[EU] The daily life of a runway model! Alt. Story: Leash 1-4

Main Story: [[Parts 4-6]](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j7msnn/eu_the_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_part_46/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Leash ^[1(×4).2]

Part 1 – Announcer


Listen up all you fashion hounds out there.

We’re moving into our final portion of tonight’s performance before the main event.

This’ll be our models’ last walk before leaving for their homes to *relax* in their *gorgeous, new,*

**Leisure Weaaaarrrr!**


Part 2 – Pose

First up is the *dynamic duo* of *devious divas,*

Sasha & Kiera!

Sasha has adorned an all gold onsomble with a single red velvet ribbon, intertwined with 3 feet of braided golden locks, ending in a golden [hook](https://images.app.goo.gl/Yyhru8DY8FeePpLSA).

In front, we have her signature [4-point, Golden-Trident-Chain](https://images.app.goo.gl/xSWSTbLDpAn2hnqs6) with a golden plush handle swaying between her legs.

And with her hands and feet wrapped in a golden-velvet lace, our girl is strutting with *passion*; just look at that *poise*.

On Sasha’s heels, follows the *radiant, red-head,* Kiera. A single gold velvet ribbon, 2 & ½ feet of braids, & a [rose-gold](https://images.app.goo.gl/ftgcAxz8MRGdaqYp8) hook; we have ourselves a *mirror match up.*

But that’s were the *mimicry madness* ends.

Our ruby model has chosen a quad-attire to finish off tonight.

Legs bent, & feet folded, this bondage-maestro can go *allll* day.

A *rosey-red, seamless, silk, sleeve seals* up her *luscious legs,* keeping the balls of those *foxy feet firmly flush* to her *firm* n’ *full fanny*.

With knees padded & ribbed, her movement is easy and grateful.

Eyes forward, palms to the ground, fingers curled, & thumbs to the side; Kiera pads her way down the stage in a *pair* of *plush, padded,* latex, *maroon mittens.*

Here they come, aaaannnd ***POW!*** Look at that pose; a perfect [‘Egyptian Cat’](https://images.app.goo.gl/dWCnPiSF5XoCNazW7). Beside her, a beautiful, cross-legged, arms out, low-bow.

And now, [‘The Turn’](https://images.app.goo.gl/2DDpbhgc6NhZaMHE9); so grateful, so powerful.

Hate to see them go, love to watch them leave; that’s their last walk for the night. Go on & relax you two, in your new leisure wear.

Let’s hear it for Sasha & Kiera


Next up to *walk* the *run*, (~hehe~), comes…


Part 3 – The Little Things


“Hay girls.”

“Hay Davin.”


“Just finished the final checks. Saw your walk; you nailed that pose, a perfect turn and everything. *You,* however, need some work; your back could’ve been straighter and your feet should of stayed parallel.”


“Come now pet, you know he means nothing by it. Davin here’s a perfectionist; he can’t help it.”

“*Hey,* I am **not** a perfectionist; I just,… you know,… notice the little things.”

“And unfortunately, darlin, that’s *all* you notice.”


“I kid, I kid. Your talents make you an ***amazing*** designer; it’s just, you don’t always see the woods for the trees.”

“*I know,* but I’ve been working on that. We’ve got the whole night planned out; the girls and I went through the whole routine, every step, every turn. We discussed their onsombles in detail, makin’ sure they can move and *breathe* without issue.”

??? ;

[? **!!** ](https://youtu.be/TPSP4gbKx3w)

“Sasha!” ~swat, giggle~ “Planning is very important; when you’ve been doing this for a long as I have, you learn to appreciate such meticulousness.”

“Speaking of details, may I take a closer look at those mittens of yours?”

“Oh, absolutely darlin’; I love having my work admired.”

“I as well.” ~squeeze~ “Soft, Smooth, skin tight, ends just below the elbow; let me guess, you had to *roll* it on.”

“Yup! We had a lot of trial-and-error darlin’; we had to find just the right mixture of silicone to keep it from ripping.”


“And by *we*, I mean Sasha did all the research while my arms were in vats of rubber.”

“Ha, hope you shaved.”

~blush~ “Again, trial-and-error.”

~flip~ “Nice, it looks just like a cat’s paw.”

“Oh, that’s nothin’ darlin’; just take a look at what I can do with them. The ‘fingers’ can articulate.”

“Wow, how’d you manage that?”

“I’m glad you’re impressed. When making the molds, I had to first get the fingers just right; would you mind demonstrating, Sasha.”


“As you can see, I curled in the first two joints while keeping the third parallel to the back of my hand; I then pressed my thumb to the side and, again, kept it parallel.”


“Oh! Yes we’re done pet, you may drop it.”


“Holding that gesture does start to hurt after a while; I got her to bind my thumbs and add some rubber spacers between my fingers. When the negative was done, the spacers became part of it.”

“But still, you had to wait for it to harden; that’s like 30 minutes, at least.”

“An hour actually; went with the extra-firm stuff. They don’t call me a ‘*bondage-maestro*’ for nothin’.” ~giggles~ “Anyway, when the *positives* were finished, I added some black silicone padding to the fingers and palm, making it a bit more comfortable while also making it nice and flush; it *alsooo* gave it the little added bonus of looking more realistic.”

“*Little* is an understatement; the shape, the firmness, the texture, it’s 1 to 1 with a real cat.”

“Oh, that’s cause Sasha here made them, truly a master artisan that one.”


“Ya sure *I’m* the nerd here?”

“I then coated the rest in a thin silicone-rubber, leaving the face of the pads untouched, don’t wanna cover up her work after all.”

? ;

? ❤ ⚒ ? ? ;


“Oh, yes, yes.” ~swat~ “We left them all red for the event, but she’s gonna paint them when we get home. *Before* that though, we got an after-party to attend.”


“Enough about us; what’s going on with you and your girls? You take a look at that website I sent you?”

“Sure did; picked out their gifts and everything.”

“Oh that’s nice, those girls really deserve some pampering. When’s it due to be delivered?”

“They actually came in early, found the box on the porch just before we left. They’ve been so good lately, I just couldn’t wait; *sooo,* I gave it to them early.”

**”You Did *WHAT*?!?!”**

? ? ? ? ;

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? ❤ ;

? ?‍?


Part 4 – Time

~grab, yank, bow~

“*Ah-ch er eye-ning ung ae-dy*”

>!(Watch your signing young lady)!<

~?⛓? ⏩~

~?‍♀️⤵️❗??? ⏩~



“Now Davin, deary, I need you to tell me; did you get them those ‘bars’ they were asking for, or did you get them something else?”

“Kiera, you know I’m bad at gift giving; of course I went with the ‘bars’; it’s what they want.”

^Oh ^dear ^mercy, ^please ^help ^this ^boy.

~chain *slowly* clicking against a metal ring~


**”Did I say you could raise your head?**


“Look Davin.” ~*’paws’* hand~ ~*pat, pat*~ “You know I care about you. Right? Close your mouth honey; that was a rhetorical question. I care about you, I care about your girls, and I care about your careers. **So,** I want you to understand that what I’m about to say comes from a deep place of caring.” ~takes breath~ “You’re a fucking idiot.”



“Devin, sweetie, do you remember when the girls got their nipples pierced?”

“Honey, that one *wasn’t* rhetorical?”

“Oh, ah, yeah; it was right after we got our ‘Pet/Owner’ licenses. We’d planned on going to a parlor to mark the occasion, but I surprised them by getting a piercing-license of my own. I wanted it to be my work, my mark, something that, when they looked in the mirror, they knew that they had an Owner who loved them and would always be there.”

“How romantic. And *how long* has it been now?”

“17 years, 3 months, 6 days, & 4 hours. I’d tell you the minutes, but I don’t have a clock.” ~chuckles~

(? **=**~~)


~whistles~ “Dang, you **are** counting your minutes together. Now, tell me, in all that time, have you done any other piercings?”

~sheepish~ “Noooooo.”

“Now, tell me, what are the steps to give a piercing.”

“Choose the location, pick the piercing, ***sterilize everything,*** apply pressure to area, measure-twice *pierce*-once, clean and re-sterilize.” ~grins~

~rubs forehead~ ^”It’s ^like ^he’s ^reading ^it ^from ^a ^textbook. Listen, what are the instructions your supposed to give *to your client*?”

~nods~ “Keep it clean and sterilized, wash it daily, apply ice or aspen-cream as needed, and keep area uncovered and free of irritants until healed; this includes physical acts such as rubbing, twisting, pinching,… pulling,… ^Oh ^Shit.”


“Oh Shit, Oh Shit, **Oh Shit!** They’re gonna chaff so bad; they won’t be able to focus on the routine at all. Shit! I just wanted to be *spontaneous;* I should not have done that.”

“Calm down, calm down We’ve got some time before they go on. Where are they now?”

“There in position, probably still meditating.”

“Good, that means they haven’t been moving around and irritating it. We just need to think of what to do to help.”


“Alright, Pet; *elaborate*.”

??➕?‍♀️?? ⏩ ❄?

“What was that? I couldn’t follow.”

“Oooh, yeah that’ll work. We’ve got some cream back in our dressing room, we use it on days were Pet had been *extra* naughty. It’ll numb the pain and reduce the swelling; the area will still be sensations though, but at least it’ll be more pleasure than pain.”

“Thank you so much for the help.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s Sasha’s cream; she pays for it. And for being such a good girl, helping your friends and giving away your cream, you may raise your head.”


“Come now! Let’s go get that cream.” ~grab~ “End ave or earls!”

>!”And save your girls!”!<

“Your always so dramatic.”

“Own-eey en ah it-you-eh-hin caws er et, are-in.”

>!”Only when the situation calls for it, darlin.”!<

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j7n4k9/eu_the_daily_life_of_a_runway_model_alt_story