[m/f] after my wife’s first date; or how I learned to stop worrying and love the smell of dirty panties.

I've done some shit in my life. I've slept with women who were married and cheating on their husbands. I cheated on my first fiance, a lot. I've lied. I've stolen. I've done shit I'm not proud of. But I always felt OK about myself. Yeah, I did those things, but I'm a better person and put it behind me.

My wife and I are in an open marriage. She's started seeing another guy. They have a blast while she's there, then we have really amazingly awesome sex when she gets home from her dates. I've always had a thing for her smell, even before this. I'd hug her and inhale deeply, either at the crook of her neck or the top of her head, and she'd always ask "What do I smell like?" to which I'd always answer: "My wife."

Then she started seeing this guy. He makes her smell different when he has her. His pheremones and cologne all over her when she gets home. The smell and taste of him in her mouth, or in her pussy when I go down on her when she gets home. It turns me on a lot.

And you know what? That's not the part I got weirded out about. There are lots of couples doing the "hotwife" thing that get off on the same little details I do. But last night….last night I did something that turns my stomach a little bit.

I was sitting in the floor of our bedroom gathering up laundry. It was whites day; socks and underwear. In her pile of underwear I found black, silky, lacy panties. I recognized them. They were the ones she wore on her date this week; he didn't even see them as they came off with her skirt. But I saw them when I undressed her when she got home.

They hadn't been washed yet.

Hand shaking, heart pounding, I looked at them. Even though the material was black, I could still see the stains. Stains from how wet she was before they came off. Stains from where he leaked out of her.

I smelled it. I closed my eyes and brought the stains right up to my nose and inhaled as deeply as I could. It was the most erotic thing I had ever smelled in my life. It also disgusted me.

I had just become a panty sniffer.

It didn't stop me, though. I sat there for a solid five minutes, smelling the different parts. The crotch smelled like sex. The upper part, where his hand had rested while he fingered her, smelled of her lotion, her scents, and his cologne.

I was absolutely wracked with guilt. I felt like I had betrayed her. Now, I have had another man's leavings directly from her pussy after he fucked her, but this, somehow, was different. She didn't know I'd done it. Didn't know I'd want to. I told myself, don't ever do it again and don't tell her about it.

Then she got home. She's my wife. She knows me better than anyone. She knew instantly something was wrong with me. I knew I wouldn't be able to NOT tell her since she was on to me, but it was so hard to admit.

I couldn't even look her in the eyes. I told her, I did something, and I'm humiliated, but I have to tell you since you can tell.

So I told her.

She blinked. I think she was expecting way, way worse than her husband saying he liked the smell of her post-sex panties. A huge smile broke out on her face.

"You know, the ones I soaked through before the date are still in that purse. You want those too?"

A heartbeat passed. I was afraid I was going to disgust her. To make her look at me a little differently. I didn't expect her to get upset with me, or shame me…but I thought it might be "Okay, that's fine, but let's never do or talk about this again."

But, no. Not my wife. She's fucking amazing, and she gave me more. I went to her when she said that, I took her face in my hands, and I kissed her hard. I should have known she'd be so supportive and understanding of me, she always is. Just I guess this subject matter I thought would be the thing that finally crossed the line.

She's going to wear the same pair today and tomorrow; we have a date tomorrow, and I fully intend to spend as much time as I can making her as wet as I can to soak them through. And I'm going to ask her to put them back on after I've finished in her, too.

But it still bothers me. I don't know why it does. It's hot, it turns me on, my wonderfully amazingly awesome wife (god bless her) accepts it and even supports me in it…but I still feel really strange about it. Embarassed. Ashamed. I know it's not something people really need to know about me, that it's something that'll stay just between us and our bedroom. But I guess I just needed to say it to somebody.

I'm a panty sniffer.

And it feels really fucking weird.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3b35ar/mf_after_my_wifes_first_date_or_how_i_learned_to


  1. It’s less about putting a label on yourself and more about helping to bring out memories that really turn you on. All of our sexuality is tied up with our senses. From touch, sight, taste, smell, hearing & fantasies/memories. Relax, enjoy

  2. My hubby has always been a panty sniffer and I’ll admit to having sniffed my own, but I didn’t really understand until one time I sniffed two other girls who had left them in a bathroom at a party (there was swimsuits involved in this party LOL). I’m not into cum much, so that part might be odd to discover, but weird, no… Go forth and enjoy! Ever thought of sniffing ’em after a panty stuffing? ;) Thanks for putting into words for us!

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