The Conference (Plot)

As you prepare to move up to the lectern, you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach that always accompany presentations. You’ve spoken many times, but always loved the little jolt of adrenaline you get when waiting to speak. You look down a final time at your notes, knowing you’ve already prepared and are ready for this. You adjust your long pencil skirt and blouse, ensuring you look professional.

The introduction finishes, and you are greeted with a warm round of applause as you make your way on stage. The audience is bathed in dim light cast from the stage, and your butterflies peak just as you adjust the microphone. As you give your introduction, the screen behind you transitions seamlessly to your presentation- “The Lumbopelvic Hip Complex and the role of the piriformis on knee injuries”.

The crowd is mostly full, eager eyes following along as you move seamlessly into your background information and foundation for your advanced topic. You’ve studied this extensively and find the information flows without an ounce of hesitancy, not even needing your notes. As you begin to dive into the structure of the hips and underlying anatomy, your gaze moves to me. Front row, just off to your left. You see me attentively staring at you, not at your PowerPoint. My eyes are locked on you, my gaze intense but not overwhelming. My button down shirt undone at the top, sleeves rolled half way up my arms, clearly you can tell I do not like being in “professional clothes”. Your eyes linger a moment, and you move on.

Yet you can’t help yourself. Your mind brings you back to me, and you find yourself focusing on me again a few short moments later. My gaze has not shifted from you. You notice this time that my khakis are well worn, and fit just the right way. You notice… but no, no it couldn’t be. Could it? Yes. You can tell as you steal another look, the outline of my cock against the inside of my leg, showing just enough that you feel a sudden flush between your legs. Suddenly you realize… you’re turned on. How could this be? In the middle of your presentation, in front of all these people, your pussy begins that subtle ache.

You manage to pull yourself back from the train of thought, although that familiar feeling of your panties beginning to moisten grows between your legs. You are almost done with the presentation before you realize you have begun to lock eyes with me more frequently. Just as you are about to finish, you see my hand subtly move first to my thigh, then to the outline of my cock, a single finger tracing along the bulge ever so subtly. Holy shit, did you really just see that? God, could it be that thick?

Before your mind wanders too far you pull yourself back. Questions are about to start, and you need to focus. But god your panties are wet now. How could this man do this to you? The presentation ends with a round of applause, giving you respite to compose yourself before continuing. Several hands go up in the audience, and one by one you answer. Softball questions, things you’ve been asked before and are ready to field. Then you notice my hand. My gaze still hasn’t left you, and suddenly you are acutely aware that your right hand has drifted from the podium to press against the front of your right hip. To the casual observer it’s nothing. But you know. You know what’s underneath. A thong under that pencil skirt that is soaked from the thought of me.

My hand doesn’t go away. Finally, you call for my question. “I’m curious to know about your thoughts on the influence of the adductors and their strength relationship to the posterior hip? Specifically, do you think the adductors, along with the pelvic floor, have enough power to hold an adducted position during vigorous exercise?” My question flashes an image in your mind of your legs being slowly pushed apart as I slide between them, wrapping them around me. You think to yourself “I wouldn’t want to keep my legs closed for you”. Oh my god did I just say that aloud?! No… no one has reacted, I’m fine.

You answer me about half way, and a tone announces the end of the time period. You thank your audience to a round of applause and say you’ll be available after for any further questions. The audience begins to file out, your eyes catching me one more time as I begin to walk out. My ass framed well in the khakis as I stroll out of the room. Damn, you think, what I wouldn’t give…

As you enter the main lobby of the conference center, the busy flow of people all around you, you get a light touch on your arm. Turning, I am in front of you. “Hi. Wonderful presentation. However, I didn’t get your full reply to my question, and I’d love to discuss it further. Here’s my number, I have to run but let’s get a drink later.” I press a piece of paper into your hand, holding both it and your gaze for just an extra moment, and then I disappear into the crowd.

You spend the rest of the day in a haze. Is it from the presentation? You have felt tired after them in the past, drained intellectually. But this… is different. This feels… intoxicating. Your mind wanders back to me over and over again. Finally, you can’t help it. What’s the harm with one drink with someone else to talk about rehab and therapeutic medicine? That’s all. One drink and intellectual conversation, you tell yourself.

You type my number into a message, and hit send. “Hi! I’d love to chat with you further about your question if you’re free later”. My reply comes quickly, and you can’t help but feel excited to see it pop up on your phone. “7:00 tonight. Meet me at Carmine’s. Corner of 7th and Aspen”. My reply isn’t a question of any kind. You know you’ll meet me there without any question. “Ok” you reply, and that’s it.

The conference presentation feels endless now. Your mind is nowhere on the person you’re watching. Your mind is on the endless possibilities later. But no… this is just a drink and talking. I imagined that stuff earlier. He’s not interested in me like that. It’ll be a good talk, and then I’ll go to bed. Simple.

After what feels like hours, the day is over and you’re back in your hotel. You begin to undress, first unbuttoning the blouse and tossing it on the bed. Then the skirt, unzipping the back and sliding it slowly off your ass and letting it drop to the floor. You glimpse yourself in the mirror, and suddenly picture me behind you, my hands running up and down the front of your body as my face is buried in the side of your neck, slowly kissing you. You hook the sides of your panties and slip them down, knowing how wet they were earlier. You shake yourself from the daydream and shower and change. You find yourself carefully selecting your outfit for the night- a matching pair of panties and bralette, tight fitting jeans that show off your legs, a sheer tank top and a button-up cropped shirt that you know you can leave open just a little. Black heels finish the outfit and you find yourself thinking “why heels? Maybe…” and don’t give it another thought.

You walk down to the lobby and out the front doors. You don’t know the place, but directions tell you it’s a quick walk. The night is slightly chillier than the day, and you move with purpose and anticipation to the front door. You grasp an old worn brass handle to a heavy wooden door. You pull, and the intoxicating smell of food and the subtle hint of mahogany hits your nose. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the dim light, and you find yourself in a small, cozy bar with several booths and tables off to the left side. Walking in, the place is very well kept but has a sense of being old and well-worn. You don’t see me, so you move to an open bar seat and sit down. 6:50- you’re early. You didn’t even realize. You order a drink from the bartender, and realize the butterflies from earlier have returned. You haven’t felt this excitement in years.

You feel me behind you before you realize I’m there. My hand gently rests on your thigh as I move next to you, and you don’t make an indication to move it. “I’m glad you came. May I join you?” “Yes” escapes from your lips as you drink in the clean, deep smell that just subtly drifts off of me.

“I very much enjoyed your presentation, and your response to my question, although cut off, was well informed. I do wonder, though, whether you think the adductors are powerful enough to resist the force?” The tone in my voice suggests just a slight playfulness, but the subtle grin on my lips tells you all you need to know- I’ve come here to fuck you, and you don’t know it yet, but you’re going to enjoy every minute of it.

I sit down, pulling the bar stool just slightly closer to you, and positioning myself so that one leg is on either side of yours if you turned into me. For now, you resist the urge. Professional conversation only, you think. I order from the bartender, and as my attention is there, you look me up and down. Another button up shirt, this one more form fitting to accent my shoulders, darker and open again at the top, but more of my chest exposed. You see the line of my collar bone and the top of my chest, hair that you find yourself dying to dig your fingers into. No undershirt, you think to yourself. Your gaze goes to the jeans I’m wearing, a leather belt with silver buckle, and that same outline you saw earlier. You can’t help but lick your lips just slightly.

I turn back and catch you looking at me, and hold your eyes for just a moment. Deep green stares back at you, my cheek bones outlined by a well kept beard, and the slight scent catches your nose again. My hand rests on the back of your chair, the other on the top of my thigh, as we begin to talk. My drink gets delivered, and I raise the glass. “A toast to a wonderful presentation, and a beautiful presenter”. Your cheeks flush slightly as our glasses clink and you take a long sip, letting the alcohol wash over you for just a moment. You’re now more than half way through your glass, and that familiar feeling of loosening up comes over you.

We talk for what feels like minutes, but turns out to be almost two hours. I order us another round, and by the end of the drink you find yourself facing me, your legs between mine, your hand resting on my thigh and mine on your hand. My index finger draws small circles on the back of your hand as our conversation turns to less business, and more personal. My gaze barely leaves you, and you feel the heat from my thigh and my hand. You feel intoxicated, but know it’s not the alcohol. You are drunk on me.

I lean in, letting my beard brush gently against your cheek as I whisper in your ear “I have to admit, I waited to be the last question because I wanted an excuse to see you tonight. I’d like to tell you, you are brilliant.” My hand slides across to your thigh, around your hip, resting at the small of your back. I linger a moment leaned into you, and pulling you towards me gently, kiss you. Mylips firm against yours, my beard soft compared to what you expected. My kiss is long, deep, one you return quite eagerly as I hold you there. When I release you, it is slow, lingering just away from your mouth with mine, my eyes meeting yours when they open. That wetness immediately returns to your panties.

I pay for our drinks, and stand up without a word. My look tells you you can follow if you like, and you rise from your seat without question. My hand holding yours, we walk out the front door.

The night is colder now, and a slight chill runs up your body. I put my arm around you, pulling you against me as we walk. We continue our small talk, but one thing is on your mind. One thing only. We walk to my hotel, quickly crossing the lobby to the elevator. The doors open, letting its passengers out, and we step in, alone. The doors close, and in one swift movement i put my hands on your hips, pushing you against the elevator mirror with just enough force to suggest my strength, but in a way that makes your knees go slightly weak. You feel me press up against you as I kiss you again, my tongue against yours as you taste me. My hands grasp your hips and pull you into me, and for the first time you feel the bulge against the front of your jeans.

The elevator dings and I press away from you. My floor. I grasp your hand and lead you out of the elevator, down the hallway. I slip the card into the door, and it clicks unlocked. I turn around, giving you a look that suggests you can walk away if you like. Your hand shakes as you let me pull you across the threshold. The room is almost dark, the soft glow of street lamps filtering through the sheet curtains. The door swings shut, the click of the lock letting you know you can let yourself go now. Your arms wrap around my neck, mine around your waist as you pull close to me. I push you against the wall as I press my hips into you harder. God, the pressure you feel agains your pelvis, the feel of my hard cock even though the jeans.

My fingers deftly begin to undo the buttons on your shirt as we continue to kiss. You feel me reach the top, and slip the shirt off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. You try to move your hands to my shirt buttons, but I grasp your wrists and pull them over your head against the wall. “No no. I’m in control right now” I whisper deeply in your ear as my lips move down your neck. Holding your hands above your head with one hand, the other slides down your arm, slowly, deliberately. It crosses your collar bone, up your neck as I gently wrap my fingers into your hair, kissing you long. Letting each flick of my tongue linger over yours.

My other hand traces down your arm, and I grasp the bottom of your shirt. Slowly I kneel in front of you, raising your shirt over your stomach as I kiss the front of your hips, your stomach, then your chest as the shirt is brought over your head and off. It falls to the floor and my hands go to the straps of your bralette. I slide them down your sides and hook my fingers under the bottom, pulling it up and exposing your breasts in a smooth motion. I pull it just above your elbows and pin it there with your hands again. My tongue traces down your collar bone again, down your chest, and your breathing quickens as it follows the curve of your breast, circling closer and closer to your nipple. At last, I close my lips over it and you feel as it hardens against my tongue.

I pull your hands down finally, after what feels like too long, and let the bralette drop to the floor. You can’t take it, and your hands go to my belt. I let you drop to your knees as you undo it, gently tugging down my jeans and exposing the outline of my cock in boxer briefs. Your hands run up and down my shaft in the boxer briefs before you slip a hand inside the waist. You look up at me to find me staring down at you, that grin on my lips again. You tug down my boxers and my cock is finally exposed in front of you. Thick, bulging, you see the tip wet from my precum, and you have to have me. Grasping the shaft of my cock, you let your mouth slowly down onto the head, down the shaft, and you take as much of me in your mouth as you can without gagging. God, you’re almost choking on me. You can feel your panties soaked again.

You feel my swollen, hard cock pulse as you begin to work up and down, your skills with my cock clearly giving me over to heavier breathing. A slight moan escapes my lips as you flick your tongue over the head again. Reaching up, you begin to undo the buttons to my shirt. When you have it half way, I pull you up to me and wrap my arms around your waist. You feel your feet leave the floor as I pull you towards the bed. You collapse back onto the soft comforter as I kneel between your open legs. “Now we find out if you can, in fact, keep your legs closed against force” I say. With that, I pull my shirt off and grasp your jeans. My fingers work quickly to undo the button and zipper, and I tug your jeans off over your ass, down your thighs, off your legs. I’ve purposely left your panties on, you realize.

I pull your hips to the edge of the bed, your legs dangling off to the floor, and I lean down over you. My hands begin to massage your breasts, grasping and cupping and pulling, as my lips kiss down your stomach, down your hips, moving across the waist of your panties. I move down and kneel between your legs, my hands gripping your thighs and pushing them further apart. My tongue runs down the front of your panties, over your mound, against your lips over the wet fabric. Your head rolls back in pleasure as you feel my fingers lift and slide them to the side, my tongue slipping between your soaking wet lips to your clit. You are so turned on already, you can’t imagine it would have felt this good.

My tongue makes quick work of you. Flicking across your clit as I spread your lips, running up and down, burning inside you over and over again, you come hard. Your thighs contract and pulse as the wave crashes over you. You feel me pull your panties down, sliding them off your body. I move to stand between your legs, the outline of my cock visible in the pale light, and you gaze up at me. I grasp your hips and lift you higher onto the bed, my strength moving you without hesitation, and you land with me between your legs, my cock pressed up against your bare pussy. Your legs pressed to the sides around my hips, you feel me begin to grind my cock against you as I kiss you again.

You feel my hips pull back and then the head of my cock slowly starts to push inside you. You fee the head slip inside you, soaked from cumming once already, and I press deeper into you, my shaft spreading you open and filling you up. You gasp as you finally feel the hilt of my cock against your lips and you aren’t sure you could take any more of me. You begin to moan louder as I start to fuck you slowly at first. You feel me press harder into you as I begin to move with purpose. You feel the angle of my hips change and suddenly my cock is rubbing against your gspot. In mere seconds you cum again all over my cock, pulsing and contracting as you moan and gasp in ecstasy.

Another wave of orgasms passes and you hunger for me. You reach up and pull my face to you, kissing me hard, long. My hand is in your hair as the other cups your face, my tongue and yours mixed in passion as my cock pulses inside you. I reach down and hold your hips as I roll over and pull you on top, my cock never leaving your pussy. My hands wrap around your tits as you start to ride me, buried further into you than even you thought you could take. You feel a hand go to your clit and after riding me you cum again, this one harder than before. As you moan and pick up speed you feel me buck harder against you, my cock swelling more. I grab your hips as you feel me pulse and begin to cum and you can’t stop yourself as a new wave of orgasm washes over you.

You collapse onto my chest when we are both finished, each of us breathing hard against the other. My hand in your hair again, slowly stroking it, my other hand resting on your low back. You haven’t felt this satisfied in years, and somehow, you know this is just the start of this. This is the first time of many that this man will make you cum over and over again, and drain every last ounce of energy out of your body, your stress, your tension, your frustration all washing away in a sea of bliss and pleasure.
