Among Us spin off (M/F) Tentacles.

Shara tenses when she hears the steady heartbeat of one of her crewmates drop to a flat line. A quick tap of her helmet brings up her crew bio-levels across her vision, and she grunts in frustration when she see’s Craig’s red cross over his ID photo.

She feels bad now, ordering Craig to the other end of the ship, but she had to be careful. He had been suspicious of her for the last three shifts, and had argued over her innocence. However, it was probably more due to the fact that she had been one of the other five to vote his brother out.

Shara slammed the wire box shut that she had been working on. Damn ship was so old it had its own vermin ecosystem. She had spent almost everyday this week double checking the chewed through wires in the left wing. A rumble sounded above her, and she turned her head to follow the noise as it moved down the hallway, and to the left.

Pulling her helmet off, she followed it with swift steps and rounded the corner to see a green suited Cron shimmy out of a vent. She threw her helmet , aiming for his head, only to have a tentacle whip out from under his own helmet to swat it away.

“You ass!” Shara had her hands on her hips, and raised up on the tips of her toes to peer closer into the glass of his helmet. “I suppose you’ll be helping me run this huge fucking ship then?”

Cron went to turn away from her and walk back the way she came, but she followed, matching his every step with two of her own.

“What’s it gonna be, huh? You, me, and the colony of rats working overtime?” She almost squeaked as he abruptly turned to her and crowded her into the wall.

“A deal is a *deal.* 500 heps for safe passage, you never mentioned guidelines on how I spend time on the journey.” It sounded like he was smirking, but she couldn’t be sure. Shara huffed in exasperation before ducking under his arms and turning to walk to her next task.

Of course, *she* will have to haul the body to the airlock. Cron was quick, strong and intelligent, however he was also a lazy asshole who never did any crew work. It was enough to make her stutter in anger as she marched down the hallway. She ignored the chuckle that echoed after her.


A routine fell into place. She woke, completed as many tasks as she could in a fourteen hour shift, bathed ate and slept. Shara heard the occasional rumblings of the vents as she ran all over the ship, but ignored it. Ignored him. Or was he an it? Whatever.

Some sort of malfunction must have happened wit the cooling pipes that ran along the walls of the ship. She had noticed a strange smell a few days ago, and it seemed to be building over time, or perhaps she was just becoming more used to it. Shara made a note of it. It wasn’t life threatening, and could be fixed when they reached their destination.

As the days continued, she started to notice a lull in her workload. Less administrator checks, wires that stayed in place longer than they had before, and the reactor behaving itself for more than a day in a row. She didn’t question her luck, secretly excited that today, she would finally be able to complete a shift in under eight hours.

She had *plans*.

As soon as her door hissed shut, she unzipped her suit and worked it off of her body. After kicking them into the corner of her room, she took her hair out of the severe bun she had worked it into many hours before. She sighed as felt the pressure release from her neck and shoulders. Shara quickly pulled on some sleep clothes and flopped into her bed. She squirmed in her sheets for a moment before rolling over to quickly set a timer on her communicator and wrapped herself up in her blanket. It was time for a fucking nap.

Hours later, her eyes snapped open.

She was covered in sweat and panting. Her thighs were rubbing together and she was *so wet*. Shara kicked off her sheets and cupped one of her breasts. Her nipples were so unbelievably sensitive and she sighed as the pleasure of squeezing her chest zinged straight to her clit.

She moved her hands down her stomach, and grabbed a hold of the bottom of her shirt. She arched her back as she peeled it from her body and over her head with a breathy sigh. At some point in her sleep she had kicked her bottoms off, leaving her with just her panties. They were surely see-though now, and Shara sighed again as she moved her hand over her mound to feel it.

*Definitely wet*. She moved her hands to hook around the sides and slowly peeled them off. After tossing them to the corner of her room, Shara moved her hand down. She made small circles over the top of her mound, before slipping a finger down her folds. She mewled when she felt how slippery it was, and added a second finger to spread her wetness around.

A sudden wave of scent slammed into her and brought a groan deep from her lungs. Shara felt a primal urge so strong in her gut that she didn’t think she could breathe unless she started fucking something *right now*.

She snatched the pillow from behind her head and raised herself up onto her knees. Hurriedly, she placed it between her thighs and fell forward again with a grunt. With her knees bent and legs spread she started moving back and forth. Her hands gripped the edge of her mattress as she ground her clit down into the pillow. Shara was panting hard, and as she leant forward more to gain some more leverage, her nipples grazed the sheets.

“Oh, oh *fuck, ohh, ah – ah yes ah*” Shara kept moving, moaning louder than she ever would have when the ship was full of crew. Each breath in was met with a moan out, and the scent built with every noise she seemed to make. Her hips were now snapping back and forth on the pillow and the mattress was shaking with her movements. “*Ah – ah – ah – fuck – hah – AH-”* Tears gathered in her eyes as her pleasure built. Her pussy was so wet she was gliding back and forth on her pillow, and her clit pulsed with an intensity so strong she let out a keen high pitch whine.

Pleasure exploded in her belly and Shana screamed. Her hips stuttered and her insides started pulsing in time with her thumping heartbeat. Shana’s toes curled as she thrusted small jerky motions into her pillow uncontrollably. The wave of her high washed over her and drew a small sob from her throat. The warmth of her orgasm rushed up her chest and left her gasping for air. Exhausted, she lowered herself completely onto the mattress, her clit and pussy still throbbing with pleasure.

The hiss of her door opening caused her to look up, and there, in the doorway, was Cron. He was tense, fists balled up at his sides and panting harshly. Shara didn’t have a moment to think on why he wasn’t wearing his suit and helmet when she noticed his.. dicks? No, not dicks, *tentacles*. They were moving independently, squirming over each other and across his stomach and muscular thighs.

“*You*,” his voice was deep with heat “*you just couldn’t make this easy for me, could you?*”

Shara could only lick her lips in response, and it must have broke something in him as he marched towards her in jerky motions. Shara turned over on her back as he approached, and moved a hand down to her cunt that has started tingling again. He huffed as he watched her slide her fingers over her folds. “You just couldn’t stay *quiet*.” He growled down at her. Cron’s eyes had turned a bright red, his cheeks dark with the rush of blood flowing through him.

Shana took her time moving her eyes down his neck, over his broad shoulders and continuing lower to his slim waist until finally, she was face to face with his sex. Not only were they oiling themselves with the fluid leaking out of the tip of each tentacle, they were *throbbing*. Shara’s breath hitched, and suddenly her bed was dipping as Cron held himself above her.

Shara didn’t bother to hold her moan as he worked his way down to the opening between her thighs. “I tried Shara, truly. But your sweet little moans that I hear outside your door each night have triggered a rut. Really, you should have been more quiet.” He spoke calmer now, as if this was an everyday occurrence he had to deal with.

She wanted to reply with a snarky comment about her needs, but simply swallowed as she felt a long, fat tongue swipe at the inside of her thigh. “Oh *god*” She moaned.

“Not quite.” Cron chuckled as he lowered his head.


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