Shy girl agrees to wear slutty Halloween costume [02] [FF, MMF] [College] [Shame]

[Episode 1](

Jane sat in the back of the car, in the middle seat between Valerie and Stephanie, and John drove them to the party with a big amplifier for the host occupying his passenger seat. Jane tried to lean over and wedge some of herself behind Valerie to evade John’s glances at her through the rearview mirror, but had limited success with the maneuver. Showing so much of her body in her dorm room, in the company of only her two friends was one thing. As soon as the cold air from the breezeway outside the dorm door hit her skin, and raised goosebumps in it, she realized going out in public was a thing of its own, unlike what preceded it. What followed was a kind of retraction into herself, where somehow the outside world, though her eyes were open and ears were unobstructed, felt more distant, less immediate. Anyone paying direct attention to her threatened her protective buffer of detachment and non-presence, which is what made the terrible news that Mark would be attending this party so terrible.

If Mark saw her, he would put her to the question. Their last night together, a month earlier, Jane sat on his bed staring at the 70% – a D at their university – John had earned them for their group short film project, without her help. She could have scored higher even if she wrote, shot, acted, and edited the entire film alone, but she suffered that blemish on her transcript as a sacrifice for her relationship with Mark, who didn’t think it was appropriate for Jane to be spending so much time with John while she had a boyfriend (Mark), even if it was for ostensibly academic purposes. Of course she had a gut feeling this was unjust, one she didn’t think highly enough of herself to trust and run with just yet, and thus the sitting and staring at the score and general mood of pout. Mark moved the laptop aside and kissed her neck, without starting on her lips or talking to her first, which she’d told him more than once she needed to get in the right mindset. Jane stopped his hand when he tried to pull her sweater off, but she unzipped her jeans herself, to be clear that she wasn’t rejecting him – he was sensitive to that, and would adopt a sulky demeanor in response, which she then had to comfort and reassure, and she had no energy for that. But the sweater, it stayed on, even as she rode him. In their year-long relationship Jane had never taken off her bra around him, but this time she needed to keep even more to herself. She knew she could only get away with it a few times, the keeping-the-sweater-on thing, and made sure to fuck him rather than letting him fuck her, to present the appearance that this was something hot for her, some one-off domination thing where she wore clothes and he didn’t and therefore had more power in the act, instead of the strategic distancing measure it was. It didn’t work, though. Mark wanted her to suck his cock after they fucked, and wanted her to do it naked (even gunning for her bra), which was when the argument started. Jane was still wearing the sweater three days into her post-breakup romantic comedy binge, unwilling to take it off for reasons she didn’t want anyone to ask her to explain, because she didn’t know. If Mark saw Jane at this party dressed in only underwear and a bra, hancuffed and in a shock collar leash, he would call attention to her, unwanted attention.

There was not a crowd in the entryway. Jane had a moment to adjust before anyone noticed her. Just inside the front door of the house, on the right, dim holiday lights lit a room with a circle of people passing around a bong. Forward down the hall, a crowd cheered in sync together, and surrounded something going on in the living room.

Stephanie handed Jane’s leash off to Valerie and helped John carry the amplifier into the living room.

Valerie smiled at Jane after peeking in at the bong circle. “I think you could use a hit, Jane. What do you say?” But she didn’t wait for an answer, just pulled Jane forward by her leash.

At first the dimly lit room seemed best. Jane could find a shadow to sit in and hide unnoticed, or as unnoticed as she could given her outfit. But around the doorway, in a corner of the room she couldn’t see from her sharper angle at it before, Jane recognized Mark. She yanked and heaved back on the leash by leaning backward with force, and mouthed “Mark. Mark. Mark.” at Valerie.

Valerie put up her palms, and Jane was thankful that Valerie would at least respect this line.

They took the long way to the living room, around the staircase, so that no one in the bong circle (Mark) could look out and recognize Jane. The crowd was so focused on some main event that no one even turned around to acknowledge Valerie and Jane when they approached.

“High stakes on this one, folks!” a voice said over a speaker – John’s amplifier, now that Jane found a view through the audience. The television showed a bar trivia slidedeck, and Jane had an itch to play – unlike in the student group discussions that paralyzed her, she could employ her knowledge of fantasy literature perfectly well when just writing on a trivia answer card – until she realized the two contestants were standing in the middle of this huge crowd with everyone’s eyes on them.

John and Stephanie sat down at the opposite wall to watch.

The host relayed the stakes negotiations between the two contestants. They were a couple, until last week, and negotiations were tense. The girl, Eva, was saying the guy, Rob, should strip to his underwear when she beat him. Rob was then saying Eva should strip everything, underwear included, when he beat her. This continued. They adopted aggressive spit-in-your-face stances and tones at one another, neither willing to back down. In the end, when the host stepped in to say negotiation time had run out, it came to these terms. It would be a single question round. The loser would strip, completely. Their hands would be tied above their head to the crossbeam, next to the food table behind at the back of the gameplay area, for thirty minutes, to be employed (or not employed and just ignored, Eva reminded the announcer, implying that was her intent) by the winner for whatever ends they chose.

Jane understood why no one noticed her. She could not look away either. What kind of party had Valerie and Stephanie brought her too?

The trivia question, revealed after a gratuitous drum roll, asked Rob and Eva to name as many state capital cities as they could in 60 seconds. Rob wrote line after line straight out of the gate, but Eva stared at her card without doing anything for the first ten seconds, giving Jane heart palpitations on her behalf. Ten seconds in, Eva began to write, and continued at a steady pace. Twenty seconds in Rob slowed down, and looked at Eva, only to visibly panic and turn back to his card when he saw her writing. By thirty seconds in Rob had nothing to left to write, but Eva kept going. The reality of the situation was dawning on Rob, that was clear on his face. At fifty seconds he just watched Eva with this languid expression, like all his fascial muscles turned off.

After the timer went off Rob snatched Eva’s card and made a show of reading off the capital names he didn’t recognize and insisting the host check their accuracy. “Montpelier? Yeah right that’s an American city.” It was though; it was the capital of South Dakota. The rest checked out too and Rob threw the card on the ground and challenged Eva to a higher stakes rematch, double-or-nothing style.

Eva declined, of course. Rob tried to contrive another objection, but the host gestured to the crowd, and Rob’s honor, and there was also an implication of muscle-based enforcement, so he began to disrobe, avoiding eye contact with anyone (which was difficult, being surrounded).

“Those as well,” Eva reminded him, gesturing to his boxers. She folded her arms and looked down at him with raised eyebrows, like she had caught a subordinate misbehaving.

Jane was embarrassed that her eyes aimed right at Rob’s cock, even though no one noticed. Rob hunched over and tried to hide it with his hands, but then jerked back into upright position and let it show, fully erect, as if he were indifferent to being naked, but then jerked again into the hunched self-hiding position, clearly unsure how to behave.

Eva led a reluctant Rob, who kept his head down, to the rope the host had thrown over the crossbeam. She took handcuffs from the host and bound Rob’s hands together above him, with the chain connecting the cuffs inside the loop of the rope so he could not lower them and cover himself.

Though he kept his head down and seemed on the surface to want to be somewhere else, Jane could see Rob leaning in, subtly, trying to brush his hard cock against Eva’s clothing. Rob’s head moved side to side with Eva as she checked the rope above him, tracking her hips. Jane could not help but feel an empathetic pain for him, trapped in that shameful position, helpless, but still frustrated by desire. And he had to stay there, neglected, in full view of the crowd for half an hour.

With what Jane imagined was a similar frustration, she looked at Valerie, who stood in front of her holding her leash and shock remote. Valerie’s strong and thick legs almost made Jane whimper with lust to just look at. Jane wanted to feel them squeezing her sides with Valerie on top of her, holding her down.

Eva changed her plans. She was still standing beside Rob, and she called out to the crowd. “I need a man. Any thirsty man.”

John walked over, Eva put a gentle hand on his cheek, and he allowed her to pull him in.

Eva held John close to her with one hand, and with the other, not even really paying attention to it, she touched Rob’s cock. But she didn’t grip it, or touch it with her palm, she just sort of feathered over it with the tips of her fingers.

Rob made a noise, nonverbal, something frustrated. He tilted his pelvis toward Eva’s finger, desperate to feel more of it on his cock, to be touched by her.

Eva yanked her hand away until Rob returned his pelvis to center and accepted what he was going to get. This all she did without looking at Rob, without acknowledging him at all. She guided John’s hand up into her dress, and opened the waistband of her underwear to him, and moaned in a way that almost had to be performative when John firmly massaged between her legs, which revealed the muscles in the topside of his forearm and in his bicep.

The host stepped back out front. “Looks like that’ll take a while! Who’s next?”

Valerie raised her hand. “We are!” She pulled a startled and confused Jane into the center along with her. “Same rules for us.”

“That so? And you, you agree to the terms?” the host asked Jane.

“No, I –”

Valerie applied the shock, and put her palm on Jane’s waist, a bit low. The raised heartrate from the pain and the suggestion, the implication of Valerie’s hand, of her fingers making a sort of crawling gesture downward toward where Jane longed for her to touch, made Jane want to lose to her.

“Yes. I agree”

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