Star Wars : Rise of a Dark Lord – Chapter 14 – Sith, Domination, Hardcore, Master and Slave, Creampie, Milf,

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*I have a bad feeling about this*

Xau thought as he looked at the arsenal pointed in his direction. The Republic soldiers around seemed ready to blast him and his companions if they didn’t give the right answers. Still though he couldn’t ignore the condition of his apprentice. He had no idea how dire her injuries may be but her light skin was turning increasingly pale. His dark blue eyes looked at the newcomers before he made a small glance towards Erito, conveying to her that she should follow his lead.

“My apologies troopers. I am Xau Cambion, Jedi Knight. This is my apprentice Kelsa Lisentis and our companion Alice Everstar, Sector Ranger. I wasn’t able to reply back to your earlier messages because we were being hunted through the forest. My apprentice actually requires medical aide, one of the creatures managed to hit her with some sort of natural darts.

Some of the soldiers relaxed their stances, but most kept their weapons trained on the ‘Jedi’ and the purple haired girl.

“This planet is currently restricted by order of the Galactic Senate. You must leave now or be arrested for trespassing.

“Chief, he’s a Jedi. And the girls injured! We should bring them in to get checked out. The doc says he’s got the serum figured out. We could use their help with…”

“Stow that Messit!” The sergeant barked back at the trooper who had spoken up. The leader didn’t look to interested in trusting Xau, not that the Sith could blame them. They were undeclared visitors on a dark jungle world. No one came here by accident.

“If there is something you need; I will gladly offer my services once my apprentice is seen to. The Force has led me and my student to this place. I am sure there is something important going on here. My expertise may be useful.” Xau looked on to gauge the reaction of the soldiers but through the force he could tell that neither the chief nor the majority of the troopers seemed sold. He started to focus on manipulating the chief’s mind to get her to take them to camp when she spoke up again.

“You have a ship?” The chief asked quickly. Xau nodded. “It seems like it’s working well enough to land. I suggest you turn around and get right back…” The chief’s voice cut off softly and she raised a hand to her helmet. “Yes?”

There were a few moments of near silence, except for the occasional noise coming from the critters in the trees around the group. Then the chief’s helmeted gaze turned towards the group once again. As Xau felt the life force fluctuating in his apprentice he realized that sooner or later he might have to resolve to more drastic action to take care of his own. The lives of a few Republic troopers were inconsequential to that of his apprentice’s.

“Don’t do anything funny. We’re taking you back to camp. Socks, Tibor and Jowlan, you’re on point. Double speed so that the Dart Monkeys don’t get any ideas.” The Chief raised her rifle as the group got ready to go. Two of the soldiers posted up next to Xau and Erito. “Let’s move people!” She declared and then the group was off. Xau was glad to have people familiar with the environment leaving them. Their pace was quick which would hopefully mean that Kelsa would be seen to promptly. Xau never had much luck with healing but he did everything he could to add his strength to his apprentice as he carried her.

‘You’re not dying from some swamp forest rat Kelsa. You’re my apprentice and when your death comes it will be much more significant than this planet can afford.’ Xau thought with a note of anger as they moved on. While they were moving he caught Erito’s purple eyes focusing on him for a moment before she returned all her focus towards keeping pace with the troopers.

Eventually they made it to a perimeter fence made of large prefabricated fencing and gates. Xau could hear the electrical hum on the perimeter wall and figured that the heavy defenses were meant to keep the camp secure from being raided by the same type of creatures that his own group had just run into, and perhaps bigger animals given the tall height of the fence.

“Jowlan will take you to the medical station.” The chief paused for a moment before continuing. Actually, Socks go with him and keep everyone secure until I come back.” The chief ordered two of her men before she left with the rest of her soldiers. Xau wanted to ask about what even had brought about the rapid return of the squad but soon enough the two soldiers were leading them to the medical center, and based on the chief’s order Xau figured that they weren’t going to be leaving any time soon. He didn’t let it bother him much, he was never one for behaving all the time but he’d make sure that Kelsa was seen to before he did any exploration.

The medical center was a small unassuming building with two windows and what appeared to be one door. The trio were brought in through said door and into a larger room where a doctor, a nurse and a droid were on site. The doctor was already preparing his mask and gloves when he saw Xau carrying in Kelsa.

“Put her down on the table quickly.” The Doctor said before the trooper relayed Xau’s story as the doctor got to work. The doctor, a Mon Cal had his nurse quickly remove Kelsa’s pants so he could get to the infected area. The nurse quickly cut through the fabric and Xau was amazing to see a dark purple discoloration forming at the wound.

“You’ve seen this before then.” Xau declared as the doctor moved amongst the white cupboards nearby. Suddenly one of the troopers was on hand and resting an armored gauntlet on Xau’s shoulder.

“Sir let the Doc work. Besides the Chief wants you secure so we’re going to move you to observation.” The trooper told Xau as the Mon Cal doctor ordered the nurse to remove the outer layer of Kelsa’s upper clothing so that they could get correct bio readings from her body. Xau’s gaze turned towards the blank helmeted visage in front of him. At first, he planned to declare that he wasn’t going anywhere but slowly he nodded knowing that he wasn’t a healer, and the doctor was the best chance for Kelsa if it was serious. So Xau and Erito moved with the soldiers over to an adjoining room with a see-through viewport of the main chamber.

“I’m sure she will be fine Xau. For a camp as important as this they’d only have a first-rate doctor.” Erito said quietly, likely trying to reassure him. He nodded slowly as he watched the doctor working on the bare skin of Kelsa’s hips while the nurse drew some of her blood. His apprentice looked even more pale but as he looked at the readouts of the machines, they hooked her up to it appeared that her vitals were stable. For a moment he just watched and waited, cursing his own limitations for not being faster. The rage stewed deep inside of his gut and he wanted to go out and decapitate a hundred of the rodents out there, but he had a job to do. The dark-brown haired Sith Lord turned to the envoy. The Sith quickly looked around for any signs of cameras or recording equipment. When he found none and saw that the two troopers were a bit away and more focused on Kelsa’s scantily clad body then the two people in their charge Xau leaned in towards Erito.

“Make sure to keep your eyes and ears open at all times. I’ll need all the information I can get before I act.” He whispered to her quietly. Finally, after a few more moments of irritating wait the doctor moved towards the door.

“She is stable. The poison is being pumped out, but the process causes a fever and some minor biological fluctuations that affect motor functions. She should stay off her feet for a while but based on the earlier incidents with the creatures she should make a full recovery in an hour or so. We will keep her here for the time being, until the chief decides what to do with you.” The Mon Cal stated with a bit of an annoyed grunt. The remark did little to sate Xau’s growing anger and after looking at Erito, the guards, and seeing Kelsa breathing easily he decided he needed some air. Having recovered from the battle in the forest his power was not ready to be put to the task of assisting him in his investigation here. He moved over to the soldier that the Chief had called Socks.

Reaching out with the Force the dark lord of the Sith touched the man’s mind. Incredible powers of manipulation snaked into Sock’s brain as Xau began.

“I’m free to move around the camp. You will remain here and make sure my apprentice is safe.” Xau instructed the man with his mystical powers.

The trooper slowly turned his helmeted gaze towards Xau and made a slight nod. “You know what, you’re not going anywhere far. Feel free to check out the camp. I’ll stay with your apprentice and keep her safe.” Socks said and moved out of the observation room to post up even closer towards Kelsa. As Xau was preparing to leave he felt Erito’s hand brushing his arm and turned to look at the envoy.

“Master… I will contact you if anything happens.” The purple haired girl said quickly before her eyes dipped slightly.

“Please be careful.” She said with a quiet whisper before her eyes returned to watching Kelsa. Xau looked through the view port one last time at his apprentice before he headed out. The Sith felt a bit surprised that she appeared so interested in Kelsa’s survival. The two girls had bonded well enough in his bed but Xau would be surprised if Erito really cared for Kelsa’s wellbeing, especially given how he was ‘teaching’ the envoy.

The Sith walked out of the medical center and into the camp proper. It wasn’t hard to figure out where the excavation was from the array of drilling and crane equipment. He moved closer to the northern area of the camp and found the excavation site. When he arrived at the area, he was amazed by the show of Republic ingenuity. There was a massive metallic crane hard at work lifting something from the ground. All around a team of engineers and scientists appeared hard at work moving in between technical readouts and other equipment. When Xau glanced over some of the screens it appeared that the object that the crane was pulling up was still quite low in the earth. Even at this distance he could feel the dark energies swirling from the point down in the tunnel. Whatever was down there was powerful, and deadly. Suddenly his eyes were distracted by something besides the mysterious relic and Kelsa’s condition. He moved swiftly from his point on the perimeter and then moved up behind the familiar face he had seen.

“It is good to see you Senator. It’s been too long.” Xau said and slowly Sinde Lisentis turned around to face him. Xau took particular pleasure as the Senator’s expression turned from one of interest to one of shock mixed with shame.

“Jedi Xau… It is… a surprise to see you. I take it you are the unexpected visitor.” The Senator said though Xau caught her eyes flashing back and forth, she seemed ready to call for help.

“I am, and I find I need a guide.” The false Jedi swiftly moved forward and looped his arm around Sinde’s as he moved to her right side. “So, tell me, what have you found?” He asked with a warm smile as he glanced towards Sinde.

He could feel a slight shudder in Sinde’s skin that made the Sith appreciate just how much of an effect he had on her. She informed him that even she hadn’t been told of the exact nature of the relic. Some of the scientists and archeologists had claimed it had healing powers, others said it was a weapon. One man even thought it was actually a key to an even greater vault of treasures, but his theory was considered quite absurd by his peers.

“You’ve kept busy.” Xau said as he looked over the still very fit forty something woman. His blue eyes lingered on her full wholesome bust before he turned her around and scanned for a more private location.

“The life of a Senator never fails to keep my occupied.” When they had moved away from the nearby guards and scientists, she lowered her voice. “Where is my daughter you animal?” She asked quickly as Xau brought her towards what appeared to be a supply depot. Xau hoped it would be vacant as he opened the door and pushed Sinde inside. His face took a slightly harder shade as he squared himself in the closing doorway to block off any escape for the Senator. With the force he engaged the hard lock and then took a step closer towards her.

“If you don’t want everyone in this whole base to know what a whorish slut you are I suggest you worry less about your daughter and more about the fact that you still have your clothes on slave.” Xau growled at Sinde, his dark eyes glaring at her with growing anger at her insolence. Has she forgotten so easily? For a few more moment Sinde said nothing and did nothing until slowly her eyes dipped and she looked back at the door and around the room before finding that they were alone.

“Of course… my Master. But please just tell me she is okay.” Sinde said as she took a step closer and slowly started undoing the zipper of her utilitarian jacket she was wearing. Xau watched as even with her simple green undershirt, and her bra that her breasts were nearly about to explode outward. His tongue pushed along the interior of his mouth as his cock started to harden. He shook his head slowly before he reached out and slapped his hand against her left boob.

“Niaaghh…” Sinde moaned out as a single tear formed up under her eye as she winced.

“Until I’ve had my pleasure why should I care what a slave bitch like you wants?” He asked sharply. The disgraced senator nodded and then quickly tugged her shirt over her head and then undid her bra. Her gorgeous breasts spilled out now that they were no longer restricted. Xau fought back the instinct to grab and bite on both of them as he may have done to Kelsa or Erito. Instead he took a step closer to cover the gap in between them as he felt his cock throbbing away.

“Turn around.” He instructed his cock sleeve as he undid his belt and tugged down his pants. By then Sinde was already facing the wall but she could hear what he was doing well enough. Xau moved in close and his hands reached around to grab a firm hold of her meaty breasts while his hard on started to poke inside of the crack of her full ass. Xau continued to grind his body slowly against hers while he kneaded the full firm flesh. He suddenly pulled back his hands and slapped both of Sinde’s tits before he returned his hands to her pant line. She whimpered out in pain as her hands held themselves to the wall.

“Master… Please… we shouldn’t do this. Someone will hear.” She pleaded with him as he tore down her pants and then dragged her panties backward. Sinde nearly lost it at that moment as her black thong was pressed up against her increasingly wet and hot flesh. Xau relaxed his grip as he gave his cock a few pumps with his other hand before he pulled in the panties once more, which caused Sinde to moan out even louder as her body sank closer towards the wall. When his cock was hard enough, he started to push the thick long flesh inside of her waiting pussy.

“Mwaaaguhh.” The senator cried out as his thumbs dug into her curvy ass and he started to thrust vigorously into her waiting cunt. She wasn’t that wet so Xau had to really hammer a bit to penetrate her fully and with each thrust Sinde cried out from the slight pain that scored the inner walls of her cunt.

“Master please! Not so rough…” She said though Xau could feel her getting wetter and wetter by the second as he claimed her unprotected cunt again and again. The Sith’s right hand moved up and grabbed a hold of her breast to hold as he fucked her hard and fast. Finding the Senator here was a blessing of infinite resource. Not only could she help him secure the artifact but it also allowed him to better cultivate one of his newest agent, and Xau loved to cultivate.

His hips slammed up to hers with loud cracks each beat while the point of their meeting got more and more wet and slippery but Xau never missed his mark. As he savaged her body Sinde’s cries of pain were soon drowned out by long wailing moans of pleasure. Resist as she might Xau knew what she craved, and it was her fault that she’d starved herself for so long. What is life with no pleasure? Xau thought curiously before he started to feel his massive length throbbing even harder from tip to stem as he got closer to his release. The Sith Lord growled out an pushed his body forward till he was pressing his slave’s own form against the wall. Sinde moaned out in delirious pleasure as the thick cock rubbed against her sensitive clit while her heavy breasts were ground against the smooth metal of the storehouse wall. Inside her vessel the Sith lord released his cum directly into her womb as he pushed his cock as deep as it could go.

“Mrawwwarr.mmmmmm… so… so warm Master…” Sinde cooed as Xau held her form for a moment before he pulled out his wet still throbbing cock. She whimpered and collapsed down to her knees as Xau’s cum leaked out of her. The Dark Lord smiled before telling his slave to clean off his cock.

‘This mission’s going to be a cake walk.’


The four ships landed far away from the Republic camp’s scanning range. Each vessel was laden with gear and weapons of every shape and form. As the ramps lowered no figures emerged. Instead any of the nearby creatures watching the arrival only saw at least sixteen glimmering forms leaving the landing area before venturing into the forest. Some creatures cawed and bayed nervously as if they could sense the coming danger that had arrived on the second planet of the Sorafin system.

Next Chapter –


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