The Falling – A semi-erotic story (F/m) (power exchange in the day-to-day)(romantic)

*A story about incorporating and feeling power exchange in simple actions.*

It was one of those late summer days, even in the afternoon there was still just a touch of coolness in the air, like it wouldn’t be long now before the signs of fall started showing up. The sky shown a brilliant shade of blue, and with the gorgeous sunshine streaming in the window, I couldn’t help but smile. I could hear you upstairs, moving about and getting ready for the day, the sound of water running and the light hum of some music moving hanging in the air, but I had other things on my mind, the sunshine and a chance to spend the rest of the day with you in it, or at the very least in the shade of it.

I pulled out the picnic basket and started packing, just simple things, some strawberries and short cake, and then worked on cutting up an Athena melon. Something light that would us satisfied as we enjoyed watching the sun fade on the horizon. As you come down the steps I take in the site of you, simple and elegant like normal. “About ready to head out?” I ask, a big smile on my face, enjoy the rare sight of you in a sundress, and those cute sandals you chose to wear. We start our short stroll down towards the park, taking our time, walking hand in hand, occasionally I close my eyes as we wall, trusting that you’ll let me know if I need to watch out for something, just basking in the warmth of the sun. Your soft hand feels good against min, safe and together, and in that moment I’m just thankful that you let me be the one to walk next to you.

When we get to the almost empty park I open my bag and flip the blanket on the ground under the shade of the tree, and as quickly as you sit down I’m snuggled against you. I enjoy the lazy moments, the warmth of you against me. I close my eyes and relax into you, enjoying the easy moment. I rested, head on you, feeling the sun gradually move and just lying there with you, talking about insects and ants, and how their respiratory systems work and the concept of how they really believe in the good of the community rather than the good of the one. “Are you getting hungry? I packed some melon.” I opened the bowl, the sweet tangy scent of the cantaloupe filling the air. I took a piece of the Athena melon between my lips, the soft center sliding against my tongue contrasting with the firmer edge of the fruit, and then the sweet and juicy explosion of flavor as explodes against my tongue. “Mmm” I purr at the taste of it, the feel of its sticky cool nectar coating my mouth, the warmth of the sunshine streaming down onto us. “Just as they promised at the store, it’s really good.” You give a playful smile, “You should see your face, it’s almost like you think the fruit is sexual” you tease, “or maybe it is… why don’t you tell me about it?” I shake my head at you; you are such a tease when you want to be, and about almost anything.

*If you are liking it you can take a read of the rest* [*here*](*, and if not, at least it was short so you can bail out early.*
