My friend Jill [FF]

My first story was so well received! Thank you all. I thought I’d share another one here. I shared some of this in a comment thread that had devolved into dummies talking about fake tits. People seemed to like my take on implants there so I hope you all do too!

My friend Jill is a tall, gorgeous girl. She played volleyball in college so even tho she’s long and lean, she has those beautiful, athletic thighs and a really nice butt. I’ve always admired and been super jealous of her boobs the most though. She and I have both had kids and gone through the toll pregnancy takes on your body. Her’s seem to have stayed so firm and perfect.

One summer a few years ago she had a bunch of people over at her house. At one point we ended up being alone in the kitchen together and she bent over to get something from under the sink. I could see down her v-neck t-shirt and I blurted out, “how are your boobs so perfect?!” “Haha!” She said, “well they’re fake so you could get some too if you want.”

It made sense in hindsight, but I was shocked in the moment. I didn’t know that I knew anyone in real life that had implants. “Are you serious?!” I said, “they don’t look fake!” She said she was a small B, maybe even A cup and after having her first kid, they basically deflated. She was still really young and hated the way she looked so she decided to go for it. Her boyfriend at the time actually paid for them, lol!

I told her I thought they fit her proportions perfectly and that I always just secretly hated her a little because her body was so incredible. When I said again that I was so surprised and that I never would have guessed, she kinda glanced around to make sure no one was around. Then she said, “I’ll show ’em to you if you want. I’m not weirded out by it if you’re not.” I was so curious! I said ok.

She walked out of the kitchen and I followed her down the hallway to her bedroom. We walked in the room and she pushed the door quietly closed. She didn’t turn on the lights so the only light was coming from the window with closed curtains. It was pretty dark. Her room was cool and messy, ha! I don’t know why I remember this but there were dirty clothes all over, and I saw this beautiful pink Victoria’s Secret bra laying at my feet. I stopped right behind it like it was some line I shouldn’t cross.

She didn’t say anything. She just lifted up her t-shirt and held it there. God, they were gorgeous. They absolutely filled her bra. You know how most of the time your boobs kinda sit in your bra but there’s usually gaps at the top or the middle? Not on Jill. She was using every bit of that bra. It was a light green bra. Her skin is kinda pale and she freckles in the sun. I could see the freckles on her chest and the tops of her breasts. I really liked it.

I put my hand out before I even really thought about what I was doing. “Can I touch?” I whispered. The very best part whenever I think back on this – she didn’t say anything. She just locked eyes with me, sorta bit her lip and nodded her head. Oh, that look on her face! Any time I’m ever around her, I study her face as much as I can hoping to see a glimpse of that look again.

I touched her left breast with my right hand. It was so soft. It certainly didn’t feel “fake”. It felt like her. I sorta pressed at the top of her breast with one finger at first. Then I gently stroked downward until my fingers were inside the cup of her bra. I was staring intently at my own hand, watching it feel her. I reached in as deep as I could. I was touching her softly but not really erotically yet. Sort of like your doctor might touch you but with a little more tenderness.

That lasted until my thumb bumped along her hard little nipple. I mean, obviously I knew there was a nipple in there somewhere but it was a little jolt when I first touched it. I pulled the cup of her bra down so I could I see her. Her nipple was so tiny. Even in the dim light I could tell it was the sweetest strawberry color. I held her bra down and watched myself fondle my friend’s perfect breast. It was so soft. Her skin felt so good under my hand. There just wasn’t anything noticeably “fake” about it. I loved feeling her nipple pressing into the palm of my hand. And I especially loved caressing her and letting fingers bump gently, one by one across that sexy erect nipple.

I was in like a trans or something because I hardly even registered that she was a whole, live person. I was totally fixated on watching myself touch this gorgeous breast until I heard Jill make the slightest little “uunfff” sound. That snapped me out of it and looked up at her face – almost scared. Like it just dawned on me that I was totally sexually groping my friend. What I saw when I looked up her though was so incredible. She was watching me intently too and her face was just on fire with arousal. Her lips were parted and she was taking sharp, short breaths. Her eyes were intense. I could tell she was really turned on!

That really turned me on. While still feeling her and playing with her nipple I got closer and started moving in, making it clear I was going to try to kiss her. She didn’t flinch. She didn’t move back at all. She even tilted her just slightly toward me, making it clear she was gonna let me! I did it so, so slow. Just like the first time another girl kissed me. I moved as slowly as I could and tension built so deliciously with every micro-movement until our lips touched.

There’s nothing like kissing with another girl. There is just no way to compare it to kissing a guy. It’s totally different somehow. Jill didn’t really move her mouth at all in that first instant. She just let me kiss her, offering no resistance but not really giving back yet either. I gave her tiniest, sweet little kiss then I went in a little harder and I took her top lip between my lips and let it slowly pull and then slip out of my mouth. That got her. She almost gasped and grabbed me by the waist. She kissed me hard, passionately, wildly actually. She pressed her tongue into my mouth. It was the hottest, sexiest kiss I’d had in a long time. I think back on the feel of our hot little tongues all over each other all the time and it gets me so worked up.

I don’t know how long we kissed – maybe a minute or less. The whole thing was probably less than 5 minutes. We heard the back door slap shut and then her husband call out, “Hey Jill”. We broke the kiss and looked at each other for just a second. She gave me the best little devious smile. She fixed her bra and her shirt and kinda ran her hand over my tummy as she walked past me and out of the room.

She and I have never talked about it. We’ve never done anything like that again either. One time she was over at my house wearing this little pink bandeau style dress and I don’t think she had anything on underneath it at all. Not sure if that was for my benefit or not but I did enjoy it!

Not sure if mods will allow this or not but here’s a photo of my gorgeous friend, edited to hide her identity of course:



  1. I feel like I’ve seen you around before – before these two stories :O Did you post to GWS before? Adultery? Dirty Pen Pals…? You seem really familiar in writing style and the like. Skill at it, too!

    (Fitting username at least, lol)

  2. No lie, this has to be the best gonewild story I’ve ever read! This was so hot, so well told and so realistic!

  3. Great story and hope there’s more coming between the two of you. Sorry i missed out on your first picture.

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