So I seduced my ex best friend’s husband for revenge… here’s how it went down. First post here so if I screw up the format or have a lapse in decorum cut me a break, it’s unintentional. [MF]

So my now ex best friend and I had been growing apart a while, mainly due to the fact that she disappears in relationships and got married last year. It became a situation where she would only call me when she wasn’t stimulated or occupied, which was rare. This change, given how much had been sacrificed for her without reciprocation, was the last straw for me (A bit of backstory- I essentially saved this woman’s life and took care of her after a horrible relationship where my husband financially supported her completely).

So I have been going through a bit of a hard time due to a close family being terminally ill with cancer, which she knows. I had sent messages over and over and got ignored, and when she finally responded she acted as though I was being needy by expecting to see her sometimes to talk when I needed it (keep in my I rarely try to open up to people other than my husband). She even went as far as to say I have no right to expect her to message back, she doesn’t answer to me etc (keep in mind this is the woman who lived off my family for a year before we helped her move when she got a job).

So I am a proud person and I left it alone, but held my ground after the blow up out of principal alone. A sincere apologize would have been enough, but when I stopped messaging things got nasty quickly and I blocked her.

Fast forward 2 months and I get this random message from her very attractive husband (I am a Hotwife/ stag- vixen couple so anything you see is NOT cheating by our rules and lifestyle). I just could not stop myself from wanting just desserts and revenge, which apparently were not that hard to get. Here are the messages I exchanged with her husband…

Convo 1

Ex-Best Friend’s Husband

Convo 2

My ex best friends husband part 2

So needless to say I fucked my ex-best friends husband this morning. Here’s how it went down.


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This is my first post here and I’m not even sure I did it correctly. And yes I expect judgement- “I’m an evil homewrecker” and what not.

That maybe the truth, but it doesn’t change what occurred. And yes, I enjoyed it.



  1. Whata that white thing hanging off the sides if your lip? Not bring insulting just curious.. gorgeous btw

  2. You’re so slutty… you even let him see you in the red panties… fuck ???

  3. I don’t know if it’s been done before, but telling a story with text screenshots like this is brilliant and I love the format. Would love to see more like this.


  4. Some friend. Glad you were able to enjoy yourself and I’m sure he enjoyed it as well. Sorry to hear about your family member with cancer. Just know you are not alone if you ever want to talk or someone to listen i will be right here.

  5. This was an easy read and really enjoyable. By enjoyable I mean I got rock hard imagining it all.

  6. I feel like you should be playing James Brown’s The Payback, smoking a cigar and drinking some good scotch like a fucking boss that you are.

  7. The story is hot AF. And you are amazingly sexy AF. I’d love to see you in the office elevator between floors. And eat you on the way to grab a coffee.

  8. This….this is proper story telling. Thanks for blessing us with this, and Hannah definitely deserved it. Also love how immediately you sent the pictures he knew this wasn’t gonna be a one time thing

  9. Oh this is fabulous! Revenge is a dish served cold, but this one was hot, steamy and lustfully wet, pure simple and delicious.
    Already loved you and your content before, but now you have a very special place in my heart and crotch ?

  10. It’s kind of funny, he tried to act like he was in control of the situation despite being incredibly easy. Good for you for knowing what you wanted and getting it.

  11. Honestly the hottest thing I’ve ever read. Great work!

    I need to intro you to my wife so you can fall out…


  12. You did it right. My dick is hard as hell, I’m going to read it again and then cum.

  13. Wait to tell her when you go on the Jerry Springer show. I suggest shaving your head first. They always go straight to hair pulling.

  14. You’re petty and selfish. Just because something’s not morally wrong for your relationship (because you’re in an open relationship) doesn’t make it ok. Your justification that she wasn’t there for you when you needed her and that she somehow owes you is twisted and makes you seem small. Shame on you for seeking validation from horny internet strangers.

  15. Damn that was hot and you are sexy as hell. Would love to read more of your stories ?

  16. Jesus. I’m too busy pondering how shitty it is that people abandon their friends like that to appreciate the rest of it. Good job.

  17. I meeeaaann realistically, this was like dropping napalm on your house cause you saw spiders, but still pretty hot.

  18. Glad you found this sub, been following you for a while now. Always loved reading about your seduction stories.

    Please post more!

  19. The conversation seems to imply that he’s hoping for more than just a one time thing, potentially. Is that something you see happening as well or feel otherwise?

  20. Love it. Cheating makes me feel hot. Can’t wait for your next rendezvous.

  21. Hands down the most refreshing thing this subreddit has seen in a long time. Your looks and naughty mind on top of that? Colour me intrigued.

  22. First…”Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” So ex friend was warned. Absolutely no judgement is deserved.

    Second… very well written. I loved it! I’ve followed your posts for a while and I’m glad you’ve branched out to writing stories. Please feel free to write more.

    Lastly… I’ve just got to say, you are super sexy, and remind your husband he’s one lucky S.O.B.

  23. I was like, “This can’t be her!” So I clicked on OP’s profile. Now I’m furiously stroking myself. ?

  24. Hot story! You’re not one to cross that’s for sure. Love your posts don’t stop

  25. Hoo boy, your parents must be proud. Rancid cunts like you deserve to be terminally miserable.

  26. The first photo from the convo screenshots I started to think it was one of yours. But damn it feels good to be right…

  27. Pics and sex aside (which are amazing btw), what a powerful role your played here. Letting him open up to you and then dominating the situation entirely. Playing that role to perfection is the hottest thing you could do!

  28. This is the hottest thing ive ever read on this site by far. The way you posted receipts and even footage of the event was perfect 10/10. You should update us on what happens when that bitch Hannah finds out!

  29. Umm, as awesome as this is, how tf does this fit the monthly contest theme?

    This being the contest winner has to be a joke right?

  30. Excellent revenge fuck story. He deserved the BJ and everything else you gave him, and you deserved his cock in you for all the crap she’s handed out.

    Excellent story format, BTW

  31. Enjoyed the story. Love your straight forwards text message to him and the photos. If I was in his situation we’d have been fucking at the next earliest opportunity whether it be 10’ or 5 hours the next morning. Damn.

  32. Great story and stunning format. I love the interaction. Keep it up. Well done!!

  33. By the title I almost thought you were my neighbour for one second. I inadvertently discovered she had also fucked her ex friend’s husband.

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