The Time My Friend Introduced Me To Her Sister [MF] (pics, long)

*Hey GWS! Back with a new story in these strange times. As usual, if you’re looking for a quick read, this won’t be it! (Although you can always skip ahead to the dirty stuff.) *


I was surprised when s texted me. While we’d tried to keep in touch ever since we’d stopped being play partners, the truth is that we’d sorta drifted apart. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Between the whole pandemic thing, and life generally being hard as fuck for everyone right now, it just sorta happened. But I was happy to see the notification on my phone and quickly checked her message.

I know this is random, she said.

But I’m talking to a friend who’s new to the lifestyle and the subject of real first experiences came up, she said.

And I just wanted to say thanks for the time we spent together, she said.

To hear her tell it, I was caring, patient and understanding. I helped her learn to trust and find out what she needed as a person and from her partners. In all honesty, I didn’t feel like I deserved the kind words. I’ve certainly let down my fair share of people. Mostly, though, I think she just has bad luck with men, and the bar was set really low for me. So I did what any decent, self-conscious guy would do… I thanked her and quickly changed the subject.

“How is your friend finding it?” I asked. “The lifestyle, I mean.” Even though I hate that term.

“She’s trying to educate herself before she really dives in,” s said. “Which is smart, I think. So I’m just trying to help as much as I can.”

To which, being the idiot I am, I responded… She cute? Maybe I can help ;)

Lol, she’s not your type, s said.

My sister on the other hand, she said.

She desperately needs to know what a good Dom looks like, she said.

Looking back, there were probably a half-dozen other ways I could have responded. But being the idiot that I am, what I texted back was… What does your sister look like?



My sister decided to introduce me to a friend of hers a few months back, at first I was skeptical. For starters, I didn’t know the guy. And I’d just ended a multi-year relationship. Plus, I was still very new to kink (and still am). But I trusted her, so when she asked if he could text me, I said yes. After all, it was just talking. I could always walk away if I wasn’t interested.



It’s always tricky when someone you used to hang out with asks if they can set you up with a friend of theirs. Sure, you *hope* it’s because they genuinely think the two of you will be a good match. But how do you know they’re not trying to get back at you by sticking you with their psycho friend? Or, worse, how do you know they’re not trying to screw over their friend by introducing them to you?

But this was s’s sister.

And she was pretty damn hot.

So I said yes.

Over the next few weeks, Natalie and I texted back-and-forth, getting to know each other. Always nibbling around the edges of sex talk. We already knew why we’d been put together; this was about making sure we were a good fit. Because keeping things casual is perfectly fine, but making it *mean* something, that’s what makes it worth it. It’s also the hardest part.

But it was pretty clear from the onset that s had been right. Finding the time to meet up, however, would be the challenge.



It didn’t take long for me to realize my sister was right. He was kind and funny. I enjoyed getting to know him and found my anticipating every message and being turned on even when we weren’t talking sexually. After a several months of chatting, and dealing with jobs and family and quarantine and real life stuff, we finally found a Saturday that worked for both of us. I was nervous the entire week before. We’d planned to have dinner with my sister, and if it felt right, we’d go to a hotel together.

The day finally rolled around and I was suddenly anxious. The nerves building up inside, growing slowly, until my whole body was buzzing in anticipation. I showered, put on my makeup and did my hair (straight as per his request). I stood in the kitchen with my sister making dinner and drinking wine when finally there was a knock at the door.

“Holy crap,” I thought to myself. “He’s here.”

My sister gave me a smile, like she knew something I didn’t. Which is exactly what was happening. She knew exactly what was on the other side of the door and what it would mean for me later. As she walked over to greet him, I froze in place, and only moved when he stepped toward me and went in for a hug. He was taller than I expected, dark hair, gorgeous eyes. I was almost sure he could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. We all talked, ate dinner and had a couple drinks. We sat close all night and I don’t think there was a time he wasn’t touching some part of my body. An arm around my waist. A hand on mine. I craved him more and more with each touch

At one point during the night, while my sister was in the kitchen, I went to join him on the couch. Before I could sit, he quietly held up his hand and stopped me in my tracks, then carefully lifted my dress to reveal me bare underneath, another request. All I could think was that we needed to get to the hotel. And soon.



When s said Natalie needed a “good” Dom, I wasn’t sure how to react. I’m bad with compliments, and even worse with being pigeonholed. But I do like taking control, and I do believe in respect and aftercare. And when she said that Natalie had spent the last few years with an inconsiderate guy who never really paid attention to her and her needs, choosing to focus on his own instead, I understood s’s concern. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Too many guys think rough sex and D/s is just about getting off and manhandling their partner. They repeat the shit they see in porn without realizing how much trust and comfort needs to go into it before *and after.* It’s not a normal hookup. Even if it’s just for one night, it’s still a mini-relationship. You have to ensure your partner feels cared for. You have to invest in them and help them feel comfortable beforehand, then be there for them when it’s over, so they can feel good about the experience and come back down in a safe environment. (Which is a multi-day process in itself, because “sub drop” is real.) So even though I’m trying to put my hoe-days behind me, I agreed to chat with Natalie to see if I could help her re-frame what she’s looking for from the guys she dates. And yes, the fact that I was attracted to her played a large part in it. (What? I’m not a saint!)

By the time I went to join them for dinner, I didn’t just know what was going to happen. I’d already determined how.




After dinner, we said our goodbyes and he drove us to the hotel. It was dark inside his car, and the roads through the hills were empty and winding. He talked over the music. I couldn’t tell you what was playing. Or what he was saying. I was too nervous. Then he tapped my thigh and got my attention.

“I want you to touch yourself,” he said. “I want you ready by the time we get there.”

I was nervous at first, but did. I leaned back, spread my legs and raised one so my foot was resting on my seat. Giving him a good view. He watched me almost the whole time. Making me tell him when I was close and even making me hold off on cumming until he gave me permission. When he finally did, I came so hard.

I’ll never understand what so many people were doing at random hotel during quarantine, but when we checked in, our room was still being COVID cleaned by the busy staff. We waited out in the hall while they finished. The anticipation in me kept growing and growing. He must have noticed, because he pulled me into the little room where the ice machine, out of view. Then lifted the back of my dress to feel my already wet and throbbing pussy.

“Could they take any longer to clean that room?” I thought. I just wanted to get in the room and indulge in every part of him.

When we got into the room we put our stuff down and were supposed to take a shower. Instead I ended up with my head hanging off the side of the bed, gagging on his thick cock while he fucked my throat.



A few weeks back, she’d shown me a favorite video of hers. It wasn’t anything too explicit. A short clip, two seconds at most, of saliva dripping down her chin. Her eyes were big and she was catching her breath. You could tell it was something she’d made with her ex. But really what stood out to me were her eyes. How desperate they were for approval. How desperate she was to be called a, “good girl.”

This is so so short but I love it for some reason, she’d said.

Because of how vulnerable and sloppy you look, I said.

You’re desperate to please and you feel useful, I said.

You feel seen and approved of, I said.

You’re right, she responded.

So that’s what I focused on.

Making sure she felt like she was doing an amazing job of making me feel good. Making sure she knew it.

And then… I made it entirely about her.



I know we started off kissing. We’d entered the room, put our stuff down. Then he’d taken my head into his hands and pressed his lips against me. It’s all a blur, really. I unzipped his jeans and pulled him out. That definitely happened. And then saliva was dripping down my face. Rub his cock all over, smearing my makeup. Then he went back to fucking my face. My eyes were watering and I couldn’t see much, but I was so happy. To feel filled. To feel good. To feel safe. My head hanging off the side of the bed. His cock pushing past my lips, forcing itself deeper and deeper into my throat. Then all of a sudden, I didn’t feel anything anymore. He’d pulled out, but he wasn’t rubbing himself on me, or cumming over me. Had I done something wrong?

He reached over and slapped my pussy.

“Turn around,” he said. “Lay on the bed normally. Spread your legs.”

I did as I was told. He even helped me back onto the bed. Then he slid his fingers inside my tight pussy. He… I don’t know what he did… he moved them up and down once, then stopped again.

“Looks like we’re going to need a towel,” he said.

“A towel?” I thought. “For what??”

He disappeared into the bathroom then came back with a small hand towel. Placed it beneath me on the bed. Then he started to finger me again and within seconds I was soaking his fingers and the bed. It was… a lot.

“Oh my god did that really just happen?” I thought to myself. I continued to squirt for him and he told me to open my mouth so he can pour my cum into my mouth. Hottest. Thing. Ever. He continued to finger me and I continued to squirt. Every time I soaked his fingers he rubbed my cum somewhere in my body. I was in a state of pure euphoria at this point. No one had ever made me cum like that. (I think about it often.)

Then he flipped me onto my stomach and slid into me. The feeling of his thick hard cock made me squeal and squirm. He pounded into my pussy time after time, making me cum over and over. He even took pictures. [They looked like this.]( [And this.](

When he came, he finished on my face. Making me look messy.



We cleaned up, showered together and then got into bed. We cuddled for a bit and talked for a bit longer before the long day got the better of us and we passed out. She seemed content. There was a smile on her face. It felt good to be the reason for it. It made me smile as well. Hopefully she’d had a break through experience. Hopefully she knew what sex could be like for her moving forward. Hopefully it would be even better.



I woke up before him the next morning, and I wanted him instantly. After a bit of teasing I was finally able to wake him up. I told him I wanted to suck his cock and he told me I could.
[It looked like this.](

I sucked it like I needed it more than air. I love the way he filled my mouth. Loved the way it made me gag. [It sounded like this.](

He fucked me again before we left the room. Then he drove me home and I’ve been thinking about the next time we meet ever since. It’s exactly what I needed, and I find myself craving him and his touch again. Until then, pictures and conversations will have to do.

Which reminds me, I really need to remember to thank my sister ;)



  1. I’m confused, is this made up? If not, how’d your get two perspectives?

  2. Well… my nipples are hard… and of course it’s time to sign into remote work. Damn it! So hot!

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