[M] Forbidden Fruit

I was in my mid 20s and living on the beach in SoCal. The neighborhood was a mix of modest but cute bungalows (me) and expensive vacation condos. It had a community feel to it and I knew the names of almost everyone on the block, including the vacationers. Impromptu get togethers on the beach or someone’s front stoop were common. Doors were rarely locked and we shared a half dozen beat up old bikes when the urge to get fish tacos sprang up. It was idyllic.

There was a couple that lived a few hours away and had recently bought a condo. They would come down regularly for a weekend and sometimes a week.They were in their 50s and nice. I enjoyed talking to them but they were conservative and subdued and I was surprised when they actively sought out get togethers and stayed late.

But they loved it. They were like kids in a candy store; living it up now that there daughter was at college. They talked often about how much fun they were having and how it was a reawakening.

As a social, not entirely unattractive guy living on the beach it was not uncommon to wake up to new women in my bed. The couple would tease me about this flow of woman into and out of my bungalow. Underneath the teasing he seemed oddly proud of me and she seemed to be intrigued (I’m not sure how else to describe it).

And like Chekhov’s gun, you know what’s coming. During one week in the spring they brought their daughter with them. She was in her last year of college. She was amiable but on the quiet side. She was cute in a mousy way. I know it sounds terrible, but you probably wouldn’t notice her much on the street. But if you saw her in a bikini or naked, it was very hard to take your eyes off of her. It was hard to believe the transformation. She was pale, sinewy, and lithe. Just enough softness and firmness. I’m still not sure how she hid that body.

It started after a bbq one night. Her parents went to their condo and she ended up in my bed. She snuck back home after a fun but unremarkable few hours.I thought it might be a one time affair. After all, her parents were conservative and I was friends with them. But, as it turned out, she came around the next day. We didn’t speak about the night before, but she flirted with obvious enjoyment.

And that night as a small group of us sat around, the father was telling the daughter that she should at least learn to float if she was going to wade into the water. And trusting me, he asked if I would teach her. I know. I know. The betrayal! But what could I say?

A few days later we walked to an empty part of the beach and she stripped down to her bikini. She did not learn to float that day. But we stood in chest deep water, her arms around my neck as I held her up with one hand under her knees and the other on her lower back. I worked one hand between her thighs, pulled her suit to the side, and she came quickly. She grabbed my cock and enthusiastically jerked me off. And it dawned on me that, even though the first nights sex was tame,she was either shedding her conservative ways while on vacation or there had always been a very sexual woman there. My ego prefers the former but the reality is very likely the later.

And then she left, her spring break over. But we picked back up when she came back for the summer. Keep in mind I lived in a small bungalow with plenty of windows and very close to the other condos and bungalows. In fact, her parents condo was 60’ away and if their balcony was just a few feet higher they would have been able to see my front door.

She would text me at night during the week and at any hour on the weekends. She would make some pretense for leaving and come over for a quick, hard fuck. The sneaking around. The limits on time. It was all horribly hot. Sometimes if she just snuck out I would bend her over against the front door, rip down her shorts, squeeze myself in, and we would get off as quick as we could.

You may wonder why it was all such a secret. We were both adults and only a few years apart in age. As I said, they were conservative. And it would have caused some distress if they knew their daughter was one of those women they had been so interested in before. And, I don’t think she’d ever tell them. I have a feeling there was a long list of secrets she kept.

And to be honest, the fact that it was a secret made it Incredibly sexy. The sneaking around. Getting that text that just said, “Are you free?”.

Regardless, the mom became suspicious. She began asking a lot of questions when her daughter went out. And then I began to see her walking by my place more often for no apparent reason. One day she called my name as I was in bed with her daughter. Her daughters legs wide, knees drawn to her chest with her pink pussy gripping me tight. Me mid-thrust. After she called a second time I threw on my shorts and walked the very short distance to the front door while making sure that a stray foot couldn’t be seen. She asked me if I’d seen her daughter. And as her daughter lay in my bed, I lied. The mother paused a second, as if listening, and left. And, I don’t know why, but that transaction inspired me to fuck the daughter all the harder.

And then, finally, we got caught. Sort of. We had just finished from a bent against the front door round. She was in a hurry to get back and she pulled her shorts up and quickly stepped out the front door(it’s funny I don’t ever remember her kissing me hello or goodbye. I think I was just..just a fun fuck). She took a step and then I saw her freeze. She made some entirely unbelievable claim why she was in my place with the door closed. I cringed and then stepped into the light to give a neighborly hello. The mom looked stern and whisked her daughter off in short order.

I only saw her one other time after that. She was starting a job in another state and it was the end of our secret affair. The funny thing is I remained friends with the couple. And after her daughter left, the mother would flirt like you wouldn’t believe. And no, I never did anything about it. But it had been an unexpectedly hot summer.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j6xpxi/m_forbidden_fruit

1 comment

  1. Disappointed you didn’t get a secret affair with the mother too, but otherwise, good story

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