The shy, religious virgin takes my cum [MF]

“Hey,” a voice said softly, uncertainly, as the front door to my apartment creaked open.

“I’m in here,” I called, and a second later, Adara came into view. I smiled at her, and she smiled back—a cute little shy smile.

She looked around the place, “You weren’t kidding about the plants.” She was being slightly awkward, I guessed she was a little uncomfortable in the situation.

“You wanna take your coat off?” I asked, pointing to the closet door.

“Yeah,” she said, seemingly embarrassed to still be wearing it in the warm apartment. She took it off, and she definitely looked ready for the night out she was planning to have in the city after we hung out—a sexy little blouse under her coat, tight dark jeans, and knee-high boots. I couldn’t believe how thin she was, just naturally incredibly petite, no curves whatsoever to speak of but a tiny body to throw around.

“You can sit down if you want,” I gestured at the open space on the couch next to me. She sat down, about as far away from me as she could be.

Frankly, I was surprised she’d even come at all—we’d only had a weekend coffee date the week before, and it was rather unusual for someone to just come over after that, even at like 7:00 or whatever early hour it was.

But I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable in a relatively strange man’s apartment. “Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she nodded, probably telling herself more than me. She’d been shy at our coffee date too.

“You look really pretty,” I told her, hoping to reassure her. She did, her long brown hair done up in some nice waves, big hoop earrings, makeup clearly done with care, accentuating her big brown eyes and soft brown skin.

“Thanks,” she said quietly. “You look nice too.”

I smiled—I hadn’t particularly dressed up at all, just done my hair after a post-gym shower. “Thanks.”

I stood up and went to the fridge. “You want something to drink? I have wine, fizzy water – cran-raspberry I think.”

“I don’t drink, so I’ll take a fizzy water,” she replied.

I’d figured she might not, I knew she was Muslim, so I grabbed her a LaCroix. I’d swiped right on Adara even though I knew she wasn’t really my type—not because she was South Asian or Muslim, but simply because her profile was so wholesome. I tended to go for **much** less wholesome women, but I made an exception because she was really cute and a med student. And when we’d met, she was indeed very wholesome, but charming, and very sweet, and indeed quite smart.

Either way, for a second date, I’d expected to take her for a drink, or dinner, or something—not have her come straight over to my place. Hoping to take away the tension a bit, I suggested a movie, and she agreed. We settled on a silly action movie, nothing too serious. She started by sitting far away from me on the couch, but as the movie went on, she got more and more comfortable and moved closer and closer to me—until she was curled up under my arm, her flowery perfume filling my nostrils. I stroked my hand down her hair—which went most of the way down her back, and as I moved my hand to her body, I could feel how tiny she was.

At a low point in the movie, I casually looked down at her and she smiled back at me, that same adorable smile, but far more comfortable now. I paused the movie and kissed her. She was hesitant at first, but soon she was kissing me back, her lips responding to mine.

She stopped kissing me, and I was worried that something was wrong. “Umm, I’m a virgin,” she said uncertainly.

“Oh. That’s okay,” I replied, hoping that she realized I actually thought that was okay. “That’s totally fine. I didn’t think we were going to have sex anyway.”

She nodded, reassured. “Okay. Thanks.”

“Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Is it like a religious thing?”


“Awesome.” A small part of me wished I was religious like that. “Is it okay if I kiss you, though?”

“Yeah,” she said quietly, but smiling up at me.

I kissed her again, and this time she responded eagerly. I pulled her onto me, picking up her little body with ease. I pulled her face down to mine again, then moved her hair off to the side so I could kiss her neck. She responded to that, breathing more heavily as I held her tight in my arms. But she wasn’t really moving on top of me at all, and I guessed that she might feel a bit uncomfortable on top.

She confirmed this, “Hey, do you mind being on top?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just don’t really like being on top.”

“Oh, that’s okay. Yeah, of course.” I stood up, still holding her in my arms, putting her back down on her back on the couch, climbing on top of her.

“Wow, you’re so strong,” she said. It’s corny, but I still like hearing it.

“You’re pretty tiny,” I laughed back, then kissed her, letting her feel my weight on top of her.

We made out for a few more minutes, and then she did something that surprised me. She reached down and felt my cock, hard in my jeans. She stroked it a few times, then undid my belt and the button and felt inside my jeans.

She looked up at me in utter shock. “Oh my god, is that your dick?”

“Uhh, yeah,” I said, confused—what else could it be?

She felt it again. “It’s like, huge.”

“Thanks.” I shrugged—it’s quite nicely sized but there are definitely guys who are bigger. “Your ex wasn’t…?”

She made a slightly horrified face. “Umm, no. Not at all.”

I chuckled, “His loss.” She was still stroking me. Then, she did another thing that really surprised me.

“Want me to suck your dick?”

I truly hadn’t expected that from her—shy, sexually inexperienced, religious, etc. But yes, yes I did.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, sitting back on the couch and sliding my jeans and briefs down to the floor. My hard cock lay against my stomach, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of it.

“So you’ve done this before,” I teased, seeing Adara go on her knees on the floor in front of me and putting her long hair up in a ponytail.

“Yeah. But never with … something like that.” She picked it up with a tiny hand and played with it a bit, looking right into my eyes. “Like, I had a banana today that was smaller than this.”

Despite myself, I laughed at that. It’s like I was in a porn where the girl feigns surprise at the size of the dude’s dick, except it was really happening. Maybe I should fuck more inexperienced girls, I thought to myself.

She was ready to get started. She opened her mouth, her innocent face looking up at me, taking the head of my cock into her mouth as her hand held my cock upright. She released it with a little kiss, licking up the side before taking the head into her mouth again. She worked the head, using her mouth to provide suction, closing her eyes as she did, focusing.

She took a break, stroking it, until she was ready to go again—this time stroking my shaft with one hand as her mouth worked the head. Even though she wasn’t taking me deep at all, she had indeed done this before—my guess was many times, now that I knew she was a virgin.

“Fuck, baby, that feels amazing,” I moaned, my eyes closed, simply enjoying the feelings emanating from my cock. I opened them and saw her pretty face with her mouth open wide, her tiny hand struggling to even grab my entire shaft.

“Why don’t you use both hands,” I offered. She opened her eyes and looked up at me—she obviously hadn’t even considered that.

“Holy shit,” she laughed as she put both of her hands on my dick.

“By the way, do you want me to do this to you, like go down on you?” I asked, realizing this was a wildly inequitable distribution of pleasure.

“Umm, no,” she responded.

“Uhh, that’s okay,” I said, trying to reassure her again. “I just figured it would be cool, and I like doing it, but like you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Yeah… it’s just that like my ex thought it was gross and I’m really self-conscious about that,” she explained.

“Adara, it’s totally cool. Like I get that,” I said. “I’m sure you have a really pretty pussy. The rest of you is.” She blushed. That line was corny as hell, but I didn’t much like that she was so self-conscious just cause that small dick motherfucker was grossed out by something that’s not gross at all and made her feel bad about herself.

She still had her hands on my cock, and she started stroking it with both hands, using her spit as lube. Still doing that, she added her mouth as well. A part of me still couldn’t believe it—this pretty, shy, virgin doctor-to-be was in my apartment, on her knees, my cock in her mouth.

She was working the head of my cock in her mouth and stroking it with both hands, and it took a while, but miraculously, I was actually going to cum from a blowjob. I could feel it coming—very slowly, a needed release that seems like it’s just over the horizon, but you’re not getting any closer, until finally it builds and builds.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I moaned, warning her. Adara went even faster, until finally that release came, and I lost control, my body jerking as I shot cum into her mouth. She gagged a little as she got all of it, and she sprung up and ran to the bathroom. A second later, I heard the water running.

I laughed as she came back out, embarrassed, “I normally swallow, that was just… a lot…”

“It’s okay, come here,” I motioned her over and she curled up next to me again.

I kissed her, and she jerked her head back. “But I just…”

I laughed, “I’m not so much of a prude that I can’t kiss you after. I bet your ex wouldn’t…”

“No. No way.” She looked at her phone. “I should probably go meet up with my friends. That was fun.”

And with a quick kiss on the lips, she left. I texted her the next day, saying I hope she had fun with her friends, and I half expected no response, or a response saying we were on different pages, looking for different things, something like that.

But like two days later, I finally got a text back: “Hey! I had a great time at your place. Maybe we could hang out again soon?”

Boom. And there it was. I replied simply: “Yeah, I’d like that”.



  1. Great story! Assuming more has happened, Will there be a part 2? I’d love to read it.

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