[MT] Pegged by a transman firefighter – part 3

Sensing I had done something wrong, I apologized for overstepping, but he just shook his head and replied, “Come with me,” and began walking toward his bedroom.

When we reached his bed, he became tender once again, first kissing my lips deeply, maintaining eye contact with me all the while in a way that no partner since has matched. He began kissing down my torso, eventually sliding his rough hands under my tshirt and sliding it off over my head. Next were my pants, which he unbuttoned with dexterity and tossed to the floor, yanking my boxers down soon after.

My cock was throbbing by this point, and he could see that it needed attention, so he fell to his knees and took its entire length into his mouth. This was the first time I had ever looked down to see someone with a beard sucking me, and I felt a jolt of electricity flow through me. The attention was short-lived, though, as he soon stood up and began removing the rest of his clothes. He unbuttoned his long sleeve flannel shirt to reveal a chest that was undoubtedly hairier than mine, but which had two ugly scars running across the nipple area. He caught me looking for a moment, and I thought that perhaps something needed to be said, but he simply continued, dropping his shirt to the floor and then reaching around me to grab one ass cheek. “Lie down on the bed, babe..Face-down,” he said with a squeeze.
I complied, albeit with some anxiety, and heard him rummaging in some drawers. “I only bottom with women,” he mused. “I only top with men. You good with that?”

My first idiotic thought was that I didn’t understand the practicalities of women topping or bottoming for one another, and I only had a vague sense of what he was talking about, so I just mumbled an ascent.

The next thing I felt was the unfamiliar sensation of his beard pressed against my butt as his tongue lapped hungrily between my cheeks. Apart from my occasional digital, masturbatory exploration, butt stuff was new to me at that point, so I didn’t totally know how to feel. On one level, his face was in my ass – a place where no ones face should be, and, on another, I heard myself letting out involuntary squeals with each swipe of his tongue because I felt so good.

After several minutes of this he backed away and said matter-of-factly, “I am going to fuck you now. I’m going to use the smallest strap on I have, so don’t be a bitch.” I opened my mouth to protest out of horror, but I didn’t get the words out before I felt something poking relentlessly at my asshole.

Surprisingly, I felt no pain. I would find out later that the strap on in question was barely larger than a pinky finger, and an absurd amount of lube had been used. Nevertheless, I fought the intrusion, clenching up somewhat until Alex stroked my back and cooed that everything was going to be OK and that I just needed to relax.

The fact of the matter was I needed him inside me. I desperately wanted to please him, and, more importantly, I wanted him to OWN me. I relaxed as best as I could, closing my eyes and imagining the way he looked at me when we kissed.

And then he was in me, slowly at first, sliding luxuriously in and out. Alex’s hands pressed down firmly in the center of my back, and I could feel his thighs slap against mine as he began building up speed.

“You like this, don’t you?” he growled. At first, I was silent, overcome by the firing of nerve endings inside of me. When I didn’t respond, he thrust a bit harder and said, “Admit it, you wanted this all along. You’ve always been gay for me. Admit who you are.” And he was right. He had knocked something loose in me and, despite the awkwardness of the syntax, I was absolutely gay for him.

Of course, rather than answer his question, what I blurted out was, “I love you,” to which he responded, “Fuck you, you don’t. You just know who you are now.”

Eventually, the booze started wearing off, or the lube dried out, and I did start to feel more pain than pleasure, so I had to ask him to stop. Rather than pull out immediately, he put a thick arm around my middle and hoisted me to my side on the bed, where he snuggled up against me, rubbing his furry chest against my back.

I hadn’t even noticed that I didn’t cum. I just let myself be spooned until both of us started to nod off and I heard his gentle snoring behind me.

He and I continued to see one another for a year or so after that. While we were never openly dating, I think our friends harbored no mystery about what was going on between us. Ultimately, Alex moved away to the West Coast for a firefighting job and we lost touch with one another, but I still think of him as the one that got away to this day.

Edit: In the time we were seeing one another, there was exactly one time when he asked me to top him. It was fun. I’m pretty sure I was terrible. MDMA may or may not have been involved, and one of my (former) professors may or may not have been a part of the scene. If there’s interest, I’m happy to write about it. If not, no worries.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j6809x/mt_pegged_by_a_transman_firefighter_part_3

1 comment

  1. This was a fun and hot story. I would love to hear more about him owning your ass.

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