Our first, innocent [M]eetup – Adventures with Missy

[If you haven’t read my first post about my adventures with Missy, you’ll want to start here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ih8xjk/my_first_post_adventures_with_missy_a_prologue/)


I got to the coffeehouse a good hour early. I figured I could get some work done, anyway. Plus, settling in as the first to arrive allowed me to really relish what was about to come.


I was waiting to meet Missy — a 40 year old married business professional that I had connected with on Whisper and had been Snapping with over Christmas break. When she first sent me her picture on Whisper, I was a little disappointed. Not because of what I saw — her body was amazing. But it was a little *too* amazing. Clearly, I was speaking to a catfish. But I played along for a little bit. I found the conversation with whoever it was that I was speaking with to be quite engaging. This person was funny, humored my dadjoke-like gifs, and… now, was sharing great pictures.


Once we moved the conversation to Snapchat in the coming days — I was pretty shocked to find out that this was actually a real person. More than that, though, the more that we talked — the more that we discovered that we seemed to be very alike. We were both married, we both loved our spouses and the lives we led with them — but both were craving more. And we both allowed ourselves to pursue what it was that we craved.


Eventually, Missy and I agreed to meet up for coffee. There wasn’t any pressure for anything more to happen. In fact, we both agreed that nothing else *could* happen. Not even a back-of-the-parking-lot makeout session. Just coffee.


And so, the minutes ticked by and eventually — the woman I recognized from racy snaps walked in. She could have been an attractive pharmaceutical sales rep — coming in confidently with a smirk — perhaps to grab a quick espresso to power her drive home after closing a big deal. But I knew that the smirk on her face was for *me*. And it got my heart beating faster.


She sat down and we started to make small-talk. We were able to break the ice a bit by remarking how ironic it was that the two young women in the booth behind us were obviously having some sort of church-group breakoff meetup. And here we were, two married professionals taking our online fantasies and bringing them into “real life.”


We exchanged stories of other… friends… we’ve made from places like Whisper, Reddit, and Snapchat. She told me about the married couple that she once was a Unicorn, too. I told her about the business trip to New York where I visited a sex club for the first time in a dingy warehouse in Brooklyn. It was fun and freeing being able to tell somebody the secrets that not even my closest friends knew.


As Missy cut away to the restroom, I remember not really knowing if she was into me. Again, being able to share these stories face-to-face was fun. And I certainly knew that I was into her. There’s no straight man that wouldn’t be. But, would this lead anywhere? Even if it didn’t… it still felt good to talk.


As I was piecing this all together, Missy quickly sat down in front of me. The next words that came out of her mouth have led to situations I’ve been able to enjoy that were once only a distant fantasy for me.


“So… I have an idea.”


She told me about the housesitting that she’d be starting in a couple of weeks for a good friend of hers. And just like that… it was on. The real adventures with Missy were about to begin.


More on that in my next post… where things really start to get interesting.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j9zop0/our_first_innocent_meetup_adventures_with_missy