Persephone and Hades (m/f)

I stared at the creature standing before me, my hazel green eyes wide with disbelief. It’s skin was the colour of spoiled meat; a pale fleshy mass mottled with light green and brown flecks that appeared marshmallow-esque and squishy to the touch. It had a light coating of downy fur covering its spindly body and thin tendrils of black, stringy hair that hung from it’s mangy head and fell to about halfway down its protruding ribcage. It’s dark eyes watched me curiously, deep ruby red in colour. It had no irises, just the glossy cornea that somehow managed to stare into the very depths of my petrified soul. It shivered slightly at the droplets of water still clinging to its skeletal body, and I couldn’t take my eyes away from the monstrosity it presented, sprawled naked across the dew-kissed grass of my backyard as it was.

“A fairy!?” I repeated harshly, my eyebrows nearly climbing my forehead. “You’re a… A fucking… FAIRY!?”

A Wendigo, or a rake, or even a skinwalker would have been my guess… But a FAIRY? That wouldn’t even have crossed my mind.  

It smiled, revealing rows of greeny, moss-covered sharp teeth. “Yes, a fairy.” It confirmed in a double voiced, dry rasp that sounded like the decaying dust one might expect to find in the deep, dark recesses of an Ancient Egyptian tomb. “What did you expect us to look like?” 

“Uh… I don’t know,” I stuttered, utterly perplexed and completely at a loss. “Like a tiny, beautiful young woman?”

It laughed, a slow building chuckle deep in its throat. “Like you?” It asked, wiggling its thick eyebrows up and down at me suggestively, a leer lighting up it’s hideously ugly face.

I felt my jaw hit the floor, if it could get any lower than it already was. Was it…? Could it actually be…? “Are you… Are you hitting on me?” I demanded in disbelief, too much in shock to think of anything else to say.

“Would it get me anywhere if I was?” It asked pointedly, slowly looking me up and down in a disgustingly lecherous way. 


“Unfortunately not, no,” I sighed, reaching up to wring out my own long dark hair with a twist of my locks around my fist. I squeezed the water droplets out onto the grass beside the pool. It watched me curiously and then did the same with its own tresses, wringing out the damp with long, bony fingers.

“Are you sure about that?” It asked brazenly, hungrily licking its chapped, thin lips with a long, bright pink tongue as it ogled the length of my body through my soaking wet clothes “I have pleasured women before, you know. I am actually quite adept at it. They used to call for me afterwards, weeping, yearning…”

“Sure thing,” I scoffed with a laugh, wrinkling my nose at the thought of this foul creature going at it with a pretty young girl. Eww. “No, thank you. Not for me.”

There was a flash of pale greenish light and the… Fairy… Suddenly appeared standing right before me, practically toe to toe. I reeled backwards in shock and his hands shot out to grab my upperarms, steadying me in a firm grip. 

“Certain?” He breathed intensely, laughing a low, evil sounding chuckle as he tried his luck again. 

I blinked up at him in amazement. Gone was the skinny, spindly looking greenish demon… In its place was an extremely naked and extremely well endowed man of about my age… He must have been about 6’7, 6’8? as he completely dwarfed my petite frame and positively towered over me… He had a waterfall of long, dark hair that he swept back from his forehead with one huge hand, keeping his other carefully clasped on my arm… a handsomely chiseled jawline that was kissed along its length by a shadow of rough stubble, a pair of full, deliciously sensual lips…and the most utterly gorgeous eyes that I had ever seen in my entire life… Deep set, framed by thick, sooty lashes and so, so dark brown that they looked almost red around the pupils… He stared down at me, mesmerizing me with his incredibly raw male beauty, as his disturbingly intense gaze hotly searched my own for an indication that I had changed my mind.

Those eyes…

Those… Fucking… Eyes…

What was it about them…? 

I blinked rapidly in succession, just as my heart started doing flips inside my ribs. There was a roaring sound in my ears, as though my blood were a surging ocean wave coming in to crash against the shoreline. My skin prickled with static before breaking out in tiny sparks and tingles, and an instant, feverishly hot sweat – surprising, considering my recent dive into the pool and the adventure that had ensued, as I’d raced to save a drowning body flailing around in the cerulean depths – my skin was still wet and cool to the touch… I shouldn’t be sweating!

“Are you certain,” he repeated, his voice a smooth, deep, chocolatey caramel murmur. I could feel his breath on my face, he was that close to me. My nostrils flared suddenly, animalistically, speaking to me of pheremones… There was something in his tone, I couldn’t place it… It was something that whispered to me of things primordial… of danger, love, loss, mystery and awe… of a legendary story just positively ACHING to be told…  

“Wh-what?” I mumbled thickly just as the warm and tingly sweating sensation spread its way from the top of my head down to my very toes, as though I had just necked a glass or two of the sweetest, headiest rosé at a bar. My brain clouded, feeling suddenly slow and foggy, and my pulse throbbed in my wrists and neck… What was happening to me?

“Certain of what?” I managed to choke out, finally, shaking my head as I tried to clear the haze that I had found myself in. “That you don’t want me,” he whispered, releasing my arm to reach up and gently trail his fingertips along my cheek, stopping just next to my lips. “How can you be so certain if you haven’t even thought about it properly, if you haven’t stopped to just… Try?” The last word lingered in the air between us suggestively, persuasively.

” Hmmm…?” I murmured, drinking in his darkly hot gaze, still feeling flushed all over with a mind cloudy as hell… “What did you say…? What were we talking about again…?” 

He chuckled… darkly, slowly… knowingly… almost in triumph. 

“We were talking about why you didn’t want to do… thiiisssss!” he hissed, before suddenly ducking his face to mine and capturing my lips in a searingly seductive kiss. 

“Mmmm!” I mumbled against his mouth, taken completely by surprise, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between my lips as they parted with shock, kissing me hotly, expertly, roughly sweeping me up against his chest and holding me pressed against him, until I finally… Slowly… melted in his arms like chocolate left out in the sun and returned the kiss equally as ferociously, snaking my arms up around his neck and leaning into his muscular embrace. He reached down with one hand and cupped one of my arse cheeks, pressing his pelvis against mine, making me suddenly aware of his rock hard, naked cock as I felt the bulge of his length grinding into my crotch that was protected from it by my clothes. I gasped and he laughed delightedly against my mouth, squeezing my arse roughly. My body then responded to his thrust, my knees weakening, and my traitorous legs seemed to magically part as I started to grind my pelvis back against his in that age old natural rhythm of the night, and, as we kissed each other ravenously, I let him slide his dick between my thighs so that he could rub himself up against me. The sensation of him tickled my clit through the denim and I moaned softly, craving the feeling of his bare skin against mine, and, in that moment, I damned my shorts to hell. 

“I take it you’ve changed your mind?” He asked me roughly in-between kisses… His other hand that wasn’t practically lifting me up by my arse cheek reached up to wind its way into my hair and he pulled my head back to look at him. Then his other hand released my bum only to snake up to my waist, lifting the bottom of my water logged white singlet to squeeze and knead the damp skin of one of my full breasts. My nipples hardened and puckered at his touch. 

“I… I have?” I half queried, half agreed, finally, still vaguely confused as I lolled in his arms, panting. “Of course you have,” he confirmed reassuringly, burning me with his hot gaze. I couldn’t place the emotion behind his dark smile as I stared up at him, and then I watched as he bent his head again to suckle on my bottom lip. Then, he slipped a hand down the front of my shorts and captured my clit with his middle finger, slowly swirling its tip in a gentle circle across it, and a deep moan of pleasure escaped my throat at his touch. He kissed me fully in response. I thrust my pelvis into his hand, wanting more, and he laughed and slid his finger down into my creamy slit, running it along inside my lips until he found the entrance to my body… I waited, heart pounding, aching for him to slip it inside me, needing him to fill me with something! Still kissing me, he ignored my silent pleas and instead lowered me gently down onto the lush grass, setting my head and upper body down first, stopping for a moment to extract his hand from my shorts and then with a firm tug, pull down the wet denim, leaving me exposed in only my see-through white singlet and black lacy knickers. “Oh,” he breathed, looking down at me with an odd light in his eyes, drinking in the sight of my nipples straining against the sheer material, at my bare, toned stomach, at my lace covered little V, at my quivering smooth thighs. Breathing heavily, he roughly spread my legs and then lowered himself between them, dipping his hips, until his whole weight was upon me. I moaned in satisfaction and lifted my face to his to receive more of his deep, drawn out, tongue filled kisses. He complied.

Some time later, I squirmed underneath the heavy weight of his body with an aching need, feeling his rippling stomach muscles pressing against my own tummy, and his throbbing arousal rubbing between my thighs. I stretched my legs wider, enjoying the feel of his nakedness against the thin material of my knickers. My clit was on fire. Oh, how I wanted him… In that moment I couldn’t remember who he was, or who I was, all that I knew was this cloud of lust that covered everything, penetrated all of my senses in the same delicious way in which I was beginning to positively crave that he’d penetrate me…

“I’ll give it to you, baby,” he rasped knowingly, breathing heavily, promising me what I wanted. His questing hands located my underwear again and with one flex of his expert fingers he tore them along the seams as though they were made of tissue. I bit my lower lip as a moan escaped me and then lifted my hips for him, spreading my thighs as the material fell away and left me open and exposed to his massively engorged erection. He growled low in his throat, pulled my hair and my head back again to receive another tongue drenched, searing hot kiss, and then – finally! – with a powerful thrust of his hips, he sank his shaft into the warm depths of my moist body. I cried out, loving the feeling of his sliding cock as it slowly coaxed my dripping wet body to stretch open around him. He withdrew and plunged again, questing, and I opened my thighs as wide as they would go and wrapped my legs around his dimpled buttocks, to allow him deeper access to my body. He grunted and thrust inside me again, and again, sinking deeper and deeper with each. I enveloped him perfectly, like a sword and its sheath, and I heard him mumble something incoherent into my ear as he ground his pelvis into mine, seeking to explore ever deeper with his rock hard cock. I gasped in ecstasy as I offered myself up to him and his steady, rhythmic pumping, that only began in earnest as he fully stretched me to my limit, and with each plunge and withdrawal, really got my juices flowing with excitement. I threw my head back, arching my back and squeezing him with my legs each time he penetrated me, matching him thrust for thrust.

“Oh, by the Gods, you are tight,” he moaned, rocking into me more and more aggressively with each second that passed. “I knew I had to have you the second I saw you, swimming towards me in that little white top.”

Aaaarrggghhhh… His throbbing cock was deep, so deep inside me, practically hitting the entrance to my womb with piercing stabs of desire… I cried out, ecstasy building as I felt a stirring in my cervix at each thrust… I could feel his balls slapping against my bare arse as he picked up the pace and started to really grind into me. I spread myself further for him, my heels digging into his hips, opening wider than I ever thought possible, giving myself to him surge for surge as he pumped in and out, in and out, of my body. I could feel the creaminess of his dick intermingling with my own slickness, and the thought of him cumming inside me, of him filling me up with burst upon burst of his hot spunk, had me mewling like a kitten, I was so turned on. I wanted him, I wanted all of him, always, I wanted to feel it the second he exploded into me. I knew as he rode me that I would orgasm myself the second that he started to release, and I welcomed the thought immensely.

“Oh, baby, give me a child,” he whispered roughly in my ear. “Give me a child!”

“A child?” I gasped, arching my back further as he pounded me, balls deep in my quivering body.

“Yesssssss,” he pressed up onto his forearms, looking down at my flushed face. “A beautiful child, just like you.”

“I… I don’t…” There was something wrong here, suddenly. The clouds of lust were starting to clear from my head. I could feel him starting to become engorged as he rocked into me and groaned deep in his throat.

“You will give me a child,” he panted heavily. “You are ripe for the taking, I can feel it.” An unusually deep thrust. “I can smell it.” Then he laughed with delight and buried his face in my hair, sniffing my scent with his inhuman nostrils…

… Inhuman nostrils…???

“Wait,” I gasped, starting to panic as my memory gradually returned in dribs and drabs, as he, satisfied with my still trembling body’s answer anyway, buckled down and started to press deeper and deeper into me again, in and out, in and out… My distracted mind moaned at the thrill of him…

‘You were all turned on at the thought of him cumming in you a minute ago’, I thought to myself around panting breaths. ‘What’s different now that he’s mentioned it? What did you think was going to happen? You didn’t ask him to wear a condom, you just spread your legs for him like some slut. Opened up your body to him to have his way with, like some cheap whore…’

“I love mating with you,” he rasped, leaning down for a long, saliva drenched kiss, his tongue dipping into my mouth and stroking me the same way his engorged dick was slipping into and stroking my vagina.

“Mating?” I asked, dazedly, my hand reaching up and running through his long dark hair as my brow furrowed and I struggled to think. 

“Mmhmm, yes. Mating, feels good, right?” he reassured me with a deeper thrust and some panting of his own. ” I’m… About… To cum in you… you’re going to give me… A child… You’ll feel it… I knew it the minute I laid eyes on you…”

The minute he laid eyes on me… Wait a second… The fog of confusion was lifting… The pool… The drowning man that I’d dove in and saved… The drowning FAIRY!!!

“No!” I yelped suddenly, squirming against him and trying to sit up. “No! You’re the fairy from the pool! NO! Get OFF-”

“Mmmhmm,” he grinned evily against my cheek. “Where do you think you are going, eh? You owe me something and I’m nearly there…”

He let his mask slip as he pinned my wrists to either side of my head. I screamed as his skin turned green and sickly, as his eyes brightened to a ruby red glow, as his hair turned thin and straggly… He threw back his head and laughed at me, low and gutteral… Then he continued thrusting into my body…

I will always put what happened next as down to my being already so incredibly fucking horny and close to the edge… 

… He pinned me down and plunged into me with a new vigour. My thighs were spread so wide around his hips that I couldn’t have pulled myself back even if I’d tried. I howled with fury, at him and at myself for being so fucking stupid that I hadn’t seen through his glamour in the first place. I howled for what my body and his were about to do.

He went first; the spasms of his body jerking as he shot hot wads of cum deep inside me were enough to send me over the edge straight after. I moaned loudly as I felt a horrendously massive orgasm rip right through me, sending wave after rippling wave of lust and pleasure throughout my entire body. I opened right up to him as I climaxed and I could feel the hot wetness of his monstrous ejaculation filling me up deep inside as he pulsated with his own pleasure, groaning. 

“Oh, baby,” he rasped, slowly revelling each stroke into me. “Do you feel it?”

I winced and struggled against his hold on my wrists some more, but my lower body was treacherously all his. I was still orgasming, and with every spurt of hot cum he ejaculated into my womb I felt a slick tingling prickle of magick, the magick of his unnatural seed mingling with my fertile human body. He was impregnating me, that’s for sure, I could feel it. It only made me cum harder. 

“Oh God,” I cried out, desperately hating myself for still loving, for still craving his vile, ugly touch. 

“I’m not always ugly,” he hissed into my ear, reading my mind. “And you don’t seem to mind which version of me is fucking you.”

“Shut up,” I hissed at him and finally tried to sit up, wrenching my wrists away from his fingers. My lower body was still pulsating, and with a low laugh, quick as lightning, he rolled over onto his back and dragged me with him, still inside me.

“Mmmm, you feel delicious,” he breathed, watching my tits jiggle as I tried to pull away and stop straddling him. He grabbed my hips and pushed up into me from below. “I think I’m getting hard again.”

What!? “But you just came!” I protested weakly.

“Yeah? And you’re too damn fucking hot for your own good.” 

As he said those words his appearance rippled, and he once again took on the appearance of the roguishly handsome young man. I put my face in my hands. “Don’t,” I moaned softly, shaking my head. “Stop trying to glamour me, let me up.”

“Glamour you?” He repeated in genuine surprise. ” Oh! You mean this.” He rippled again and returned to being freakishly ghouly. “This glamour right here?”

“What do you mean?” I cried. “Stop fucking with me!”

“Well that, I’m sorry, I cannot do,” he laughed, digging his hips into mine with a grin. “But you’ll be happy to know that my green skinned appearance, the one that you first met me wearing, is the glamour, as you so eloquently put it.” He rippled once again and turned back into a man-god. “This, dear Persephone, is my true form.”

“How do you know my name?” I gasped in shock. He shuddered beneath me and pulled my hips down atop him again. I could feel his erection swelling even after such a short amount of time. Guess he hadn’t been lying, then. I wriggled as he filled me, unable to help the soft sigh that escaped my lips before I bit them. 

“I know your name in just the same manner as I knew to fake my own drowning today,” he murmured, holding my hips captive and arching his back, slowly starting to dip in and out of my juicy body. My eyes flew open and I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. “I always know, Persephone, because I always watch. I watch you every day. I watch you bathe. I watch you eat. I watch you sleep. I watch when you get frisky and play with yourself in bed. I watch, always, because I was always going to have you. This I swore the very first moment I laid eyes on you, when you had just moved into this house that borders my forest. You were always going to be mine. Now, ride me!”

Something delicious had wound its way up from my groin and into my heart as he spoke. I shuddered, barely able to make sense of it all, barely able to make sense of anything at all with the way he moved inside of me. I exhaled sharply, put my hands in his outstretched hands, and started to ride as he’d instructed. 

“Good girl,” he growled, leaning his head back on the grass and pressing his pelvis up into mine. “That’s my baby, give it to me.” 

I rode him, panting, holding his hands for balance until we peaked and climaxed together again, hard. He roared his release, his eyes rolling back in his head, licking his lips with delight as hot stream after stream shot deep inside me. I keened; a soft, satisfied sound, rocking my hips against his pelvis in a rhythm perfectly in sync with his, spasming again and again and again. His cum was beginning to leak out of me, trickling down my thighs and covering his belly. My body felt peculiar, wracked with orgasm after orgasm so close together. Or maybe it was his magickal pheremones working on me. Or maybe his fairy semen, intent on already knocking me up…

… I can’t believe I just thought that last sentence.

I rolled off my fairy lover when I realized that I didn’t even know his name. “What is your name, since you know mine?” I demanded, feeling suddenly shy. I tugged at my singlet, trying to pull the material down lower to cover my lady parts. He snorted and swatted my hand away, enjoying the show, reclining back on one elbow as he was. I scowled at him until I realised there was no point in being modest, my singlet was still wet and the white colour of it made me look like I’d come straight from a wet t-shirt competition, anyway. I settled for the next best thing and made a grab for denim shorts, lying forgotten on the floor. “Name!” I barked, wriggling into the sodden material. They grazed my ass on the way past.

“Hades,” he murmured finally. He was eyeballing my figure appreciatively, cock still hard in his lap. 

“Hades?” I cried out in disbelief. “Are you seriously expecting me to believe that your name is HADES, what with mine being Persephone? Nice try, arsehole!” 

“Hmm, yes. I see that you’re already familiar with the tales of our love then, my sweet?” He mused, his low honeyed tone sending shivers up my spine as his eyes undressed me again. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve been longing for you to come back to me.”

“But what do you mean?” I cried out, starting to fully stand up. I brushed some grass stains off of my knees, which were covered in roses thanks to our second round, and crinkled my nose in confusion. 

“You died,” he said simply, following suit and getting to his feet. In a sudden ripple he was clothed, wearing a pair of low slung distressed denim jeans and nothing else. I gulped as my gaze was drawn to the waistband of his jeans, to the muscular V of his pelvis above the button. My legs felt weak. He raised his hand and raked it through his long dark hair, then smirked at me as if he knew.

“I – I died?” I spluttered, completely taken aback. If these answers were true I certainly hadn’t expected them!

He nodded darkly. “Yes, you chose to die and be reincarnated as a mortal, because we wanted to have children… In our god-like normal bodies, for some reason, that was the one thing I couldn’t give you.” I felt a pang squeeze my heart at the tone of his voice, so drenched in sorrow and regret. “You don’t understand, Persephone, you cannot FATHOM, how long it has been since I’ve touched you, since I’ve held you. I searched all over the world for you to be reincarnated and brought back to me but to no avail. I had almost given up hope… And then suddenly there you were, just moved into this house that borders a forest I like to frequent, picking wildflowers just like before, when I first swept you away.” 

“Is that why you pretended to be drowning?” I questioned him. “It’s not like you could fit your chariot in my back yard.”

He smirked. “Actually, that was a complete balls up. I was lurking by the pool and I just wanted to see you naked, so when you noticed me I pretended to be struggling and adopted the appearance of the fairy to explain away why I couldn’t swim.”

It made some sense. If I’d seen such a large and virile man “drowning” in my pool I’m not sure I would have believed him enough to go diving straight in the way I had, when I’d seen a splashing of frail arms and legs that looked as though they couldn’t keep anything afloat.

“This can’t be happening,” I sighed, shaking my head forlornly. His finger found my chin and swept my head up to regard him and his intensely intimate dark vermillion gaze. 

“Oh it’s happening,” he reassured me, his voice low as his eyes searched mine intently. “I just wish that you could remember our life together.”

I stared back at him whilst a sudden gust of wind picked up and whipped my long hair back and all about me. He looked me up and down and I couldn’t place the anguish that suddenly filled his gaze. “There’s my girl,” he murmured softly, reaching up to stroke my cheek.

I realised suddenly that I must look the same, if he’d recognized me that day I had been outside picking a bouquet of gorgeous wild flowers for the vase in my kitchen. 

“Do I…?” I blurted out, failing in my eagerness to voice the rest of my question. He smiled a long, lazy white toothed grin at me and I almost swooned. That fucker was so good looking it should have been a crime. 

“Do you look the same?” He finished for me, reading my mind again, we were that much on the same wavelength. “Yes, right down to the tiny freckle on your arse.”

“What!?” I cried out, laughing, swatting him on the arm. “I do not have a freckle on my arse.”

“Yes, you do,” he argued with a devilish smile and a twinkle in his eyes. I shot him a dirty look.

“So what happens now?” I asked suddenly, shivering slightly in the cool breeze that was gusting around my lush plant filled garden. He raised his eyebrow at me in a question. Sigh.

“It’s time for you to come home, to come back to me,” he murmured quietly, his vermillion eyes burning with an intensity so bright they seemed to glow, a low reddish flame. “You are my rightful Queen, Persephone, although you cannot yet recall. I’ll help you to remember, you’ll come to know me again, and we will reignite our everlasting love, and have our heirs, finally.”

Come home…? Heirs? His mention of the word freshly reminded me of the faint stirring of some magick, the tiny tingling pops, that I’d felt when he’d ejaculated deep, deep inside of me, shooting his seed directly into my womb… I could still feel it now, having refocused my attention on it, and my greeny hazel eyes widened with alarm as my hand fluttered in the direction of my stomach. I inhaled sharply at a sudden unusually hard pounding of my heart. He’d definitely impregnated me. I knew it. Someway, somehow, I just knew it.

The sudden glint in his eye and the slow creep  of a darkly possesive grin across his devillish, astonishingly handsome face told me that he’d followed the train of my thoughts, and that he knew it, too.

“Yessss, my darling,” he hissed low, taking a towering step closer towards me and reaching out to clasp my upper arms, stroking them lightly with his thumbs, eyes boring into mine. “Your ripe little human body… Mmmm.” He licked his lips as though hungry, searching my face with his hot gaze while his breathing grew heavier. “You can feel it, my seed, flickering to life inside you even now, can’t you?”

I felt like a deer caught in red glowing headlights. Goosebumps suddenly swirled up and across my arms and the raised little hairs on them and the back of my neck in a shiver, as though my instincts sensed and were warning me of the presence of a predator. I dropped my gaze and turned my head towards the emerald forest, biting my lower lip at a sudden rising sense of anxiety. 

“Come now, baby,” he soothed me smoothly, reaching up with one hand to capture my chin between his fingers and swivel my face back towards his. “This is what we wanted…”

His purr of a sentence hung in the air between us as he lowered his head and brought his lips up against mine, intermingling our breaths, his eyes searching my own beneath impossibly thick lashes for a male. My heart was still thudding painfully, my stomach twisting itself into knots, a mixture of both sickening anxiousness and heady excitement, as electric sparks suddenly began to heat my blood again at his closeness. 

“Hades…” I murmured, uncertain, but he shushed me and ran his tongue along my lower lip, warm and soft, before capturing me up in his arms and pulling me against his rippling chest for a searing, knee quivering kiss. His tongue plunged into my mouth and I moaned hotly, letting it entangle with mine, our lips opening and closing slowly as we exchanged saliva and tasted one another, savouring every mouthful. 

“Oh, my love, how I want you,” he murmured thickly in between kisses, his hands sliding up underneath my singlet and roving all over my back and waist. His fingers tickled my stomach and danced up to my ribs, and he then slowly bent me backwards, holding me fluidly, exposing my toned stomach to his questing hands. He slid a giant palm across my lower belly, possively, pressing against my skin as though he were feeling for the life stirring within. “You are mine, Persephone, all mine. I can feel our baby starting. I can smell it.” 

I had no words… I was overcome with some bizarre storm of emotion; total disbelief that this was even happening, cursing at my stupidity for just spreading my legs for this  somehow-but-not-total stranger to my life, allowing him such complete access to my body that he’d been able to knock me up on the first, passionte fuck, and cursing myself some more for the fact that, as we’d been entangled with each other, I’d totally wanted him to do it, and also, for the dawning realisation I was having that I would, absolutely, do it again and not change a thing, even despite the disgusting fairy glamour stunt he’d pulled. Yes, even like that I knew deep down that he managed to turn me on. It was an animalistic pull to him that I felt, like he totally dominated me in every single way, like I had no option but to let him have his way with my body, each and every time that he desired it. He’d win, hands down, if I fought him, and although still fight him I would, I knew that that was something that I never wanted to change. I shivered a delicious shiver and whimpered slightly, lost in his kisses and his well muscled embrace. 

Suddenly, he broke the kiss before it could deepen even further and he scooped me up, starting to walk me back towards the house. “Come inside, it’s getting chilly,” he said, changing the subject. “There is a lot we need to discuss, now that I have you and I can finally speak to you properly.” His long strides covered the distance across the grass from the pool in no time at all. “And,” he said slowly, a twisted grin suddenly spreading across his face as he glanced at me, “there is the matter of the three wishes I’ll grant you for “saving” my life…” 

(Thank you for reading my story. I am writing this in parts, if I receive any interest from anyone wanting to know what happens! Just let me know!)



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