[MF] Punk Rock, DMT, and Meeting The Love of My Life

So Before I continue my stories about Anais, I wanted to tell y’all the story about how I [20M] met my girlfriend Valentina [19F].

This ones got hella backstory so I’ll give those who are in a rush a little *************** to point em to the fun parts.

I met Valentina a couple months before I met Gertrude, my toxic ex from my last story. All the time I think about how nice it would have been, and how much shit we would’ve all avoided if I had just gotten together with Valentina before I met Gertrude, but that’s not what happened.

I met Valentina at this crazy local punk mecca that for anonymity’s sake I’ll just call the shithole. Now the shithole is an abandoned building in the middle of this empty industrial lot. It started as a place where a bunch of crusties used to squat but slowly over time it grew, and now the bottom floor is a makeshift venue for shitty local punk bands to play, and the upstairs is split between this sick anarchist zine library and a room with a bunch of couches people crash on that they call a hostel.

Even though most of the bands that play there suck balls my friends and I still came there most weekends to get fucked up. One night after another unbelievably boring hardcore band finished their set these four girls who we’d never seen before got on stage and blew our fucking minds. What the fuck they were actually good, like unbelievably good. I don’t know how to describe their music…. it was otherworldly and moody and sexy. It was a total vibe change and everyone hated it! People couldn’t headbang to it so they just started dipping out like there was a fucking fire. It was so funny the more people left the more they seemed to get possessed by their music and just played better and better.

By the time they were done playing the only people left in the place were me, Anais, and like four or five of our other friends. For a minute we just looked at each other trying to figure out if that actually just happened. Then Anais just walked up to the singer, pushed her against the wall, and started making out with her. While they dry humped and ate each others faces the other three girls rolled their eyes and came over to talk to the rest of us. The drummer walked up to me and was like “fuck you, I was all excited to play for another empty room tonight.” I was just lost In how gorgeous she was and and in disbelief that she was actually talking to me so I kinda stammered out a “sorry.” Then she laughed and punched me really hard in the arm then said, “No really I appreciate it, this is our third night playing here and you guys are the first people who haven’t cleared out by the fourth song.” We talked for a while and eventually she introduced herself as Valentina. Looking back now she was hitting on me super obviously but I didn’t get it because I thought she was way out of my league. Now let me explain why. She’s super tall, probably not quite 6’ which is lit cause I’m like 6’4 and talking to normal size people always hurts my back, she’s half Cuban and has gorgeous pale porcelain skin, deep golden brown eyes, and long wavy black hair. She’s built like a model she’s super skinny and toned with proportional, but perfectly shaped and perky ass and tits. Anais always says she looks like Stoya, but honestly she reminds me of Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, not just in looks but her attitude too. The singer left with Anais and the other three girls came back to the apartment me and a few other friends were living at and we smoked them up and hung out until the sun came out.

After that night me and Anais pretty much hung out with the band every night. Anais dated the singer for a while and the guitarist and bassist had been together for a year so that usually left me and Valentina together smoking in the corner making fun of the rest of them. We got along like we’d known each other forever, and after a few weeks we were inseparable. I had a giant crush on her but I thought she was way too hot for me and was convinced she just thought of me as a friend. It didn’t help that her idea of how to try and get me to make a move was to throw it in my face that we were just friends to try and provoke me to be like “fuck you I’m into you!” But whatever. After a while of me missing all of her now obvious moves I met Gertrude, my toxic ex, on tinder and I was pretty much cut off from my friends for about 6 months. During that time Valentina got into a really shitty relationship with one of my friends roommates who was a total dickhead. Basically Valentina was broke as fuck and couldn’t really afford anything, like barely even food. Dickhead was really rich and basically started paying for everything for her, then guilted her into dating him because he “deserved something in return” for “all he did for her.” He was even paying her rent, then stopped paying for it to force her to move into his room. Not a good situation.

Then Anais helped me escape Gertrude and I was finally back in the real world again. I started Hanging out with Valentina and suddenly we were back to our old ways. And soon we were hanging all the time and she was crashing on my couch pretty much every night. After a while she started getting angry calls from Dickhead whenever she crashed at my place and I’d hear them fighting every night. Eventually I asked her what was going on with them. Valentina told me that she’d been trying break up with him almost since they got together but she had become so financially dependent on him that she couldn’t leave. She told me they hadn’t had sex in about three months and he had started getting pushy about it so that’s when she started crashing at my place, so I told her she was welcome to crash here anytime if she felt safer here than with him. She stayed at my place for a few weeks before something really weird happened. One of Anais’ roommates had always been part of this kind of cultish new age religious group, and apparently she decided to move into their monastery to get closer to the gods or enlightenment or something. Her school had given her a grant that covered her housing so she basically let them cash the schools checks so they didn’t have to find a new roommate until their lease was up in 8 months. Anais basically was like Valentina wanna live here for free for 8 months and she was like yeah no shit. So she dumped dickhead and moved in with Anais the same day. That weekend Dickhead went to stay at his friend’s place and told Anais that she could come move all her stuff and band equipment out of his place while he was gone, but if anything was left when he got back Monday he was throwing it on the street.

She asked me to come with my van and help her pack up her shit and I was down to help. Now when we got to dickheads apartment he has this fancy ass room with a giant comfy bed and a nice tv and a bunch of gadgets and shit so we just kind went to his room flopped down on the bed, turned on his tv, and packed some of his fancy medical weed in his fancy volcano vape and just got high as shit. We ended up falling asleep in his bed I woke up with a bag rattling in my face and Valentina almost jumping up and down with excitement. So dickhead was studying chemical engineering and he would make psychs for fun and then sell them. The one thing I could never afford because he was selling it for $250 a gram, and he never gave to Valentina because he was convinced “she couldn’t handle it” was DMT. And Valentina had just found like at least an ounce of it. First we grabbed some of his little dealer baggies and stashed some away for later. Then we decided to pack what I now know is an ungodly amount of DMT sandwiched between two layers of weed in dickhead’s volcano. We filled the bag and in one hit Valentina took the first half of the bag and I took the second. We tried our best to hold in the vapor as long as we could and sat excitedly for a few seconds waiting for it to hit. Far away I started to hear this faint electric droning sound. It got louder and louder until it was inside my head and I wasn’t just hearing it my head was vibrating. Then these fractals that looked like an endless fingerprint made of finger prints began swirling in front of my eyes. My head started to vibrate so hard that my skull cracked open and my brain fell out of my head. When my brain hit the floor everything was dark. Then at the very edge of my perception there was this pale glowing blue dot. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, it was like a star radiating pure warmth and love and happiness. It grew bigger so slowly that it was almost imperceptible. When it grew big enough that I could really look at it I realized it was pulsating at this constant rhythm. It made the most beautiful music. Immediately after an eternity I was enveloped in its glow and I could feel it on my skin. It felt like a new kind of love I’d never experienced before. Then it started to fade away and the world started to come back when I felt it pulsate one last time I realized the music and the rhythm had been Valentina’s heartbeat. Back in our limited reality I looked into Valentina’s eyes and felt the same feeling that I felt when I was inside the star, and in her eyes I could tell she felt it too.


Our faces were drawn together, pulled by invisible Marionette strings, and our lips met so softly. Her lips tasted like mango lip gloss mixed with the burnt plastic taste of DMT vapor. Then she got on top of me and pinned my arms to the bed as she kissed me harder and deeper. After a moment I fought back and flipped her onto the bed, pulling her wrists over her head with one hand and grabbing a handful of her hair with the other. We kissed and wrestled back and forth ripping each other’s cloths off until we were naked in her ex’s bed. She was so fucking beautiful. Her pale skin shined white in the moonlight, her lips were so full and dark. Her tits were just gorgeous and soft and her single nipple piercing on her left tit was glimmering. And holy fuck her pussy. She had this perfectly trimmed cute little triangle of black hair right above her clit, and her lips were so smooth and opened just a bit to reveal her gorgeous pink flowery labia. I Kissed up her thighs and she let me get one little taste of her clit before she pushed me off the bed onto the floor. I tried to sit up but before I could she put her foot on my chest and pushed me back down onto the floor. She stepped off the bed sat on top of me making sure to pass her pussy over my face just out of reach of my lips. She looked down at me and said, “I get to go first.” She grabbed my chin and forced my head back as she started kissing down my chest and stomach until she got to my cock. Then she started to tease my cock as slowly as possible. She lightly licked and kissed the underside of the tip of my cock. Then she just put the tiniest bit of me in her mouth and just played with my balls. Eventually I’d had enough and I grabbed the back of her head and forced her lips down to the base of my cock. She let out a deep moan and looked up at me with eyes that said “what took you so long?” She started to bob up down on my cock all the way up and down my length. Then she got up, sat at the edge of the bed, spread her legs then said, “I guess you can have a taste now. “

I crawled over to her her and began kissing her thighs. They were so smooth and warm against my lips. I made it to her clit and gave her one deep lick, then stopped. She looked at me with a mix of hunger and anger at being denied her pleasure. I waited for a moment the. Slipped thee fingers into her soaking wet pussy. She screamed as I started to fuck her with my fingers. She came so fast and so violently. After her body stopped shaking her whole persona changed. The dominant punk fire cracker was gone and now she was my submissive little slut. I ordered her to flip over and she sheepishly nodded then fumbled around as she positioned herself ass up at the edge of the bed with her face buried in a pillow. I stood up behind her and slipped into her. I grabbed a hand full of her hair and held her head down against the bed as I fucked her hard and deep. Her right hand was in a fist in front of her. As I fucked her she slowly started raising her fingers. When she got to four fingers I asked her what the fuck she was doing. She turned her head around and she blushed and quietly said, “You’re fucking me so hard I can’t think straight and I don’t wanna forget how many times I came.” I shoved her head back into the bed and went back to fucking, her last finger went up and she had just started counting on her other hand when I got so exhausted that I just fell on the bed next to her.

She pushed me onto my back, shaking and barely able to move she crawled on top of me and effortlessly slipped my dick into her pussy. We were both so wrecked and exhausted that we just kind of stayed like that, her on top of me, my dick deep inside her, our eyes locked together. Then she just blurted it out, “I love you.” After she realized what she said she looked terrified, like she’d ruined everything. But I just looked back at her smiled and said, “I love you too.” She kissed me and out bodies slowly started to grind together as we made love. The sensation of the cold metal of her nipple piercing gliding up and down my chest as she fucked me felt magical. Eventually she looked at me and said, “I wanna make you cum, but I can’t move.” I gave her a devilish look, then grabbed her by her beautiful as cheeks and started to lifts her body up and slam it down on my cock. She screamed and we both came together. She rolled off of me and we fell asleep in each other’s arms, my cum leaking out of her pussy onto her ex boyfriend’s bed.

The next morning we had to rush to pack up all her stuff. It took twice as long as it should’ve because every time we passed each other either she’d grab my dick or I’d grab her ass and we’d end up pushed up against the wall making out. Once we had finished up packing we decided to fuck one more time in dickhead’s bed. Valentina had brought a vibrator with her in her bag which makes me think she probably had been planning to fuck me this whole time. I laid her on the edge of the bed and fucked her holding onto her tits while she put her vibrator on her clit. Now Valentina cums pretty easily so when she gets fucked with a vibrator on her clit she just has these continuous rolling orgasms that are incredible to watch. I just kept fucking her while she came again and again. After a few minutes she was overwhelmed and she pulled me out of her, put the vibrator on my balls, and stroked me over her commanding me to cum on her tits. The vibrator was so intense and I came so hard that my cum went flying everywhere. I got a little on her tits and face and in her hair but most of it covered the bed. We laughed and cleaned her up, heading out to her new apartment, leaving her ex boyfriend’s bed covered in cum.

When we were in the van on the way to her new room in Anais’ apartment Valentina kept looking at me like she wanted to say something but kept stopping herself. Eventually I caught on and told her to spit it out. She looked at me really shyly and said, “You know I didn’t just say that because you were fucking me so good last night, I meant it, I think I’m really in love with you.” I smiled so big that I swear it covered my eyes and I almost crashed the van. I told her I meant it too and she responded, “So does that mean you’re like my boyfriend now?” I was like yeah no shit, and she got all pouty and was like, “dammit then I should’ve made you carry all that heavy shit for me.” I gave her a little shove and we both laughed. When we got back to her new place I helped her move everything in then went home exhausted and took a nap. I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at it and it was Valentina so I picked it up. I was greeted by Anais’ voice, she sounded high as fuck and a little tipsy, and like she was trying really hard to sound pissed off but was about break and start laughing her ass off, “Yo so Valentina and I have been talking and we think it’s really unfair that you got to fuck both me and Valentina, but we never got to fuck each other so Imma go fuck your girlfriend right now.” Then she hung up on me. About 5 seconds later I got another call from Valentina, but this time when I picked up it was actually her, “Sorry Anais took my phone…. but honestly I do really wanna fuck her…. you should come over right now.” I got up and immediately headed over to their apartment, but that’s a story for another time.

So that’s how I ended up with My girlfriend Valentina. After Anais’ lease was up we found an apartment together and it’s been almost 6 years now and we’re still madly in love. Covid has slowed us down with our adventures, but over the years we’ve had some crazy times, and when things clear up we’ll be back to our old ways. If y’all still wanna hear them I’ll keep posting stories about us, Anais, and us and Anais.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j6b9q5/mf_punk_rock_dmt_and_meeting_the_love_of_my_life