Step Sister Corruption Part 5 (M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, cons)

I got up and walked over to Kel’s head and Summer’s lower side. I wanted pussy and I wanted it now.

And watching two girl’s eat each other out wasn’t helping my fucking erection.

Or my now full heavy nuts.

I lowered myself.

Kel looked up at my erection. Her mouth opened like she was ready to receive a meat treat with her eyes glazed over.

I ignored Kel’s glazed look and tapped Summer’s glazed moist pussy with the head of my dick.

I heard Summer moan and through a muffled sound I said, “What?”

Summer spoke more clearly this time, “No come over to this side.”

I guess having Kel’s pussy on Summer’s mouth made it hard to speak clearly.

I got up and walked over to the other side where I saw Summer’s head and Kel’s lower side.

Summer motioned for me to kneel down, which I did. I kneeled down next to them but she grabbed me and motioned to where I was hovering over her head as she pushed Kel’s ass forward.

Summer grabbed my dick and kissed the tip sucking and using her hand to milk all the pre cum that was in my shaft.

She smiled after she got her fix and said, “You ready?”

I looked down at her, “Ready for what.”

Her answer was she guided my dick towards Kel’s sopping pussy.

Summer pulled the vibrator out tossing it to the side as my tip touched Kel’s pussy.

I wanted to say that I was waving my hands and yelling ‘no’ at Summer.

But my brain and conscious checked out a while ago.

If I had a little Angel and little Devil to represent my conscious then I’d say the Angel was stuck in traffic and the little devil was dancing and laughing screaming ‘Do it fucker’.

As soon as my dick touched Kel’s wet hot pussy I couldn’t help myself I just pushed my dick forward.

We heard Kel moan the only thing escaping her lips were, “Oooo”.

I heard Summer speak towards Kel, “Lift your ass higher….”

Kel lifted herself higher because I was much taller and was trying to lean forward putting my dick in my step without falling over also widening my knee stance but felt like I was about to the splits and crash down on Summer’s face.

Summer anticipated this.

Kel’s ass rose high enough to where I didn’t have to feel like I was going to fall or do the splits onto Summer’s face eventually taint smashing her.

So that was good.

Now that Kel was at a more comfortable angle I was able to slide my dick inside Kel. The entire notion of I was about to fuck my step sister who I had known for over a decade hadn’t even entered my mind. The only thing I had on my mind was I needed pussy.

I slid my dick further into Kel and I heard Kel moan, “Oh god!”

I couldn’t see Kel or Summer’s face nor at this moment I didn’t care.

I got half way and heard Kel moan, “Fuck you’re so deep.”

Me? Deep?

See this is why I love small girls. Especially tight small girl’s it’s easy to feel like your swinging a big dick.

Granted I’m average size for someone my height but to a small girl it looks like you have a tree trunk in your shorts.

The tighter the girl is the more it inflates my ego.

Hearing things like ‘You’re so deep’ though you haven’t fully hilted her to the root of your dick is very satisfying. Or ‘You’re stretching me out’ another ego booster.

Now I know girl’s say shit just to help our ego like ‘you’re the biggest I’ve had’ or ‘I never had that strong of an orgasm before’ or ‘you have amazing stamina’. They might be telling the truth or they’re flat out lying through their teeth.

You know what doesn’t lie though their bodies actions.

If they’re shaking after just inserting your dick in them they’re either extremely sensitive or they’re just that tight. Maybe a little bit of both.

However if you feel like you threw your hot dog a hall and needed a paddle board strapped to your ass so you don’t fall in and they barely shiver or anything then they’re flat out lying through their teeth when they say any of those ego boosters.

But you know the biggest ego booster is when you enter a girl and she immediately says you’re stretching her out and you feel the jaws of life on your dick. Believe you’re going to have one of two things. Either a broken dick or a girl who’s going to follow you around like a puppy dog because you broke them.

I entered Kel and immediately she started shaking and her pussy muscles started massaging my dick trying to milk it for its protein enriched baby maker fluid. I got have way down and she start shaking even harder.

I got the “Fuck you’re so deep.”

My reaction was ‘Bitch you don’t know what deep is yet!’

Now I could be a gentleman to my step and stop there just fucking her with half my growth.

Or I could destroy her and continue pushing.

The little voice in my head said, “STOP!!!!”

But my dick voice said “FUCK!!!!”

I listened to my dick voice and kept pushing.

I heard Kel inhale deeply as she felt my dick go deeper inside her stretching her out more.

Then came the shakes.

At 3/4 Kel started begging, “Pull it out!”

I kept going and felt a barrier after I pushed passed 3/4. Kel inhaled, “Fuck Gabe you’re hitting my cervix!” Closely followed by, “Pull it out!”

I felt her pussy start convulsing as I felt a pressure surrounding my dick.

I kept pushing feeling residual resistance from Kel’s pussy and her now begging more frequently to pull out.

Did I bottom out???

Was that all she could accept was a little over 3/4 of my dick?

If that’s true that’s kind of disheartening.

Hell my, now ex, fuck buddy could handle my full length and she was rail thin and shorter than Kel. Yet Kel couldn’t.

Guess it’s true pussys come in different shapes and sizes.

But I thought that pussy’s could stretch to a ridiculous amount due to carrying babies yet my dick was bottoming out.

What gives?

Maybe it’s because Kel hadn’t had a kid yet so her pussy walls are still strong and it’s elasticity isn’t used to being stretched this much?

Some how my mind was doing too much calculation and questioning why my dick wasn’t going all the way in when other parts of my body were yelling ‘move damn it!!!’

My mind snapped as I felt someone put my nuts in their mouth and started sucking.

I blinked and started moving because it was unexpected.

I pulled my dick out and put it back in getting a ‘oh fuck’ response out of the pussy’s owner.

I started off slow letting the owner’s own pussy juices coat my dick with each pump.

The leech on my nuts never letting my nuts out of their mouth. Only sucking tighter and releasing never letting my boys be released from the Hoover’s orifice.

It felt like my dick and balls were in two different milking pussy’s just one suction was better than the other.

That got my pumping to go faster and faster wanting release.

My dick demanded release.

My nuts demanded fluid release and suction release.

My body wanted the orgasm to slam into it.

Faster I went eliciting more obscenities from the pussy’s owner.

My brain no longer registered who I was fucking only that it was getting simulation from my pleasure center.

Time melted.

Senses were heightened.

My orgasm was close. I was could feel it.

A tiny part of my brain whispered from the deepest darkest depths, “if you do this there’s no coming back”.

My immature side giggled as it said “hahaha it said cumming!!!”

I heard a squeal, “Pull it out!!!”

My dominate brain said, “No!!! Force your dick in as far as it can go!”

My dick brain responded with, “But we’ll break!”

My dominate brain retorted, “More like break that pussy so it who’s boss.”

My dick brain responded with, “Well since you put that way yes full force we go.”

My muscles responded as I grabbed a hold of the hips of the user I had my dick in and in one full powerful move I slammed my precious dick into the bowels of the sensitive drenched pussy until I got to the important root kissing.

Multiple things happened as I did this.

1.) I heard a distinctive pop but it wasn’t from my dick.

2.) The pussy slammed tight on my dick.

3.). The user convulsed uncontrollably

4.) The user groaned and elicited a high pitched ‘IIIIIEEEEEE!!!!’

5.) The leech finally let go of my twins that were stuck in their mouth

6.) I felt like I had popped a water balloon with my dick

7.) And I felt a hot water substance spray all over me

All these events transpired all at once but my dick and nuts reported I hadn’t orgasmed. I was at the peak but not there.

I was completely confused and my brain overloaded on everything that had transpired.

Then I went into question mode.

Why did I hear a pop? I knew I was pushing on Kel’s cervix. Did I just pop Kel’s pussy’s cervix’s cherry? Was that possible? Did I break her pussy? Would I have blood on my dick for popping her cervix cherry?

I knew it wasn’t my dick that popped or I’d be in excruciating pain so that wasn’t it.

Did I break Kel? Was my dick brain right would she be ruined by any other dick and be a puppy dog around me now panting for another dick fix?

Why the weird sound? I had never heard that before from a girl.

Usually it’s a variation or multitude of elicit sounds and curses along the occasional praying to a deity. Not ‘IIIEEEE’ it didn’t exactly compute in my head.

What was that liquid explosion?

Did she squirt? I knew she could squirt I just didn’t know if she could with her hole plugged up.

Guess I was wrong. She definitely squirted.

At least it would explain the whole explosion going every direction that it could find to escape.

The leech finally let go of my nuts mainly because she could avoid the splash back which was a relief and a bummer at the same time.

I let go of Kel and after her convulsions were done did she fall forward releasing the grip on my dick.

Kel lightly convulsed and was panting heavily on her side.

I looked down at my engorged dick hoping to god I didn’t have blood on my tip because I was afraid I had broken Kel’s cervix cherry. I found nothing but my usual vein enriched hard on now just completely slick with Kel’s pussy juices.

And now it was beginning to hurt because the blood was stuck in my dick for so long.

The only thought in my head now was ‘Fuck you supplements’.



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