on her stomach. She could just feel the growing bump there. She wasn’t going to be able to hide it forever.

Softly, Julie closed her bedroom door. She didn’t want to wake her oblivious husband sleeping in their marital bed. Also, Brad and Penelope slept right across the hall. She didn’t want to wake them. But more than anything, she didn’t want to wake the house. She remembered well the night Frederick Palmer had chased her down the hall. She hadn’t seen him since. Maybe he’d wandered off never to return. Julie padded down the hall and stopped in front of Daniel’s door.

Julie reached for Daniel’s door, but then stopped. Not tonight. Julie tried to give her twins equal time. She took a deep breath and thought of the pleasures that awaited her in Brittney’s tower room. She hustled down the dark hall and up the stairs.

Outside Brittney’s door, Julie paused. All three of her children slept under her roof that night. Brad had always been different than the twins. He rebelled at his outsider status. But now, he was more the odd one out than ever. Julie had bonded with the twins like she’d never imagined possible. Poor Brad had no idea how he’d been pushed farther to the margins. Even his own wife had betrayed him for Daniel and his monstrous penis.

Somewhere in the house, a clock ticked with ponderous precision. Julie opened her daughter’s door and slipped into her room.


The clock struck eleven, and then twelve, and then one. Penelope lay in bed, her body a taut mess of anticipation. Even as Brad snored next to her, she couldn’t sleep a wink. She just lay there, waiting and daydreaming about the things she’d do with Daniel. Penelope let the clock tick for a while after it struck one, and then she eased out of bed, careful not to disturb her husband. She had her t-shirt and panties on, but it was cold. She pulled on some sweatpants, grabbed two blankets Julie had left for them, and moved out into the hall. All was quiet as she moved toward Daniel’s room. She clutched the folded blankets tightly to her chest.

Once in Daniel’s room, she moved next to his bed and shook him awake. “Danny? Wake up. It’s me.”

“Mom?” Daniel rolled over onto his back. His dick was so hard it was almost painful. “Get under the covers, Mom.”

“It’s me, Pen.” Penelope paused and cocked her head. “And that’s a weird thing to say.”

“What?” Daniel opened his eyes and looked up at his beautiful, blonde sister-in-law. “Oh, hey, Pen. Sorry, I was confused.”

“Right.” Penelope smiled down at him. “I wanna go to the tower room with you. It’s going to be gorgeous with the moon and snow. The perfect place to screw.” She held the blankets up for him to see. “And I brought blankets in case we get cold.”

“We can’t … screw in my sister’s room.”

“The other tower, silly.” She pulled the blanket off her eighteen-year-old brother-in-law and saw he had on flannel pajamas. There was a large bulge that told Penelope he was very ready for her. “Come on, we only have a few hours.”

“Okay, okay.” Daniel rose. “I can carry the blankets.” He held out his arms.

“Always the gentleman, Danny. Your brother could learn a thing or two from you.” She handed him the blankets with a wink and led him back out into the hall. They marched across the house and ascended the stairs to the west tower.


“I love the way these feel, Mom.” Brittney groped her mom’s heavy boobs through the thin cotton of her t-shirt. “They’re so full.” She lifted herself onto her toes, leaned her head up, and planted a kiss on Julie’s lips.

“Oh … mmmmm … sweetie … that feels … good,” Julie said between heated kisses. She felt her daughter press into her, and Julie backed up until her panty-clad butt touched one of the cold, gently-curved windows that surrounded the room.

“Shirt … off … Mom.” Brittney lifted the shirt over her mother’s head and tossed it behind them. When her mom had come in, Brittney had been reading in bed. Her bedside lamp was still on, and she admired the perfect, hanging mammaries in the warm glow. Those little blue veins that crisscrossed Julie’s boobs were to die for. “Midnight snack?” She lowered her mouth to Julie’s right nipple and was rewarded with that sweet, warm elixir.

“Of course, pumpkin. Ooohhhhhhhh.” Julie cupped her daughter’s brown hair and pressed Brittney’s face into her boob. “You’re so close to my … heart … when you’re back at my breast.”

Brittney suckled for several minutes, and then pulled off the nipple and looked up at Julie with a mischievous grin. Milk dribbled down her chin. “Have you tried it yet?”

“What? My milk? No, of course not. That would be –”

“I bet you could get your nipple in your mouth. I mean your boobs are really big, Mom.” Brittney traced her fingertip along the bottom of Julie’s left tit and watched as her mother shivered.

“Well, maybe.” Julie shook her head. She wanted to say no, but she knew there was very little she wouldn’t do for her twins. “Like this?” Julie lifted up her right breast from underneath, angled the nipple up, and placed it in her mouth. “Mmmpppphhhhhh.” The milk was lovely. She could see why Brittney fed on her so often. The warm, rich liquid filled Julie’s mouth and ran down her throat. She closed her eyes, and felt Brittney go back to sucking on her left nipple. They both gulped greedily, standing in Brittney’s chilly room.


“Look, Danny,” Penelope whispered and moved through the shadows to one of the east facing windows in the tower room. “Your sister’s light is on. And she’s with … she’s … oh, my, God.” Penelope stood dumfounded near the window.

“We should just go back to …” Daniel walked up next to Penelope and froze when he saw what she was looking at. The blankets tumbled from his hands. “Are they … are they both sucking my mom’s boobs?”

“Yeah.” Penelope looked over at Daniel in the moonlight that fell through the windows. Along with the surprise she expected to see in his face, she also caught a hint of something else. Jealousy maybe? Longing? She looked back to the other tower. “Can they … see us?”

“I don’t think so. With a light on inside, they can’t see anything outside.” Daniel scanned quickly around the house. Snow fell lightly and covered the nearby fields and trees. It was pretty. Penelope had been right about that. He looked back to his sister’s room, where Julie held one of her tits up to her mouth, and Brittney had her mouth clamped on the other one.

“This is … surprisingly … hot.” Penelope quickly pulled off her sweatpants, shirt, and panties and put her hands on the window frame. She stuck her butt back at Daniel. “You need to put it in now, Danny.”

“Yeah, okay.” Daniel pulled off his pajamas and microboxers. He glanced down at Penelope’s pale, round butt. “But if they turn off the light, we need to drop to the floor.”

“Okay.” Penelope spread her legs to the sides, lowering her hips. “Put it in, put it in, put it … aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh … God, you’re so deep.” She felt that long shaft slip in from behind, her eyes still fixed on the mother/daughter feeding in the other tower. “If we … ugh … ugh … caught them like this … they must have been doing … this for a while. It would be lucky if we caught them the one time they … um … go at it.” Penelope could see the pleasure on Julie’s face as her mouth pursed around her own nipple. It looked like she was actually gulping something down. “Jesus, Danny. I think she’s got … milk … in those oooohhhhhhhhhh.” Penelope thrust back at the eighteen-year-old teenager, while his twin kissed her way down Julie’s belly and lowered herself down so that she was mostly out of view. Penelope could just see the top of Brittney’s brown head between Julie’s legs.

“She does … have milk.” Daniel grabbed her hips and really smashed her backside. The smacking sounds of his hips on her plump ass reverberated around the empty space. “I mean … um … that’s what it looks like. Um … is Brit going down on her?”

“Shit, yessssssss.” Penelope watched as Julie dropped her tit and leaned back against the window behind her. The woman’s eyes widened, but not in surprise. This was passion. Julie was used to this. Good, God. While Penelope had been doing one twin, Julie had been doing the other one. “Aaarrrrggggghhhhhh.” Penelope came with that realization. When her mind got ahold of itself again, Daniel was still humping her from behind. He always pounded her hard, but he seemed to be giving her extra that night. What had Daniel said? *She does*? “How … do you … know … your mom has milk … in her boobs?” She looked back at him over her shoulder.

“I … ah … ah … I just …” Daniel tried not to look into Penelope’s blue eyes, instead looking past her at the other tower where his mom was clearly climaxing on his sister’s tongue.

As she absorbed thrust after thrust, clarity dawned on Penelope. “Holy, shiiiiiiittttt. Your mom … *is* your girlfriend.” She watched his face, despite the lust and concentration written there, she could see the flicker of truth. “No wonder … I wasn’t enough for you. Your own … mother …” With that she felt the first splash of hot cum inside her. Penelope gritted her teeth. Daniel never came that fast. Her brain fogged over with rapture as he filled her up.

“I … can’t … believe … it.” Daniel pulled out of Penelope, as they both still panted. He watched as Brittney’s hands rose up into view and pulled Julie by her boobs until both women went out of view. Probably into Brittney’s bed.

“When you and your mom were … boffing, she didn’t mention … that she was also doing your twin?” Penelope straightened up and turned around.

“Shut up.” Daniel furrowed his eyebrows. “It’s not like that. I just … didn’t know. I didn’t know.”

“I’m sorry.” Penelope reached out for him and pulled him into a hug, pressing their mismatched nakedness together. Daniel was always so sensitive. “I just meant this must be very surprising for you.” She felt his head fall to her shoulder. His hard dick burrowed between her thighs.

“Yeah.” He nodded and he let her envelope his thin, wiry frame with her warm curves.

“Well. You have nothing to worry about, Danny.” She slowly slid her hips back and forth so that his dick rubbed against her cum coated thighs. “This clusterfuck the Andersons have going is one of the sexiest things that’s ever happened on the face of the Earth. I mean, me with my husband’s nerdy teenage brother is hot. Really hot.” She reached down and cupped his butt in her hands. “But then you with your huge dick in your holier-than-thou mother is just flat-out on fire. You have had sex with your mother, right?”

Daniel nodded.

“Amazing.” Penelope moved her hips faster, sliding that throbbing dick between her thighs. “And then little-miss-goody-two-shoes Brittney is also doing your perfect mother? God, I’m going to cum just thinking about this mess.” She jumped into Daniel’s arms, putting her legs around his hips. He took a stumbling step back but held her. “I’m so glad I married Brad.” She reached under her and guided his cock into her sopping pussy. “If for nothing else than to be a part of this heaven … or hell … or whatever this is. Aaaaaaaahhhhhh.” She put her arms around his neck and felt his hands grab her ass. She bounced in the air. “Give it to me … like you give it to your Mom. Uuuugggghhhhhh. Jesus, the same dick that’s inside me was in … Julie Fucking Anderson. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh.” And she came again.

A while later, Penelope and Daniel lay on a blanket on the floor of the tower room, their sweaty bodies still entwined.

“I want to see.” Penelope ran her fingertip along his skinny chest, outlining one of his tiny nipples.


“I want to see you and your mom have sex.” Penelope’s whole body tingled from the orgasms she’d just had. Her time with Daniel was always way better than what any other man had done to her. In fact, it wasn’t in the same ballpark. It wasn’t even the same sport. But that night, with all its twisted revelations, was the best sex yet. “I have to see it, Danny.”

“No way.” Daniel stared up at the domed ceiling. He needed to head back to bed soon. He really hoped they didn’t run into his mother in the halls.

“Please don’t take any offense, but Julie’s a prude. And if she’s somehow fallen for your big dick, I really, really need to see it.”

“Impossible, Pen.”

“Okay, maybe not in person,” she purred. “Take a video with your phone. Tell her it’s just for the two of you. Heck, I let Brad do it. Take a video this week. Please?”


“So, you’ll do it?” Penelope couldn’t hide her smile. “Great, you can come over after school and show me.”

“I don’t know.” Daniel sighed. The thought of filming his mom and showing it to Penelope was very tempting.

“Thank you, Danny. I’ll make it really special.” She bit her lower lip. “I don’t know if you’d fit, but you can try my butt if you want when we watch it.” She tilted her head and looked up at him. “Oh, my God. You had anal with her, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t want to get her pregnant.” Daniel let a little half-smile slip onto his face. Talking about his mom with someone really made the whole thing more real.

“You didn’t use condoms?” Penelope laughed. “You’re a madman, Danny.” She pressed her body more tightly into him. She was crushing on this boy so hard. Finding out what he’d been up to, heightened all her feelings.

The clock chimed four and they both got up and dressed.

“Let’s go back to our rooms one at a time,” Daniel said. “I’d die if Mom caught us together.”



“If Daniel Anderson leaves during class hours, I want to hear about it before he walks out those doors. Okay, Sally?” Erin Haskins stood straight next to the administrative assistant’s desk.

“What if it’s another doctor’s appointment?” Sally looked up at her boss and blinked. This was an unusual request.

“Especially if it’s another one of those and Penelope Anderson is signing him out.” Erin crossed her arms over her skirt suit jacket.

“What if it’s his mom picking him up?” Sally twirled some of her hair on her finger. She didn’t like extra things to remember.

“That, too.” Erin nodded.

“What if there’s a fire?”

Erin laughed. “You can let him go without checking in if the school’s on fire.”

“Good, just wanted to make sure.” Sally smiled.

“Thank you, Sally.” Erin turned and walked back toward her office. If Penelope showed up again, that would be Erin’s opportunity to confront her and get to the bottom of things.


“You’ve been busy as a bee, pollinating flower after flower.” Eloise strode into the library with only a long nightgown covering her pregnant form. She fixed her green eyes on Daniel as he looked up from his book, and she closed the door behind her. “You certainly have a spry bludgeon down there.” She nodded at the bulge in Daniel’s pants.

“Hello, Mrs. Palmer.” Daniel dropped his bookmark on the open page and closed the book. He looked up at her seemingly innocent, freckled beauty. “What did you mean about flowers?”

“I mean what I say, Daniel.” She walked over to him and knelt between his legs. “I’m proud of all you’ve accomplished. We’re all proud of you.” She pushed her red hair back over her shoulders and smiled her perfect smile up at him.

“You mean Day Star?” Daniel felt the blood rush to his dick and found that his mind slowed as it always did when sex was imminent. Something about blood not being able to be in two places at once.

“My partner, yes.” Eloise nodded and unbuttoned Daniel’s pants.

“How did you … um … get to be partners?”

“I like to break rules. Rules designed to fence us in. Rules made to deny us our true nature.” Eloise pulled down his pants and underwear. Her eyes sparkled as she took in his behemoth. She licked up the underside starting at his overripe testicles and ending at his glans. Eloise then put both hands on him and stroked slowly. “Day Star, as you call him, rebelled when he could ask no questions about the arbitrary, contradictory terms He placed on us. The Lord in Heaven is not what you believe. He loves his power more than anything else, and he uses despicable means to achieve fealty.”

“By despicable means … you mean Frederick?” Daniel shivered. He had been with so many living women, that he’d almost forgotten how cold Eloise was.

“Never fear, Daniel. I will protect you from them.” She licked the head again. “And they weaken day by day. I do not know if Frederick even knows what he is anymore.” She took a deep breath. “Let us talk of things that are not my husband.” Her gaze briefly flitting at the binary diamond ring on her left hand. “There is trouble coming to our house.”

“What … sort of trouble?” Daniel could barely concentrate on their conversation, the handjob felt so good.

“I do not know her, yet. But she will come here, dearie.” She paused her warning to suck his right testicle into her mouth. She rolled it with her frigid tongue and then spit it back out. “When she arrives, take her into the hidden stairway. There we may have time to ameliorate the trouble.”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Heavens, no, Danny.” Eloise stood, lifted her nightgown, and straddled Daniel. She guided him inside, her vagina clutching at his thick, warm pole. “I would never ask you to hurt anyone.” Eloise moved her hips and put her hands on her round belly. “You need only … convince her.”

“Okay.” Daniel let his mind wander. This phantom of a woman had never let him down. He trusted her completely.


“Any news?” Khadra listened to her phone. “Okay, Detective, thank you.” She disconnected and threw her phone on the couch.

It had been ten days since her husband had disappeared in the middle of the night. No one had seen him since. She called the police every day, but Maxamed obviously wasn’t a priority to them.

“He’s gone.” Khadra slumped down on the couch next to her phone. The stillness of her house pressed in around her. Her children were still with their grandparents. Her husband had left her. It was just Khadra in the house. She stood up and walked into the bedroom. She paused when she saw what waited for her on the bed.

“Why would you tempt me at a time like this, demon?” she whispered to the empty room. It had been days since that pitch-black dildo had appeared, and Khadra’s vagina practically grasped for it. Khadra flung herself onto the bed, pulled her dress up, spread her legs, and buried the thing deep inside her. “Oooooohhhhhhhhhh.” Only one thing on Earth felt better than that silicone phallus, and it was attached to a teenager across town. If Maxamed didn’t return soon, Khadra might just have to pay a visit to the Anderson house again.


“What are you doing with your phone, pumpkin?” Julie sat on the bed between her son’s legs with both hands on his monster. She was about to take him into her mouth when he pulled out his phone.

“I want to shoot a video of you, Mom. Of us.” Daniel held up the phone and pointed it at her.

“Absolutely not.” Julie took her left hand off his penis and shielded her eyes from the prying gaze of the camera. “Put it away, Danny.” Here she was, naked, holding her son’s giant thing, and he wanted to record it?

“Come on, Mom. Please? I want to have something to look at when you can’t be here.” Daniel was naked, too. He framed her vertically to accommodate his thirteen inches.

“I’m in your bed just about every other night, mister.” With her left hand still shielding her eyes, she moved her right hand up and down the shaft. She just couldn’t resist. “Now put the phone away.”

“Mom, could you put your forearm next to my dick?” He smiled from behind the phone. “You know, to compare the size.”

“How did I get such a dirty son?” But Julie moved her hand away from her eyes, placed her left elbow at the base of his penis, and put her forearm next to his thing. “Oh, my gosh, Danny. It’s bigger than my forearm. Oh, my gosh.” She stared with wide eyes at the comparison.

“That’s amazing. Thank you, Mom.” Daniel couldn’t believe she was doing this. Penelope was going to go wild when she saw this. “Can you smile for the camera now?”

“Oh, gosh.” The comparison really was a big deal for Julie. She had grown used to the idea of his size, but putting it in perspective made her see it as if for the first time. She looked up at Daniel’s phone and offered a somewhat shocked smile.

“Beautiful.” Daniel made sure to keep her wedding ring in the shot. “I bet Dad never asked you to compare him to your forearm.”

“No.” Julie climbed on top of him. She needed Daniel inside her right away. “He didn’t.”

“Turn around. I want to see your butt bounce.”

“Okay.” She turned around, reached under her, and placed his thing at her entrance. “Oh, sweetie. You’re spreading mmmeeeeeeeeeee.” She sunk down inch after inch. Daniel slapped at her butt and she let him. If truth be told, she had grown to like that sort of attention. The way he admired and desired her womanly body sent her into overdrive. “Fill … me … uuuggghhhhh.” She bottomed out and felt him hit places deep inside her. “Oh, gosh. You’re … in my … belly.”

“Ride it, Mom.” Daniel slapped her ass with his left hand and watched it wobble. He enjoyed the red handprint he left on her white skin. With his right hand, he held his phone and continued to record. His mom took him with long pussy strokes. He could already see her frothy wetness covering his dick.

With nothing but grunts and squeals, Julie rode her son for a long time. She knew he still had the recording going, and maybe the thought gave her hips a little extra wiggle. If she was going to give him one video to get through lonely times, she’d have to make it a good one. After a while, her hips moved from bouncing to grinding. She put her hands on his thighs and closed her eyes. “So good … ugh … ugh … I’m going to … you’re going to make me …”

“Me … too …” Daniel dropped his phone on the bed and grabbed both of Julie’s hips. He pulled her up and slammed her down several times.

Stars burst before Julie’s eyes as she felt his hot stuff coat her insides. Mother and son came together. After a minute, Julie rolled off Daniel and lay next to him. Her breasts rising and falling as she worked to catch her breath. “I hope you … like your … video, sweetie.”

“Don’t forget … the third act.” Daniel panted too as he picked up the phone and propped it up on his bedside table so that it would record what happened next. “Let’s do something … interesting.”

“That wasn’t … enough?” But Julie wasn’t surprised. Daniel often wanted to keep going and going. “Oh,” she said dumbly as Daniel roughly placed her on her back, spread his legs, and turned around so that he faced away from her. She lifted her head and looked down past her breasts. It was the oddest sight. She could see his skinny white butt and his great, big testicles hanging as he put his legs on either side of her hips. “Goodness.” She watched him maneuver his penis into her from that odd angle. When it hit the back wall inside her, Julie threw her head back against the mattress.

“How’s that, Mom?” Daniel looked back over his shoulder to see Julie tossing her head back and forth. He leaned forward, planted his hands on the sheet just outside her knees, and slammed his hips into her again and again.

“Won … wonderful … aaahhhhhh … sweetie.” Julie put her hands on his slight butt and pressed her fingernails into his firm flesh. “You’re … hitting … me … just right … oooooohhhhhhhh.” Another orgasm rocked Julie. It seemed like her life was just a series of orgasms recently, each one better than the last.

Daniel went at it like that for a while. He relished the way he drove his mom’s backside into the mattress with each thrust, and then she bounced up ever so slightly into the air, only to be caught by the following thrust.

Julie offered this new position some verbal encouragement at first, but that soon descended into incoherent babbling. When Daniel finally unloaded in her again, she simply grunted and accepted his seed.

As his pulse slowed, Daniel pulled out of his mom and reached for his phone. He turned off the recording, and laid down next to her, with his head on Julie’s left boob. He could hear her heart thumping like a galloping horse.

“I’m the luckiest … mother in the whole world.” Julie reached her right hand over and gently played with Daniel’s blond hair.

“Yeah?” Daniel thought about maybe mentioning Brittney, but he let it slide. Whatever secrets Julie held from him, he figured she’d share eventually.

“You weren’t always easy.” She sighed. “But man, what a payoff. I never would have believed such a thing was possible.”

“Me either.” Daniel enjoyed the slowing beat of her heart and the bitter, potent smell of her sweat. “But I was always easy. Brad was the tough one.”

“You were all difficult in your own way.” She ruffled his hair, pushed him off her, and slipped out of bed. “Each … different in your own way.” Julie had a dreamy expression as she pulled on one of her husband’s sweatshirts. She searched the floor for her panties and found them near the closet.

“Thank you for the video, Mom.” Daniel watched her shimmy her panties up her shapely legs. She was so beautiful his heart hurt to look at her. But, of course, he couldn’t look away.

“You’re welcome, pumpkin.” Julie turned for the door, stopped with her hand on the knob, and gave Daniel a serious look. “It goes without saying that you have to keep that video safe. If your father ever saw it, he’d …” Her voice trailed away.

“He’d probably die of a heart attack.” Daniel nodded, returning her solemnity. “I’ll make sure Dad never sees it. I’ll keep it hidden.”

“Thank you, Danny.” Julie smiled, opened the door, and slipped out into the hall. She could feel her pussy leaking into her panties. She’d have to get herself cleaned off and cleaned out before returning to bed with George. She shut the door behind her and hurried down the hall, accompanied by the tick tock of the persistent, invisible clock.


Erin watched Daniel Anderson walk across the parking lot. He hopped over a little snowbank, adjusted his backpack, and marched down the sidewalk away from the school. It was two hours until the final bell. The rascal had slipped out one of the side doors.

“This sort of truancy won’t be tolerated in my school,” Erin said to herself. She thought about calling Mrs. Anderson right then and bringing her in for a conference. But no, maybe not. Erin tapped her pen on her desk and thought things over. The tales her Teddy had told her about Daniel were beyond salacious. It had taken a while to get those stories out of her son. But once he’d told her he’d seen Daniel with an older, black woman, Erin was beyond shocked.

Clearly Julie Anderson was letting her son run wild, and the best way to rein him in would be a surprise house visit. That always put the fear of God in her students.

That settled, Erin turned her attention to planning for the December debate tournament. So many needs always pushing up against her and demanding her time. She hummed to herself as she went to work.


“Oh, God. That’s the … ugh … ugh … ugh … hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Penelope lay on her back on the living room floor. One leg was on the carpet, the other high in the air as Daniel scissored her. She could feel the weight of his balls slap against her upper thigh with each vigorous lunge. Penelope held Daniel’s phone above her swaying breasts and watched the screen as Julie placed her arm next to Daniel’s dick. “Damn, Danny. You’re … bigger than her forearm. That’s crazy. And your mom … isn’t a small woman.”

“Oh, yeah. That was cool. Right?” Daniel’s slack jaw tightened as he smiled down at Penelope. He could hear his mom on the recording. *“How did I get such a dirty son?”* and then all of her *oh goshes*.

“Yeah, totally cool. You are such a nerd.” Penelope glanced up from the screen with alarm, but Daniel didn’t seem to care about being called a nerd at the moment. “Does she have sex on camera?”

“Keep watching.” Daniel hugged Penelope’s leg to his chest and watched her foot flop in the air as he plowed her.

“Damn … Danny.” Penelope stared at the phone as Julie sat on him in a reverse cowgirl. “Look at all that cock disappear … uuuggghhhhh … inside her. I’m …” Penelope gritted her teeth. Her blonde hair fell in front of her eyes from the force of Daniel’s onslaught, but she didn’t have the wherewithal to do anything about it. She clutched the phone tighter, watching her mother-in-law’s ass bounce. “I’m … cummmminnnnggggggg.” Electricity surged through Penelope’s nerve endings. “Aaaaaeeeiiiiiiii.” Penelope and Brad’s small house echoed with her shrieks.

“You look so … amazing when you cum … Pen.” Daniel didn’t slow down for her climax. He kept on plowing.

When she was able to focus on the video again, Penelope saw that Julie was now gyrating and rubbing rather than bouncing. Penelope couldn’t help but admire the woman’s ass. *“So good … ugh … ugh … I’m going to … you’re going to make me …”* Julie’s voice said via the video. Penelope watched as mother and son came together. “You … you really unloaded … in her pussy.”

“I’m … getting close … Pen.” Daniel kept up his humping.

“Just like you’re going … to do in mine …” The thought occurred to Penelope that she might not be the only pregnant Mrs. Anderson. But that was too crazy to contemplate for long. “Cum … Danny … cum … oooohhhhhhhhhh.” Another orgasm swept through Penelope as she heard Daniel’s soft grunts and felt his hot cum inside her.

Normally, with one of their afterschool trysts, she’d let Daniel dump his load, clean him up, and send him home before there was any chance of Brad arriving back from work. But he’d cut from school early that day. Penelope felt she was having a good influence on the teenager. “We’ve got some extra time today. Wanna go again?”

Daniel looked down at her with his dopey, postcoital smile. “Sure. How do you want it?”

“Well, um …” Penelope looked at the phone she still clutched in her hands. “Like this?” She angled it so Daniel could see his mom going wild as he smashed her in reverse missionary.

“Okay.” Daniel pulled out of her and turned around.

“Do you need a sec to recharge or something?” Penelope watched him line up with her pussy.

“No. I’m good. As long as you can take it again.”

“Like a good slut, you mean?” She watched his skinny butt flex as he pushed into her.

“Yeah. Aaaahhhhhh. You’re my slut?” Daniel was getting better with the dirty talk. Eloise would have been proud.

“I am. Uggghhhhhh.” Penelope squealed as he hit some new spot in the back of her pussy.

“You’re not Brad’s slut?” Daniel nailed her with long, savage strokes.

“No,” she whimpered. In this position, Penelope was pinned to the floor by that magnificent cudgel.

“You’re mine.” Daniel couldn’t believe this homecoming queen was his. He rutted her like an animal. “My pussy.”

“I’m … yours … Danny. Oooooohhhhhhhhhh. It’s … your pussy.” Penelope hit one of those operatic notes as she came. She was totally at this teenager’s mercy. Penelope writhed through orgasm after orgasm. Her time with Daniel was better than any drug she’d ever had, and she and Brad had sampled a few. Between climaxes she looked down at his monster balls as they slapped into her again and again. There was so much cum stored there. Cum that he’d put in his mother and in her. What a web she’d fallen into.

Later, after he’d cum again, Daniel found himself seated naked on the couch, looking down as Penelope lovingly cleaned off their combined cum with her tongue. “When do you start to show?”

“Mmmmppphhh?” She looked up at him with her soft, blue eyes.

“The baby.”

Penelope finished cleaning the underside of his dick. She placed her dress on the couch to catch the cum that was inevitably going to flow out of her, and sat next to Daniel. “You’re the uncle, not the papa. Remember?” She touched his nose with the tip of her finger, playfully. “Officially, I mean.”

“Yeah, I know.” Daniel smiled. He didn’t mind the situation. “I was just wondering when you’d start to show.”

“Well, I’ve never been pregnant before. Soon, I guess?” Penelope shrugged. “You know, when I have a baby, my body isn’t going to be what it is now.” Penelope looked down at his soft cock. “This old mare she ain’t what she used to be,” she sang.

“You’ll be as beautiful as ever.” Daniel lightly smacked her boob. “More beautiful, even. Look at my mom.”

“Yeah, she’s hot.” Penelope nodded in agreement. “Now that I’ve seen her in action and all. Speaking of which, do you think I could get a copy of that video?”

“Are you kidding me?” Daniel shook his head. “Never in a million years. But I’ll show it to you again if you want. I might even make more.”

“Please make more.” Penelope felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of more debauched Julie on video. She looked over at the clock and saw it was getting late. “Let’s get dressed, Danny. I’ll give you a ride home.”

“Thanks, Pen.” Daniel gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re the best.”

“I really am.” She stood up and looked for her underwear. “Your special slut.” She found her bra and bent to pick it up.

Daniel smiled at that. He then stood up to fetch his own clothes. Time to go home.
